SourceInfoWidget::SourceInfoWidget( const Tomahawk::source_ptr& source, QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , ui( new Ui::SourceInfoWidget ) { ui->setupUi( this ); ui->historyView->overlay()->setEnabled( false ); m_recentCollectionModel = new CollectionFlatModel( ui->recentCollectionView ); ui->recentCollectionView->setModel( m_recentCollectionModel ); m_recentCollectionModel->addFilteredCollection( source->collection(), 250, DatabaseCommand_AllTracks::ModificationTime ); m_historyModel = new PlaylistModel( ui->historyView ); ui->historyView->setModel( m_historyModel ); m_historyModel->loadHistory( source ); connect(, SIGNAL( playbackFinished( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ), SLOT( onPlaybackFinished( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ) ); ui->recentCollectionView->setColumnHidden( TrackModel::Bitrate, true ); ui->recentCollectionView->setColumnHidden( TrackModel::Origin, true ); ui->recentCollectionView->setColumnHidden( TrackModel::Filesize, true ); ui->historyView->setColumnHidden( TrackModel::Bitrate, true ); ui->historyView->setColumnHidden( TrackModel::Origin, true ); ui->historyView->setColumnHidden( TrackModel::Filesize, true ); m_recentAlbumModel = new AlbumModel( ui->recentAlbumView ); ui->recentAlbumView->setModel( m_recentAlbumModel ); m_recentAlbumModel->addFilteredCollection( source->collection(), 20, DatabaseCommand_AllAlbums::ModificationTime ); m_title = tr( "Info about %1" ).arg( source->isLocal() ? tr( "Your Collection" ) : source->friendlyName() ); }
SourceInfoWidget::SourceInfoWidget( const Tomahawk::source_ptr& source, QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , ui( new Ui::SourceInfoWidget ) , m_source( source ) { ui->setupUi( this ); ui->historyView->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); ui->historyView->setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0 ); ui->recentAlbumView->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); ui->recentAlbumView->setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0 ); ui->recentCollectionView->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); ui->recentCollectionView->setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0 ); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( layout() ); ui->historyView->overlay()->setEnabled( false ); m_recentCollectionModel = new CollectionFlatModel( ui->recentCollectionView ); m_recentCollectionModel->setStyle( TrackModel::Short ); ui->recentCollectionView->setTrackModel( m_recentCollectionModel ); ui->recentCollectionView->sortByColumn( TrackModel::Age, Qt::DescendingOrder ); m_historyModel = new PlaylistModel( ui->historyView ); m_historyModel->setStyle( TrackModel::Short ); ui->historyView->setPlaylistModel( m_historyModel ); m_historyModel->loadHistory( source, 25 ); m_recentAlbumModel = new AlbumModel( ui->recentAlbumView ); ui->recentAlbumView->setAlbumModel( m_recentAlbumModel ); ui->recentAlbumView->proxyModel()->sort( -1 ); onCollectionChanged(); connect( source->collection().data(), SIGNAL( changed() ), SLOT( onCollectionChanged() ) ); connect(, SIGNAL( playbackFinished( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ), SLOT( onPlaybackFinished( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ) ); m_title = tr( "New Additions" ); if ( source->isLocal() ) { m_description = tr( "My recent activity" ); } else { m_description = tr( "Recent activity from %1" ).arg( source->friendlyName() ); } m_pixmap.load( RESPATH "images/new-additions.png" ); }
