Example #1
void UavcanEscController::esc_status_sub_cb(const uavcan::ReceivedDataStructure<uavcan::equipment::esc::Status> &msg)
	if (msg.esc_index < esc_status_s::CONNECTED_ESC_MAX) {
		_esc_status.esc_count = uavcan::max<int>(_esc_status.esc_count, msg.esc_index + 1);
		_esc_status.timestamp = msg.getMonotonicTimestamp().toUSec();

		auto &ref = _esc_status.esc[msg.esc_index];

		ref.esc_address = msg.getSrcNodeID().get();

		ref.esc_voltage     = msg.voltage;
		ref.esc_current     = msg.current;
		ref.esc_temperature = msg.temperature;
		ref.esc_setpoint    = msg.power_rating_pct;
		ref.esc_rpm         = msg.rpm;
		ref.esc_errorcount  = msg.error_count;
Example #2
void UavcanGnssBridge::gnss_fix_sub_cb(const uavcan::ReceivedDataStructure<uavcan::equipment::gnss::Fix> &msg)
	// This bridge does not support redundant GNSS receivers yet.
	if (_receiver_node_id < 0) {
		_receiver_node_id = msg.getSrcNodeID().get();
		warnx("GNSS receiver node ID: %d", _receiver_node_id);
	} else {
		if (_receiver_node_id != msg.getSrcNodeID().get()) {
			return;  // This GNSS receiver is the redundant one, ignore it.

	auto report = ::vehicle_gps_position_s();

	report.timestamp_position = msg.getMonotonicTimestamp().toUSec();
	report.lat = msg.latitude_deg_1e8 / 10;
	report.lon = msg.longitude_deg_1e8 / 10;
	report.alt = msg.height_msl_mm;

	report.timestamp_variance = report.timestamp_position;

	// Check if the msg contains valid covariance information
	const bool valid_position_covariance = !msg.position_covariance.empty();
	const bool valid_velocity_covariance = !msg.velocity_covariance.empty();

	if (valid_position_covariance) {
		float pos_cov[9];

		// Horizontal position uncertainty
		const float horizontal_pos_variance = math::max(pos_cov[0], pos_cov[4]);
		report.eph = (horizontal_pos_variance > 0) ? sqrtf(horizontal_pos_variance) : -1.0F;

		// Vertical position uncertainty
		report.epv = (pos_cov[8] > 0) ? sqrtf(pos_cov[8]) : -1.0F;
	} else {
		report.eph = -1.0F;
		report.epv = -1.0F;

	if (valid_velocity_covariance) {
	    float vel_cov[9];
		report.s_variance_m_s = math::max(math::max(vel_cov[0], vel_cov[4]), vel_cov[8]);

		/* There is a nonlinear relationship between the velocity vector and the heading.
		 * Use Jacobian to transform velocity covariance to heading covariance
		 * Nonlinear equation:
		 * heading = atan2(vel_e_m_s, vel_n_m_s)
		 * For math, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atan2#Derivative
		 * To calculate the variance of heading from the variance of velocity,
		 * cov(heading) = J(velocity)*cov(velocity)*J(velocity)^T
		float vel_n = msg.ned_velocity[0];
		float vel_e = msg.ned_velocity[1];
		float vel_n_sq = vel_n * vel_n;
		float vel_e_sq = vel_e * vel_e;
		report.c_variance_rad =
				(vel_e_sq * vel_cov[0] +
						-2 * vel_n * vel_e * vel_cov[1] +	// Covariance matrix is symmetric
						vel_n_sq* vel_cov[4]) / ((vel_n_sq + vel_e_sq) * (vel_n_sq + vel_e_sq));

	} else {
		report.s_variance_m_s = -1.0F;
		report.c_variance_rad = -1.0F;

	report.fix_type = msg.status;

	report.timestamp_velocity = report.timestamp_position;
	report.vel_n_m_s = msg.ned_velocity[0];
	report.vel_e_m_s = msg.ned_velocity[1];
	report.vel_d_m_s = msg.ned_velocity[2];
	report.vel_m_s = sqrtf(report.vel_n_m_s * report.vel_n_m_s + report.vel_e_m_s * report.vel_e_m_s + report.vel_d_m_s * report.vel_d_m_s);
	report.cog_rad = atan2f(report.vel_e_m_s, report.vel_n_m_s);
	report.vel_ned_valid = true;

	report.timestamp_time = report.timestamp_position;
	report.time_gps_usec = uavcan::UtcTime(msg.gnss_timestamp).toUSec();	// Convert to microseconds

	report.satellites_used = msg.sats_used;

	if (_report_pub > 0) {
		orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position), _report_pub, &report);

	} else {
		_report_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position), &report);
