TrackExtractor *defaultTE(void) { MaggotTrackExtractor *te = new MaggotTrackExtractor(); te->background_blur_sigma = 0; te->background_resampleInterval = 200; te->blurThresholdIm_sigma = 0; te->endFrame = -1; te->startFrame = 0; te->analysisRectangle = cvRect (0,0,-1,-1); te->extension = string(".mmf"); te->fnm = _frame_none; te->imstacklength = 0; te->logVerbosity = verb_debug; te->maxArea = 2000; te->minArea = 5; te->maxExtractDist = 15; te->nBackgroundFrames = 5; te->overallThreshold = 30; te->padding = 0; te->showExtraction = true; te->startFrame = 0; te->winSize = 50; te->setMaxAngle(1.57); YAML::Emitter out; ofstream os(default_tename); te->toYAML(out); cout << out.c_str(); os << out.c_str(); return te; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::keyPressed(int key){ if(key == 'r'){ parseYAML(); } if(key == 's'){ ofColor color = ofColor(ofRandom(255),ofRandom(255),ofRandom(255)); ofPoint p1 = ofPoint(ofRandom(3,10), ofRandom(3,10)); ofPoint p2 = ofPoint(ofRandom(20,50), ofRandom(20,50)); int s1 = ofRandom(10); int s2 = ofRandom(20); YAML::Emitter out; out << YAML::BeginMap; out << YAML::Key << "name"; out << YAML::Value << "Greg Borenstein"; out << YAML::Key << "color"; out << YAML::Value << color; out << YAML::Key << "point1"; out << YAML::Value << p1; out << YAML::Key << "point2"; out << YAML::Value << p2; out << YAML::Key << "size1"; out << YAML::Value << s1; out << YAML::Key << "size2"; out << YAML::Value << s2; out << YAML::EndMap; int l = strlen(out.c_str()); ofBuffer yamlData; yamlData.set((const char *)out.c_str(), l); bool fileWritten = ofBufferToFile(ofToDataPath("my_points.yml"), yamlData); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 4 && argc != 5) { std::cout << "Usage: rosrun giskard extract_expression <start_link> <end_link> <urdf> (optional <output_file>)" << std::endl; return 0; } std::string start_link = argv[1]; std::string end_link = argv[2]; std::string urdf_path = argv[3]; YAML::Node yaml = giskard::ExpressionExtractor::extract(start_link, end_link, urdf_path); YAML::Emitter out; out << yaml; if (argc == 5) { std::ofstream output_file;[4]); if (!output_file.is_open()) throw giskard::WriteError(argv[4]); output_file << out.c_str(); output_file.close(); } else { std::cout << out.c_str() << std::endl; } return 0; }
const std::string CFGManager::writeConfigToString(const char *group, const unsigned char saveOption) const { YAML::Emitter out; mapStringToParam::const_iterator iter; string lastGroup = ""; CFGParam *param = NULL; out << YAML::BeginMap; mutexCFGParams.lock(); for(iter = cfgParamsByString.begin(); iter != cfgParamsByString.end(); ++iter) { param = iter->second; if(!group || param->getGroup() == string(group)) { if( (param->getOption() & saveOption) || group) { if(lastGroup != param->getGroup()) { if(lastGroup != "") { out << YAML::EndSeq; } lastGroup = param->getGroup(); out << YAML::Key << lastGroup; out << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginSeq; } param->writeToYAML(out); } } } //for out << YAML::EndSeq; out << YAML::EndMap; mutexCFGParams.unlock(); return out.c_str(); }
std::string cfg::node::to_string() const { YAML::Emitter out; cfg::encode(out, *this); return {out.c_str(), out.size()}; }
bool ParamManager::save_to_file(std::string filename) { // build YAML document YAML::Emitter yaml; yaml << YAML::BeginSeq; std::map<std::string, Param>::iterator it; for (it = params_.begin(); it != params_.end(); it++) { yaml << YAML::Flow; yaml << YAML::BeginMap; yaml << YAML::Key << "name" << YAML::Value << it->second.getName(); yaml << YAML::Key << "type" << YAML::Value << (int) it->second.getType(); yaml << YAML::Key << "value" << YAML::Value << it->second.getValue(); yaml << YAML::EndMap; } yaml << YAML::EndSeq; // write to file try { std::ofstream fout;; fout << yaml.c_str(); fout.close(); } catch (...) { return false; } return true; }
