Exemple #1
 * \brief
 * Creates a new ANTLR3 exception structure
 * \param[in] exception
 * One of the ANTLR3_xxx_EXCEPTION indicators such as #ANTLR3_RECOGNITION_EXCEPTION
 * \param[in] message
 * Pointer to message string 
 * \param[in] freeMessage
 * Set to ANTLR3_TRUE if the message parameter should be freed by a call to 
 * ANTLR3_FREE() when the exception is destroyed.
 * \returns
 * Pointer to newly initialized exception structure, or an ANTLR3_ERR_xx defined value
 * upon failure.
 * An exception is 'thrown' by a recognizer  when input is seen that is not predicted by
 * the grammar productions or when some other error condition occurs. In C we do not have
 * the luxury of try and catch blocks, so exceptions are added in the order they occur to 
 * a list in the baserecognizer structure. The last one to be thrown is inserted at the head of
 * the list and the one currently installed is pointed to by the newly installed exception.
 * \remarks
 * After an exception is created, you may add a pointer to your own structure and a pointer
 * to a function to free this structure when the exception is destroyed.
 * \see
antlr3ExceptionNew(ANTLR3_UINT32 exception, void * name, void * message, ANTLR3_BOOLEAN freeMessage)

	/* Allocate memory for the structure

	/* Check for memory allocation
	if	(ex == NULL)
		return	NULL;

	ex->name		= name;		/* Install exception name	*/
	ex->type		= exception;	/* Install the exception number	*/
	ex->message		= message;	/* Install message string	*/

	/* Indicate whether the string should be freed if exception is destroyed    
	ex->freeMessage	= freeMessage;

	/* Install the API
	ex->print	    =  antlr3ExceptionPrint;
	ex->freeEx	    =  antlr3ExceptionFree;

	return ex;
/** \brief Create a new corpconfParser parser and return a context for it.
 * \param[in] instream Pointer to an input stream interface.
 * \return Pointer to new parser context upon success.
ANTLR3_API pcorpconfParser
    pcorpconfParser ctx;	    /* Context structure we will build and return   */
    ctx	= (pcorpconfParser) ANTLR3_CALLOC(1, sizeof(corpconfParser));
    if	(ctx == NULL)
		// Failed to allocate memory for parser context
        return  NULL;
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Memory for basic structure is allocated, now to fill in
     * the base ANTLR3 structures. We initialize the function pointers
     * for the standard ANTLR3 parser function set, but upon return
     * from here, the programmer may set the pointers to provide custom
     * implementations of each function. 
     * We don't use the macros defined in corpconfParser.h here, in order that you can get a sense
     * of what goes where.

    /* Create a base parser/recognizer, using the supplied token stream
    ctx->pParser	    = antlr3ParserNewStream(ANTLR3_SIZE_HINT, instream->tstream, state);
    /* Install the implementation of our corpconfParser interface
    ctx->config	= config;
    ctx->block	= block;
    ctx->line	= line;
    ctx->value	= value;
    ctx->free			= corpconfParserFree;
    ctx->getGrammarFileName	= getGrammarFileName;
    /* Install the scope pushing methods.
    ADAPTOR	= ANTLR3_TREE_ADAPTORNew(instream->tstream->tokenSource->strFactory);
    ctx->vectors	= antlr3VectorFactoryNew(0);

    /* Install the token table
    PSRSTATE->tokenNames   = corpconfParserTokenNames;
    /* Return the newly built parser to the caller
    return  ctx;
Exemple #3

	if	(tree == NULL)
		return NULL;


	return tree;
Exemple #4
/** \brief Use the contents of an operating system file as the input
 *         for an input stream.
 * \param fileName Name of operating system file to read.
 * \return
 *	- Pointer to new input stream context upon success
 *	- One of the ANTLR3_ERR_ defines on error.
antlr3AsciiFileStreamNew(pANTLR3_UINT8 fileName)
	// Pointer to the input stream we are going to create
	ANTLR3_UINT32	    status;

	if	(fileName == NULL)
		return NULL;

