Exemple #1
// Spawn the bot
void BOT_SpawnBot (char *team, char *name, char *skin, char *userinfo)
	edict_t	*bot;

	if( !nav.loaded ) {
		Com_Printf("Can't spawn bots without a valid navigation file\n");
	bot = BOT_FindFreeClient ();
	if (!bot)
		safe_bprintf (PRINT_MEDIUM, "Server is full, increase Maxclients.\n");

	//init the bot
	bot->inuse = true;
	bot->yaw_speed = 100;

	// To allow bots to respawn
	if(userinfo == NULL)
		BOT_SetName(bot, name, skin, team);
		ClientConnect (bot, userinfo);
	G_InitEdict (bot);
	G_SpawnAI(bot); //jabot092(2)
	bot->ai->is_bot = true;
	InitClientResp (bot->client);

	BOT_StartAsSpectator (bot);

	bot->ai->pers.skillLevel = (int)(random()*MAX_BOT_SKILL);
	if (bot->ai->pers.skillLevel > MAX_BOT_SKILL)	//fix if off-limits
		bot->ai->pers.skillLevel =  MAX_BOT_SKILL;
	else if (bot->ai->pers.skillLevel < 0)
		bot->ai->pers.skillLevel =  0;


	bot->think = BOT_JoinGame;
	bot->nextthink = level.time + (int)(random()*6.0);
	if( ctf->value && team != NULL )
		if( !Q_stricmp( team, "blue" ) )
			bot->think = BOT_JoinBlue;
		else if( !Q_stricmp( team, "red" ) )
			bot->think = BOT_JoinRed;
	AI_EnemyAdded (bot); // let the ai know we added another
Exemple #2
void M_default_Start( edict_t *self )
	self->health = 30;
	self->max_health = self->health;
	self->item = FindItemByClassname("ammo_bullets");

	self->think = AI_Think;
	self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;
	self->yaw_speed = 100;

	//add as bot enemy
	AI_EnemyAdded( self );

	//if(AIDevel.debugMode && bot_debugmonster->integer)
		Com_Printf ("monster: Spawn\n");
Exemple #3
* ClientBegin
* called when a client has finished connecting, and is ready
* to be placed into the game.  This will happen every level load.
void ClientBegin( edict_t *ent )
	gclient_t *client = ent->r.client;
	const char *mm_login;

	memset( &client->ucmd, 0, sizeof( client->ucmd ) );
	memset( &client->level, 0, sizeof( client->level ) );
	client->level.timeStamp = level.time;
	G_Client_UpdateActivity( client ); // activity detected

	client->team = TEAM_SPECTATOR;
	G_ClientRespawn( ent, true ); // respawn as ghost
	ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; // allow freefly

	G_UpdatePlayerMatchMsg( ent );

	mm_login = Info_ValueForKey( client->userinfo, "cl_mm_login" );
	if( mm_login && *mm_login && client->mm_session > 0 ) {
		G_PrintMsg( NULL, "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " (" S_COLOR_YELLOW "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE ") entered the game\n", client->netname, mm_login );
	else {
		if( !level.gametype.disableObituaries || !(ent->r.svflags & SVF_FAKECLIENT ) )
			G_PrintMsg( NULL, "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " entered the game\n", client->netname );

	client->level.respawnCount = 0; // clear respawncount
	client->connecting = false;

	// schedule the next scoreboard update
	client->level.scoreboard_time = game.realtime + scoreboardInterval - ( game.realtime%scoreboardInterval );

	AI_EnemyAdded( ent );

	G_ClientEndSnapFrame( ent ); // make sure all view stuff is valid

	// let the gametype scripts now this client just entered the level
	G_Gametype_ScoreEvent( client, "enterGame", NULL );