SourceInfoWidget::SourceInfoWidget( const Tomahawk::source_ptr& source, QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , ui( new Ui::SourceInfoWidget ) , m_source( source ) { ui->setupUi( this ); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( layout() ); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( ui->horizontalLayout ); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( ui->verticalLayout ); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( ui->verticalLayout_2 ); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( ui->verticalLayout_3 ); ui->splitter->setStretchFactor( 0, 0 ); ui->splitter->setStretchFactor( 1, 1 ); ui->historyView->overlay()->setEnabled( false ); m_recentTracksModel = new RecentlyAddedModel( source, ui->recentCollectionView ); m_recentTracksModel->setStyle( PlayableModel::Short ); ui->recentCollectionView->setPlayableModel( m_recentTracksModel ); ui->recentCollectionView->sortByColumn( PlayableModel::Age, Qt::DescendingOrder ); m_historyModel = new RecentlyPlayedModel( source, ui->historyView ); m_historyModel->setStyle( PlayableModel::Short ); ui->historyView->setPlaylistModel( m_historyModel ); m_recentAlbumModel = new AlbumModel( ui->recentAlbumView ); ui->recentAlbumView->setAlbumModel( m_recentAlbumModel ); ui->recentAlbumView->proxyModel()->sort( -1 ); onCollectionChanged(); connect( source->collection().data(), SIGNAL( changed() ), SLOT( onCollectionChanged() ) ); m_title = tr( "New Additions" ); if ( source->isLocal() ) { m_description = tr( "My recent activity" ); } else { m_description = tr( "Recent activity from %1" ).arg( source->friendlyName() ); } m_pixmap.load( RESPATH "images/new-additions.png" ); }
SourceInfoWidget::SourceInfoWidget( const Tomahawk::source_ptr& source, QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , ui( new Ui::SourceInfoWidget ) { ui->setupUi( this ); ui->historyView->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); ui->historyView->setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0 ); ui->recentAlbumView->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); ui->recentAlbumView->setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0 ); ui->recentCollectionView->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); ui->recentCollectionView->setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0 ); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( layout() ); ui->historyView->overlay()->setEnabled( false ); m_recentCollectionModel = new CollectionFlatModel( ui->recentCollectionView ); m_recentCollectionModel->setStyle( TrackModel::Short ); ui->recentCollectionView->setTrackModel( m_recentCollectionModel ); m_recentCollectionModel->addFilteredCollection( source->collection(), 250, DatabaseCommand_AllTracks::ModificationTime ); m_historyModel = new PlaylistModel( ui->historyView ); m_historyModel->setStyle( TrackModel::Short ); ui->historyView->setPlaylistModel( m_historyModel ); m_historyModel->loadHistory( source, 25 ); connect(, SIGNAL( playbackFinished( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ), SLOT( onPlaybackFinished( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ) ); m_recentAlbumModel = new AlbumModel( ui->recentAlbumView ); ui->recentAlbumView->setAlbumModel( m_recentAlbumModel ); m_recentAlbumModel->addFilteredCollection( source->collection(), 20, DatabaseCommand_AllAlbums::ModificationTime ); m_title = tr( "New Additions" ); m_description = tr( "Recent activity from %1" ).arg( source->isLocal() ? tr( "Your Collection" ) : source->friendlyName() ); m_pixmap.load( RESPATH "images/new-additions.png" ); }