	// Allocate memory for the input stream structure
	input   = (pANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM)

	if	(input == NULL)
		return	NULL;

	// Structure was allocated correctly, now we can read the file.
	status  = antlr3readAscii(input, fileName);

	// Call the common 8 bit ASCII input stream handler
	// Initializer type thingy doobry function.
	antlr3AsciiSetupStream(input, ANTLR3_CHARSTREAM);

	// Now we can set up the file name
	input->istream->streamName	= input->strFactory->newStr(input->strFactory, fileName);
	input->fileName				= input->istream->streamName;

	if	(status != ANTLR3_SUCCESS)
		return	NULL;

	return  input;
antlr3CreateLineBufferedStream(std::istream& in)
	// Pointer to the input stream we are going to create

	if	(!in)
		return NULL;

	// Allocate memory for the input stream structure
	input   = (pANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM)

	if	(input == NULL)
		return	NULL;

	// Structure was allocated correctly, now we can install the pointer
        input->data             = malloc(1024);
        input->isAllocated	= ANTLR3_FALSE;

        ((pANTLR3_LINE_BUFFERED_INPUT_STREAM)input)->in = ∈

	// Call the common 8 bit input stream handler
	// initialization.
	antlr3AsciiSetupStream(input, ANTLR3_CHARSTREAM);
        // In some libantlr3c 3.4-beta versions, this call is not included in the above.
        // This is probably an erroneously-deleted line in the libantlr3c source since 3.2.

        return  input;
pANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM MemoryMappedInputBufferNew(const std::string& filename) {
  // Pointer to the input stream we are going to create
  ANTLR3_UINT32 status;

  // Allocate memory for the input stream structure

  if(input == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  // Structure was allocated correctly, now we can read the file.
  status = MemoryMapFile(input, filename);

  // Call the common 8 bit ASCII input stream handler
  // Initializer type thingy doobry function.
  antlr3AsciiSetupStream(input, ANTLR3_CHARSTREAM);

  // Now we can set up the file name
      = input->strFactory->newStr(input->strFactory,
                                  (uint8_t*) filename.c_str());
  input->fileName = input->istream->streamName;
  input->free = UnmapFile;

  if(status != ANTLR3_SUCCESS) {
    return NULL;

  return input;

    // Memory for the interface structure

    if  (stream == NULL)
                return  NULL;

    // Install basic API
        stream->replaceChildren = replaceChildren;
    stream->free                        = antlr3TreeNodeStreamFree;

    return stream;
    pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN    token;

    /* Allocate memory for this
    token   = (pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN) ANTLR3_CALLOC(1, (size_t)(sizeof(ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN)));

    if  (token == NULL)
        return  NULL;

    // Install the API
    token->factoryMade = ANTLR3_FALSE;

    return  token;
static void
newPool(pANTLR3_TOKEN_FACTORY factory)
    /* Increment factory count

    // If we were reusing this token factory then we may already have a pool
    // allocated. If we exceeded the max avaible then we must allocate a new
    // one.
    if  (factory->thisPool > factory->maxPool)
        /* Ensure we have enough pointers allocated
        factory->pools = (pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN *)
                         ANTLR3_REALLOC(        (void *)factory->pools,     /* Current pools pointer (starts at NULL)   */
                                            (ANTLR3_UINT32)((factory->thisPool + 1) * sizeof(pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN *))   /* Memory for new pool pointers */

        /* Allocate a new pool for the factory
        factory->pools[factory->thisPool]       =
                                    ANTLR3_CALLOC(1, (size_t)(sizeof(ANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN) * ANTLR3_FACTORY_POOL_SIZE));

        // We now have a new pool and can track it as the maximum we have created so far
        factory->maxPool = factory->thisPool;

    /* Reset the counters
    factory->nextToken  = 0;

    /* Done
antlr3CommonTreeNodeStreamNew(pANTLR3_STRING_FACTORY strFactory, ANTLR3_UINT32 hint)
        pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN                    token;

        // Memory for the interface structure

        if      (stream == NULL)
                return  NULL;

