Exemple #1
void   make_rots(float **xmat, float rot_x, float rot_y, float rot_z)
   ALLOC2D(TRX  ,5,5);
   ALLOC2D(TRY  ,5,5);
   ALLOC2D(TRZ  ,5,5);
   ALLOC2D(T1   ,5,5);

   nr_rotxf(TRX, rot_x);             /* create the rotate X matrix */
   nr_rotyf(TRY, rot_y);             /* create the rotate Y matrix */
   nr_rotzf(TRZ, rot_z);             /* create the rotate Z matrix */
   nr_multf(TRY,1,4,1,4,  TRX,1,4,1,4,  T1); /* apply rx and ry */
   nr_multf(TRZ,1,4,1,4,  T1,1,4,1,4,   xmat); /* apply rz */

   FREE2D(T1 );

Exemple #2
   function getparams will get the trnsform  parameters from a 
   transformation matrix 'tran' (that has already had the translation 
   componants removed).
   in description below, I assume that tran is a forward xform, from 
   native space to talairach space.
   I assume that trans is a 4x4 homogeneous matrix, with the 
   principal axis stored in the upper left 3x3 matrix.  The first col
   of tran represents is the coordinate of (1,0,0)' mapped through the
   transformation.  (this means  vec2 = tran * vec1).
   trans = [scale][shear][rot]
         = [scale][shear][rz][ry][rx];

   the shear matrix is constrained to be of the form:
     shear = [1 0 0 0
              f 1 0 0
              g h 1 0
              0 0 0 1];
     where f,g,h can take on any value.

   the scale matrix is constrained to be of the form:
     scale = [sx 0  0  0
              0  sy 0  0
              0  0  sz 0
              0  0  0  1];
     where sx,sy,sz must be positive.
  all rotations are assumed to be in the range -pi/2..pi/2

  the rotation angles are returned as radians and are applied 
  counter clockwise, when looking down the axis (from the positive end
  towards the origin).

  trans is assumed to be invertible.

  i assume a coordinate system:
             ^ y
             |_______> x
          /z  (towards the viewer).

          start with t = inv(tran) (after removing translation from tran )
          t = inv(r)*inv(sh)*inv(sc)
                  t maps the talairach space unit vectors into native
                space, which means that the columns of T are the
                direction cosines of these vectors x,y,z

   (1)  the length of the vectors x,y,z give the inverse scaling
             sx = 1/norm(x); sy = 1/norm(y); sz = 1/norm(z);

   (2)  with the constraints on the form of sh above, inv(sh) has the
        same form.  let inv(sh) be as above in terms of a,b and c.
          inv(sh) = [1 0 0 0; a 1 0 0; b c 1 0; 0 0 0 1];

        for c: project y onto z and normalize:

                  /     |y.z|^2     \(1/2)
             c = <  ---------------  >
                  \ |y|^2 - |y.z|^2 /

        for b: project x onto z and normalize

                  /        |x.z|^2        \(1/2)
             b = <  ---------------------  >
                  \ |x|^2 - |x.z|^2 - a^2 /
          where a is the projection of x onto the coordinate sys Y axis.

        for a: project x onto z and normalize
           a is taken from (b) above, and normalized... see below

  (3) rots are returned by getrots by giving the input transformation:
        rot_mat = [inv(sh)][inv(sc)][trans]

  (4) once completed, the parameters of sx,sy,sz and a,b,c are
      adjusted so that they maintain the matrix contraints above.

VIO_BOOL extract2_parameters_from_matrix(VIO_Transform *trans,
                                               double *center,
                                               double *translations,
                                               double *scales,
                                               double *shears,
                                               double *rotations)

    magnitude, magz, magx, magy, ai,bi,ci,scalar,a1,
    *ang,*tmp,**x,**y,**z, **nz, **y_on_z, **ortho_y,

