Example #1
void DndFactoryTest::testPasteTodo()
  MemoryCalendar::Ptr calendar( new MemoryCalendar( QString() ) );

  DndFactory factory( calendar );

  Todo::Ptr todo( new Todo() );
  todo->setSummary( QLatin1String( "Summary 1" ) );
  todo->setDtDue( KDateTime( QDate( 2010, 8, 9 ) ) );

  Incidence::List incidencesToPaste;
  incidencesToPaste.append( todo );

  QVERIFY( factory.copyIncidences( incidencesToPaste ) );

  const KDateTime newDateTime( QDate( 2011, 1, 1 ), QTime( 10, 10 ) );

  Incidence::List pastedIncidences = factory.pasteIncidences( newDateTime );
  QVERIFY( pastedIncidences.size() == 1 );

  Incidence::Ptr incidence = pastedIncidences.first();

  QVERIFY( incidence->type() == Incidence::TypeTodo );

  // check if a new uid was generated.
  QVERIFY( incidence->uid() != todo->uid() );

  Todo::Ptr pastedTodo = incidence.staticCast<Todo>();

  QVERIFY( pastedTodo->dtDue() == newDateTime );
  QVERIFY( pastedTodo->summary() == todo->summary() );

CallId Scheduler::acceptReply( const IncidenceBase::Ptr &incidence,
                               ScheduleMessage::Status status,
                               iTIPMethod method )
  Q_UNUSED( status );
  if ( incidence->type() == IncidenceBase::TypeFreeBusy ) {
    return acceptFreeBusy( incidence, method );

  const CallId callId = ++d->mLatestCallId;
  ResultCode resultCode = ResultCodeIncidenceOrAttendeeNotFound;
  QString errorMessage;

  Event::Ptr ev = d->mCalendar->event( incidence->uid() );
  Todo::Ptr to = d->mCalendar->todo( incidence->uid() );

  // try harder to find the correct incidence
  if ( !ev && !to ) {
    const Incidence::List list = d->mCalendar->incidences();
    for ( Incidence::List::ConstIterator it=list.constBegin(), end=list.constEnd();
          it != end; ++it ) {
      if ( (*it)->schedulingID() == incidence->uid() ) {
        ev =  ( *it ).dynamicCast<Event>();
        to = ( *it ).dynamicCast<Todo>();

  if ( ev || to ) {
    //get matching attendee in calendar
    kDebug() << "match found!";
    Attendee::List attendeesIn = incidence->attendees();
    Attendee::List attendeesEv;
    Attendee::List attendeesNew;
    if ( ev ) {
      attendeesEv = ev->attendees();
    if ( to ) {
      attendeesEv = to->attendees();
    Attendee::List::ConstIterator inIt;
    Attendee::List::ConstIterator evIt;
    for ( inIt = attendeesIn.constBegin(); inIt != attendeesIn.constEnd(); ++inIt ) {
      Attendee::Ptr attIn = *inIt;
      bool found = false;
      for ( evIt = attendeesEv.constBegin(); evIt != attendeesEv.constEnd(); ++evIt ) {
        Attendee::Ptr attEv = *evIt;
        if ( attIn->email().toLower() == attEv->email().toLower() ) {
          //update attendee-info
          kDebug() << "update attendee";
          attEv->setStatus( attIn->status() );
          attEv->setDelegate( attIn->delegate() );
          attEv->setDelegator( attIn->delegator() );
          resultCode = ResultCodeSuccess;
          found = true;
      if ( !found && attIn->status() != Attendee::Declined ) {
        attendeesNew.append( attIn );

    bool attendeeAdded = false;
    for ( Attendee::List::ConstIterator it = attendeesNew.constBegin();
          it != attendeesNew.constEnd(); ++it ) {
      Attendee::Ptr attNew = *it;
      QString msg =
        i18nc( "@info", "%1 wants to attend %2 but was not invited.",
               ( ev ? ev->summary() : to->summary() ) );
      if ( !attNew->delegator().isEmpty() ) {
        msg = i18nc( "@info", "%1 wants to attend %2 on behalf of %3.",
                     ( ev ? ev->summary() : to->summary() ), attNew->delegator() );
      if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo(
             0, msg, i18nc( "@title", "Uninvited attendee" ),
             KGuiItem( i18nc( "@option", "Accept Attendance" ) ),
             KGuiItem( i18nc( "@option", "Reject Attendance" ) ) ) != KMessageBox::Yes ) {
        Incidence::Ptr cancel = incidence.dynamicCast<Incidence>();
        if ( cancel ) {
            i18nc( "@info",
                   "The organizer rejected your attendance at this meeting." ) );
        performTransaction( incidence, iTIPCancel, attNew->fullName() );
        // ### can't delete cancel here because it is aliased to incidence which
        // is accessed in the next loop iteration (CID 4232)
        // delete cancel;

