Exemple #1
void SRS_Source_Out::Process(void* pSamples, int sampleBytes, int sampleRate, int countChans){
	// Will NOT touch Audio in these cases...
	if (sampleRate < 0) return;
	if (countChans != 2) return;
	if (DidAPIInit == false) APIInit(sampleRate, countChans);
	if (DidAPIInit == false) return;	// Still not ready?
	int tFrames = sampleBytes/(sizeof(int16_t)*countChans);
	if (Framesize != tFrames){
		Framesize = tFrames;
		if ((Framesize%256 != 0) && (UseCache == false)){
			SRS_LOG("Framesize of %d forcing Cache!!", Framesize);
	int16_t FadeHold[512];	// 256*stereo
	bool tWantProcess = WillProcess();
	if (tWantProcess == false){	// Turning off...
		if (ProcState == PROCST_OFF) return;	// Already off...
		else if (ProcState == PROCST_IN){	// Was fading in, fade out...
			ProcState = PROCST_OUT;
			ProcTrack = PROC_FADELEN-ProcTrack;
		} else if (ProcState == PROCST_ON){	// start fade out..
			ProcState = PROCST_OUT;
			ProcTrack = 0;
		// else already fading out - keep going...
	} else {
		if (ProcState == PROCST_OFF){
			ProcState = PROCST_IN;
			ProcTrack = 0;
			if (UseCache == true) InitCaching();	// Caching?  Reset...
		} else if (ProcState == PROCST_OUT){
			ProcState = PROCST_IN;
			ProcTrack = PROC_FADELEN-ProcTrack;
	int16_t* pSampsIn = (int16_t*)pSamples;
	// Fade In/Out... may return early...
	while ((ProcState == PROCST_OUT) || (ProcState == PROCST_IN)){
		SRS_LOG("Fading %d - %d", ProcState, ProcTrack);
		int tProcLen = (tFrames<256)?tFrames:256;	// How many samples to process?
		tFrames -= tProcLen;	// Pull that many off...
		int16_t* pSampsOrig = FadeHold;
		memcpy(FadeHold, pSampsIn, tProcLen*sizeof(int16_t)*countChans);	// Back up data for fade...
		CoreProcess(pSampsIn, tProcLen);	// Process...
		int tProcRemain = PROC_FADELEN-ProcTrack;	// How much can we process?
		int tDoProc = (tProcRemain<tProcLen)?tProcRemain:tProcLen;	// How many will we process?
		int tDoPass = (tProcLen>tDoProc)?(tProcLen-tDoProc):0;		// How many will we fill from history/processed?
		int32_t tTween = ProcTrack*gProcStep;	// Where we are in the fade...
		ProcTrack += tDoProc;
		if (ProcState == PROCST_OUT){	// Fading out...
			FadeLoop_2Chan(pSampsIn, pSampsOrig, pSampsIn, tTween, gProcStep, tDoProc);
			pSampsIn += 2*tDoProc;
			pSampsOrig += 2*tDoProc;
			if (tDoPass > 0){	// We over processed - so restore from the originals we saved...
				memcpy(pSampsIn, pSampsOrig, tDoPass*sizeof(int16_t)*countChans);
				pSampsIn += 2*tDoPass;
			if (ProcTrack >= PROC_FADELEN){
				ProcState = PROCST_OFF;	// Done!!!
		} else {						// Fading in...
			tTween -= PROC_DELAYIN*gProcStep;	// Adjust for the fade-in delay...
			FadeLoop_2Chan(pSampsIn, pSampsIn, pSampsOrig, tTween, gProcStep, tDoProc);
			pSampsIn += 2*tProcLen;		// Anything past tDoProc until tProcLen will be what we processed... no 'pass' phase...
			if (ProcTrack >= PROC_FADELEN){
				ProcState = PROCST_ON;	// Done!!!
		if (tFrames <= 0) break;
	if (tFrames > 0) CoreProcess(pSampsIn, tFrames);
Exemple #2
 @Function			SetTextures
 @Input				pContext		Context
 @Input				dwScreenX		Screen resolution along X
 @Input				dwScreenY		Screen resolution along Y
 @Input				bRotate			Rotate print3D by 90 degrees
 @Description		Initialization and texture upload. Should be called only once
					for a given context.
EPVRTError CPVRTPrint3D::SetTextures(
	const SPVRTContext	* const pContext,
	const unsigned int	dwScreenX,
	const unsigned int	dwScreenY,
	const bool bRotate)
#if !defined (DISABLE_PRINT3D)

	unsigned short	i;
	bool			bStatus;

	// Set the aspect ratio, so we can chage it without updating textures or anything else
	float fX, fY;

	m_bRotate = bRotate;
	m_ui32ScreenDim[0] = bRotate ? dwScreenY : dwScreenX;
	m_ui32ScreenDim[1] = bRotate ? dwScreenX : dwScreenY;

	// Alter the X, Y resolutions if the screen isn't portrait.
	if(dwScreenX > dwScreenY)
		fX = (float) dwScreenX;
		fY = (float) dwScreenY;
		fX = (float) dwScreenY;
		fY = (float) dwScreenX;

	m_fScreenScale[0] = (bRotate ? fY : fX) /640.0f;
	m_fScreenScale[1] = (bRotate ? fX : fY) /480.0f;