void runProgram(Options opt) { std::vector<string> peer_strs = opt.peer_strings; bool simulation = opt.simulation; std::string log_level = opt.log_level; std::string log_path = opt.json_path; std::string result_var = opt.result_var; std::string result_path = opt.result_path; std::vector<std::string> configurations; for (auto p: peer_strs) { if (p.size() > 0 && p[0] != '{') { for (auto d: YAML::LoadAllFromFile(p)) { YAML::Emitter out; out << d; configurations.push_back(std::string {out.c_str()}); } } else { configurations.push_back(p); } } typedef std::map<Address, shared_ptr<__k3_context>> ctxt_map; typedef shared_ptr<Engine> e_ptr; std::list<tuple<e_ptr, ctxt_map>> engines; shared_ptr<MessageQueues> queues = make_shared<MessageQueues>(); list<Address> peers; for (auto& s: configurations) { ctxt_map contexts; e_ptr engine = make_shared<Engine>(); auto gc = make_shared<context>(*engine); gc->__patch(s); gc->initDecls(unit_t {}); contexts[gc->me] = gc; queues->addQueue(gc->me); peers.push_back(gc->me); SystemEnvironment se = defaultEnvironment(getAddrs(contexts)); engine->configure(simulation, se, make_shared<DefaultMessageCodec>(), log_level, log_path, result_var, result_path, queues); processRoles(contexts); auto t = tuple<e_ptr, ctxt_map>(engine, contexts); engines.push_back(t); } using boost::thread; using boost::thread_group; auto l = std::list<shared_ptr<thread>>(); for (auto& t : engines) { auto engine = get<0>(t); auto contexts = get<1>(t); shared_ptr<thread> thread = engine->forkEngine(make_shared<virtualizing_message_processor>(contexts)); l.push_back(thread); } // Block until completion for (auto th : l) { th->join(); } }
// Writes a minimal masterlist that only contains mods that have Bash Tag suggestions, // and/or dirty messages, plus the Tag suggestions and/or messages themselves and their // conditions, in order to create the Wrye Bash taglist. outputFile is the path to use // for output. If outputFile already exists, it will only be overwritten if overwrite is true. LOOT_API unsigned int loot_write_minimal_list (loot_db db, const char * const outputFile, const bool overwrite) { if (db == NULL || outputFile == NULL) return c_error(loot_error_invalid_args, "Null pointer passed."); if (boost::filesystem::exists(outputFile) && !overwrite) return c_error(loot_error_invalid_args, "Output file exists but overwrite is not set to true."); std::list<loot::Plugin> temp = db->metadata; for (std::list<loot::Plugin>::iterator it=temp.begin(), endIt=temp.end(); it != endIt; ++it) { loot::Plugin p(it->Name()); p.Tags(it->Tags()); p.DirtyInfo(it->DirtyInfo()); *it = p; } YAML::Emitter yout; yout.SetIndent(2); yout << YAML::BeginMap << YAML::Key << "plugins" << YAML::Value << temp << YAML::EndMap; boost::filesystem::path p(outputFile); loot::ofstream out(p); if ( return c_error(loot_error_invalid_args, "Couldn't open output file"); out << yout.c_str(); out.close(); return loot_ok; }
bool write_yaml_object(doid_t do_id, const Class* dcc, const ObjectData &dbo) { // Build object as YAMl output YAML::Emitter out; out << YAML::BeginMap << YAML::Key << "id" << YAML::Value << do_id << YAML::Key << "class" << YAML::Value << dcc->get_name() << YAML::Key << "fields" << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginMap; for(auto it = dbo.fields.begin(); it != dbo.fields.end(); ++it) { write_yaml_field(out, it->first, it->second); } out << YAML::EndMap << YAML::EndMap; // Print YAML to file fstream file;, ios_base::out); if(file.is_open()) { file << out.c_str(); file.close(); return true; } return false; }