      Attendee::Ptr a( new Attendee( attNew->name(), attNew->email(), attNew->RSVP(),
                                     attNew->status(), attNew->role(), attNew->uid() ) );

      a->setDelegate( attNew->delegate() );
      a->setDelegator( attNew->delegator() );
      if ( ev ) {
        ev->addAttendee( a );
      } else if ( to ) {
        to->addAttendee( a );
      resultCode = ResultCodeSuccess;
      attendeeAdded = true;

    // send update about new participants
    if ( attendeeAdded ) {
      bool sendMail = false;
      if ( ev || to ) {
        if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo(
               i18nc( "@info",
                      "An attendee was added to the incidence. "
                      "Do you want to email the attendees an update message?" ),
               i18nc( "@title", "Attendee Added" ),
               KGuiItem( i18nc( "@option", "Send Messages" ) ),
               KGuiItem( i18nc( "@option", "Do Not Send" ) ) ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
          sendMail = true;

      if ( ev ) {
        ev->setRevision( ev->revision() + 1 );
        if ( sendMail ) {
          performTransaction( ev, iTIPRequest );
      if ( to ) {
        to->setRevision( to->revision() + 1 );
        if ( sendMail ) {
          performTransaction( to, iTIPRequest );

    if ( resultCode == ResultCodeSuccess ) {
      // We set at least one of the attendees, so the incidence changed
      // Note: This should not result in a sequence number bump
      if ( ev ) {
      } else if ( to ) {
    if ( to ) {
      // for VTODO a REPLY can be used to update the completion status of
      // a to-do. see RFC2446 3.4.3
      Todo::Ptr update = incidence.dynamicCast<Todo>();
      Q_ASSERT( update );
      if ( update && ( to->percentComplete() != update->percentComplete() ) ) {
        to->setPercentComplete( update->percentComplete() );
  } else {
    kError() << "No incidence for scheduling.";

  if ( resultCode == ResultCodeSuccess ) {
    deleteTransaction( incidence->uid() );

  emitOperationFinished( callId, resultCode, errorMessage );

  return callId;
Example #3
void HtmlExport::createTodo(QTextStream *ts, const Todo::Ptr &todo)

    const bool completed = todo->isCompleted();

    Incidence::List relations = d->mCalendar->relations(todo->uid());

    *ts << "<tr>" << endl;

    *ts << "  <td class=\"sum";
    if (completed) {
        *ts << "done";
    *ts << "\">" << endl;
    *ts << "    <a name=\"" << todo->uid() << "\"></a>" << endl;
    *ts << "    <b>" << cleanChars(todo->summary()) << "</b>" << endl;
    if (!todo->description().isEmpty()) {
        *ts << "    <p>" << breakString(cleanChars(todo->description())) << "</p>" << endl;
    if (relations.count()) {
        *ts << "    <div align=\"right\"><a href=\"#sub" << todo->uid()
            << "\">" << i18nc("@title:column sub-to-dos of the parent to-do",
                              "Sub-To-dos") << "</a></div>" << endl;
    *ts << "  </td>" << endl;

    *ts << "  <td";
    if (completed) {
        *ts << " class=\"done\"";
    *ts << ">" << endl;
    *ts << "    " << todo->priority() << endl;
    *ts << "  </td>" << endl;

    *ts << "  <td";
    if (completed) {
        *ts << " class=\"done\"";
    *ts << ">" << endl;
    *ts << "    " << i18nc("@info to-do percent complete",
                           "%1 %", todo->percentComplete()) << endl;
    *ts << "  </td>" << endl;

    if (d->mSettings->taskDueDate()) {
        *ts << "  <td";
        if (completed) {
            *ts << " class=\"done\"";
        *ts << ">" << endl;
        if (todo->hasDueDate()) {
            *ts << "    " << Stringify::formatDate(todo->dtDue(true)) << endl;
        } else {
            *ts << "    &nbsp;" << endl;
        *ts << "  </td>" << endl;

    if (d->mSettings->taskLocation()) {
        *ts << "  <td";
        if (completed) {
            *ts << " class=\"done\"";
        *ts << ">" << endl;
        formatLocation(ts, todo);
        *ts << "  </td>" << endl;

    if (d->mSettings->taskCategories()) {
        *ts << "  <td";
        if (completed) {
            *ts << " class=\"done\"";
        *ts << ">" << endl;
        formatCategories(ts, todo);
        *ts << "  </td>" << endl;

    if (d->mSettings->taskAttendees()) {
        *ts << "  <td";
        if (completed) {
            *ts << " class=\"done\"";
        *ts << ">" << endl;
        formatAttendees(ts, todo);
        *ts << "  </td>" << endl;

    *ts << "</tr>" << endl;