void gltfWriter::TechniqueParameters (FbxNode *pNode, web::json::value &techniqueParameters, web::json::value &attributes, web::json::value &accessors) {
	for ( const auto &iter : attributes.as_object () ) {
		utility::string_t name =iter.first ;
		std::transform (name.begin (), name.end (), name.begin (), ::tolower) ;
		//std::replace (name.begin (), name.end (), U('_'), U('x')) ;
		name.erase (std::remove (name.begin (), name.end (), U('_')), name.end ()) ;
		utility::string_t upperName (iter.first) ;
		std::transform (upperName.begin (), upperName.end (), upperName.begin (), ::toupper) ;
		web::json::value accessor =accessors [iter.second.as_string ()] ;
		techniqueParameters [name] =web::json::value::object ({
			{ U("semantic"), web::json::value::string (upperName) },
			{ U("type"), web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::techniqueParameters (accessor [U("type")].as_string ().c_str (), accessor [U("componentType")].as_integer ())) }
		}) ;
Example #2
void JsonPrettify::formatValue (web::json::value &val, utility::ostream_t &stream) {
	if ( val.is_array () )
		formatArray (val.as_array (), stream) ;
	else if ( val.is_object () )
		formatObject (val.as_object (), stream) ;
	else if ( val.is_string () )
		format_string (val.as_string (), stream) ;
	else if ( val.is_boolean () )
		format_boolean (val.as_bool (), stream) ;
	else if ( val.is_integer () )
		format_integer (val.as_integer (), stream) ;
	else if ( val.is_double () )
		format_double (val.as_double (), stream) ;
	else if ( val.is_null () )
		format_null (stream) ;
void display_field_map_json(web::json::value  jvalue)
   if (!jvalue.is_null())
      for (auto const & e : jvalue.as_object())
         	/*<< typeid(e.first).name()*/ 
         	// << e.first/*.as_string()*/ 
         	<< L" : " 
         	/*<< typeid(e.second.as_string()).name()*/ 
         	// << e.second.as_string() 
         	<< std::endl;
      	// std::wcout << e.as_string() << std::endl;
web::json::value gltfWriter::WriteTechnique (FbxNode *pNode, FbxSurfaceMaterial *pMaterial, web::json::value &techniqueParameters) {
	web::json::value commonProfile =web::json::value::object () ;
	// The FBX SDK does not have such attribute. At best, it is an attribute of a Shader FX, CGFX or HLSL.
	commonProfile [U("extras")] =web::json::value::object ({{ U("doubleSided"), web::json::value::boolean (false) }}) ;
	commonProfile [U("lightingModel")] =web::json::value::string (LighthingModel (pMaterial)) ;
	commonProfile [U("parameters")] =web::json::value::array () ;
	if ( _uvSets.size () ) {
		commonProfile [U("texcoordBindings")] =web::json::value::object () ;
		for ( auto iter : _uvSets ) {
			utility::string_t key (iter.first) ;
			std::string::size_type i =key.find (U("Color")) ;
			if ( i != std::string::npos )
				key.erase (i, 5) ;
			std::transform (key.begin (), key.end (), key.begin (), ::tolower) ;
			commonProfile [U("texcoordBindings")] [key] =web::json::value::string (iter.second) ;
	for ( const auto &iter : techniqueParameters.as_object () ) {
		if (   (  utility::details::limitedCompareTo (iter.first, U("position")) != 0
			   && utility::details::limitedCompareTo (iter.first, U("normal")) != 0
			   && utility::details::limitedCompareTo (iter.first, U("texcoord")) != 0)
			|| iter.first == U("normalMatrix")
			commonProfile [U("parameters")] [commonProfile [U("parameters")].size ()] =web::json::value::string (iter.first) ;

		web::json::value param =iter.second ;
		if ( param [U("type")].as_integer () == IOglTF::SAMPLER_2D ) {


	web::json::value details =web::json::value::object () ;
	details [U("commonProfile")] =commonProfile ;
	details [U("type")] =web::json::value::string (FBX_GLTF_COMMONPROFILE) ;

	web::json::value attributes =web::json::value::object () ;
	for ( const auto &iter : techniqueParameters.as_object () ) {
		if (   utility::details::limitedCompareTo (iter.first, U("position")) == 0
			|| (utility::details::limitedCompareTo (iter.first, U("normal")) == 0 && iter.first != U("normalMatrix"))
			|| utility::details::limitedCompareTo (iter.first, U("texcoord")) == 0 )
			attributes [utility::string_t (U("a_")) + iter.first] =web::json::value::string (iter.first) ;

	web::json::value instanceProgram=web::json::value::object () ;
	instanceProgram [U("attributes")] =attributes ;
	instanceProgram [U("program")] =web::json::value::string (createUniqueId (utility::string_t (U("program")), 0)) ;
	instanceProgram [U("uniforms")] =web::json::value::object () ;
	for ( const auto &iter : techniqueParameters.as_object () ) {
		if (   (  utility::details::limitedCompareTo (iter.first, U("position")) != 0
			   && utility::details::limitedCompareTo (iter.first, U("normal")) != 0
			   && utility::details::limitedCompareTo (iter.first, U("texcoord")) != 0)
			|| iter.first == U("normalMatrix") )
			instanceProgram [U("uniforms")] [utility::string_t (U("u_")) + iter.first] =web::json::value::string (iter.first) ;

	web::json::value techStatesEnable =web::json::value::array () ;
	if ( pNode->mCullingType != FbxNode::ECullingType::eCullingOff )
		techStatesEnable [techStatesEnable.size ()] =web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::CULL_FACE) ;
	// TODO: should it always be this way?
	techStatesEnable [techStatesEnable.size ()] =web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::DEPTH_TEST) ;

	web::json::value techStates =web::json::value::object () ;
	techStates [U("enable")] =techStatesEnable ;
	// TODO: needs to be implemented
	//techStates [U("functions")] =

	web::json::value techniquePass =web::json::value::object () ;
	techniquePass [U("details")] =details ;
	techniquePass [U("instanceProgram")] =instanceProgram ;
	techniquePass [U("states")] =techStates ;

	web::json::value technique =web::json::value::object () ;
	technique [U("parameters")] =techniqueParameters ;
	technique [U("pass")] =web::json::value::string (U("defaultPass")) ;
	technique [U("passes")] =web::json::value::object ({{ U("defaultPass"), techniquePass }}) ;

	return (technique) ;