  ALLOC2D(xmat  ,5,5); nr_identf(xmat ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(TMP1  ,5,5); nr_identf(TMP1 ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(TMP2  ,5,5); nr_identf(TMP2 ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(Cinv  ,5,5); nr_identf(Cinv ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(SR    ,5,5); nr_identf(SR   ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(SRinv ,5,5); nr_identf(SRinv,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(Sinv  ,5,5); nr_identf(Sinv ,1,4,1,4); 
  ALLOC2D(T     ,5,5); nr_identf(T    ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(Tinv  ,5,5); nr_identf(Tinv ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(C     ,5,5); nr_identf(C    ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(R     ,5,5); nr_identf(R    ,1,4,1,4);

  ALLOC2D(center_of_rotation ,5,5);        /* make column vectors */
  ALLOC2D(result             ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(unit_vec           ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(x                  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(y                  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(z                  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(nz                 ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(y_on_z             ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(ortho_y            ,5,5);

  ALLOC(tmp ,4);
  ALLOC(ang ,4);

  for(i=0; i<=3; i++)        /* copy the input matrix */
    for(j=0; j<=3; j++)
      xmat[i+1][j+1] = (float)Transform_elem(*trans,i,j);

  /* -------------DETERMINE THE TRANSLATION FIRST! ---------  */

                                /* see where the center of rotation is displaced... */

  FILL_NR_COLVEC( center_of_rotation, center[0], center[1], center[2] );

  invertmatrix(4, xmat, TMP1);        /* get inverse of the matrix */

  matrix_multiply( 4, 4, 1, xmat, center_of_rotation, result); /* was TMP! in place of xmat */

  SUB_NR_COLVEC( result, result, center_of_rotation );

  for(i=0; i<=2; i++) 
    translations[i] = result[i+1][1];

  /* -------------NOW GET THE SCALING VALUES! ----------------- */

  for(i=0; i<=2; i++) 
    tmp[i+1] = -translations[i];
  translation_to_homogeneous(3, tmp, Tinv); 

  for(i=0; i<=2; i++) 
    tmp[i+1] = center[i];
  translation_to_homogeneous(3, tmp, C); 
  for(i=0; i<=2; i++) 
    tmp[i+1] = -center[i];
  translation_to_homogeneous(3, tmp, Cinv); 

  matrix_multiply(4,4,4, xmat, C, TMP1);    /* get scaling*shear*rotation matrix */

  matrix_multiply(4,4,4, Tinv, TMP1, TMP1);

  matrix_multiply(4,4,4, Cinv, TMP1,    SR);

  invertmatrix(4, SR, SRinv);        /* get inverse of scaling*shear*rotation */

                                /* find each scale by mapping a unit vector backwards,
                                   and finding the magnitude of the result. */
  FILL_NR_COLVEC( unit_vec, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
  matrix_multiply( 4, 4, 1, SRinv, unit_vec, result);
  magnitude = MAG_NR_COLVEC( result );
  if (magnitude != 0.0) {
    scales[0] = 1/magnitude;
    Sinv[1][1] = magnitude;
  else {
    scales[0] = 1.0;
    Sinv[1][1] = 1.0;

  FILL_NR_COLVEC( unit_vec, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
  matrix_multiply( 4, 4, 1, SRinv, unit_vec, result);
  magnitude = MAG_NR_COLVEC( result );
  if (magnitude != 0.0) {
    scales[1] = 1/magnitude;
    Sinv[2][2] = magnitude;
  else {
    scales[1]  = 1.0;
    Sinv[2][2] = 1.0;

  FILL_NR_COLVEC( unit_vec, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
  matrix_multiply( 4, 4, 1, SRinv, unit_vec, result);
  magnitude = MAG_NR_COLVEC( result );
  if (magnitude != 0.0) {
    scales[2] = 1/magnitude;
    Sinv[3][3] = magnitude;
  else {
    scales[2] = 1.0;
    Sinv[3][3] = 1.0;

  /* ------------NOW GET THE SHEARS, using the info from above ----- */

  /* SR contains the [scale][shear][rot], must multiply [inv(scale)]*SR
     to get shear*rot. */

                                /* make [scale][rot] */
  matrix_multiply(4,4, 4, Sinv, SR,  TMP1);

                                /* get inverse of [scale][rot] */
  invertmatrix(4, TMP1, SRinv);        

