int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc != 6) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <input Original volume file> <input cutvolume> <input seed file ><Rotate Num> <output seed file>" << endl; return 1; } try { VolMagickOpStatus status; VolMagick::setDefaultMessenger(&status); VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo inputVol2info; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol, argv[1]);[2]); // fstream fs; //[3]); ifstream fs;[3], ios::in); readUntilNewline(fs); readUntilNewline(fs); readUntilNewline(fs); string s1, s2; int seeda, seedb, seedc; int Num = atoi(argv[4]); float cx = (inputVol.XMin()+inputVol.XMax())*0.5; float cy = (inputVol.YMin() + inputVol.YMax())*0.5; int ni, nj, nk; float x, y; vector<vector<int> > seed(Num); // vector <int> seed[Num]; float x0, y0, z0; while(fs>>s1>>seedb>>seedc>>s2){ seeda = atoi(s1.erase(0,7).c_str()); // cout<<seeda<< " "<< seedb<<" " <<seedc<<" " <<endl; x0 = inputVol2info.XMin() + seeda * inputVol2info.XSpan(); y0 = inputVol2info.YMin() + seedb * inputVol2info.YSpan(); z0 = inputVol2info.ZMin() + seedc * inputVol2info.ZSpan(); for(int num=0; num<Num; num ++) { float nx = cos(2.0*Pi*(float)num/(float)Num)*(x0-cx) - sin(2.0*Pi*(float)num/(float)Num)*(y0-cy) + cx; float ny = sin(2.0*Pi*(float)num/(float)Num)*(x0-cx) + cos(2.0*Pi*(float)num/(float)Num)*(y0-cy) + cy; ni = (int)((nx-inputVol.XMin())/inputVol.XSpan()+0.5); nj = (int)((ny-inputVol.YMin())/inputVol.YSpan()+0.5); nk = (int)((z0-inputVol.ZMin())/inputVol.ZSpan()+0.5); if(ni>=inputVol.XDim()||nj >= inputVol.YDim()|| nk >= inputVol.ZDim()|| ni<0 || nj <0 || nk <0) continue; else { seed[num].push_back(ni); seed[num].push_back(nj); seed[num].push_back(nk); } } } fs.close(); fstream fs1;[5], ios::out); fs1<<"<!DOCTYPE pointclassdoc>"<<endl; fs1<<"<pointclassdoc>" <<endl; string str[13]={"ffff00", "ff0000","00ff00","ff00ff","0000ff","ff5500","336699", "00ffff", "c0c0c0","800000", "800080", "808000", "008080"}; if(Num>13) cout<<"You need add more colors." <<endl; for(int num=0; num< Num; num++) { fs1<<" <pointclass timestep=\"0\" name=\"Class "<<num<<"\" color="<<"\"#"<<str[num]<<"\" variable=\"0\" >"<<endl; for(int j = 0; j < seed[num].size()/3; j++) fs1<<" <point>" <<seed[num][3*j] <<" "<< seed[num][3*j+1] <<" "<<seed[num][3*j+2]<<"</point>"<<endl; fs1<<" </pointclass>"<<endl; } fs1<<"</pointclassdoc>"<<endl; fs1.close(); cout<<"done !" <<endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 6) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <first volume> <second volume> < threshold> <output volume left> <output volume masked> \n"; std::cerr<<"second volume (son) is subset of first volume (mother), threshold is in [0,255], output masked is the volume in first volume with > threshold in the second volume. output volume left is the first volume - output volume masked. " << std::endl; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume inputVol2; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol2, argv[2]); /// second argument is mask volume float threshold = atof(argv[3]); VolMagick::Volume outputLeft; VolMagick::Volume outputMasked; if(!inputVol2.boundingBox().isWithin(inputVol.boundingBox()) ) throw VolMagick::SubVolumeOutOfBounds("The mask volume bounding box must be within the mother volume's bounding box."); outputLeft.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputLeft.dimension(inputVol.dimension()); outputLeft.boundingBox(inputVol.boundingBox()); outputMasked.