Example #1
Dictionary::Ptr UserDbObject::GetConfigFields(void) const
	Dictionary::Ptr fields = make_shared<Dictionary>();
	User::Ptr user = static_pointer_cast<User>(GetObject());

	fields->Set("alias", user->GetDisplayName());
	fields->Set("email_address", user->GetEmail());
	fields->Set("pager_address", user->GetPager());
	fields->Set("host_timeperiod_object_id", user->GetPeriod());
	fields->Set("service_timeperiod_object_id", user->GetPeriod());
	fields->Set("host_notifications_enabled", user->GetEnableNotifications());
	fields->Set("service_notifications_enabled", user->GetEnableNotifications());
	fields->Set("can_submit_commands", 1);
	fields->Set("notify_service_recovery", (user->GetStateFilter() & NotificationRecovery) != 0);
	fields->Set("notify_service_warning", (user->GetStateFilter() & NotificationProblem) != 0);
	fields->Set("notify_service_unknown", (user->GetStateFilter() & NotificationProblem) != 0);
	fields->Set("notify_service_critical", (user->GetStateFilter() & NotificationProblem) != 0);
	fields->Set("notify_service_flapping", (user->GetStateFilter() & (NotificationFlappingStart | NotificationFlappingEnd)) != 0);
	fields->Set("notify_service_downtime", (user->GetStateFilter() & (NotificationDowntimeStart | NotificationDowntimeEnd | NotificationDowntimeRemoved)) != 0);
	fields->Set("notify_host_recovery", (user->GetStateFilter() & NotificationRecovery) != 0);
	fields->Set("notify_host_down", (user->GetStateFilter() & NotificationProblem) != 0);
	fields->Set("notify_host_unreachable", (user->GetStateFilter() & NotificationProblem) != 0);
	fields->Set("notify_host_flapping", (user->GetStateFilter() & (NotificationFlappingStart | NotificationFlappingEnd)) != 0);
	fields->Set("notify_host_downtime", (user->GetStateFilter() & (NotificationDowntimeStart | NotificationDowntimeEnd | NotificationDowntimeRemoved)) != 0);

	return fields;
Example #2
Value ContactsTable::InServiceNotificationPeriodAccessor(const Value& row)
    User::Ptr user = static_cast<User::Ptr>(row);

    if (!user)
        return Empty;

    TimePeriod::Ptr timeperiod = user->GetPeriod();

    if (!timeperiod)
        return Empty;

    return (timeperiod->IsInside(Utility::GetTime()) ? 1 : 0);
Example #3
Value ContactsTable::ServiceNotificationPeriodAccessor(const Value& row)
    User::Ptr user = static_cast<User::Ptr>(row);

    if (!user)
        return Empty;

    TimePeriod::Ptr timeperiod = user->GetPeriod();

    if (!timeperiod)
        return Empty;

    return timeperiod->GetName();
Example #4
bool Notification::CheckNotificationUserFilters(NotificationType type, const User::Ptr& user, bool force, bool reminder)
	if (!force) {
		TimePeriod::Ptr tp = user->GetPeriod();

		if (tp && !tp->IsInside(Utility::GetTime())) {
			Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
			    << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '"
			    << GetName() << " and user '" << user->GetName()
			    << "': user period not in timeperiod '" << tp->GetName() << "'";
			return false;

		unsigned long ftype = type;

		Log(LogDebug, "Notification")
		    << "User notification, Type '" << NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type)
		    << "', TypeFilter: " << NotificationFilterToString(user->GetTypeFilter(), GetTypeFilterMap())
		    << " (FType=" << ftype << ", TypeFilter=" << GetTypeFilter() << ")";

		if (!(ftype & user->GetTypeFilter())) {
			Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
			    << "Not sending " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notifications for notification object '"
			    << GetName() << " and user '" << user->GetName() << "': type '"
			    << NotificationTypeToStringInternal(type) << "' does not match type filter: "
			    << NotificationFilterToString(user->GetTypeFilter(), GetTypeFilterMap()) << ".";
			return false;

		/* check state filters it this is not a recovery notification */
		if (type != NotificationRecovery) {
			Checkable::Ptr checkable = GetCheckable();
			Host::Ptr host;
			Service::Ptr service;
			tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable);

			unsigned long fstate;
			String stateStr;

			if (service) {
				fstate = ServiceStateToFilter(service->GetState());
				stateStr = NotificationServiceStateToString(service->GetState());
			} else {
				fstate = HostStateToFilter(host->GetState());
				stateStr = NotificationHostStateToString(host->GetState());

			Log(LogDebug, "Notification")
			    << "User notification, State '" << stateStr << "', StateFilter: "
			    << NotificationFilterToString(user->GetStateFilter(), GetStateFilterMap())
			    << " (FState=" << fstate << ", StateFilter=" << user->GetStateFilter() << ")";

			if (!(fstate & user->GetStateFilter())) {
				Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
				    << "Not " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "sending notifications for notification object '"
				    << GetName() << " and user '" << user->GetName() << "': state '" << stateStr
				    << "' does not match state filter: " << NotificationFilterToString(user->GetStateFilter(), GetStateFilterMap()) << ".";
				return false;
	} else {
		Log(LogNotice, "Notification")
		    << "Not checking " << (reminder ? "reminder " : " ") << "notification filters for notification object '"
		    << GetName() << "' and user '" << user->GetName() << "': Notification was forced.";

	return true;