void drawVector(RenderingContext & rc, const Geometry::Vec3 & from, const Geometry::Vec3 & to) { static Util::Reference<Mesh> mesh; if (mesh.isNull()) { VertexDescription vertexDescription; vertexDescription.appendPosition3D(); mesh = new Mesh(vertexDescription, 2, 2); mesh->setDrawMode(Mesh::DRAW_LINES); MeshIndexData & id = mesh->openIndexData(); uint32_t * indices = id.data(); indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = 1; id.updateIndexRange(); id.markAsChanged(); mesh->setDataStrategy(SimpleMeshDataStrategy::getPureLocalStrategy()); } MeshVertexData & vd = mesh->openVertexData(); float * vertices = reinterpret_cast<float *> (vd.data()); *vertices++ = from.getX(); // From *vertices++ = from.getY(); *vertices++ = from.getZ(); *vertices++ = to.getX(); // To *vertices++ = to.getY(); *vertices++ = to.getZ(); vd.updateBoundingBox(); vd.markAsChanged(); rc.displayMesh(mesh.get()); }
void drawWireframeBox(RenderingContext & rc, const Geometry::Box & box) { static Util::Reference<Mesh> mesh; if (mesh.isNull()) { VertexDescription vertexDescription; vertexDescription.appendPosition3D(); mesh = new Mesh(vertexDescription, 8, 16); mesh->setDataStrategy(SimpleMeshDataStrategy::getPureLocalStrategy()); mesh->setDrawMode(Mesh::DRAW_LINE_STRIP); MeshIndexData & id = mesh->openIndexData(); uint32_t * indices = id.data(); /* * Corners: * 6---------7 * /| /| * / | / | * 2---------3 | * | | | | * | 4------|--5 * | / | / * |/ |/ * 0---------1 */ indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = 2; indices[2] = 3; indices[3] = 1; indices[4] = 5; indices[5] = 7; indices[6] = 6; indices[7] = 4; indices[8] = 0; indices[9] = 1; indices[10] = 3; indices[11] = 7; indices[12] = 5; indices[13] = 4; indices[14] = 6; indices[15] = 2; id.updateIndexRange(); id.markAsChanged(); } MeshVertexData & vd = mesh->openVertexData(); float * vertices = reinterpret_cast<float *>(vd.data()); for (uint_fast8_t c = 0; c < 8; ++c) { const Geometry::Vec3 & corner = box.getCorner(static_cast<Geometry::corner_t> (c)); *vertices++ = corner.getX(); *vertices++ = corner.getY(); *vertices++ = corner.getZ(); } vd._setBoundingBox(box); vd.markAsChanged(); rc.displayMesh(mesh.get()); }
void drawGrid(RenderingContext & rc, float scale) { static Util::Reference<Mesh> mesh; if (mesh.isNull()) { VertexDescription vertexDescription; vertexDescription.appendPosition3D(); mesh = new Mesh(vertexDescription, 4 * 101, 4 * 101); mesh->setDrawMode(Mesh::DRAW_LINES); MeshVertexData & vd = mesh->openVertexData(); float * vertices = reinterpret_cast<float *> (vd.data()); MeshIndexData & id = mesh->openIndexData(); uint32_t * indices = id.data(); uint32_t nextIndex = 0; const float step = 1.0f / 100.0f; for (uint_fast8_t line = 0; line < 101; ++line) { const float pos = -0.5f + static_cast<float> (line) * step; *vertices++ = -0.5f; *vertices++ = 0.0f; *vertices++ = pos; *vertices++ = 0.5f; *vertices++ = 0.0f; *vertices++ = pos; *indices++ = nextIndex++; *indices++ = nextIndex++; *vertices++ = pos; *vertices++ = 0.0f; *vertices++ = -0.5f; *vertices++ = pos; *vertices++ = 0.0f; *vertices++ = 0.5f; *indices++ = nextIndex++; *indices++ = nextIndex++; } vd.updateBoundingBox(); vd.markAsChanged(); id.updateIndexRange(); id.markAsChanged(); } Geometry::Matrix4x4 matrix; matrix.scale(scale); rc.pushMatrix_modelToCamera(); rc.multMatrix_modelToCamera(matrix); rc.displayMesh(mesh.get()); rc.popMatrix_modelToCamera(); }