  FILL_NR_COLVEC(x, SRinv[1][1], SRinv[2][1], SRinv[3][1]);
  FILL_NR_COLVEC(y, SRinv[1][2], SRinv[2][2], SRinv[3][2]);
  FILL_NR_COLVEC(z, SRinv[1][3], SRinv[2][3], SRinv[3][3]);

                                /* get normalized z direction  */
  magz = MAG_NR_COLVEC(z);
  SCALAR_MULT_NR_COLVEC( nz, z, 1/magz );

                                /* get a direction perpendicular 
                                   to z, in the yz plane.  */
  scalar = DOTSUM_NR_COLVEC(  y, nz );
  SCALAR_MULT_NR_COLVEC( y_on_z, nz, scalar );

  SUB_NR_COLVEC( result, y, y_on_z ); /* result = y - y_on_z */
  scalar = MAG_NR_COLVEC( result);     /* ortho_y = result ./ norm(result)  */
  SCALAR_MULT_NR_COLVEC( ortho_y, result, 1/scalar);

                                /* GET C for the skew matrix */

  scalar = DOTSUM_NR_COLVEC( y, nz ); /* project y onto z */
  magy   = MAG_NR_COLVEC(y);
  ci = scalar / sqrt((double)( magy*magy - scalar*scalar)) ;
                                /* GET B for the skew matrix */

                                /*    first need a1 */

  a1     = DOTSUM_NR_COLVEC( x, ortho_y ); /* project x onto ortho_y */
  magx   = MAG_NR_COLVEC(x);

                                /*    now get B  */

  scalar = DOTSUM_NR_COLVEC( x, nz );
  bi = scalar / sqrt((double)( magx*magx - scalar*scalar - a1*a1)) ;

                                /* GET A for skew matrix  */

  ai = a1 / sqrt((double)( magx*magx - scalar*scalar - a1*a1));

                                /* normalize the inverse shear parameters.
                                   so that there is no scaling in the matrix 
                                   (all scaling is already accounted for 
                                   in sx,sy and sz. */

  n1 = sqrt((double)(1 + ai*ai + bi*bi));
  n2 = sqrt((double)(1 + ci*ci));

  ai = ai / n1;
  bi = bi / n1;
  ci = ci / n2;

                                /* ai,bi,c1 now contain the parameters for 
                                   the inverse NORMALIZED shear matrix 
                                   (i.e., norm(col_i) = 1.0). */

  /* ------------NOW GET THE ROTATION ANGLES!----- */

                                  /*  since SR = [scale][shear][rot], then
                                    rot = [inv(shear)][inv(scale)][SR] */

  nr_identf(TMP1 ,1,4,1,4);        /* make inverse scale matrix */
  TMP1[1][1] = 1/scales[0];
  TMP1[2][2] = 1/scales[1];
  TMP1[3][3] = 1/scales[2];

  nr_identf(TMP2 ,1,4,1,4);        /* make_inverse normalized shear matrix */
  TMP2[1][1] = sqrt((double)(1 - ai*ai - bi*bi));
  TMP2[2][2] = sqrt((double)(1 - ci*ci));
  TMP2[2][1] = ai;
  TMP2[3][1] = bi;
  TMP2[3][2] = ci;

                                /* extract rotation matrix */
  matrix_multiply(4,4, 4, TMP2, TMP1, T);
  matrix_multiply(4,4, 4, T,    SR,   R);

                                /* get rotation angles */
  if (!rotmat_to_ang(R, ang)) {
    (void)fprintf(stderr,"Cannot convert R to radians!");

  for(i=0; i<=2; i++)
    rotations[i] = ang[i+1];

  /* ------------NOW ADJUST THE SCALE AND SKEW PARAMETERS ------------ */

  invertmatrix(4, T, Tinv);        /* get inverse of the matrix */

  scales[0] = Tinv[1][1];
  scales[1] = Tinv[2][2];
  scales[2] = Tinv[3][3];
  shears[0] = Tinv[2][1]/scales[1] ;
  shears[1] = Tinv[3][1]/scales[2] ;
  shears[2] = Tinv[3][2]/scales[2] ;

