static int ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio(_THIS, const char *devname, int iscapture)
	SDL_AudioSpec *audioFormat = &this->spec;
	int bytesPerSample;
	JNIEnv * jniEnv = NULL;

	this->hidden = (struct SDL_PrivateAudioData *) SDL_malloc((sizeof *this->hidden));
	if ( this->hidden == NULL ) {
	SDL_memset(this->hidden, 0, (sizeof *this->hidden));

	if( ! (this->spec.format == AUDIO_S8 || this->spec.format == AUDIO_S16) )
		__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "libSDL", "Application requested unsupported audio format - only S8 and S16 are supported");
		return (-1); // TODO: enable format conversion? Don't know how to do that in SDL

	bytesPerSample = (audioFormat->format & 0xFF) / 8;
	audioFormat->format = ( bytesPerSample == 2 ) ? AUDIO_S16 : AUDIO_S8;
	(*jniVM)->AttachCurrentThread(jniVM, &jniEnv, NULL);

	if( !jniEnv )
		__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "libSDL", "ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio: Java VM AttachCurrentThread() failed");
		return (-1); // TODO: enable format conversion? Don't know how to do that in SDL

	audioBufferSize = (*jniEnv)->CallIntMethod( jniEnv, JavaAudioThread, JavaInitAudio, 
					(jint)audioFormat->freq, (jint)audioFormat->channels, 
					(jint)(( bytesPerSample == 2 ) ? 1 : 0), (jint)audioFormat->size);

	if( audioBufferSize == 0 )
		__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "libSDL", "ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio(): failed to get audio buffer from JNI");

	/* We cannot call DetachCurrentThread() from main thread or we'll crash */
	/* (*jniVM)->DetachCurrentThread(jniVM); */

	audioFormat->samples = audioBufferSize / bytesPerSample / audioFormat->channels;
	audioFormat->size = audioBufferSize;

static int ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio (_THIS, const char *devname, int iscapture)
	SDL_AudioSpec *audioFormat = &this->spec;

static int ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio (_THIS, SDL_AudioSpec *spec)
	SDL_AudioSpec *audioFormat = spec;

	int bytesPerSample;
	JNIEnv * jniEnv = NULL;

	this->hidden = NULL;

	if( ! (audioFormat->format == AUDIO_S8 || audioFormat->format == AUDIO_S16) )
		__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "libSDL", "Application requested unsupported audio format - only S8 and S16 are supported");
		return (-1); // TODO: enable format conversion? Don't know how to do that in SDL

	bytesPerSample = (audioFormat->format & 0xFF) / 8;
	audioFormat->format = ( bytesPerSample == 2 ) ? AUDIO_S16 : AUDIO_S8;

	__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "libSDL", "ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio(): app requested audio bytespersample %d freq %d channels %d samples %d", bytesPerSample, audioFormat->freq, (int)audioFormat->channels, (int)audioFormat->samples);

	if(audioFormat->samples <= 0)
		audioFormat->samples = 128; // Some sane value
	if( audioFormat->samples > 32768 ) // Why anyone need so huge audio buffer?
		audioFormat->samples = 32768;
		__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "libSDL", "ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio(): limiting samples size to ", (int)audioFormat->samples);
	(*jniVM)->AttachCurrentThread(jniVM, &jniEnv, NULL);

	if( !jniEnv )
		__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "libSDL", "ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio: Java VM AttachCurrentThread() failed");
		return (-1); // TODO: enable format conversion? Don't know how to do that in SDL

	// The returned audioBufferSize may be huge, up to 100 Kb for 44100 because user may have selected large audio buffer to get rid of choppy sound
	audioBufferSize = (*jniEnv)->CallIntMethod( jniEnv, JavaAudioThread, JavaInitAudio, 
					(jint)audioFormat->freq, (jint)audioFormat->channels, 
					(jint)(( bytesPerSample == 2 ) ? 1 : 0), (jint)(audioFormat->size) );

	if( audioBufferSize == 0 )
		__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "libSDL", "ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio(): failed to get audio buffer from JNI");

	/* We cannot call DetachCurrentThread() from main thread or we'll crash */
	/* (*jniVM)->DetachCurrentThread(jniVM); */

	audioFormat->samples = audioBufferSize / bytesPerSample / audioFormat->channels;
	audioFormat->size = audioBufferSize;
	__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "libSDL", "ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio(): app opened audio bytespersample %d freq %d channels %d bufsize %d", bytesPerSample, audioFormat->freq, (int)audioFormat->channels, audioBufferSize);