        // String factory for tree walker
        stream->stringFactory           = strFactory;

        // Create an adaptor for the common tree node stream
        stream->adaptor                         = ANTLR3_TREE_ADAPTORNew(strFactory);

        if      (stream->adaptor == NULL)
                return  NULL;

        // Create space for the tree node stream interface
        stream->tnstream            = antlr3TreeNodeStreamNew();

        if      (stream->tnstream == NULL)
                stream->adaptor->free           (stream->adaptor);
                stream->free                            (stream);

                return  NULL;

        // Create space for the INT_STREAM interface
        stream->tnstream->istream                   =  antlr3IntStreamNew();

        if      (stream->tnstream->istream == NULL)
                stream->adaptor->free           (stream->adaptor);
                stream->tnstream->free          (stream->tnstream);
                stream->free                            (stream);

                return  NULL;

        // Install the common tree node stream API
        stream->addNavigationNode                   =  addNavigationNode;
        stream->hasUniqueNavigationNodes    =  hasUniqueNavigationNodes;
        stream->newDownNode                                     =  newDownNode;
        stream->newUpNode                                       =  newUpNode;
        stream->reset                                           =  reset;
        stream->push                                            =  push;
        stream->pop                                                     =  pop;

        stream->free                        =  antlr3CommonTreeNodeStreamFree;

        // Install the tree node stream API
        stream->tnstream->getTreeAdaptor                        =  getTreeAdaptor;
        stream->tnstream->getTreeSource                         =  getTreeSource;
        stream->tnstream->_LT                                           =  _LT;
        stream->tnstream->setUniqueNavigationNodes      =  setUniqueNavigationNodes;
        stream->tnstream->toString                                      =  toString;
        stream->tnstream->toStringSS                            =  toStringSS;
        stream->tnstream->toStringWork                          =  toStringWork;
        stream->tnstream->get                                           =  get;

        // Install INT_STREAM interface
        stream->tnstream->istream->consume          =  consume;
        stream->tnstream->istream->index            =  tindex;
        stream->tnstream->istream->_LA                  =  _LA;
        stream->tnstream->istream->mark                 =  mark;
        stream->tnstream->istream->release          =  release;
        stream->tnstream->istream->rewind           =  rewindMark;
        stream->tnstream->istream->rewindLast   =  rewindLast;
        stream->tnstream->istream->seek                 =  seek;
        stream->tnstream->istream->size                 =  size;

        // Initialize data elements of INT stream
        stream->tnstream->istream->type                 = ANTLR3_COMMONTREENODE;
        stream->tnstream->istream->super            =  (stream->tnstream);

        // Initialize data elements of TREE stream
        stream->tnstream->ctns =  stream;

        // Initialize data elements of the COMMON TREE NODE stream
        stream->super                                   = NULL;
        stream->uniqueNavigationNodes   = ANTLR3_FALSE;
        stream->markers                                 = NULL;
        stream->nodeStack                               = antlr3StackNew(INITIAL_CALL_STACK_SIZE);

        // Create the node list map
        if      (hint == 0)
                hint = DEFAULT_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE;
        stream->nodes   = antlr3VectorNew(hint);
        stream->p               = -1;

        // Install the navigation nodes

        token                                           = antlr3CommonTokenNew(ANTLR3_TOKEN_UP);
        token->strFactory                       = strFactory;
        token->textState                        = ANTLR3_TEXT_CHARP;
        token->tokText.chars            = (pANTLR3_UCHAR)"UP";
        stream->UP.token                        = token;

        token                                           = antlr3CommonTokenNew(ANTLR3_TOKEN_DOWN);
        token->strFactory                       = strFactory;
        token->textState                        = ANTLR3_TEXT_CHARP;
        token->tokText.chars            = (pANTLR3_UCHAR)"DOWN";
        stream->DOWN.token                      = token;

        token                                           = antlr3CommonTokenNew(ANTLR3_TOKEN_EOF);
        token->strFactory                       = strFactory;
        token->textState                        = ANTLR3_TEXT_CHARP;
        token->tokText.chars            = (pANTLR3_UCHAR)"EOF";
        stream->EOF_NODE.token          = token;

        token                                           = antlr3CommonTokenNew(ANTLR3_TOKEN_INVALID);
        token->strFactory                       = strFactory;
        token->textState                        = ANTLR3_TEXT_CHARP;
        token->tokText.chars            = (pANTLR3_UCHAR)"INVALID";
        stream->INVALID_NODE.token      = token;

        return  stream;
antlr3CommonTreeNodeStreamNewStream(pANTLR3_COMMON_TREE_NODE_STREAM inStream)