  FREE2D(SR  );
  FREE2D(T   );
  FREE2D(C   );
  FREE2D(R   );
  FREE2D(result            );
  FREE2D(unit_vec          );
  FREE2D(x                 );
  FREE2D(y                 );
  FREE2D(z                 );
  FREE2D(nz                );
  FREE2D(y_on_z            );
  FREE2D(ortho_y           );


Exemple #3
VIO_BOOL extract_parameters_from_matrix(VIO_Transform *trans,
                                              double *center,
                                              double *translations,
                                              double *scales,
                                              double *shears,
                                              double *rotations)


  ALLOC2D(xmat  ,5,5); nr_identf(xmat ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(TMP1  ,5,5); nr_identf(TMP1 ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(TMP2  ,5,5); nr_identf(TMP2 ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(Cinv  ,5,5); nr_identf(Cinv ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(SR    ,5,5); nr_identf(SR   ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(SRinv ,5,5); nr_identf(SRinv,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(Sinv  ,5,5); nr_identf(Sinv ,1,4,1,4); 
  ALLOC2D(T     ,5,5); nr_identf(T    ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(Tinv  ,5,5); nr_identf(Tinv ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(C     ,5,5); nr_identf(C    ,1,4,1,4);
  ALLOC2D(R     ,5,5); nr_identf(R    ,1,4,1,4);

  ALLOC2D(center_of_rotation ,5,5);        /* make column vectors */
  ALLOC2D(result             ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(unit_vec           ,5,5);

  ALLOC(tmp ,4);
  ALLOC(ang ,4);

  for(i=0; i<=3; i++)        /* copy the input matrix */
    for(j=0; j<=3; j++)
      xmat[i+1][j+1] = (float)Transform_elem(*trans,i,j);


  /* -------------DETERMINE THE TRANSLATION FIRST! ---------  */

                                /* see where the center of rotation is displaced... */

  FILL_NR_COLVEC( center_of_rotation, center[0], center[1], center[2] );

  invertmatrix(4, xmat, TMP1);        /* get inverse of the matrix */

  matrix_multiply( 4, 4, 1, xmat, center_of_rotation, result); /* was TMP! in place of xmat */

  SUB_NR_COLVEC( result, result, center_of_rotation );

  for(i=0; i<=2; i++) 
    translations[i] = result[i+1][1];

  /* -------------NOW GET THE SCALING VALUES! ----------------- */

  for(i=0; i<=2; i++) 
    tmp[i+1] = -translations[i];
  translation_to_homogeneous(3, tmp, Tinv); 

  for(i=0; i<=2; i++) 
    tmp[i+1] = center[i];
  translation_to_homogeneous(3, tmp, C); 
  for(i=0; i<=2; i++) 
    tmp[i+1] = -center[i];
  translation_to_homogeneous(3, tmp, Cinv); 

  matrix_multiply(4,4,4, xmat, C, TMP1);    /* get scaling*rotation matrix */

  matrix_multiply(4,4,4, Tinv, TMP1, TMP1);

  matrix_multiply(4,4,4, Cinv, TMP1,    SR);

  invertmatrix(4, SR, SRinv);        /* get inverse of scaling*rotation */

                                /* find each scale by mapping a unit vector backwards,
                                   and finding the magnitude of the result. */
  FILL_NR_COLVEC( unit_vec, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
  matrix_multiply( 4, 4, 1, SRinv, unit_vec, result);
  magnitude = MAG_NR_COLVEC( result );
  if (magnitude != 0.0) {
    scales[0] = 1/magnitude;
    Sinv[1][1] = magnitude;
  else {
    scales[0] = 1.0;
    Sinv[1][1] = 1.0;

  FILL_NR_COLVEC( unit_vec, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
  matrix_multiply( 4, 4, 1, SRinv, unit_vec, result);
  magnitude = MAG_NR_COLVEC( result );
  if (magnitude != 0.0) {
    scales[1] = 1/magnitude;
    Sinv[2][2] = magnitude;
  else {
    scales[1]  = 1.0;
    Sinv[2][2] = 1.0;

