// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FeatureFaceCurvatureFilter::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer sm = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getSurfaceMeshFaceLabelsArrayPath().getDataContainerName());

  // Get our Reference counted Array of Face Structures
  TriangleGeom::Pointer triangleGeom = sm->getGeometryAs<TriangleGeom>();

  // Just to double check we have everything.
  int64_t numTriangles = triangleGeom->getNumberOfTris();

  // Make sure the Face Connectivity is created because the FindNRing algorithm needs this and will
  // assert if the data is NOT in the SurfaceMesh Data Container
  ElementDynamicList::Pointer vertLinks = triangleGeom->getElementsContainingVert();
  if (NULL == vertLinks.get())

  // get the QMap from the SharedFeatureFaces filter
  SharedFeatureFaces_t sharedFeatureFaces;

  int32_t maxFaceId = 0;
  for (int64_t t = 0; t < numTriangles; ++t)
    if (m_SurfaceMeshFeatureFaceIds[t] > maxFaceId) { maxFaceId = m_SurfaceMeshFeatureFaceIds[t]; }
  std::vector<int32_t> faceSizes(maxFaceId + 1, 0);
  // Loop through all the Triangles and assign each one to a unique Feature Face Id.
  for (int64_t t = 0; t < numTriangles; ++t)

  // Allocate all the vectors that we need
  for (size_t iter = 0; iter < faceSizes.size(); ++iter)
    FaceIds_t v;
    sharedFeatureFaces[iter] = v;

  // Loop through all the Triangles and assign each one to a unique Feature Face Id.
  for(int64_t t = 0; t < numTriangles; ++t)

  m_TotalFeatureFaces = sharedFeatureFaces.size();
  m_CompletedFeatureFaces = 0;

  tbb::task_scheduler_init init;
  bool doParallel = true;

  tbb::task_group* g = new tbb::task_group;

  // typedef here for conveneince
  typedef SharedFeatureFaces_t::iterator SharedFeatureFaceIterator_t;

  for(SharedFeatureFaceIterator_t iter = sharedFeatureFaces.begin(); iter != sharedFeatureFaces.end(); ++iter)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Working on Face Id %1/%2").arg((*iter).first).arg(maxFaceId);
    notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);

    FaceIds_t& triangleIds = (*iter).second;
    if (doParallel == true)
      g->run(CalculateTriangleGroupCurvatures(m_NRing, triangleIds, m_UseNormalsForCurveFitting,
                                              m_SurfaceMeshPrincipalCurvature1sPtr.lock(), m_SurfaceMeshPrincipalCurvature2sPtr.lock(),
                                              m_SurfaceMeshPrincipalDirection1sPtr.lock(), m_SurfaceMeshPrincipalDirection2sPtr.lock(),
                                              m_SurfaceMeshGaussianCurvaturesPtr.lock(), m_SurfaceMeshMeanCurvaturesPtr.lock(), triangleGeom,
                                              this ) );
      CalculateTriangleGroupCurvatures curvature(m_NRing, triangleIds, m_UseNormalsForCurveFitting,
                                                 m_SurfaceMeshPrincipalCurvature1sPtr.lock(), m_SurfaceMeshPrincipalCurvature2sPtr.lock(),
                                                 m_SurfaceMeshPrincipalDirection1sPtr.lock(), m_SurfaceMeshPrincipalDirection2sPtr.lock(),
                                                 m_SurfaceMeshGaussianCurvaturesPtr.lock(), m_SurfaceMeshMeanCurvaturesPtr.lock(), triangleGeom,
                                                 this );
  // *********************** END END END END END END  ********************************************************************

  g->wait(); // Wait for all the threads to complete before moving on.
  delete g;

  /* Let the GUI know we are done with this filter */
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int32_t FindNRingNeighbors::generate(TriangleGeom::Pointer triangleGeom, int32_t* faceLabels)
    int64_t* triangles = triangleGeom->getTriPointer(0);
    int32_t err = 0;

    //Clear out all the previous triangles.

    // Make sure we have the proper connectivity built
    ElementDynamicList::Pointer node2TrianglePtr = triangleGeom->getElementsContainingVert();
    if (node2TrianglePtr.get() == NULL)
        err = triangleGeom->findElementsContainingVert();
        if (err < 0)
            return err;
        node2TrianglePtr = triangleGeom->getElementsContainingVert();

    // Figure out these boolean values for a sanity check
    bool check0 = faceLabels[m_TriangleId * 2] == m_RegionId0 && faceLabels[m_TriangleId * 2 + 1] == m_RegionId1;
    bool check1 = faceLabels[m_TriangleId * 2 + 1] == m_RegionId0 && faceLabels[m_TriangleId * 2] == m_RegionId1;

#if 1
    if ( check0 == false && check1 == false)
        qDebug() << "FindNRingNeighbors Seed triangle ID does not have a matching Region ID for " << m_RegionId0 << " & " << m_RegionId1 << "\n";
        qDebug() << "Region Ids are: " << faceLabels[m_TriangleId * 2] << " & " << faceLabels[m_TriangleId * 2 + 1] << "\n";
        return err;

    // Add our seed triangle

    for (int64_t ring = 0; ring < m_Ring; ++ring)
        // Make a copy of the 1 Ring Triangles that we just found so that we can use those triangles as the
        // seed triangles for the 2 Ring triangles
        UniqueFaceIds_t lcvTriangles(m_NRingTriangles);

        // Now that we have the 1 ring triangles, get the 2 Ring neighbors from that list
        for (UniqueFaceIds_t::iterator triIter = lcvTriangles.begin(); triIter != lcvTriangles.end(); ++triIter)
            int64_t triangleIdx = *triIter;
            // For each node, get the triangle ids that the node belongs to
            for(int32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                // Get all the triangles for this Node id
                uint16_t tCount = node2TrianglePtr->getNumberOfElements(triangles[triangleIdx * 3 + i]);
                int64_t* data = node2TrianglePtr->getElementListPointer(triangles[triangleIdx * 3 + i]);

                // Copy all the triangles into our "2Ring" set which will be the unique set of triangle ids
                for (uint16_t t = 0; t < tCount; ++t)
                    int64_t tid = data[t];
                    check0 = faceLabels[tid * 2] == m_RegionId0 && faceLabels[tid * 2 + 1] == m_RegionId1;
                    check1 = faceLabels[tid * 2 + 1] == m_RegionId0 && faceLabels[tid * 2] == m_RegionId1;
                    if (check0 == true || check1 == true)
    return err;