        // Memory for the interface structure

        if      (stream == NULL)
                return  NULL;

        // Copy in all the reusable parts of the originating stream and create new
        // pieces where necessary.

        // String factory for tree walker
        stream->stringFactory           = inStream->stringFactory;

        // Create an adaptor for the common tree node stream
        stream->adaptor                         = inStream->adaptor;

        // Create space for the tree node stream interface
        stream->tnstream            = antlr3TreeNodeStreamNew();

        if      (stream->tnstream == NULL)
                stream->free                            (stream);

                return  NULL;

        // Create space for the INT_STREAM interface
        stream->tnstream->istream                   =  antlr3IntStreamNew();

        if      (stream->tnstream->istream == NULL)
                stream->tnstream->free          (stream->tnstream);
                stream->free                            (stream);

                return  NULL;

        // Install the common tree node stream API
        stream->addNavigationNode                   =  addNavigationNode;
        stream->hasUniqueNavigationNodes    =  hasUniqueNavigationNodes;
        stream->newDownNode                                     =  newDownNode;
        stream->newUpNode                                       =  newUpNode;
        stream->reset                                           =  reset;
        stream->push                                            =  push;
        stream->pop                                                     =  pop;
        stream->getLookaheadSize                        =  getLookaheadSize;

        stream->free                        =  antlr3CommonTreeNodeStreamFree;

        // Install the tree node stream API
        stream->tnstream->getTreeAdaptor                        =  getTreeAdaptor;
        stream->tnstream->getTreeSource                         =  getTreeSource;
        stream->tnstream->_LT                                           =  _LT;
        stream->tnstream->setUniqueNavigationNodes      =  setUniqueNavigationNodes;
        stream->tnstream->toString                                      =  toString;
        stream->tnstream->toStringSS                            =  toStringSS;
        stream->tnstream->toStringWork                          =  toStringWork;
        stream->tnstream->get                                           =  get;

        // Install INT_STREAM interface
        stream->tnstream->istream->consume          =  consume;
        stream->tnstream->istream->index            =  tindex;
        stream->tnstream->istream->_LA                  =  _LA;
        stream->tnstream->istream->mark                 =  mark;
        stream->tnstream->istream->release          =  release;
        stream->tnstream->istream->rewind           =  rewindMark;
        stream->tnstream->istream->rewindLast   =  rewindLast;
        stream->tnstream->istream->seek                 =  seek;
        stream->tnstream->istream->size                 =  size;

        // Initialize data elements of INT stream
        stream->tnstream->istream->type                 = ANTLR3_COMMONTREENODE;
        stream->tnstream->istream->super            =  (stream->tnstream);

        // Initialize data elements of TREE stream
        stream->tnstream->ctns =  stream;

        // Initialize data elements of the COMMON TREE NODE stream
        stream->super                                   = NULL;
        stream->uniqueNavigationNodes   = ANTLR3_FALSE;
        stream->markers                                 = NULL;
        stream->nodeStack                               = inStream->nodeStack;

        // Create the node list map
        stream->nodes   = antlr3VectorNew(DEFAULT_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE);
        stream->p               = -1;

        // Install the navigation nodes

        // Install the navigation nodes

        stream->UP.token                                                = inStream->UP.token;
        inStream->UP.token->strFactory                  = stream->stringFactory;
        stream->DOWN.token                                              = inStream->DOWN.token;
        inStream->DOWN.token->strFactory                = stream->stringFactory;
        stream->EOF_NODE.token                                  = inStream->EOF_NODE.token;
        inStream->EOF_NODE.token->strFactory    = stream->stringFactory;
        stream->INVALID_NODE.token                              = inStream->INVALID_NODE.token;
        inStream->INVALID_NODE.token->strFactory= stream->stringFactory;