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputMasked.dimension(inputVol.dimension()); outputMasked.boundingBox(inputVol.boundingBox()); float x, y, z; float fvalue; float minvalue = (float)inputVol2.min(); float maxvalue = (float)inputVol2.max(); for( int kz = 0; kz<inputVol.ZDim(); kz++) { for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) { for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) { z = inputVol.ZMin() + kz*inputVol.ZSpan(); y = inputVol.YMin() + jy*inputVol.YSpan(); x = inputVol.XMin() + ix*inputVol.XSpan(); if((z >= (float)inputVol2.ZMin()) && (z <= (float)inputVol2.ZMax()) && ( y >=(float)inputVol2.YMin()) && (y <= (float)inputVol2.YMax()) &&(x >= (float)inputVol2.XMin()) && (x <= (float)inputVol2.XMax()) ) { fvalue = 255.0*(inputVol2.interpolate(x,y,z)-minvalue)/(maxvalue-minvalue); if(fvalue > threshold) { outputMasked(ix,jy,kz, inputVol(ix,jy,kz)); outputLeft(ix,jy,kz, inputVol.min()); } else { outputMasked(ix,jy,kz, inputVol.min()); outputLeft(ix,jy,kz, inputVol(ix,jy,kz)); } } else { outputMasked(ix,jy,kz, inputVol.min()); outputLeft(ix,jy,kz, inputVol(ix,jy,kz)); } } } } VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputLeft, argv[4]); VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputMasked, argv[5]); std::cout<<"done!"<<std::endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 3) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <first volume> <output volume>. \n"; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; std::cout<<"minVol1 , maxVol1: "<<volinfo1.min()<<" "<<volinfo1.max()<<std::endl;; VolMagick::BoundingBox bbox; bbox.minx = inputVol.XMin(); bbox.maxx = inputVol.XMax(); bbox.miny = inputVol.YMin(); bbox.maxy = inputVol.YMax(); bbox.minz = 2.0*inputVol.ZMin() - inputVol.ZMax(); bbox.maxz = inputVol.ZMax(); VolMagick::Dimension dim; dim.xdim = inputVol.XDim(); dim.ydim = inputVol.YDim(); dim.zdim = (int)((bbox.maxz -bbox.minz)/inputVol.ZSpan())+1; // cout<<bbox.minz <<" " << bbox.maxz<<" "<< bbox.maxy <<endl; // cout<<dim.zdim <<" " << dim.ydim << endl; outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(dim); outputVol.boundingBox(bbox); for( int kz = 0; kz<outputVol.ZDim()/2; kz++) for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) outputVol(ix, jy, kz, inputVol(inputVol.XDim()-1-ix, inputVol.YDim()-1-jy, inputVol.ZDim()-1-kz)); for( int kz=outputVol.ZDim()/2; kz < outputVol.ZDim(); kz++) for( int jy = 0; jy<inputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<inputVol.XDim(); ix++) outputVol(ix, jy, kz, inputVol(ix, jy, kz+1-inputVol.ZDim())); VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[2]); cout<<"done!"<<endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 6) { std:: cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <first volume> <xmin> <ymin> <zmin> <output volume> \n"; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; std::cout<<"minVol1 , maxVol1: "<<volinfo1.min()<<" "<<volinfo1.max()<<std::endl;; float span[3]; span[0]=inputVol.XSpan(); span[1]=inputVol.YSpan(); span[2]=inputVol.ZSpan(); VolMagick::BoundingBox bbox; bbox.minx = atof(argv[2]); bbox.miny = atof(argv[3]); bbox.minz = atof(argv[4]); bbox.maxx = bbox.minx + volinfo1.XMax()-volinfo1.XMin(); bbox.maxy = bbox.miny + volinfo1.YMax()-volinfo1.YMin(); bbox.maxz = bbox.minz + volinfo1.ZMax()-volinfo1.ZMin(); /* VolMagick::Dimension dim; dim.xdim = (int) ((bbox.maxx-bbox.minx)/ span[0])+1; dim.ydim = (int) ((bbox.maxy-bbox.miny)/ span[1])+1; dim.zdim = (int) ((bbox.maxz-bbox.minz)/ span[2])+1; */ outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(volinfo1.dimension()); outputVol.boundingBox(bbox); /* float temp; int i, j, k; int xsh = (int)((bbox.minx - inputVol.XMin())/span[0]); int ysh = (int)((bbox.miny - inputVol.YMin())/span[1]); int zsh = (int)((bbox.minz - inputVol.ZMin())/span[2]); */ for( int kz = 0; kz<outputVol.ZDim(); kz++) for( int jy = 0; jy<outputVol.YDim(); jy++) for( int ix = 0; ix<outputVol.XDim(); ix++) { // i = ix + xsh; // j = jy + ysh; // k = kz + zsh; // cout <<"ijk "<< i <<" " << j <<" " <<k <<endl; // if(i<0 || i >= inputVol.XDim()|| j<0 || j>= inputVol.YDim() || k <0 || k>=inputVol.ZDim()) outputVol(ix, jy, kz, 0.0); // else outputVol(ix,jy,kz, inputVol(ix,jy,kz) ); } // stringstream s; // s<<argv[3]<< num <<".rawiv"; VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[5]); std::cout<<"done!"<<std::endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