  FILL_NR_COLVEC( unit_vec, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
  matrix_multiply( 4, 4, 1, SRinv, unit_vec, result);
  magnitude = MAG_NR_COLVEC( result );
  if (magnitude != 0.0) {
    scales[2] = 1/magnitude;
    Sinv[3][3] = magnitude;
  else {
    scales[2] = 1.0;
    Sinv[3][3] = 1.0;

  /* ------------NOW GET THE ROTATION ANGLES!----- */

                                /* extract rotation matrix */
  matrix_multiply(4,4, 4, Sinv, SR,   R);

                                /* get rotation angles */
  if (!rotmat_to_ang(R, ang)) {
    (void)fprintf(stderr,"Cannot convert R to radians!");

  for(i=0; i<=2; i++)
    rotations[i] = ang[i+1];

  FREE2D(SR  );
  FREE2D(T   );
  FREE2D(C   );
  FREE2D(R   );
  FREE2D(result            );
  FREE2D(unit_vec          );


Exemple #4
/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : build_inverse_transformation_matrix_quater
@INPUT      : center, translations, scales, quaternions
@OUTPUT     : the inverse linear transformation matrix of mat:
                since mat = (T)(C)(SH)(S)(R)(-C), then

                invmat = (C)(inv(r))(inv(S))(inv(SH))(-C)(-T)

@RETURNS    : nothing
               the matrix is to be  PREmultiplied with a vector (mat*vec)
               when used in the application
               same as build_inverse_transformation_matrix but with quaternions
@METHOD     : 
@GLOBALS    : 
@CALLS      : 
@CREATED    : Thr Apr 18 10:45:56 EST 2002 pln
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void build_inverse_transformation_matrix_quater(VIO_Transform *trans,
                                                       double *center,
                                                       double *translations,
                                                       double *scales,
                                                       double *shears,
                                                       double *quaternions)

  ALLOC2D(T   ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(SH  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(S   ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(R   ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(C   ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(T1  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(T2  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(T3  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(T4  ,5,5);
                                /* invmat = (C)(inv(r))(inv(S))(inv(SH))(-C)(-T)
                                   mat = (T)(C)(SH)(S)(R)(-C) */

  nr_identf(T,1,4,1,4);                     /* make (-T)(-C) */
  for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
    T[1+i][4] = -translations[i] - center[i];                


  build_rotmatrix(T1,quaternions); /* make rotation matrix from quaternions */

  make_shears(T1,shears);        /* make shear rotation matrix */
  invertmatrix(4, T1, SH);        /* get inverse of the matrix */

                                /* make scaling matrix */
  for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
    if (scales[i] != 0.0)
      S[1+i][1+i] = 1/scales[i];
      S[1+i][1+i] = 1.0;

  nr_identf(C,1,4,1,4);      /* make center          */
  for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
    C[1+i][4] = center[i];                

  nr_multf(C,1,4,1,4,  R ,1,4,1,4, T1 );  
  nr_multf(T1,1,4,1,4, SH,1,4,1,4, T2 );  
  nr_multf(T2,1,4,1,4, S ,1,4,1,4, T3 );  
  nr_multf(T3,1,4,1,4, T ,1,4,1,4, T4 );  

  for(i=0; i<4; i++)
    for(j=0; j<4; j++)
      Transform_elem(*trans, i, j ) = T4[i+1][j+1];

  FREE2D(T    );
  FREE2D(SH   );
  FREE2D(S    );
  FREE2D(R    );
  FREE2D(C );
  FREE2D(T1   );
  FREE2D(T2   );
  FREE2D(T3   );
  FREE2D(T4   );
Exemple #5
void build_transformation_matrix_quater(VIO_Transform *trans,
                                               double *center,
                                               double *translations,
                                               double *scales,
                                               double *shears,
                                               double *quaternions)

  double normal;

  ALLOC2D(T  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(SH ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(S  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(R  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(C  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(T1 ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(T2 ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(T3 ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(T4 ,5,5);

  normal=(quaternions[0]*quaternions[0] + quaternions[1]*quaternions[1] + quaternions[2]*quaternions[2] + quaternions[3]*quaternions[3]);
  if (normal>1){
   for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
      quaternions[i] /= normal;

