Example #1
  * \brief Private constructor with ucam::util::RegistryPO object and index to a particular language model.
  * This constructor is only used when several language models are loaded.
  * If the user wants to load several language models  (e.g. --lm.load=lm1,lm2,lm3,lm4 and --lm.scale=0.25,0.25,0.25 ).
  * The second and following instances of LoadLanguageModelTask will be created using the private constructor.
  * In the constructor itself the next language model loader task is appended.
  * this constructor, which has an index to the actual language model that must be loaded.
  * \param rg      :  ucam::util::RegistryPO object, containing user parameters.
  * \param index   :  Index to the actual language model.
  * \param lmload  :  key word to access the registry object for language models
  * \param lmscale :  key word to access the registry object for language model scales.
 LoadLanguageModelTask ( const ucam::util::RegistryPO& rg ,
                         uint index ,
                         const std::string& lmload = HifstConstants::kLmLoad,
                         const std::string& lmscale = HifstConstants::kLmFeatureweights ,
                         const std::string& lmwp = HifstConstants::kLmWordPenalty,
                         const std::string& wordmapkey = HifstConstants::kLmWordmap
                       ) :
   rg_ ( rg ),
   lmkey_ ( lmload ),
   previous_ ( "" ),
   built_ ( false ),
   index_ ( index ),
   isintegermapped_ (!rg.exists (wordmapkey)
                     || rg.get<std::string> (wordmapkey) == ""),
   wordmapkey_ (wordmapkey),
   lmfile_ ( rg.getVectorString ( lmload , index ) ) {
   LDEBUG ( "LM loader using parameters " << lmload << "/" << lmscale <<
           ", and key " << lmkey_  << ",index=" << index_ << ",wordmapkey=" <<
   setLanguageModelScale ( lmscale );
   setLanguageModelWordPenalty ( lmwp );
   if ( rg.getVectorString ( lmload ).size() > index_ + 1 ) {
     LDEBUG ( "Appending Language model..." );
     this->appendTask ( new LoadLanguageModelTask ( rg, index_ + 1, lmload, lmscale ,
                        lmwp , wordmapkey ) );
   LDEBUG ( "." );
Example #2
 ///Constructor with registry object and several keys to access data object and registry
 HiFSTTask ( const ucam::util::RegistryPO& rg ,
             const std::string& outputkey = HifstConstants::kHifstLatticeStore,
             const std::string& locallmkey = HifstConstants::kHifstLocalpruneLmLoad,
             const std::string& fullreferencelatticekey =
               HifstConstants::kReferencefilterNosubstringStore ,
             const std::string& lmkey = HifstConstants::kLmLoad
           ) :
   optimize_ (rg.getBool (HifstConstants::kHifstOptimizecells) ),
   numlocallm_ (rg.getVectorString (locallmkey).size() ),
   warned_ (false),
   rtnfiles_ (rg.get<std::string> (HifstConstants::kHifstWritertn) ),
   fullreferencelatticekey_ ( fullreferencelatticekey ),
   lmkey_ ( lmkey ),
   locallmkey_ ( locallmkey ),
   outputkey_ ( outputkey ),
   piscount_ ( 0 ),
   aligner_ ( rg.getBool ( HifstConstants::kHifstAlilatsmode ) ),
   //    cellredm_ ( rg.getBool ( "hifst.cellredm" ) ),
   //    finalredm_ ( rg.getBool ( "hifst.finalredm" ) ),
   hipdtmode_ (rg.getBool (HifstConstants::kHifstUsepdt) ),
   rtnopt_ (rg.getBool (HifstConstants::kHifstRtnopt) ),
   replacefstbyarc_ ( rg.getSetString (
                        HifstConstants::kHifstReplacefstbyarcNonterminals ) ),
   replacefstbyarcexceptions_ ( rg.getSetString (
                                  HifstConstants::kHifstReplacefstbyarcExceptions ) ),
   replacefstbynumstates_ ( rg.get<unsigned>
                            ( HifstConstants::kHifstReplacefstbyarcNumstates ) ),