SourceItem::SourceItem( SourcesModel* mdl, SourceTreeItem* parent, const Tomahawk::source_ptr& source ) : SourceTreeItem( mdl, parent, SourcesModel::Collection ) , m_source( source ) , m_playlists( 0 ) , m_stations( 0 ) , m_latchedOn( false ) , m_sourceInfoItem( 0 ) , m_coolPlaylistsItem( 0 ) , m_collectionPage( 0 ) , m_sourceInfoPage( 0 ) , m_coolPlaylistsPage( 0 ) , m_lovedTracksPage( 0 ) , m_latestAdditionsPage( 0 ) , m_recentPlaysPage( 0 ) , m_whatsHotPage( 0 ) { if ( m_source.isNull() ) { m_superCol = TomahawkUtils::createAvatarFrame( QPixmap( RESPATH "images/supercollection.png" ) ); return; } m_collectionItem = new GenericPageItem( model(), this, tr( "Collection" ), QIcon( RESPATH "images/collection.png" ), //FIXME different icon boost::bind( &SourceItem::collectionClicked, this ), boost::bind( &SourceItem::getCollectionPage, this ) ); /* m_sourceInfoItem = new GenericPageItem( model(), this, tr( "New Additions" ), QIcon( RESPATH "images/new-additions.png" ), boost::bind( &SourceItem::sourceInfoClicked, this ), boost::bind( &SourceItem::getSourceInfoPage, this ) );*/ m_latestAdditionsItem = new GenericPageItem( model(), this, tr( "Latest Additions" ), QIcon( RESPATH "images/new-additions.png" ), boost::bind( &SourceItem::latestAdditionsClicked, this ), boost::bind( &SourceItem::getLatestAdditionsPage, this ) ); m_recentPlaysItem = new GenericPageItem( model(), this, tr( "Recently Played" ), QIcon( RESPATH "images/recently-played.png" ), boost::bind( &SourceItem::recentPlaysClicked, this ), boost::bind( &SourceItem::getRecentPlaysPage, this ) ); m_lovedTracksItem = new GenericPageItem( model(), this, tr( "Loved Tracks" ), QIcon( RESPATH "images/loved_playlist.png" ), boost::bind( &SourceItem::lovedTracksClicked, this ), boost::bind( &SourceItem::getLovedTracksPage, this ) ); m_collectionItem->setSortValue( -350 ); // m_sourceInfoItem->setSortValue( -300 ); m_latestAdditionsItem->setSortValue( -250 ); m_recentPlaysItem->setSortValue( -200 ); m_lovedTracksItem->setSortValue( -150 ); // create category items if there are playlists to show, or stations to show QList< playlist_ptr > playlists = source->collection()->playlists(); QList< dynplaylist_ptr > autoplaylists = source->collection()->autoPlaylists(); QList< dynplaylist_ptr > stations = source->collection()->stations(); if ( !playlists.isEmpty() || !autoplaylists.isEmpty() || source->isLocal() ) { m_playlists = new CategoryItem( model(), this, SourcesModel::PlaylistsCategory, source->isLocal() ); onPlaylistsAdded( playlists ); onAutoPlaylistsAdded( autoplaylists ); } if ( !stations.isEmpty() || source->isLocal() ) { m_stations = new CategoryItem( model(), this, SourcesModel::StationsCategory, source->isLocal() ); onStationsAdded( stations ); } if ( ViewManager::instance()->pageForCollection( source->collection() ) ) model()->linkSourceItemToPage( this, ViewManager::instance()->pageForCollection( source->collection() ) ); m_defaultAvatar = TomahawkUtils::createAvatarFrame( QPixmap( RESPATH "images/user-avatar.png" ) ); // load auto playlists and stations! connect(, SIGNAL( stats( QVariantMap ) ), SIGNAL( updated() ) ); connect(, SIGNAL( syncedWithDatabase() ), SIGNAL( updated() ) ); connect(, SIGNAL( playbackStarted( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ), SIGNAL( updated() ) ); connect(, SIGNAL( stateChanged() ), SIGNAL( updated() ) ); connect(, SIGNAL( offline() ), SIGNAL( updated() ) ); connect(, SIGNAL( online() ), SIGNAL( updated() ) ); connect( SourceList::instance(), SIGNAL( sourceLatchedOn( Tomahawk::source_ptr, Tomahawk::source_ptr ) ), SLOT( latchedOn( Tomahawk::source_ptr, Tomahawk::source_ptr ) ) ); connect( SourceList::instance(), SIGNAL( sourceLatchedOff( Tomahawk::source_ptr, Tomahawk::source_ptr ) ), SLOT( latchedOff( Tomahawk::source_ptr, Tomahawk::source_ptr ) ) ); connect( source->collection().data(), SIGNAL( playlistsAdded( QList<Tomahawk::playlist_ptr> ) ), SLOT( onPlaylistsAdded( QList<Tomahawk::playlist_ptr> ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect( source->collection().data(), SIGNAL( autoPlaylistsAdded( QList< Tomahawk::dynplaylist_ptr > ) ), SLOT( onAutoPlaylistsAdded( QList<Tomahawk::dynplaylist_ptr> ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect( source->collection().data(), SIGNAL( stationsAdded( QList<Tomahawk::dynplaylist_ptr> ) ), SLOT( onStationsAdded( QList<Tomahawk::dynplaylist_ptr> ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection ); if ( m_source->isLocal() ) QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( requestExpanding() ) ); }
void DatabaseCommand_AllTracks::exec( DatabaseImpl* dbi ) { TomahawkSqlQuery query = dbi->newquery(); QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr> ql; QString m_orderToken, sourceToken; switch ( m_sortOrder ) { case 0: break; case Album: m_orderToken = ", file_join.discnumber, file_join.albumpos"; break; case ModificationTime: m_orderToken = "file.mtime"; break; case AlbumPosition: m_orderToken = "file_join.discnumber, file_join.albumpos"; break; } if ( !m_collection.isNull() ) sourceToken = QString( "AND file.source %1" ).arg( m_collection->source()->isLocal() ? "IS NULL" : QString( "= %1" ).arg( m_collection->source()->id() ) ); QString albumToken; if ( m_album ) { if ( m_album->id() == 0 ) { m_artist = m_album->artist(); albumToken = QString( "AND IS NULL" ); } else albumToken = QString( "AND = %1" ).arg( m_album->id() ); } QString sql = QString( "SELECT,,,,, file.size, " //0 "file.duration, file.bitrate, file.url, file.source, file.mtime, " //6 "file.mimetype, file_join.discnumber, file_join.albumpos,, " //11 ",, " //15 "FROM file, artist, track, file_join " "LEFT OUTER JOIN album " "ON file_join.album = " "LEFT OUTER JOIN artist AS composer " "ON file_join.composer = " "WHERE = file_join.file " "AND file_join.artist = " "AND file_join.track = " "%1 " "%2 %3 " "%4 %5 %6" ).arg( sourceToken ) .arg( !m_artist ? QString() : QString( "AND = %1" ).arg( m_artist->id() ) ) .arg( !m_album ? QString() : albumToken ) .arg( m_sortOrder > 0 ? QString( "ORDER BY %1" ).arg( m_orderToken ) : QString() ) .arg( m_sortDescending ? "DESC" : QString() ) .arg( m_amount > 0 ? QString( "LIMIT 0, %1" ).arg( m_amount ) : QString() ); query.prepare( sql ); query.exec(); while( ) { QString url = query.value( 8 ).toString(); Tomahawk::source_ptr s = SourceList::instance()->get( query.value( 9 ).toUInt() ); if ( !s ) { Q_ASSERT( false ); continue; } if ( !s->isLocal() ) url = QString( "servent://%1\t%2" ).arg( s->nodeId() ).arg( url ); QString artist, track, album, composer; artist = query.value( 1 ).toString(); album = query.value( 2 ).toString(); track = query.value( 3 ).toString(); composer = query.value( 4 ).toString(); Tomahawk::result_ptr result = Tomahawk::Result::get( url ); Tomahawk::query_ptr qry = Tomahawk::Query::get( artist, track, album ); Tomahawk::track_ptr t = Tomahawk::Track::get( query.value( 16 ).toUInt(), artist, track, album, query.value( 6 ).toUInt(), composer, query.value( 13 ).toUInt(), query.value( 12 ).toUInt() ); t->loadAttributes(); result->setTrack( t ); result->setSize( query.value( 5 ).toUInt() ); result->setBitrate( query.value( 7 ).toUInt() ); result->setModificationTime( query.value( 10 ).toUInt() ); result->setMimetype( query.value( 11 ).toString() ); result->setScore( 1.0 ); result->setCollection( s->dbCollection() ); QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr> results; results << result; qry->addResults( results ); qry->setResolveFinished( true ); ql << qry; } emit tracks( ql, data() ); emit tracks( ql ); emit done( m_collection ); }