void drawFrustum(RenderingContext & rc, const Geometry::Frustum & frustum, const Util::Color4f & color, float lineWidth) { static Util::Reference<Mesh> mesh; if (mesh.isNull()) { VertexDescription vertexDescription; vertexDescription.appendPosition3D(); mesh = new Mesh(vertexDescription, 8, 16); mesh->setDrawMode(Mesh::DRAW_LINE_STRIP); MeshIndexData & id = mesh->openIndexData(); uint32_t * indices = id.data(); indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = 2; indices[2] = 3; indices[3] = 1; indices[4] = 5; indices[5] = 7; indices[6] = 6; indices[7] = 4; indices[8] = 0; indices[9] = 1; indices[10] = 3; indices[11] = 7; indices[12] = 5; indices[13] = 4; indices[14] = 6; indices[15] = 2; id.updateIndexRange(); } MeshVertexData & vd = mesh->openVertexData(); float * vertices = reinterpret_cast<float *>(vd.data()); for (uint_fast8_t c = 0; c < 8; ++c) { const Geometry::Vec3 & corner = frustum[static_cast<Geometry::corner_t> (c)]; *vertices++ = corner.getX(); *vertices++ = corner.getY(); *vertices++ = corner.getZ(); } vd.updateBoundingBox(); vd.markAsChanged(); rc.pushAndSetLine(lineWidth); rc.pushAndSetLighting(LightingParameters(false)); rc.pushAndSetColorMaterial(color); rc.displayMesh(mesh.get()); rc.popMaterial(); rc.popLighting(); rc.popLine(); }
void drawRect(RenderingContext & rc, const Geometry::Rect & rect) { static Util::Reference<Mesh> mesh; if (mesh.isNull()) { VertexDescription vertexDescription; vertexDescription.appendPosition2D(); mesh = new Mesh(vertexDescription, 4, 6); mesh->setDrawMode(Mesh::DRAW_TRIANGLES); MeshVertexData & vd = mesh->openVertexData(); float * vertices = reinterpret_cast<float *> (vd.data()); *vertices++ = 0.0f; // Bottom left *vertices++ = 0.0f; *vertices++ = 1.0f; // Bottom right *vertices++ = 0.0f; *vertices++ = 1.0f; // Top right *vertices++ = 1.0f; *vertices++ = 0.0f; // Top left *vertices++ = 1.0f; vd.updateBoundingBox(); vd.markAsChanged(); MeshIndexData & id = mesh->openIndexData(); uint32_t * indices = id.data(); indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = 2; indices[2] = 1; indices[3] = 0; indices[4] = 3; indices[5] = 2; id.updateIndexRange(); id.markAsChanged(); } Geometry::Matrix4x4 matrix; matrix.translate(rect.getX(), rect.getY(), 0.0f); matrix.scale(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(), 1.0f); rc.pushMatrix_modelToCamera(); rc.multMatrix_modelToCamera(matrix); rc.displayMesh(mesh.get()); rc.popMatrix_modelToCamera(); }
void ParticlePointRenderer::operator()(ParticleSystemNode* psys, FrameContext & context, const RenderParam & rp /* = 0 */) { if ( (rp.getFlag(NO_GEOMETRY)) ) return; // render particles std::vector<Particle> & particles = psys->getParticles(); uint32_t count = psys->getParticleCount(); Rendering::VertexDescription vertexDesc; const Rendering::VertexAttribute & posAttrib = vertexDesc.appendPosition3D(); const Rendering::VertexAttribute & colorAttrib = vertexDesc.appendColorRGBAByte(); // The usage of a cache for the mesh has been tested. Reusing a preallocated mesh is not faster. Util::Reference<Rendering::Mesh> mesh = new Rendering::Mesh(vertexDesc, count, count); mesh->setDataStrategy(Rendering::SimpleMeshDataStrategy::getPureLocalStrategy()); mesh->setDrawMode(Rendering::Mesh::DRAW_POINTS); // mesh->setUseIndexData(false); Rendering::MeshIndexData & indexData = mesh->openIndexData(); Rendering::MeshVertexData & vertexData = mesh->openVertexData(); Util::Reference<Rendering::PositionAttributeAccessor> positionAccessor = Rendering::PositionAttributeAccessor::create(vertexData, posAttrib.getNameId()); Util::Reference<Rendering::ColorAttributeAccessor> colorAccessor = Rendering::ColorAttributeAccessor::create(vertexData, colorAttrib.getNameId()); uint32_t * indices = indexData.data(); for(uint_fast32_t index = 0; index < count; ++index) { const Particle & p = particles[index]; colorAccessor->setColor(index, p.color); positionAccessor->setPosition(index, p.position); *indices++ = index; } indexData.markAsChanged(); indexData.updateIndexRange(); vertexData.markAsChanged(); vertexData.updateBoundingBox(); context.displayMesh(mesh.get()); }