        // Reuse the root tree of the originating stream
        stream->root            = inStream->root;

        // Signal that this is a rewriting stream so we don't
        // free the originating tree. Anything that we rewrite or
        // duplicate here will be done through the adaptor or
        // the original tree factory.
        stream->isRewriter      = ANTLR3_TRUE;
        return stream;
Exemple #12
antlr3LexerNew(ANTLR3_UINT32 sizeHint, pANTLR3_RECOGNIZER_SHARED_STATE state)
    pANTLR3_LEXER   lexer;
    pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN	specialT;

	/* Allocate memory
	lexer   = (pANTLR3_LEXER) ANTLR3_MALLOC(sizeof(ANTLR3_LEXER));

	if	(lexer == NULL)
		return	NULL;

	/* Now we need to create the base recognizer
	lexer->rec	    =  antlr3BaseRecognizerNew(ANTLR3_TYPE_LEXER, sizeHint, state);

	if	(lexer->rec == NULL)
		return	NULL;
	lexer->rec->super  =  lexer;

	lexer->rec->displayRecognitionError	    = displayRecognitionError;
	lexer->rec->reportError					= reportError;
	lexer->rec->reset						= reset;
	lexer->rec->getCurrentInputSymbol		= getCurrentInputSymbol;
	lexer->rec->getMissingSymbol			= getMissingSymbol;

	/* Now install the token source interface
	if	(lexer->rec->state->tokSource == NULL) 
		lexer->rec->state->tokSource	= (pANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE)ANTLR3_CALLOC(1, sizeof(ANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE));

		if	(lexer->rec->state->tokSource == NULL) 

			return	NULL;
		lexer->rec->state->tokSource->super    =  lexer;

		/* Install the default nextToken() method, which may be overridden
		 * by generated code, or by anything else in fact.
		lexer->rec->state->tokSource->nextToken	    =  nextToken;
		lexer->rec->state->tokSource->strFactory    = NULL;

		lexer->rec->state->tokFactory				= NULL;

    /* Install the lexer API
    lexer->setCharStream			=  setCharStream;
    lexer->mTokens					= (void (*)(void *))(mTokens);
    lexer->setCharStream			=  setCharStream;
    lexer->pushCharStream			=  pushCharStream;
    lexer->popCharStream			=  popCharStream;
    lexer->emit						=  emit;
    lexer->emitNew					=  emitNew;
    lexer->matchs					=  matchs;
    lexer->matchc					=  matchc;
    lexer->matchRange				=  matchRange;
    lexer->matchAny					=  matchAny;
    lexer->recover					=  recover;
    lexer->getLine					=  getLine;
    lexer->getCharIndex				=  getCharIndex;
    lexer->getCharPositionInLine    =  getCharPositionInLine;
    lexer->getText					=  getText;
    lexer->free						=  freeLexer;
    /* Initialise the eof token
    specialT					= &(lexer->rec->state->tokSource->eofToken);
    antlr3SetTokenAPI	  (specialT);
    specialT->setType	  (specialT, ANTLR3_TOKEN_EOF);
    specialT->factoryMade		= ANTLR3_TRUE;					// Prevent things trying to free() it
    specialT->strFactory        = NULL;
	specialT->textState			= ANTLR3_TEXT_NONE;
	specialT->custom			= NULL;
	specialT->user1				= 0;
	specialT->user2				= 0;
	specialT->user3				= 0;

