Example #1
  Clears the history.

  \sa count(), items()
void QWebHistory::clear()
    //shortcut to private BackForwardListImpl
    WebCore::BackForwardListImpl* lst = d->lst;

    //clear visited links
    WebCore::Page* page = static_cast<WebCore::BackForwardListImpl*>(lst)->page();
    if (page && page->groupPtr())

    //if count() == 0 then just return
    if (!lst->entries().size())

    RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> current = lst->currentItem();
    int capacity = lst->capacity();

    lst->setCapacity(capacity);   //revert capacity
    lst->addItem(current.get());  //insert old current item
    lst->goToItem(current.get()); //and set it as current again

static void WebHistoryClose(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint frame)
    ALOG_ASSERT(frame, "Close needs a valid Frame pointer!");
    WebCore::Frame* pFrame = (WebCore::Frame*)frame;

    WebCore::BackForwardListImpl* list = static_cast<WebCore::BackForwardListImpl*>(pFrame->page()->backForwardList());
    RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> current = list->currentItem();
    // Remove each item instead of using close(). close() is intended to be used
    // right before the list is deleted.
    WebCore::HistoryItemVector& entries = list->entries();
    int size = entries.size();
    for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i)
    // Add the current item back to the list.
    if (current) {
        // addItem will update the children to match the newly created bridge

         * The Grand Prix site uses anchor navigations to change the display.
         * WebKit tries to be smart and not load child frames that have the
         * same history urls during an anchor navigation. This means that the
         * current history item stored in the child frame's loader does not
         * match the item found in the history tree. If we remove all the
         * entries in the back/foward list, we have to restore the entire tree
         * or else a HistoryItem might have a deleted parent.
         * In order to restore the history tree correctly, we have to look up
         * all the frames first and then look up the history item. We do this
         * because the history item in the tree may be null at this point.
         * Unfortunately, a HistoryItem can only search its immediately
         * children so we do a breadth-first rebuild of the tree.

        // Keep a small list of child frames to traverse.
        WTF::Vector<WebCore::Frame*> frameQueue;
        // Fix the top-level item.
        WebCore::Frame* child = pFrame->tree()->firstChild();
        // Remember the parent history item so we can search for a child item.
        RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> parent = current;
        while (child) {
            // Use the old history item since the current one may have a
            // deleted parent.
            WebCore::HistoryItem* item = parent->childItemWithTarget(child->tree()->name());
            // Append the first child to the queue if it exists. If there is no
            // item, then we do not need to traverse the children since there
            // will be no parent history item.
            WebCore::Frame* firstChild;
            if (item && (firstChild = child->tree()->firstChild()))
            child = child->tree()->nextSibling();
            // If we don't have a sibling for this frame and the queue isn't
            // empty, use the next entry in the queue.
            if (!child && !frameQueue.isEmpty()) {
                child = frameQueue.at(0);
                // Figure out the parent history item used when searching for
                // the history item to use.
                parent = child->tree()->parent()->loader()->history()->currentItem();