   localprune_ ( rg.getBool ( HifstConstants::kHifstLocalpruneEnable ) ),
   pruneweight_ ( rg.get<float> ( HifstConstants::kHifstPrune ) ),
   numstatesthreshold_ ( rg.get<unsigned>
                         ( HifstConstants::kHifstLocalpruneNumstates ) ),
   lpctuples_ ( rg.getVectorString (
                  HifstConstants::kHifstLocalpruneConditions ) ) {
   LINFO ("Number of local language models=" << numlocallm_);
   LINFO ("aligner mode=" << aligner_);
   LINFO ("localprune mode=" << localprune_);
   USER_CHECK ( ! ( lpc_.size() % 4 ),
                "local pruning conditions are defined by tuples of 4 elements: category,x,y,Number-of-states. Category is a string and x,y are int. Number of states is unsigned" );
   USER_CHECK ( (localprune_ && numlocallm_) || ( localprune_ && !numlocallm_
                && aligner_ ) || (!localprune_) ,
                "If you want to do cell pruning in translation, you should  use a language model for local pruning. Check --hifst.localprune.lm.load and --hifst.localprune.enable.\n");
   optimize.setAlignMode (aligner_);
   if (hipdtmode_) {
     LINFO ("Hipdt mode enabled!");
   if (!rtnopt_) {
     LINFO ("RTN openfst optimizations will not be applied");
   LDEBUG ( "Hifst constructor done!" );
Example #3
  * \brief Public constructor. If the user wants to load several language models  (e.g. --lm.load=lm1,lm2,lm3,lm4 and --lm.scale=0.25,0.25,0.25 ),
  * the second and following instances of LoadLanguageModelTask will be created using the private constructor (see below), which has an index to the actual language model that must be loaded.
  * For the public constructor, the index is set to 0.
  * \param rg        ucam::util::RegistryPO object, containing user parameters.
  * \param lmload    key word to access the registry object for language models
  * \param lmscale   key word to access the registry object for language model scales.
  * \param forceone  To force the loading of only one language model (i.e. lm1 with scale 0.25).
 LoadLanguageModelTask ( const ucam::util::RegistryPO& rg
                         , const std::string& lmload = HifstConstants::kLmLoad
                         , const std::string& lmscale =
                         HifstConstants::kLmFeatureweights  //if rg.get(lmscale)=="" the scale will default to 1
                         , const std::string& lmwp =
                         HifstConstants::kLmWordPenalty  //if rg.get(wps)=="" the scale will default to 0
                         , const std::string& wordmapkey = HifstConstants::kLmWordmap
                         , bool forceone = false
     : rg_ ( rg )
     , lmkey_ ( lmload )
     , previous_ ( "" )
     , built_ ( false )
     , index_ ( 0 )
     , isintegermapped_ (!rg.exists (wordmapkey)
                         || rg.get<std::string> (wordmapkey) == "")
     , wordmapkey_ (wordmapkey)
     , lmfile_ ( rg.getVectorString ( lmload , 0 ) )
   LDEBUG ( "LM loader using parameters " << lmload << "/" << lmscale << "/" << lmwp
           << ", and key " << lmkey_  << ",index=" << index_ << ",wordmap=" <<
   FORCELINFO("Language model loader for " << lmfile_() );
   setLanguageModelScale ( lmscale );
   setLanguageModelWordPenalty ( lmwp );
   if ( rg_.getVectorString ( lmload ).size() > 1 ) {
     if ( !forceone ) {
       LINFO ( "Appending Language model..." );
       this->appendTask ( new LoadLanguageModelTask ( rg_, 1, lmload, lmscale , lmwp ,
                          wordmapkey ) );
     } else {
       LWARN ( "Only one loaded for " << lmload <<
               ". Extra language models are being ignored" );
   LINFO ( "Finished constructor!" );