void streamContentHandler::generate(utility::outputStream& os, const vmime::encoding& enc,
	const string::size_type maxLineLength) const
	if (!m_stream)

	// Managed data is already encoded
	if (isEncoded())
		// The data is already encoded but the encoding specified for
		// the generation is different from the current one. We need
		// to re-encode data: decode from input buffer to temporary
		// buffer, and then re-encode to output stream...
		if (m_encoding != enc)
			ref <utility::encoder::encoder> theDecoder = m_encoding.getEncoder();
			ref <utility::encoder::encoder> theEncoder = enc.getEncoder();

			theEncoder->getProperties()["maxlinelength"] = maxLineLength;
			theEncoder->getProperties()["text"] = (m_contentType.getType() == mediaTypes::TEXT);

			m_stream->reset();  // may not work...

			std::ostringstream oss;
			utility::outputStreamAdapter tempOut(oss);

			theDecoder->decode(*m_stream, tempOut);

			string str = oss.str();
			utility::inputStreamStringAdapter tempIn(str);

			theEncoder->encode(tempIn, os);
		// No encoding to perform
			m_stream->reset();  // may not work...

			utility::bufferedStreamCopy(*m_stream, os);
	// Need to encode data before
		ref <utility::encoder::encoder> theEncoder = enc.getEncoder();
		theEncoder->getProperties()["maxlinelength"] = maxLineLength;
		theEncoder->getProperties()["text"] = (m_contentType.getType() == mediaTypes::TEXT);

		m_stream->reset();  // may not work...

		theEncoder->encode(*m_stream, os);
void stringContentHandler::generate(utility::outputStream& os,
	const vmime::encoding& enc, const size_t maxLineLength) const
	// Managed data is already encoded
	if (isEncoded())
		// The data is already encoded but the encoding specified for
		// the generation is different from the current one. We need
		// to re-encode data: decode from input buffer to temporary
		// buffer, and then re-encode to output stream...
		if (m_encoding != enc)
			shared_ptr <utility::encoder::encoder> theDecoder = m_encoding.getEncoder();
			shared_ptr <utility::encoder::encoder> theEncoder = enc.getEncoder();

			theEncoder->getProperties()["maxlinelength"] = maxLineLength;
			theEncoder->getProperties()["text"] = (m_contentType.getType() == mediaTypes::TEXT);

			utility::inputStreamStringProxyAdapter in(m_string);

			std::ostringstream oss;
			utility::outputStreamAdapter tempOut(oss);

			theDecoder->decode(in, tempOut);

			string str = oss.str();
			utility::inputStreamStringAdapter tempIn(str);

			theEncoder->encode(tempIn, os);
		// No encoding to perform
	// Need to encode data before
		shared_ptr <utility::encoder::encoder> theEncoder = enc.getEncoder();
		theEncoder->getProperties()["maxlinelength"] = maxLineLength;
		theEncoder->getProperties()["text"] = (m_contentType.getType() == mediaTypes::TEXT);

		utility::inputStreamStringProxyAdapter in(m_string);

		theEncoder->encode(in, os);
void IMAPMessagePartContentHandler::generate
	(utility::outputStream& os, const vmime::encoding& enc, size_t maxLineLength) const
	shared_ptr <IMAPMessage> msg = constCast <IMAPMessage>(m_message.lock());
	shared_ptr <messagePart> part = constCast <messagePart>(m_part.lock());

	// Data is already encoded
	if (isEncoded())
		// The data is already encoded but the encoding specified for
		// the generation is different from the current one. We need
		// to re-encode data: decode from input buffer to temporary
		// buffer, and then re-encode to output stream...
		if (m_encoding != enc)
			// Extract part contents to temporary buffer
			std::ostringstream oss;
			utility::outputStreamAdapter tmp(oss);

			msg->extractPart(part, tmp, NULL);

			// Decode to another temporary buffer
			utility::inputStreamStringProxyAdapter in(oss.str());

			std::ostringstream oss2;
			utility::outputStreamAdapter tmp2(oss2);

			shared_ptr <utility::encoder::encoder> theDecoder = m_encoding.getEncoder();
			theDecoder->decode(in, tmp2);

			// Reencode to output stream
			string str = oss2.str();
			utility::inputStreamStringAdapter tempIn(str);

			shared_ptr <utility::encoder::encoder> theEncoder = enc.getEncoder();
			theEncoder->getProperties()["maxlinelength"] = maxLineLength;
			theEncoder->getProperties()["text"] = (m_contentType.getType() == mediaTypes::TEXT);

			theEncoder->encode(tempIn, os);
		// No encoding to perform
			msg->extractPart(part, os);
	// Need to encode data before
		// Extract part contents to temporary buffer
		std::ostringstream oss;
		utility::outputStreamAdapter tmp(oss);

		msg->extractPart(part, tmp, NULL);

		// Encode temporary buffer to output stream
		shared_ptr <utility::encoder::encoder> theEncoder = enc.getEncoder();
		theEncoder->getProperties()["maxlinelength"] = maxLineLength;
		theEncoder->getProperties()["text"] = (m_contentType.getType() == mediaTypes::TEXT);

		utility::inputStreamStringAdapter is(oss.str());

		theEncoder->encode(is, os);