	// Initialize the skip token.
    specialT					= &(lexer->rec->state->tokSource->skipToken);
    antlr3SetTokenAPI	  (specialT);
    specialT->setType	  (specialT, ANTLR3_TOKEN_INVALID);
    specialT->factoryMade		= ANTLR3_TRUE;					// Prevent things trying to free() it
    specialT->strFactory        = NULL;
	specialT->custom			= NULL;
	specialT->user1				= 0;
	specialT->user2				= 0;
	specialT->user3				= 0;
    return  lexer;
/** \brief Create a new lexer called belle_sdpLexer
 * \param[in]    instream Pointer to an initialized input stream
 * \param[state] state Previously created shared recognizer stat
 * \return 
 *     - Success pbelle_sdpLexer initialized for the lex start
 *     - Fail NULL
ANTLR3_API pbelle_sdpLexer belle_sdpLexerNewSSD         
    pbelle_sdpLexer ctx; // Context structure we will build and return

    ctx = (pbelle_sdpLexer) ANTLR3_CALLOC(1, sizeof(belle_sdpLexer));

    if  (ctx == NULL)
        // Failed to allocate memory for lexer context
        return  NULL;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Memory for basic structure is allocated, now to fill in
     * in base ANTLR3 structures. We initialize the function pointers
     * for the standard ANTLR3 lexer function set, but upon return
     * from here, the programmer may set the pointers to provide custom
     * implementations of each function. 
     * We don't use the macros defined in belle_sdpLexer.h here so you can get a sense
     * of what goes where.
    /* Create a base lexer, using the supplied input stream
    ctx->pLexer	= antlr3LexerNewStream(ANTLR3_SIZE_HINT, instream, state);
    /* Check that we allocated the memory correctly
    if	(ctx->pLexer == NULL)
		return  NULL;
    /* Install the implementation of our belle_sdpLexer interface
    ctx->mT__20	= mT__20;
    ctx->mT__21	= mT__21;
    ctx->mT__22	= mT__22;
    ctx->mT__23	= mT__23;
    ctx->mT__24	= mT__24;
    ctx->mT__25	= mT__25;
    ctx->mT__26	= mT__26;
    ctx->mT__27	= mT__27;
    ctx->mDIGIT	= mDIGIT;
    ctx->mZERO	= mZERO;
    ctx->mPOS_DIGIT	= mPOS_DIGIT;
    ctx->mHEX_CHAR	= mHEX_CHAR;
    ctx->mSPACE	= mSPACE;
    ctx->mLQUOTE	= mLQUOTE;
    ctx->mRQUOTE	= mRQUOTE;
    ctx->mCR	= mCR;
    ctx->mLF	= mLF;
    ctx->mDOT	= mDOT;
    ctx->mEQUAL	= mEQUAL;
    ctx->mCOLON	= mCOLON;
    ctx->mSLASH	= mSLASH;
    ctx->mDASH	= mDASH;
    ctx->mTokens	= mTokens;
    /** When the nextToken() call is made to this lexer's pANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE
     *  it will call mTokens() in this generated code, and will pass it the ctx
     * pointer of this lexer, not the context of the base lexer, so store that now.
    ctx->pLexer->ctx	    = ctx;
    /**Install the token matching function
    ctx->pLexer->mTokens = (void (*) (void *))(mTokens);
    ctx->getGrammarFileName	= getGrammarFileName;
    ctx->free		= belle_sdpLexerFree;


    /* Return the newly built lexer to the caller
    return  ctx;
Exemple #14
/** \brief Create a new lexer called ExprCppTreeLexer
 * \param[in]    instream Pointer to an initialized input stream
 * \param[state] state Previously created shared recognizer stat
 * \return 
 *     - Success pExprCppTreeLexer initialized for the lex start
 *     - Fail NULL
ANTLR3_API pExprCppTreeLexer ExprCppTreeLexerNewSSD         
    pExprCppTreeLexer ctx; // Context structure we will build and return

    ctx = (pExprCppTreeLexer) ANTLR3_CALLOC(1, sizeof(ExprCppTreeLexer));