/** * Saves new battle data to a YAML file. * @param filename YAML filename. */ void NewBattleState::save(const std::string &filename) { std::string s = Options::getMasterUserFolder() + filename + ".cfg"; std::ofstream sav(s.c_str()); if (!sav) { Log(LOG_WARNING) << "Failed to save " << filename << ".cfg"; return; } YAML::Emitter out; YAML::Node node; node["mission"] = _cbxMission->getSelected(); node["craft"] = _cbxCraft->getSelected(); node["darkness"] = _slrDarkness->getValue(); node["terrain"] = _cbxTerrain->getSelected(); node["alienRace"] = _cbxAlienRace->getSelected(); node["difficulty"] = _cbxDifficulty->getSelected(); node["alienTech"] = _slrAlienTech->getValue(); node["base"] = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->front()->save(); out << node; sav << out.c_str(); sav.close(); if (!sav) { Log(LOG_WARNING) << "Failed to save " << filename << ".cfg"; } }
// Writes a minimal masterlist that only contains mods that have Bash Tag suggestions, // and/or dirty messages, plus the Tag suggestions and/or messages themselves and their // conditions, in order to create the Wrye Bash taglist. outputFile is the path to use // for output. If outputFile already exists, it will only be overwritten if overwrite is true. void ApiDatabase::WriteMinimalList(const std::string& outputFile, const bool overwrite) { if (!boost::filesystem::exists(boost::filesystem::path(outputFile).parent_path())) throw std::invalid_argument("Output directory does not exist."); if (boost::filesystem::exists(outputFile) && !overwrite) throw FileAccessError("Output file exists but overwrite is not set to true."); Masterlist temp = game_.GetMasterlist(); std::unordered_set<PluginMetadata> minimalPlugins; for (const auto &plugin : temp.Plugins()) { PluginMetadata p(plugin.Name()); p.Tags(plugin.Tags()); p.DirtyInfo(plugin.DirtyInfo()); minimalPlugins.insert(p); } YAML::Emitter yout; yout.SetIndent(2); yout << YAML::BeginMap << YAML::Key << "plugins" << YAML::Value << minimalPlugins << YAML::EndMap; boost::filesystem::path p(outputFile); boost::filesystem::ofstream out(p); if ( throw FileAccessError("Couldn't open output file."); out << yout.c_str(); out.close(); }
void DepthObstacleGrid::saveYML(const std::string &filename){ YAML::Emitter out; std::ofstream ofstr(filename.c_str()); out << YAML::BeginSeq; for(std::vector<GridElement>::iterator it = grid.begin(); it != grid.end(); it++){ if( (!std::isnan(it->depth_variance)) && (!std::isnan(it->depth) ) ){ out << YAML::BeginMap; out << YAML::Key << "position"; std::vector<double> vals; vals.push_back(it->pos.x()); vals.push_back(it->pos.y()); vals.push_back(it->depth); out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << vals; out << YAML::EndMap; } } out << YAML::EndSeq; ofstr << out.c_str(); }
void Settings::UpdateInitConfig() { YAML::Emitter emitter; emitter << YAML::BeginMap; //emitter << YAML::Key << CONFIG_UPDATE_INTERVAL; //emitter << YAML::Value << m_nUpdateTimer; // emitter << YAML::Key << LAUNCHER; // std::map<std::string, std::string> launcher; // launcher[QString(LAUNCHER_VER).toStdString()] = m_Config.m_Launcher.m_Version.toStdString(); // launcher[QString(LAUNCHER_UPDATE_URL).toStdString()] = m_Config.m_Launcher.m_Url.toString().toStdString(); // emitter << YAML::Value << launcher; EmitAppConfig(emitter, STABLE, m_Config.m_Stable); EmitAppConfig(emitter, QA, m_Config.m_Test); EmitAppConfig(emitter, DEVELOPMENT, m_Config.m_Development); EmitAppConfig(emitter, DEPENDENCIES, m_Config.m_Dependencies); emitter << YAML::EndMap; QString path = DirectoryManager::GetInstance()->GetDocumentsDirectory() + InitFile; QFile file(path); if (! | QFile::Truncate)) { Logger::GetInstance()->AddLog(tr("Error save config")); return; } file.write(emitter.c_str()); file.close(); }
