/* unlike PCRE, partial matching won't return the actual substrings/matches */
static int Gregex_dfa_exec (lua_State *L)
  TArgExec argE;
  TGrgx *ud;
  gboolean res;

  checkarg_dfa_exec (L, &argE, &ud);

  gerror_free (ud);

  res = g_regex_match_all_full (ud->pr, argE.text, (int)argE.textlen,
    argE.startoffset, (GRegexMatchFlags)argE.eflags, &ud->match_info, &ud->error);

  if (ALG_ISMATCH (res)) {
    int i, start_pos, end_pos;
    int max = g_match_info_get_match_count (ud->match_info);
    g_match_info_fetch_pos (ud->match_info, 0, &start_pos, NULL);
    lua_pushinteger (L, start_pos + 1);         /* 1-st return value */
    lua_newtable (L);                            /* 2-nd return value */
    for (i=0; i<max; i++) {
      g_match_info_fetch_pos (ud->match_info, i, NULL, &end_pos);
      /* I don't know why these offsets aren't incremented by 1 to match Lua indexing? */
      lua_pushinteger (L, end_pos);
      lua_rawseti (L, -2, i+1);
    lua_pushinteger (L, max);                    /* 3-rd return value */
    minfo_free (ud);
    return 3;
  else if (g_match_info_is_partial_match(ud->match_info)) {
    minfo_free (ud);
    return 1;
  else {
    minfo_free (ud);
    if (ALG_NOMATCH (res))
      return lua_pushnil (L), 1;
      return generate_error (L, ud, 0);
Exemple #2
static int generic_atfind (lua_State *L, int tfind) {
  int res;
  TArgExec argE;
  TPosix *ud;
  regaparams_t argP;
  regamatch_t res_match;

  checkarg_atfind (L, &argE, &ud, &argP);
  if (argE.startoffset > (int)argE.textlen)
    return lua_pushnil(L), 1;

  argE.text += argE.startoffset;
  res_match.nmatch = ALG_NSUB(ud) + 1;
  res_match.pmatch = ud->match;

  /* execute the search */
  res = tre_reganexec (&ud->r, argE.text, argE.textlen - argE.startoffset,
                   &res_match, argP, argE.eflags);
  if (ALG_ISMATCH (res)) {
    ALG_PUSHOFFSETS (L, ud, argE.startoffset, 0);
    if (tfind)
      push_substring_table (L, ud, argE.text);
      push_offset_table (L, ud, argE.startoffset);
    /* set values in the dictionary part of the table */
    set_int_field (L, "cost", res_match.cost);
    set_int_field (L, "num_ins", res_match.num_ins);
    set_int_field (L, "num_del", res_match.num_del);
    set_int_field (L, "num_subst", res_match.num_subst);
    return 3;
  else if (ALG_NOMATCH (res))
    return lua_pushnil (L), 1;
    return generate_error (L, ud, res);