MStatus TransformationMatrixParameterHandler<T>::doSetValue( const MPlug &plug, IECore::ParameterPtr parameter ) const
	typename IECore::TypedParameter<IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> >::Ptr p = IECore::runTimeCast<IECore::TypedParameter<IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> > >( parameter );
	if( !p )
		return MS::kFailure;

	IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> tMatrix = p->getTypedValue();

	if( tMatrix.rotate.order() != Imath::Euler<T>::XYZ )
			"The rotation order of the parameter '"+parameter->name()+"' is not XYZ, unable to set value."
		return MS::kFailure;

	std::vector<Imath::Vec3<T> > v;

	for( unsigned int i=0; i<8; i++ )
		if( !getVecValues( plug.child(i), v[i] ) )
			return MS::kFailure;

	tMatrix.translate = v[ TRANSLATE_INDEX ];
	tMatrix.rotate = Imath::Euler<T>(v[ ROTATE_INDEX ]);
	tMatrix.scale = v[ SCALE_INDEX ];
	tMatrix.shear = v[ SHEAR_INDEX ];
	tMatrix.scalePivot = v[ SCALEPIVOT_INDEX ];
	tMatrix.scalePivotTranslation = v[ SCALEPIVOTTRANS_INDEX ];
	tMatrix.rotatePivot = v[ ROTATEPIVOT_INDEX ];
	tMatrix.rotatePivotTranslation = v[ ROTATEPIVOTTRANS_INDEX ];

	p->setTypedValue( tMatrix );

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus BoxParameterHandler<T>::doSetValue( const MPlug &plug, IECore::ParameterPtr parameter ) const
	typename IECore::TypedParameter<Box<T> >::Ptr p = IECore::runTimeCast<IECore::TypedParameter<Box<T> > >( parameter );
	if( !p )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( plug.numChildren() != 2 )
		return MS::kFailure;

	MPlug minPlug = plug.child( 0 );
	MPlug maxPlug = plug.child( 1 );

	if( minPlug.numChildren()!=T::dimensions() || maxPlug.numChildren()!=T::dimensions() )
		return MS::kFailure;

	Box<T> v;
	for( unsigned i=0; i<minPlug.numChildren(); i++ )
		MStatus s = minPlug.child( i ).getValue( v.min[i] );
		if( !s )
			return s;
		s = maxPlug.child( i ).getValue( v.max[i] );
		if( !s )
			return s;

	p->setTypedValue( v );
	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus ColorSplineParameterHandler<S>::doSetValue( const MPlug &plug, IECore::ParameterPtr parameter ) const
	assert( parameter );

	typename IECore::TypedParameter< S >::Ptr p = IECore::runTimeCast<IECore::TypedParameter< S > >( parameter );
	if( !p )
		return MS::kFailure;

	S spline;

	MStatus s;
	MRampAttribute fnRAttr( plug, &s );
	assert( s );

	if ( !fnRAttr.isColorRamp() )
		return MS::kFailure;

	MIntArray indices;
	(const_cast<MPlug &>( plug )).getExistingArrayAttributeIndices( indices, &s );

	for( unsigned i = 0; i < indices.length(); i++ )
		MPlug pointPlug = plug.elementByLogicalIndex( indices[i] );
		MPlug colorPlug = pointPlug.child( 1 );
		typename S::YType y( 1 );
		y[0] = colorPlug.child( 0 ).asDouble();
		y[1] = colorPlug.child( 1 ).asDouble();
		y[2] = colorPlug.child( 2 ).asDouble();
			typename S::PointContainer::value_type( pointPlug.child( 0 ).asDouble(), y )

	// maya seems to do an implicit doubling up of the end points to cause interpolation to the ends.
	// our spline has no such implicit behaviour so we explicitly double up.
	if( spline.points.size() )
#ifndef NDEBUG
		size_t oldSplineSize = spline.points.size();

		assert( spline.points.begin()->first <= spline.points.rbegin()->first );
		spline.points.insert( *spline.points.begin() );
		spline.points.insert( *spline.points.rbegin() );
		assert( spline.points.size() == oldSplineSize + 2 );

	p->setTypedValue( spline );

	if( spline.points.size() )
		assert( spline.points.size() >= 2 );
		assert( spline.points.size() == fnRAttr.getNumEntries() + 2 );

	return MS::kSuccess;