	// Check whether textures are already set up just in case
	if (m_bTexturesSet)
		return PVR_SUCCESS;

		return PVR_FAIL;

		This is the window background texture
		Type 0 because the data comes in TexTool rectangular format.
	bStatus = APIUpLoad4444(1, (unsigned char *)WindowBackground, 16, 0);
	if (!bStatus) return PVR_FAIL;

	bStatus = APIUpLoad4444(2, (unsigned char *)WindowPlainBackground, 16, 0);
	if (!bStatus) return PVR_FAIL;

	bStatus = APIUpLoad4444(3, (unsigned char *)WindowBackgroundOp, 16, 0);
	if (!bStatus) return PVR_FAIL;

	bStatus = APIUpLoad4444(4, (unsigned char *)WindowPlainBackgroundOp, 16, 0);
	if (!bStatus) return PVR_FAIL;

		This is the texture with the fonts.
		Type 1 because there is only alpha component (RGB are white).
	bStatus = APIUpLoad4444(0, (unsigned char *)PVRTPrint3DABC_Pixels, 256, 1);
	if (!bStatus) return PVR_FAIL;

	m_pwFacesFont = (unsigned short*)malloc(PVRTPRINT3D_MAX_RENDERABLE_LETTERS*2*3*sizeof(unsigned short));

		return PVR_FAIL;

	bStatus = APIUpLoadIcons((const PVRTuint32 *)PVRTPrint3DPVRLogo, (const PVRTuint32 *)PVRTPrint3DIMGLogo);
	if (!bStatus) return PVR_FAIL;

	// Vertex indices for letters
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+0] = 0+i*4;
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+1] = 3+i*4;
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+2] = 1+i*4;

		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+3] = 3+i*4;
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+4] = 0+i*4;
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+5] = 2+i*4;

	m_nVtxCacheMax = MIN_CACHED_VTX;
	m_pVtxCache = (SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex*)malloc(m_nVtxCacheMax * sizeof(*m_pVtxCache));
	m_nVtxCache = 0;

		return PVR_FAIL;

	// Everything is OK
	m_bTexturesSet = true;

	// set all windows for an update
	for (i=0; i<PVRTPRINT3D_MAX_WINDOWS; i++)
		m_pWin[i].bNeedUpdated = true;

	// Return Success
	return PVR_SUCCESS;

	return PVR_SUCCESS;
Exemple #3
	@Function			SetTextures
	@Input				pContext		Context
	@Input				pTexData		User-provided font texture
	@Input				uiDataSize		Size of the data provided
	@Input				dwScreenX		Screen resolution along X
	@Input				dwScreenY		Screen resolution along Y
	@Input				bRotate			Rotate print3D by 90 degrees
	@Input				bMakeCopy		This instance of Print3D creates a copy
										of it's data instead of sharing with previous
										contexts. Set this parameter if you require
										thread safety.	
	@Description		Initialization and texture upload of user-provided font 
					data. Should be called only once for a Print3D object.
EPVRTError CPVRTPrint3D::SetTextures(
	const SPVRTContext	* const pContext,
	const void * const pTexData,
	const unsigned int	dwScreenX,
	const unsigned int	dwScreenY,
	const bool bRotate,
	const bool bMakeCopy)
	#if !defined (DISABLE_PRINT3D)

	unsigned short	i;
	bool			bStatus;

	// Set the aspect ratio, so we can change it without updating textures or anything else
	float fX, fY;

	m_bRotate = bRotate;
	m_ui32ScreenDim[0] = bRotate ? dwScreenY : dwScreenX;
	m_ui32ScreenDim[1] = bRotate ? dwScreenX : dwScreenY;

	// Alter the X, Y resolutions if the screen isn't portrait.
	if(dwScreenX > dwScreenY)
		fX = (float) dwScreenX;
		fY = (float) dwScreenY;
		fX = (float) dwScreenY;
		fY = (float) dwScreenX;

	m_fScreenScale[0] = (bRotate ? fY : fX) /640.0f;
	m_fScreenScale[1] = (bRotate ? fX : fY) /480.0f;

	// Check whether textures are already set up just in case
	if (m_bTexturesSet)
		return PVR_SUCCESS;

	if(!APIInit(pContext, bMakeCopy))
		return PVR_FAIL;

		This is the texture with the fonts.
	PVRTextureHeaderV3 header;
	CPVRTMap<PVRTuint32, CPVRTMap<PVRTuint32, MetaDataBlock> > MetaDataMap;
	bStatus = APIUpLoadTexture((unsigned char *)pTexData, &header, MetaDataMap);
	if (!bStatus) return PVR_FAIL;

		This is the associated font data with the default font
	bStatus = LoadFontData(&header, MetaDataMap);
	if (!bStatus) return PVR_FAIL;

	m_pwFacesFont = (unsigned short*)malloc(PVRTPRINT3D_MAX_RENDERABLE_LETTERS*2*3*sizeof(unsigned short));

		return PVR_FAIL;

	bStatus = APIUpLoadIcons(PVRTPrint3DIMGLogo);
	if (!bStatus) return PVR_FAIL;

