Example #1
// unused function set for deprecation
// interesting code - it has annonymous function
vector< tstamp_ptr > integer::get_trace(const z3::model& m) const
  vector<tstamp_ptr> result;
  for (auto l : tstamp_map)
  sort(result.begin(), result.end(), [&](const tstamp_ptr & a, const tstamp_ptr & b) -> bool
    return m.eval(((z3::expr)(*a)) > *b).get_bool(); 
  return result;
Example #2
vector<hb_ptr> encoding::get_hbs( z3::model& m ) {
  vector<hb_ptr> result;
  //todo: how does the following code knows to read from which solver?
  // the following looks in the context, not in solver ??
  z3::expr_vector asserted = z3.c.collect_last_asserted_linear_constr();
  z3::expr_vector asserted_po = z3.c.collect_last_asserted_po_constr();

  for( unsigned i = 0; i<asserted.size(); i++ ) {
    z3::expr atom = asserted[i];
    auto hb = get_hb( atom );
    if( hb && !hb->loc1->special && !hb->loc2->special &&
        hb->loc1->thread != hb->loc2->thread ) {
      if( hb->e1 && hb->e2 ) { // for compatibility of the earlier version of tara
        z3::expr v1 = m.eval( hb->e1->guard );
        z3::expr v2 = m.eval( hb->e2->guard );
        if( Z3_get_bool_value( v1.ctx(), v1)  != Z3_L_TRUE ||
            Z3_get_bool_value( v2.ctx(), v2)  != Z3_L_TRUE ) {
      assert(eval_hb(m, hb->loc1, hb->loc2));
      hb_ptr h = make_shared<hb_enc::hb>(*hb);
  for( unsigned i = 0; i < asserted_po.size(); i++ ) {
    z3::expr atom = asserted_po[i];
    // std::cout << atom << std::endl;
    auto hb = get_hb( atom );
    if( hb && !hb->loc1->special && !hb->loc2->special &&
        hb->loc1->thread != hb->loc2->thread ) {
      if( hb->e1 && hb->e2 ) { // for compatibility of the earlier version of tara
        z3::expr v1 = m.eval( hb->e1->guard );
        z3::expr v2 = m.eval( hb->e2->guard );
        if( Z3_get_bool_value( v1.ctx(), v1)  != Z3_L_TRUE ||
            Z3_get_bool_value( v2.ctx(), v2)  != Z3_L_TRUE ) {
      hb_ptr h = make_shared<hb_enc::hb>(*hb);
      // std::cerr << atom << "\n";


  // current_rf_map.clear();
  //get rf hbs
  for( auto& it : rf_map ) {
    std::string bname = std::get<0>(it);
    z3::expr b = z3.c.bool_const( bname.c_str() );
    z3::expr bv = m.eval( b );
    if( Z3_get_bool_value( bv.ctx(), bv) == Z3_L_TRUE ) {
      hb_enc::se_ptr wr = std::get<1>(it);
      hb_enc::se_ptr rd = std::get<2>(it);
      // z3::expr bp = z3::implies(wr->guard && rd->guard, b );
      // z3::expr bp = z3::implies(wr->guard, b );
      z3::expr bp = b;
      hb_ptr h = make_shared<hb_enc::hb>(wr, rd, bp, false, hb_t::rf);
      result.push_back( h );
      current_rf_map.insert( std::make_pair( bname, h ) );

  return result;
Example #3
bool integer::eval_hb(const z3::model& model, hb_enc::tstamp_ptr loc1, hb_enc::tstamp_ptr loc2) const
  return model.eval(make_hb(loc1, loc2)).get_bool();
Example #4
bool integer::eval_hb(const z3::model& model, std::shared_ptr< const hb_enc::location > loc1, std::shared_ptr< const hb_enc::location > loc2) const
  return model.eval(make_hb(loc1, loc2)).get_bool();