Example #1
ITM<ITM_TRAITS>::handleDeletions( node_type best, node_type second )
    observation_type & bestCentroid = graph_[best].centroid;
    observation_type & secondCentroid = graph_[second].centroid;

    // Don't know of other way to avoid iterator invalidation than to do this
    // twice.
    out_edge_iterator iChild;
    out_edge_iterator eChild;
    typename std::list<node_type> erase;

    for ( boost::tie( iChild, eChild ) = boost::out_edges( best, graph_ );
            iChild != eChild; ++iChild
        ) {
        node_type child = boost::target( *iChild, graph_ );
        if ( child != best ) { // Do not try to delete self-edges
            observation_type centroid = graph_[child].centroid;
            observation_type center = ( bestCentroid + centroid ) * 0.5;
            if (      distance_( center, secondCentroid )
                      < distance_( center, centroid )
               ) {
                erase.push_back( child );

    typename std::list<node_type>::iterator iErase;
    typename std::list<node_type>::iterator eErase = erase.end();
    for ( iErase = erase.begin(); iErase != eErase; ++iErase ) {
        boost::remove_edge( best, *iErase, graph_ );
        boost::remove_edge( *iErase, best, graph_ );

        boost::tie( iChild, eChild ) = boost::out_edges( *iErase, graph_ );

        // The or condition is to handle self-edges
        if (   iChild == eChild
                || (    std::distance( iChild, eChild ) == 1
                        && boost::target( *iChild, graph_ ) == *iErase )
           ) {
            boost::clear_vertex( *iErase, graph_ );
            boost::remove_vertex( *iErase, graph_ );
Example #2
  * @param[in] dp Center of 3D point (dp[0], dp[1], dp[2]).
  * @param[in] radius Radius of a sphere.
  * @param[out] result resutl of the points.
 void find(const T &pnt, const double radius, typename std::list<T>& result) {
         if (this->_list.empty()) return;
         if (this->isLeaf()) {
                 typename std::list<T>::iterator iter;
                 const double sqr = radius * radius;
                 for (iter = this->_list.begin() ; iter != this->_list.end() ; iter++) {
                         double check = 0;
                         for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < Dim ; i++) check += (iter->operator[](i) - pnt[i])*(iter->operator[](i) - pnt[i]);
                         if ( check <= sqr )  result.push_back(*iter);
         } else {
                 const double p = this->_list.begin()->operator[](this->_dim);
                 const double x = pnt[this->_dim];
                 if ( fabs(x-p) <= radius ) {
                         this->_child[0].find(pnt, radius, result);
                         this->_child[1].find(pnt, radius, result);
                 } else {
                         if ( x < p )this->_child[0].find(pnt, radius, result);
                         else        this->_child[1].find(pnt, radius, result);