Exemple #1
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
int AAS_BBoxAreas(vec3_t absmins, vec3_t absmaxs, int *areas, int maxareas)
	aas_link_t *linkedareas, *link;
	int num;

	linkedareas = AAS_AASLinkEntity(absmins, absmaxs, -1);
	num = 0;
	for (link = linkedareas; link; link = link->next_area)
		areas[num] = link->areanum;
		if (num >= maxareas)
	} //end for
	return num;
} //end of the function AAS_BBoxAreas
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
void AAS_UnlinkInvalidEntities(void)
	int i;
	aas_entity_t *ent;

	for (i = 0; i < aasworld.maxentities; i++)
		ent = &aasworld.entities[i];
		if (!ent->i.valid)
			AAS_UnlinkFromAreas( ent->areas );
			ent->areas = NULL;
			AAS_UnlinkFromBSPLeaves( ent->leaves );
			ent->leaves = NULL;
		} //end for
	} //end for
} //end of the function AAS_UnlinkInvalidEntities
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
int AAS_UpdateEntity(int entnum, bot_entitystate_t *state)
	int relink;
	aas_entity_t *ent;
	vec3_t absmins, absmaxs;

	if (!aasworld.loaded)
		botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "AAS_UpdateEntity: not loaded\n");
	} //end if

	ent = &aasworld.entities[entnum];

	if (!state) {
		//unlink the entity
		//unlink the entity from the BSP leaves
		ent->areas = NULL;
		ent->leaves = NULL;

	ent->i.update_time = AAS_Time() - ent->i.ltime;
	ent->i.type = state->type;
	ent->i.flags = state->flags;
	ent->i.ltime = AAS_Time();
	VectorCopy(ent->i.origin, ent->i.lastvisorigin);
	VectorCopy(state->old_origin, ent->i.old_origin);
	ent->i.solid = state->solid;
	ent->i.groundent = state->groundent;
	ent->i.modelindex = state->modelindex;
	ent->i.modelindex2 = state->modelindex2;
	ent->i.frame = state->frame;
	ent->i.event = state->event;
	ent->i.eventParm = state->eventParm;
	ent->i.powerups = state->powerups;
	ent->i.weapon = state->weapon;
	ent->i.legsAnim = state->legsAnim;
	ent->i.torsoAnim = state->torsoAnim;
	//number of the entity
	ent->i.number = entnum;
	//updated so set valid flag
	ent->i.valid = qtrue;
	//link everything the first frame
	if (aasworld.numframes == 1) relink = qtrue;
	else relink = qfalse;
	if (ent->i.solid == SOLID_BSP)
		//if the angles of the model changed
		if (!VectorCompare(state->angles, ent->i.angles))
			VectorCopy(state->angles, ent->i.angles);
			relink = qtrue;
		} //end if
		//get the mins and maxs of the model
		//FIXME: rotate mins and maxs
		AAS_BSPModelMinsMaxsOrigin(ent->i.modelindex, ent->i.angles, ent->i.mins, ent->i.maxs, NULL);
	} //end if
	else if (ent->i.solid == SOLID_BBOX)
		//if the bounding box size changed
		if (!VectorCompare(state->mins, ent->i.mins) ||
				!VectorCompare(state->maxs, ent->i.maxs))
			VectorCopy(state->mins, ent->i.mins);
			VectorCopy(state->maxs, ent->i.maxs);
			relink = qtrue;
		} //end if
		VectorCopy(state->angles, ent->i.angles);
	} //end if
	//if the origin changed
	if (!VectorCompare(state->origin, ent->i.origin))
		VectorCopy(state->origin, ent->i.origin);
		relink = qtrue;
	} //end if
	//if the entity should be relinked
	if (relink)
		//don't link the world model
		if (entnum != ENTITYNUM_WORLD)
			//absolute mins and maxs
			VectorAdd(ent->i.mins, ent->i.origin, absmins);
			VectorAdd(ent->i.maxs, ent->i.origin, absmaxs);
			//unlink the entity
			//relink the entity to the AAS areas (use the larges bbox)
			ent->areas = AAS_LinkEntityClientBBox(absmins, absmaxs, entnum, PRESENCE_NORMAL);
			//unlink the entity from the BSP leaves
			//link the entity to the world BSP tree
			ent->leaves = AAS_BSPLinkEntity(absmins, absmaxs, entnum, 0);
		} //end if
	} //end if
} //end of the function AAS_UpdateEntity