	// Vertex indices for letters
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+0] = 0+i*4;
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+1] = 3+i*4;
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+2] = 1+i*4;

		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+3] = 3+i*4;
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+4] = 0+i*4;
		m_pwFacesFont[i*6+5] = 2+i*4;

	m_nVtxCacheMax = MIN_CACHED_VTX;
	m_pVtxCache = (SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex*)malloc(m_nVtxCacheMax * sizeof(*m_pVtxCache));
	m_nVtxCache = 0;

		return PVR_FAIL;

	// Everything is OK
	m_bTexturesSet = true;

	// Return Success
	return PVR_SUCCESS;

	return PVR_SUCCESS;
Exemple #4
 * The Main function for the KL sub-module.
 *     uint32_t *BITPointer -> the pointer to the BIT.
void Main(BIT_t *BITPointer)
    // Save BITPointer into a global variable.
    BIT = BITPointer;

    FileAPIFunc = (FileAPIFunc_t)BIT->FileAPI;
    VideoAPIFunc = (VideoAPIFunc_t)BIT->Video.VideoAPI;

    AllocFrameFunc = (AllocFrameFunc_t)BIT->DBALPMM.AllocFrame;
    FreeFrameFunc = (FreeFrameFunc_t)BIT->DBALPMM.FreeFrame;
    AllocContigFramesFunc = (AllocContigFramesFunc_t)BIT->DBALPMM.AllocContigFrames;
    FreeContigFramesFunc = (FreeContigFramesFunc_t)BIT->DBALPMM.FreeContigFrames;

    AbortBootFunc = (AbortBootFunc_t)BIT->Video.AbortBoot;

    uint32_t FeatureFlags = CPUFeatureFlags();
    FILE_t Kernel, KernelMPMM, KernelMVMM;

    // Long mode is present - load the related files.
    if(FeatureFlags & LONG_MODE_PRESENT)
        // Load the AMD64 kernel.
        FileAPIFunc(FILE_KERNEL, ARCH_AMD64, &Kernel);

        // Load the PMM and VMM AMD64 kernel module.
        FileAPIFunc(FILE_KERNEL_M, PMMAMD64, &KernelMPMM);
        FileAPIFunc(FILE_KERNEL_M, VMMAMD64, &KernelMVMM);


        // Point the paging map function to AMD64 one.
        GenericPagingMap = &AMD64PagingMap;

        // Set the architecture.
        BIT->Arch = ARCH_AMD64;

    // Else, load the x86 files.
        // Load the x86 kernel.
        FileAPIFunc(FILE_KERNEL, ARCH_X86, &Kernel);

        // If PAE is present, then load those modules.
        // ALSO, NOTE: Memory *should* be present over 4GiB to take advantage of PAE, so we
        // ensure there is. Else, we use x86.
        if((FeatureFlags & PAE_PRESENT) &&
             (BIT->HighestAddress > 0xFFFFFFFFLLU))
            FileAPIFunc(FILE_KERNEL_M, PMMX86PAE, &KernelMPMM);
            FileAPIFunc(FILE_KERNEL_M, VMMX86PAE, &KernelMVMM);


            // Point the paging map function to PAE one.
            GenericPagingMap = &PAEPagingMap;

            // Set the architecture.
            BIT->Arch = ARCH_PAE;

        // Else, load the x86 modules.
            FileAPIFunc(FILE_KERNEL_M, PMMX86, &KernelMPMM);
            FileAPIFunc(FILE_KERNEL_M, VMMX86, &KernelMVMM);


            // Point the paging map function to x86 one.
            GenericPagingMap = &x86PagingMap;

            // Set the architecture.
            BIT->Arch = ARCH_X86;

    // Initialize the API.

    // Map the kernel (& modules).

    uint32_t BITFrame = AllocFrameFunc(POOL_BITMAP);
        // Switch to text mode.

        AbortBootFunc("ERROR: Unable to allocate pages for the BIT.");

    // Copy the BIT to the frame.
    memcpy((void*)BITFrame, BIT, sizeof(BIT_t));
        case ARCH_X86:
            // Map the BIT frame.
            GenericPagingMap(X86_BIT, BITFrame);

            // Map the stack for x86.
            RegionMap(X86_STACK - STACK_SIZE, X86_STACK);

            // Enable paging completely.


        case ARCH_PAE:
            // Map the BIT frame.
            GenericPagingMap(PAE_BIT, BITFrame);

            // Map the stack for PAE.
            RegionMap(PAE_STACK - STACK_SIZE, PAE_STACK);

            // Enable paging completely.


        case ARCH_AMD64:
            // Map the BIT frame.
            GenericPagingMap(AMD64_BIT, BITFrame);

            // Map the stack for AMD64.
            RegionMap(AMD64_STACK - STACK_SIZE, AMD64_STACK);

            // Enable paging completely.


    // We shouldn't reach here.
        __asm__ __volatile__("hlt");