void get_rx_parameters(uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp, size_t mboard , std::ostream & os)
	using namespace std;
	namespace radio = uhd::usrp;
	size_t nchan = 0;

	// Get sub device specification
	os << std::endl << "********** RX Sub Device ***********" << std::endl;
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get Rx Subdevice" << std::endl;
	radio::subdev_spec_t rx_subdev = usrp->get_rx_subdev_spec(mboard);
	os << "RX Subdevice Specification:" << endl;
	os << rx_subdev.to_pp_string() << endl;
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get number of RX channels" << std::endl;
	size_t num_rx = usrp->get_rx_num_channels();
	os << "Number of RX channels:" << endl;
	os << num_rx << endl;
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get RX Subdevice Name" << std::endl;
	string rx_name = usrp->get_rx_subdev_name(nchan);
	os << "RX Subdevice Name:" << endl;
	os << rx_name << endl;

	os << std::endl << "********** RX Sample Rate ***********" << std::endl;
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get RX Rate" << std::endl;
	double rx_rate = usrp->get_rx_rate(nchan);
	os << "RX Rate:" << endl;
	os << rx_rate << endl;
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get RX Rate List" << std::endl;
	uhd::meta_range_t rx_rates = usrp->get_rx_rates(nchan);
	os << "RX Rate List:" << endl;
	os << "Start: " << rx_rates.start() << "   Stop: " << rx_rates.stop() << "   Step: " << rx_rates.step() << endl;
	os << rx_rates.to_pp_string() << endl;
	os << std::endl << "********** RX Frequencies ***********" << std::endl;
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get RX Center Frequency" << std::endl;
	double rx_freq = usrp->get_rx_freq(nchan);
	os << "RX Freq:" << endl;
	os << rx_freq << endl;

	os << std::endl << "-----> Get RX Center Frequency Range" << std::endl;
	uhd::freq_range_t rx_freq_range = usrp->get_rx_freq_range(nchan);
	os << "RX Frequency Range:" << endl;
	os << "Start: " << rx_freq_range.start() << "   Stop: " << rx_freq_range.stop() << "   Step: " << rx_freq_range.step() << endl;
	os << rx_freq_range.to_pp_string() << endl;
	// RX Front end frequencies
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get RX RF Front End Center Frequency Range" << std::endl;
		os << "RX Front End Frequency Range:" << endl;
		uhd::freq_range_t rx_fe_freq_range = usrp->get_fe_rx_freq_range(nchan);
		os << "Start: " << rx_fe_freq_range.start() << "   Stop: " << rx_fe_freq_range.stop() << "   Step: " << rx_fe_freq_range.step() << endl;
		os << rx_fe_freq_range.to_pp_string() << endl;
		catch (uhd::runtime_error &e)
		os << " Exception occurred : " << e.code() << endl;
	os << std::endl << "********** RX Gain  ***********" << std::endl;
	// Total combined gain
	os << endl << "-----> Get RX Total Gain" << endl;
	os << "RX Total Gain: " ;	
		double rx_total_gain = usrp->get_rx_gain(nchan);
		os << rx_total_gain << endl;
	catch(uhd::runtime_error &e)
		os << "Exception code: " << e.code() << endl;
	// List of all gain elements
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get RX gain names" << std::endl;
	std::vector<std::string> rx_gain_names = usrp->get_rx_gain_names(nchan);
	os << "Rx Gain Names: " << std::endl;
	for (int index =0; index < rx_gain_names.size(); index++)
		// Name
		os << "\t" << rx_gain_names[index] << endl;
	for (int index =0; index < rx_gain_names.size(); index++)
		// Name
		os << "\t" << "Name: " << rx_gain_names[index] << "  Value: ";
		// Value
		double element_gain = usrp->get_rx_gain(rx_gain_names[index], nchan);
		os << element_gain << endl;
		catch(uhd::runtime_error &e)
			os << "Exception code while getting value: " << e.code() << endl;

	// Gain ranges for each of the gain elements
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get RX element gain ranges" << std::endl;
	for (int index =0; index < rx_gain_names.size(); index++)
		// Name
		os << "\t" << "Name: " << rx_gain_names[index] << "  Value: ";
		// Value
		uhd::gain_range_t element_gain_range = usrp->get_rx_gain_range(rx_gain_names[index], nchan);
		os << "Start: " << element_gain_range.start() << " End: " << element_gain_range.stop() << " Step: " << element_gain_range.step() << endl;
		catch(uhd::runtime_error &e)
			os << "Exception code while getting value: " << e.code() << endl;

	// Total Gain range
		os << endl << "-----> Get RX Total Gain Range" << endl;
		uhd::gain_range_t rx_total_gain_range = usrp->get_rx_gain_range(nchan);
		os << "RX Total Gain Range: " ;
		os << "Start: " << rx_total_gain_range.start() << " End: " << rx_total_gain_range.stop() << " Step: " << rx_total_gain_range.step() << endl;
	catch(uhd::runtime_error &e)
		os << "Exception code: " << e.code() <<endl;
	os << std::endl << "********** RX ANTENNA ***********" << std::endl;
	// Current Rx Antenna
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get RX Antenna" << std::endl;
	string rx_antenna = usrp->get_rx_antenna(nchan);
	os << "RX Antenna: " ;
	os << rx_antenna << endl;