    if  (ctx == NULL)
        // Failed to allocate memory for lexer context
        return  NULL;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Memory for basic structure is allocated, now to fill in
     * in base ANTLR3 structures. We initialize the function pointers
     * for the standard ANTLR3 lexer function set, but upon return
     * from here, the programmer may set the pointers to provide custom
     * implementations of each function. 
     * We don't use the macros defined in ExprCppTreeLexer.h here so you can get a sense
     * of what goes where.
    /* Create a base lexer, using the supplied input stream
    ctx->pLexer	= antlr3LexerNewStream(ANTLR3_SIZE_HINT, instream, state);
    /* Check that we allocated the memory correctly
    if	(ctx->pLexer == NULL)
		return  NULL;
    /* Install the implementation of our ExprCppTreeLexer interface
    ctx->mT__12	= mT__12;
    ctx->mT__13	= mT__13;
    ctx->mPLUS	= mPLUS;
    ctx->mMINUS	= mMINUS;
    ctx->mTIMES	= mTIMES;
    ctx->mASSIGN	= mASSIGN;
    ctx->mID	= mID;
    ctx->mINT	= mINT;
    ctx->mNEWLINE	= mNEWLINE;
    ctx->mWS	= mWS;
    ctx->mTokens	= mTokens;
    /** When the nextToken() call is made to this lexer's pANTLR3_TOKEN_SOURCE
     *  it will call mTokens() in this generated code, and will pass it the ctx
     * pointer of this lexer, not the context of the base lexer, so store that now.
    ctx->pLexer->ctx	    = ctx;
    /**Install the token matching function
    ctx->pLexer->mTokens = (void (*) (void *))(mTokens);
    ctx->getGrammarFileName	= getGrammarFileName;
    ctx->free		= ExprCppTreeLexerFree;
    ctx->reset          = ExprCppTreeLexerReset;


    /* Return the newly built lexer to the caller
    return  ctx;
/** \brief Create a new filter_expressionParser parser and return a context for it.
 * \param[in] instream Pointer to an input stream interface.
 * \return Pointer to new parser context upon success.
ANTLR3_API pfilter_expressionParser
filter_expressionParserNewSSD   (pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN_STREAM instream, pANTLR3_RECOGNIZER_SHARED_STATE state)
    pfilter_expressionParser ctx;	    /* Context structure we will build and return   */

    ctx	= (pfilter_expressionParser) ANTLR3_CALLOC(1, sizeof(filter_expressionParser));

    if	(ctx == NULL)
		// Failed to allocate memory for parser context
        return  NULL;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Memory for basic structure is allocated, now to fill in
     * the base ANTLR3 structures. We initialize the function pointers
     * for the standard ANTLR3 parser function set, but upon return
     * from here, the programmer may set the pointers to provide custom
     * implementations of each function.
     * We don't use the macros defined in filter_expressionParser.h here, in order that you can get a sense
     * of what goes where.

    /* Create a base parser/recognizer, using the supplied token stream
    ctx->pParser	    = antlr3ParserNewStream(ANTLR3_SIZE_HINT, instream->tstream, state);
    /* Install the implementation of our filter_expressionParser interface
    ctx->start_point	= start_point;
    ctx->filter_expr	= filter_expr;
    ctx->boolean_expr	= boolean_expr;
    ctx->boolean_term	= boolean_term;
    ctx->boolean_value	= boolean_value;
    ctx->parenthesized_boolean	= parenthesized_boolean;
    ctx->nonparentherized_boolean	= nonparentherized_boolean;
    ctx->unary_expr	= unary_expr;
    ctx->xpath_expr	= xpath_expr;
    ctx->constant_expr	= constant_expr;
    ctx->operand_expr	= operand_expr;
    ctx->free			= filter_expressionParserFree;
    ctx->reset			= filter_expressionParserReset;
    ctx->getGrammarFileName	= getGrammarFileName;

    /* Install the scope pushing methods.

     RECOGNIZER->displayRecognitionError       = displayRecognitionErrorNew;
    // RECOGNIZER->reportError = reportOverride;
    //  RECOGNIZER->antlr3RecognitionExceptionNew = antlr3RecognitionExceptionNewNew;
    //  RECOGNIZER->mismatch                      = mismatchNew;

    /* Install the token table
    PSRSTATE->tokenNames   = filter_expressionParserTokenNames;

    /* Return the newly built parser to the caller
    return  ctx;