bool BaseStation_RfSweepStart::Response::matchSuccessResponse(const WirelessPacket& packet)
        WirelessPacket::Payload payload = packet.payload();

        //check the main bytes of the packet
        if(packet.deliveryStopFlags().toInvertedByte() != 0x07 ||                   //delivery stop flag
           packet.type() != WirelessPacket::packetType_baseSuccessReply ||          //app data type
           packet.nodeAddress() != WirelessProtocol::BASE_STATION_ADDRESS ||        //node address
           payload.size() != 16 ||                                                  //payload length
           payload.read_uint16(0) != WirelessProtocol::cmdId_base_rfScan ||         //command ID
           payload.read_uint16(2) != m_options ||
           payload.read_uint32(4) != m_min ||
           payload.read_uint32(8) != m_max ||
           payload.read_uint32(12) != m_interval
            //failed to match some of the bytes
            return false;

        //set the result to success
        m_success = true;

        return true;
    bool BaseStation_SetBeacon_v2::Response::matchFailResponse(const WirelessPacket& packet)
        WirelessPacket::Payload payload = packet.payload();

        //check the main bytes of the packet
        if(packet.deliveryStopFlags().toInvertedByte() != 0x07 ||                        //delivery stop flag
           packet.type() != WirelessPacket::packetType_baseErrorReply ||                 //app data type
           packet.nodeAddress() != WirelessProtocol::BASE_STATION_ADDRESS ||             //node address
           payload.size() != 0x07 ||                                                     //payload length
           payload.read_uint16(0) != WirelessProtocol::cmdId_base_setBeacon ||           //command ID
           payload.read_uint32(2) != m_beaconStartTime                                   //beacon timestamp
            //failed to match some of the bytes
            return false;

        //Not doing anything with the error code as of now
        //uint8 errorCode = payload.read_uint8(6);

        //set the result to failure
        m_success = false;

        return true;
Example #3
    bool AutoBalance_v2::Response::match(const WirelessPacket& packet)
        WirelessPacket::Payload payload = packet.payload();

        //check the main bytes of the packet
        if(packet.deliveryStopFlags().toInvertedByte() != 0x07 ||               //delivery stop flag
           packet.type() != WirelessPacket::packetType_nodeSuccessReply ||      //app data type
           packet.nodeAddress() != m_nodeAddress ||                             //node address
           payload.size() != 0x10 ||                                            //payload length
           payload.read_uint16(0) != WirelessProtocol::cmdId_autoBalance_v2 ||  //command id
           payload.read_uint8(2) != m_channelNumber ||                          //channel number (echo)
           payload.read_float(3) != m_targetPercent                             //target percent (echo)
            //failed to match some of the bytes
            return false;

        //if we made it here, the packet matches the response pattern

        //error code
        m_result.m_errorCode = static_cast<WirelessTypes::AutoBalanceErrorFlag>(payload.read_uint8(7));

        //sampled value
        m_result.m_percentAchieved = payload.read_float(8);

        //hardware offset
        m_result.m_hardwareOffset = static_cast<uint16>(payload.read_uint32(12));

            case WirelessTypes::autobalance_success:
            case WirelessTypes::autobalance_maybeInvalid:
                m_success = true;

                m_success = false;

        //we have fully matched the response
        m_fullyMatched = true;

        //notify that the response was matched

        return true;