                        /* mat = (T)(C)(SH)(S)(R)(-C) */


                                             /* make (T)(C) */
  for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
    T[1+i][4] = translations[i] + center[i];                

  build_rotmatrix(R,quaternions); /* make rotation matrix from quaternions */

                                /* make shear rotation matrix */
  make_shears(SH, shears);

                                /* make scaling matrix */
  for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
    S[1+i][1+i] = scales[i];

  nr_identf(C,1,4,1,4);      /* make center          */
  for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
    C[1+i][4] = -center[i];                

  nr_multf(T, 1,4,1,4, S  ,1,4,1,4, T1 );  
  nr_multf(T1,1,4,1,4, SH ,1,4,1,4, T2 );  
  nr_multf(T2,1,4,1,4, R  ,1,4,1,4, T3 );  
  nr_multf(T3,1,4,1,4, C  ,1,4,1,4, T4 );  

  for(i=0; i<4; i++)
    for(j=0; j<4; j++)
      Transform_elem(*trans, i, j ) = T4[i+1][j+1];

  FREE2D(T    );
  FREE2D(SH   );
  FREE2D(S    );
  FREE2D(R    );
  FREE2D(C );
  FREE2D(T1   );
  FREE2D(T2   );
  FREE2D(T3   );
  FREE2D(T4   );
Exemple #6
void build_transformation_matrix(VIO_Transform *trans,
                                        double *center,
                                        double *translations,
                                        double *scales,
                                        double *shears,
                                        double *rotations)
  ALLOC2D(T  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(SH ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(S  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(R  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(C  ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(T1 ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(T2 ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(T3 ,5,5);
  ALLOC2D(T4 ,5,5);
                                             /* mat = (T)(C)(SH)(S)(R)(-C) */

  nr_identf(T,1,4,1,4);                     /* make (T)(C) */
  for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
    T[1+i][4] = translations[i] + center[i];                
                                /* make rotation matix */

                                /* make shear rotation matrix */
  make_shears(SH, shears);

                                /* make scaling matrix */
  for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
    S[1+i][1+i] = scales[i];

  nr_identf(C,1,4,1,4);      /* make center          */
  for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
    C[1+i][4] = -center[i];                

  nr_multf(T, 1,4,1,4, S  ,1,4,1,4, T1 );  
  nr_multf(T1,1,4,1,4, SH ,1,4,1,4, T2 );  
  nr_multf(T2,1,4,1,4, R  ,1,4,1,4, T3 );  
  nr_multf(T3,1,4,1,4, C  ,1,4,1,4, T4 );  

  for(i=0; i<4; i++)
    for(j=0; j<4; j++)
      Transform_elem(*trans, i, j ) = T4[i+1][j+1];

  FREE2D(T    );
  FREE2D(SH   );
  FREE2D(S    );
  FREE2D(R    );
  FREE2D(C );
  FREE2D(T1   );
  FREE2D(T2   );
  FREE2D(T3   );
  FREE2D(T4   );
int main()
//computes velocity due to time step file generated from Free Wake 2007 at
//multiple points 
//Step 1 read in information about point and time step from matlab file
//Step 2 read in time step file for the specified time step
//Step 3 compute velocities at point P
//Step 4 create output file of velocites at point P
//program checks computation of the induced velocity in P due to a DVE
//these program allows to compute the velocity field that is induced by a
//given wing and the corresponding wake
//		!!!ATTENTION!!!
// The output path is OUTPUT_PATH, which is defined in general.h!!
	struct Points
	{double x;
	double y;
	double z;

	struct Vels
	{double u;
	double v;
	double w;

	double P[3],w_ind[3],tempA[3];
	int i,j,k;				// loop counter
	int plane,type;
	int imax,jmax,kmax;
	int wing,span,time;		//more loop counters
	int numpoints=0;			//number of points
	double xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax;
	double xstep,ystep,zstep;
	double tempS;
	char ch;		//generic character

//	GENERAL info;			//general info
	DVE *surfaceDVE, **wakeDVE;

	int timestep;
	char iofile[125];	//input-output-file
	FILE *fp,*fs;

//START  Step 1 
//read in information about point and time step from matlab file