VolMagick::Volume signedDistanceFunction(const boost::shared_ptr<Geometry>& geom, const VolMagick::Dimension& dim, const VolMagick::BoundingBox& bbox) { int dimx = dim[0], dimy = dim[1], dimz = dim[2]; // read the annotated input file and Mesh mesh; cerr << "Reading input mesh "; read_labeled_mesh(mesh, geom); cerr << "done." << endl; // build a bounding box around the input and store the // origin, span etc. // vector<double> bbox; // construct_bbox(mesh, bbox); VolMagick::BoundingBox box(bbox); if(box.isNull()) { geom->GetReadyToDrawWire(); //make sure we have calculated extents for this geometry already box[0] = geom->m_Min[0]; box[1] = geom->m_Min[1]; box[2] = geom->m_Min[2]; box[3] = geom->m_Max[0]; box[4] = geom->m_Max[1]; box[5] = geom->m_Max[2]; } // construct a kd-tree of all the non-isolated mesh_vertices. vector<VECTOR3> points; vector<Point> pts; for(int i = 0; i < mesh.get_nv(); i ++) { if( mesh.vert_list[i].iso() ) continue; Point p = mesh.vert_list[i].point(); pts.push_back(p); points.push_back(VECTOR3(CGAL::to_double(p.x()), CGAL::to_double(p.y()), CGAL::to_double(p.z()))); } KdTree kd_tree(points, 20); kd_tree.setNOfNeighbours(1); // Now perform a reconstruction to build a tetrahedralized solid // with in-out marked. Triangulation triang; recon(pts, triang); // assign weight to each triangle. vector<double> weights; // assign_sdf_weight(mesh, weights); // comment out for uniform weight. VolMagick::Volume vol; cerr << "SDF " << endl; try { vol.dimension(VolMagick::Dimension(dimx,dimy,dimz)); vol.voxelType(VolMagick::Float); vol.boundingBox(box); for(unsigned int k=0; k<vol.ZDim(); k++) { for(unsigned int j=0; j<vol.YDim(); j++) { for(unsigned int i=0; i<vol.XDim(); i++) { double x = vol.XMin() + i*vol.XSpan(); double y = vol.YMin() + j*vol.YSpan(); double z = vol.ZMin() + k*vol.ZSpan(); double fn_val = sdf(Point(x,y,z), mesh, weights, kd_tree, triang); vol(i,j,k, fn_val); } } fprintf(stderr, "%5.2f %%\r", (float(k)/float(vol.ZDim()-1))*100.0); } vol.desc("multi_sdf"); } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } cerr << endl << "done." << endl; return vol; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Initialize log4cplus std::ifstream testfile(""); if (testfile) { testfile.close(); log4cplus::PropertyConfigurator::doConfigure(""); } else { log4cplus::BasicConfigurator::doConfigure(); } if(argc < 9) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <first volume>" << "<xmin> <ymin> <zmin> <xmax> <ymax> <zmax> <output volume> \n"; return 1; } try { VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol,argv[1]); ///first argument is input volume VolMagick::Volume outputVol; VolMagick::VolumeFileInfo volinfo1;[1]); std::cout << volinfo1.filename() << ":" <<std::endl; std::cout << "minVol1 , maxVol1: " << volinfo1.min() << " " << volinfo1.max() << std::endl;; float span[3]; span[0]=inputVol.XSpan(); span[1]=inputVol.YSpan(); span[2]=inputVol.ZSpan(); VolMagick::BoundingBox bbox; bbox.minx = atof(argv[2]); bbox.miny = atof(argv[3]); bbox.minz = atof(argv[4]); bbox.maxx = atof(argv[5]); bbox.maxy = atof(argv[6]); bbox.maxz = atof(argv[7]); VolMagick::Dimension dim; dim.xdim = (int) ((bbox.maxx-bbox.minx)/ span[0])+1; dim.ydim = (int) ((bbox.maxy-bbox.miny)/ span[1])+1; dim.zdim = (int) ((bbox.maxz-bbox.minz)/ span[2])+1; bbox.maxx = bbox.minx + (dim.xdim-1)*span[0]; bbox.maxy = bbox.miny + (dim.ydim-1)*span[1]; bbox.maxz = bbox.minz + (dim.zdim-1)*span[2]; outputVol.voxelType(inputVol.voxelType()); outputVol.dimension(dim); outputVol.boundingBox(bbox); float temp; int i, j, k; int xsh = (int)((bbox.minx - inputVol.XMin())/span[0]); int ysh = (int)((bbox.miny - inputVol.YMin())/span[1]); int zsh = (int)((bbox.minz - inputVol.ZMin())/span[2]); for( int kz = 0; kz<outputVol.ZDim(); kz++) { for( int jy = 0; jy<outputVol.YDim(); jy++) { for( int ix = 0; ix<outputVol.XDim(); ix++) { i = ix + xsh; j = jy + ysh; k = kz + zsh; if (i<0 || i >= inputVol.XDim()|| j<0 || j>= inputVol.YDim() || k <0 || k>=inputVol.ZDim()) { outputVol(ix, jy, kz, 0.0); } else { outputVol(ix,jy,kz, inputVol(i,j,k)); } } } } std::cout << "creating volume file..." << std::endl; VolMagick::createVolumeFile(outputVol, argv[8]); std::cout << "done!" << std::endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { std:: cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc != 6) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <input Original volume file> <input seed file ><input real axis> <Rotate Num> <output seed file>" << endl; return 1; } try { VolMagickOpStatus status; VolMagick::setDefaultMessenger(&status); VolMagick::Volume inputVol; VolMagick::readVolumeFile(inputVol, argv[1]); ifstream fs;[2], ios::in); readUntilNewline(fs); readUntilNewline(fs); readUntilNewline(fs); ifstream faxis;[3], ios::in); float a, b, c; float v[3], center[3]; //The first line is the axis faxis>>v[0]>>v[1]>>v[2]; faxis.seekg (0, ios::beg); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) center[i]=0.0; int axisNum=0; while(faxis>> a>> b>>c){ center[0] += a; center[1] += b; center[2] += b; axisNum++; } faxis.close(); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { center[i]/=(float)axisNum; v[i]-= center[i]; } string s1, s2; normalize(v); float Matrix[3][3]; int seeda, seedb, seedc; int Num = atoi(argv[4]); int ni, nj, nk; vector <int> seed[Num]; float x0, y0, z0; while(fs>>s1>>seedb>>seedc>>s2){ seeda = atoi(s1.erase(0,7).c_str()); // cout<<seeda<< " "<< seedb<<" " <<seedc<<" " <<endl; x0 = inputVol.XMin() + seeda * inputVol.XSpan(); y0 = inputVol.YMin() + seedb * inputVol.YSpan(); z0 = inputVol.ZMin() + seedc * inputVol.ZSpan(); float inputseed[3]; inputseed[0] = x0-center[0]; inputseed[1] = y0-center[1]; inputseed[2] = z0-center[2]; for(int num=0; num<Num; num ++) { float alpha = 2.0*Pi*num/Num; defineRotationMatrix(Matrix, alpha, v); float u[3]; MatrixMultipleVector(Matrix, inputseed, u); ni = (int)((u[0]+center[0]-inputVol.XMin())/inputVol.XSpan()+0.5); nj = (int)((u[1]+center[1]-inputVol.YMin())/inputVol.YSpan()+0.5); nk = (int)((u[2]+center[2]-inputVol.ZMin())/inputVol.ZSpan()+0.5); cout<<ni <<" " <<nj<<" "<<nk <<endl; if(ni>=inputVol.XDim()||nj >= inputVol.YDim()|| nk >= inputVol.ZDim()|| ni<0 || nj <0 || nk <0) continue; else { seed[num].push_back(ni); seed[num].push_back(nj); seed[num].push_back(nk); } } } fs.close(); fstream fs1;[5], ios::out); fs1<<"<!DOCTYPE pointclassdoc>"<<endl; fs1<<"<pointclassdoc>" <<endl; string str[13]={"ffff00", "ff0000","00ff00","ff00ff","0000ff","ff5500","336699", "00ffff", "c0c0c0","800000", "800080", "808000", "008080"}; if(Num>13) cout<<"You need add more colors." <<endl; for(int num=0; num< Num; num++) { fs1<<" <pointclass timestep=\"0\" name=\"Class "<<num<<"\" color="<<"\"#"<<str[num]<<"\" variable=\"0\" >"<<endl; for(int j = 0; j < seed[num].size()/3; j++) fs1<<" <point>" <<seed[num][3*j] <<" "<< seed[num][3*j+1] <<" "<<seed[num][3*j+2]<<"</point>"<<endl; fs1<<" </pointclass>"<<endl; } fs1<<"</pointclassdoc>"<<endl; fs1.close(); cout<<"done !" <<endl; } catch(VolMagick::Exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } return 0; }