int main() { YSE::System().init(); // setting the last parameter to true will enable streaming sound.create("pulse1.ogg", NULL, true, 1.0f, true); if (!sound.isValid()) { std::cout << "sound 'pulse1.ogg' not found" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); goto exit; } std::cout << "Use q/a to change the sound speed up and down." << std::endl; std::cout << "Use s/d/f to pause/stop/play." << std::endl; std::cout << "...or e to exit." << std::endl;; while (true) { if (_kbhit()) { char ch = _getch(); switch (ch) { case 'q': sound.setSpeed(sound.getSpeed() + 0.01); break; case 'a': sound.setSpeed(sound.getSpeed() - 0.01); break; case 's': sound.pause(); break; case 'd': sound.stop(); break; case 'f':; break; case 'e': goto exit; } } YSE::System().sleep(100); YSE::System().update(); } exit: YSE::System().close(); return 0; }
int main() { YSE::System().init(); sound.create("contact.ogg", NULL, true); if (!sound.isValid()) { std::cout << "sound 'contact.ogg' not found" << std::endl; std::cin.get(); goto exit; } std::cout << "This shows how to alter basic sound properties." << std::endl; std::cout << "Use q/a to change the sound speed up and down." << std::endl; std::cout << "Use w/s to change the volume up and down." << std::endl; std::cout << "...or e to exit." << std::endl;; while (true) { if (_kbhit()) { char ch = _getch(); switch (ch) { case 'q': sound.setSpeed(sound.getSpeed() + 0.01f); break; case 'a': sound.setSpeed(sound.getSpeed() - 0.01f); break; case 's': sound.setVolume(sound.getVolume() - 0.1f); break; case 'w': sound.setVolume(sound.getVolume() + 0.1f); break; case 'e': goto exit; } } YSE::System().sleep(100); YSE::System().update(); } exit: YSE::System().close(); return 0; }