	//creates file name for file with point information

	// checks if input file exists
	if ((fp = fopen(iofile, "r"))== NULL)
		printf("File could not be opened, stupid:\n");
	//opens input file
	fp = fopen("./output/pointinfo.txt", "r");
	//scan number of points
	fscanf(fp,"%d ", &numpoints);
	for (i=0;i<numpoints;i++){
	fscanf(fp,"%d %lf %lf %lf", &timestep,&Points[i].x,&Points[i].y,&Points[i].z);


//printf("%d   %lf   %lf  %lf\n", timestep,P[0],P[1],P[2]);

//END Step 1 

//	START Step 2	
//	set-up to read in timestep-file

	//creates file name timestep##.txt ## is number of timestep

	// checks if input file exists
	if ((fp = fopen(iofile, "r"))== NULL)
		printf("File could not be opened, stupid:\n");

	//opens input file
	fp = fopen(iofile, "r");

//			reads in general info
	//find the ':'-sign in input file before program version
	do	ch = fgetc(fp);
	while (ch!=':');

	//find the ':'-sign in input file before reference area
	do	ch = fgetc(fp);
	while (ch!=':');
	fscanf(fp,"%lf", &info.S);
//printf(" %lf\n",info.S);

	//find the ':'-sign in input file before aspect ratio
	do	ch = fgetc(fp);
	while (ch!=':');
	fscanf(fp,"%lf", &info.AR);
//printf(" %lf",info.AR);

	//find the ':'-sign in input file before alpha
	do	ch = fgetc(fp);
	while (ch!=':');
	fscanf(fp,"%lf", &info.alpha);
//	info.alpha *= DtR;

	//find the ':'-sign in input file before beta
	do	ch = fgetc(fp);
	while (ch!=':');
	fscanf(fp,"%lf", &info.beta);
	info.beta *= DtR;

	//find the ':'-sign in input file before symmetry condition
	do	ch = fgetc(fp);
	while (ch!=':');
	fscanf(fp,"%d", &info.sym);

	//find the ':'-sign in input file before timestep
	do	ch = fgetc(fp);
	while (ch!=':');
//	//reads timestep
//	fscanf(fp,"%*d", &timestep);

	//find the ':'-sign in input file before number of elements along span
	do	ch = fgetc(fp);
	while (ch!=':');
	//reads nospanelements
	fscanf(fp,"%d", &info.nospanelement);
//printf("%d\n", info.nospanelement);

	//find the ':'-sign in input file before number of elements along chord
	do	ch = fgetc(fp);
	while (ch!=':');
	//reads nospanelements
	fscanf(fp,"%d", &info.m);
//printf("%d\n", info.m);

	//number of surface DVEs
	info.noelement = info.m*info.nospanelement;

	//find the ':'-sign in input file before number of wings
	do	ch = fgetc(fp);
	while (ch!=':');
	//reads nospanelements
	fscanf(fp,"%d\n", &info.nowing);

	//find the ':'-sign in input file before number of span indices
	do	ch = fgetc(fp);
	while (ch!=':');

		fscanf(fp,"%d", &info.wing1[wing]);
		fscanf(fp,"%d", &info.wing2[wing]);


//			allocates memory


//		reads info surface info

	//read in information on surface and wake DVEs of timestepfile
										//Subroutine in read_input.cpp

					//-- Reading in is DONE --
		//Now the singularity factors are being computed

	//	computes singularity factors for wake
	//loop over timesteps
	//loop over number of wings
		//is the wing symmetrical or not?
		if(info.sym == 1)	//decay factor is 1% of tip-element half-span
			tempS = 0.01*wakeDVE[time][info.wing2[wing]].eta;
		else//wing has two tips, possibly different in geometry
		{	//in that case, decay factor is 1% of the shorter half-span
			if(  wakeDVE[time][info.wing1[wing]].eta
			   < wakeDVE[time][info.wing2[wing]].eta)
						tempS = 0.01*wakeDVE[time][info.wing1[wing]].eta;
			else 		tempS = 0.01*wakeDVE[time][info.wing2[wing]].eta;