//Default settings file generation. void GenerateDefaultSettingsFile(const std::string& file) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Generating default settings file."; YAML::Node root; std::vector<Game> games; root["Language"] = "eng"; root["Game"] = "auto"; root["Last Game"] = "auto"; root["Debug Verbosity"] = 0; root["Update Masterlist"] = true; games.push_back(Game(Game::tes4)); games.push_back(Game(Game::tes5)); games.push_back(Game(Game::fo3)); games.push_back(Game(Game::fonv)); games.push_back(Game(Game::tes4, "Nehrim").SetDetails("Nehrim - At Fate's Edge", "Nehrim.esm", "", "gh-pages", "", "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\Nehrim - At Fate's Edge_is1")); root["Games"] = games; //Save settings. YAML::Emitter yout; yout.SetIndent(2); yout << root; boost::filesystem::path p(file); loot::ofstream out(p); out << yout.c_str(); out.close(); }
void GenericVectorMessage::InstancedImplementation::decode(const YAML::Node& node) { YAML::Emitter emitter; emitter << node; std::cout << "vector instance: decode " << emitter.c_str() << std::endl; value = node["values"].as<std::vector<TokenData::Ptr> >(); }
/** * @return A string representation of the full YAML output */ std::string &string () { TRACE ("Emitting parameters"); YAML::Emitter out; out << *this; yaml_data = out.c_str (); return yaml_data; }
const string Desc() { YAML::Emitter emitter; emitter << _yaml_root; if (! emitter.good()) THROW("Unexpected"); return emitter.c_str(); }
// update_info writes m_next_id and m_free_ids to "info.yaml" void update_info() { YAML::Emitter out; out << YAML::BeginMap << YAML::Key << "next" << YAML::Value << m_next_id; if(!m_free_ids.empty()) { out << YAML::Key << "free" << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginSeq; for(auto it = m_free_ids.begin(); it != m_free_ids.end(); ++it) { out << *it; } out << YAML::EndSeq; } out << YAML::EndMap; fstream file; + "/info.yaml", ios_base::out); if(file.is_open()) { file << out.c_str(); file.close(); } }
TEST EmitEmptyNode() { YAML::Node node; YAML::Emitter emitter; emitter << node; YAML_ASSERT(std::string(emitter.c_str()) == ""); return true; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { (void) argc; (void) argv; // Create a new yaml document std::cout << "Creating a yaml file:" << std::endl; RMatrix<1,1> s; s << 42; RMatrix<3,1> col; col << 1,2,3; RMatrix<1,3> row; row << 1,2,3; RMatrix<2,2> R; R << 1, 2, 3, 4; CMatrix<3,3> C; C << 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, complex_t(1,1), complex_t(1.2,3.4), 0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3; YAML::Node root; root["scalar"] = s; root["row"] = row; root["col"] = col; root["R"] = R; root["C"] = C; YAML::Emitter out; out.SetIndent(4); //out.SetMapFormat(YAML::Flow); out.SetSeqFormat(YAML::Flow); out << root; std::cout << out.c_str() << std::endl; std::ofstream fout("matrices.yaml"); fout << out.c_str() << std::endl; }
void ConfigMap::toYamlStream(std::ostream &out) const { YAML::Emitter emitter; dumpConfigMapToYaml(emitter, *this); if(!emitter.good()) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: ConfigMap::toYamlStream failed!\n"); return; } out << emitter.c_str() << endl; }
void LootSettings::save(const boost::filesystem::path& file) { lock_guard<recursive_mutex> guard(mutex_); YAML::Emitter yout; yout.SetIndent(2); yout << toYaml(); boost::filesystem::ofstream out(file); out << yout.c_str(); }
void Document::write_to_file(const std::string& filename) { YAML::Emitter emitter; emitter << *this; std::ofstream fout(filename.c_str()); assert(fout.is_open()); if(fout.is_open()) fout << emitter.c_str(); }
