Example #1
bool CMapGeneratorWorker::LoadScripts(const std::wstring& libraryName)
	// Ignore libraries that are already loaded
	if (m_LoadedLibraries.find(libraryName) != m_LoadedLibraries.end())
		return true;

	// Mark this as loaded, to prevent it recursively loading itself

	VfsPath path = L"maps/random/" + libraryName + L"/";
	VfsPaths pathnames;

	// Load all scripts in mapgen directory
	Status ret = vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, path, L"*.js", pathnames);
	if (ret == INFO::OK)
		for (VfsPaths::iterator it = pathnames.begin(); it != pathnames.end(); ++it)
			LOGMESSAGE(L"Loading map generator script '%ls'", it->string().c_str());

			if (!m_ScriptInterface->LoadGlobalScriptFile(*it))
				LOGERROR(L"CMapGeneratorWorker::LoadScripts: Failed to load script '%ls'", it->string().c_str());
				return false;
		// Some error reading directory
		wchar_t error[200];
		LOGERROR(L"CMapGeneratorWorker::LoadScripts: Error reading scripts in directory '%ls': %ls", path.string().c_str(), StatusDescription(ret, error, ARRAY_SIZE(error)));
		return false;

	return true;
Example #2
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScripts()
	// Ignore this failure in tests
	if (!g_VFS)
		return false;

	// Load and execute *.js in the global scripts directory
	VfsPaths pathnames;
	vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, L"globalscripts/", L"*.js", pathnames);
	for (VfsPaths::iterator it = pathnames.begin(); it != pathnames.end(); ++it)
		if (!LoadGlobalScriptFile(*it))
			LOGERROR(L"LoadGlobalScripts: Failed to load script %ls", it->string().c_str());
			return false;

	return true;
Example #3
		bool LoadScripts(const std::wstring& moduleName)
			// Ignore modules that are already loaded
			if (m_LoadedModules.find(moduleName) != m_LoadedModules.end())
				return true;

			// Mark this as loaded, to prevent it recursively loading itself

			// Load and execute *.js
			VfsPaths pathnames;
			vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, L"simulation/ai/" + moduleName + L"/", L"*.js", pathnames);
			for (VfsPaths::iterator it = pathnames.begin(); it != pathnames.end(); ++it)
				if (!m_ScriptInterface.LoadGlobalScriptFile(*it))
					LOGERROR(L"Failed to load script %ls", it->string().c_str());
					return false;

			return true;