	//loop over wale DVEs of current timestep
			wakeDVE[time][span].singfct = tempS;  //assigning decay factor
	}//next wing

	//singularity factor of lifting surface DVEs
	//computing decaying factor for added singularity at wing tip
	k=0;	//initializing index counter of first DVE of wing
		//index of last DVE of this wing (located at tip and trail. edge)
		span = k + (info.wing2[wing]-info.wing1[wing]+1)*info.m - 1;

		//is the wing symmetrical or not?
		if(info.sym == 1)	//decay factor is 1% of tip-element half-span
			tempS = 0.01*surfaceDVE[span].eta;
		else//wing has two tips, possibly different in geometry
		{	//in that case, decay factor is 1% of the shorter half-span
			if(  surfaceDVE[k].eta < surfaceDVE[span].eta)
						tempS = 0.01*surfaceDVE[k].eta;
			else 		tempS = 0.01*surfaceDVE[span].eta;

		//loop over surface DVEs of current wing
			surfaceDVE[i].singfct = tempS;  //assigning decay factor

		k = span+1;	//updating index for next wing
	}//next wing

		//-- Computation of singularity factors is DONE --
		//Now comes the part where the velocity is computed
//END Step 2

//START Step 3		
//computing velocity in P
		P[0] = Points[i].x;
		P[1] = Points[i].y;
		P[2] = Points[i].z;
	//velocity is induced by all surface and wake DVE's in point P
				 			//subroutine in induced_velocity.cpp

	Vels[i].u = w_ind[0];
	Vels[i].v = w_ind[1];
	Vels[i].w = w_ind[2];
//computing induced velocity of most right point of each wing.
//right wingtip points are stored in xright and the velocity in uright
//	for(time=0;time<=timestep;time++)
//	{
		//span index of DVE that is the most right on of current wing
//		span = info.wing2[wing];
//				if(time==0) 		type = 3;
//		else 	if(time==timestep)	type = 2;
//		else 						type = 1;
//		DVE_Tip_Induced_Velocity(info,wakeDVE[time][span],P,tempA,type);
		 						//subroutine in induced_velocity.cpp

//		w_ind[0] -= tempA[0];
//		w_ind[1] -= tempA[1];
//		w_ind[2] -= tempA[2];
//	}
//END Step 3
//	START Step 4
//	saving output (coordinates and induced velocity components)
//printf("\n Induced Velocities \n");
//printf("%lf  %lf  %lf\n",w_ind[0],w_ind[1],w_ind[2]);

// Create Output file

	// checks if input file exists
	// if ((fp = fopen(iofile, "r"))== NULL)
	//	printf("File could not be opened, stupid:\n");
	//	exit(1);
// Open output file and write w_ind	
 fs = fopen(iofile,"w");



 fprintf(fs,"%1f  %1f  %1f\n", Vels[i].u,Vels[i].v,Vels[i].w);

// End Create Output file

// printf("\n DONE\n");
printf("\nIt's done.  Enter anything, anything: ");

Exemple #8
BICAPI  BOOLEAN  singular_value_decomposition(
    int    m,
    int    n,
    Real   **a,
    Real   w[],
    Real   **v )
  int i,j;
  BOOLEAN val;
  char jobu = 'O';
  char jobvt = 'A';
  long int _m = (long int) m;
  long int _n = (long int) n;

  long int lda = _m;  
  long int ldu = _m;
  long int ldvt = _n;
  long int lwork = MAX(3*MIN(_m,_n)+MAX(_m,_n),5*MIN(_m,_n));
  Real** _a;
  Real* work;
  Real** _u;
  Real** _v;
  long int info;
  Real temp;

  ALLOC(work,(int) lwork);

  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {    
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
      _a[j][i] = a[i][j];

  val = bicpl_dgesvd_(&jobu, &jobvt, &_m, &_n, (Real*) *_a, &lda, (Real*) w, 
		(Real*) *_u, &ldu, (Real*) *_v, &ldvt, 
		(Real*) work, &lwork, &info);
  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {    
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
      a[i][j] = _a[j][i];

  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {    
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      v[i][j] = _v[i][j];

  return val;  