void AddWayPoint::saveWayPointsToFile() { /*! Function for saving all the Way-Points into yaml file. This function opens a Qt Dialog where the user can set the name of the Way-Points file and the location. Furthermore, it parses the way-points into a format that could be also loaded into the Plugin. */ QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save Way Points"), ".yaml", tr("Way Points (*.yaml);;All Files (*)")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return; else { QFile file(fileName); if (! { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Unable to open file"), file.errorString()); file.close(); return; } YAML::Emitter out; out << YAML::BeginSeq; for (int i = 0; i < waypoints_pos.size(); i++) { out << YAML::BeginMap; std::vector< double > points_vec; points_vec.push_back(waypoints_pos[i].getOrigin().x()); points_vec.push_back(waypoints_pos[i].getOrigin().y()); points_vec.push_back(waypoints_pos[i].getOrigin().z()); double rx, ry, rz; tf::Matrix3x3 m(waypoints_pos[i].getRotation()); m.getRPY(rx, ry, rz, 1); points_vec.push_back(RAD2DEG(rx)); points_vec.push_back(RAD2DEG(ry)); points_vec.push_back(RAD2DEG(rz)); out << YAML::Key << "name"; out << YAML::Value << (i + 1); out << YAML::Key << "point"; out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << points_vec; out << YAML::EndMap; } out << YAML::EndSeq; std::ofstream myfile;; myfile << out.c_str(); myfile.close(); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 2) { printf("usage: generate_map <output path>\n"); return -1; } double x = 0, y = 0; int tag_id = 0; Tag tag; // encode into map YAML::Emitter emitter; emitter << YAML::Comment("MRSL Floor Map, 9x12 tags"); emitter << YAML::BeginSeq; emitter << YAML::Block; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { x = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) { = tag_id++; tag.p[0] = cv::Point3d(x + 0.152, y, 0); tag.p[1] = cv::Point3d(x + 0.152, y + 0.152, 0); tag.p[2] = cv::Point3d(x, y + 0.152, 0); tag.p[3] = cv::Point3d(x, y, 0); emitter << tag; x += 0.152 * 2; } if (i == 2 || i == 5) { y += 0.178 + 0.152; } else { y += 0.152 * 2; } } emitter << YAML::EndSeq; emitter << YAML::Comment("End of map"); // save to disk FILE *output = fopen(argv[1], "w"); if (!output) { printf("Failed to open %s for writing\n", argv[1]); return -1; } fprintf(output, "%s", emitter.c_str()); fclose(output); printf("Wrote to %s\n", argv[1]); return 0; }
void TrackExtractor::headerinfo(std::ostream &os) { YAML::Emitter out; toYAML(out); os << out.c_str() << "\n\n"; os << outputname << "\ncontains the analysis of " <<"\n" << fstub << "\nstored in the following format:\n"; os << tb->saveDescription(); string fgname = fstub + "foreground." + extension; if (pe != NULL) { os << "\n\nWriting autogenerated foreground image to " << fgname << "\n"; } }
int main() { YAML::Emitter out; out << YAML::BeginMap; out << YAML::Key << "key"; out << YAML::Value << "value"; out << YAML::Comment("Comment"); out << YAML::EndMap; std::cout << "Here's the output YAML:\n" << out.c_str() << std::endl; return 0; }
void save_gui_cfg() { YAML::Emitter out; out.SetSeqFormat(YAML::Flow); out << g_gui_cfg; // Save to file; s_gui_cfg.trunc(0); s_gui_cfg.write(out.c_str(), out.size()); }
std::string Motion::dump() { YAML::Emitter em; motionToNode(em); std::stringstream oss; oss << em.c_str() << std::endl; return oss.str(); }
void SettingsHandler::saveSettings() { mutex.lock(); YAML::Emitter out; out << S; settingsFile->open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text); settingsFile->write(out.c_str(), out.size()); settingsFile->close(); mutex.unlock(); }