	// RX Antenna choices
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get Rx Antenna List" << std::endl;
	std::vector<std::string> rx_antennas = usrp->get_rx_antennas(nchan);
	os << "RX Antennas : " << std::endl;
	for (int index =0; index < rx_antennas.size(); index++)
		os << "\t" << rx_antennas[index] << std::endl;

	os << std::endl << "********** RX BANDWIDTH ***********" << std::endl;
	// Current RX Bandwidth
	os << endl << "-----> Get RX Bandwidth" << endl;
		os << "RX Bandwidth " ;
		double rx_bandwidth = usrp->get_rx_bandwidth(nchan);
		os << rx_bandwidth << endl;
	catch (uhd::runtime_error &e)
		os << "Exception occured " << e.code() << endl;
	// RX Bandwidth Range
	os << endl << "-----> Get RX Bandwidth Range" << endl;
		os << "RX Bandwidth Range: " ;
		uhd::gain_range_t rx_bandwidth_range = usrp->get_rx_bandwidth_range(nchan);
		os << "Start: " << rx_bandwidth_range .start() << " End: " << rx_bandwidth_range .stop() << " Step: " << rx_bandwidth_range .step() << endl;
	catch(uhd::runtime_error &e)
		os << "Exception code: " << e.code() <<endl;

	os << std::endl << "********** RX DBOARD INTERFACE ***********" << std::endl;
	// RX Dboard Interface
	os << endl << "-----> Get rx_dboard_iface()" << endl;
		os << "RX Dboard Interface " ;
		uhd::usrp::dboard_iface::sptr rx_dboard_iface = usrp->get_rx_dboard_iface(nchan);
		os << rx_dboard_iface << endl;
	catch (uhd::runtime_error &e)
		os << "Exception occured " << e.code() << endl;

	os << std::endl << "********** RX Sensors  ***********" << std::endl;

	// List of all available sensors
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get RX Sensors Name" << std::endl;
	std::vector<std::string> rx_sensor_names = usrp->get_rx_sensor_names(nchan);
	os << "Sensor Names: " << std::endl;
	for (int index =0; index < rx_sensor_names.size(); index++)
		// Name
		os << "\t" << rx_sensor_names[index] << ":  ";
		// Value
			uhd::sensor_value_t rx_sensor_value = usrp->get_rx_sensor(rx_sensor_names[index], nchan);
			os << rx_sensor_value.to_pp_string()<< std::endl;
		catch(uhd::runtime_error &e)
			os << "Exception occured " << e.code() << endl;

Example #2
int setupUSRP(  uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr&  usrp,
                const float                   center_freq,
                const float                   sample_rate,
                const int                     rx_gain,
                const char*                   dev_addr)
  //Initialize the USRP to the specified address
  usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(string(dev_addr));
  //Define the clock reference

  //Output some useful information
  cout  << "Using the following USRP device: " << endl
        << usrp->get_pp_string() << endl;

  //Try setting the sample rate.  If the rate we get is not the same as the
  //requested rate, we will return with a warning to ensure the user is aware
  //of the actual sample rate
  usrp->set_rx_rate( sample_rate );

  if( usrp->get_rx_rate() != sample_rate )
    ios_base::fmtflags originalFlags = cout.flags();
    cout  << "WARNING! Requested rate = " << sample_rate << endl
          << "WARNING! Actual rate = " << usrp->get_rx_rate() << endl;

  //Try setting the center frequency.  Like above, if we get a different
  //frequency than the one we're requesting, we will spit out a warning for the
  usrp->set_rx_freq( center_freq );

  if( usrp->get_rx_freq() != center_freq )
    ios_base::fmtflags originalFlags = cout.flags();
    cout  << "WARNING! Requested frequency = " << center_freq << endl
          << "WARNING! Actual frequency = " << usrp->get_rx_freq() << endl;

  //Set the RX gain.  There really shouldn't be any problems here, but the user
  //might request something silly like 50dB of gain when the module can't
  //accomodate.  So we'll perform a similar check here.
  usrp->set_rx_gain( rx_gain );

  if( usrp->get_rx_gain() != rx_gain )
    cout  << "WARNING! Requested gain = " << rx_gain << endl
          << "WARNING! Actual gain = " << usrp->get_rx_gain() << endl;

  //Ensure the LO locked
  vector<string> sensor_names;
  sensor_names = usrp->get_rx_sensor_names(0);
  if( find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "lo_locked")
      != sensor_names.end() )
    uhd::sensor_value_t lo_locked = usrp->get_rx_sensor("lo_locked",0);
    cout  << "Checking RX: " << endl
          << lo_locked.to_pp_string() << endl;
    UHD_ASSERT_THROW(lo_locked.to_bool());      //We should probably catch this

  return 1;