Exemple #1
VM_Wizard_Window::VM_Wizard_Window( QWidget *parent )
	: QDialog(parent)
	ui.setupUi( this );
	ui.Label_Page->setBackgroundRole( QPalette::Base );
	New_VM = new Virtual_Machine();
	// Loadind All Templates
	if( Load_OS_Templates() )
		// Find default template
		for( int ix = 0; ix < ui.CB_OS_Type->count(); ++ix )
			if( ui.CB_OS_Type->itemText(ix) == Settings.value("Default_VM_Template", "Linux 2.6").toString() )
				ui.CB_OS_Type->setCurrentIndex( ix );
		AQWarning( "void VM_Wizard_Window::on_Button_Next_clicked()",
				   "No VM Templates Found!" );
void Emulator_Options_Window::Set_Emulator( const Emulator &emul )
	Current_Emulator = emul;
	// Name
	ui.Edit_Name->setText( Current_Emulator.Get_Name() );
	// Path
	ui.Edit_Path_to_Dir->setText( Current_Emulator.Get_Path() );
	// Version
	if( Current_Emulator.Get_Check_Version() ) ui.RB_Check_Version->setChecked( true ); // Check version
	else if( Current_Emulator.Get_Check_Available_Options() ) ui.RB_Check_Options->setChecked( true ); // Check available options
	else if( Current_Emulator.Get_Force_Version() ) ui.RB_Force_Version->setChecked( true ); // Force version
	else ui.RB_Save_Options->setChecked( true ); // Use saved emulator available options
	// Force Version
	switch( Current_Emulator.Get_Version() )
		case VM::QEMU_2_0:
			ui.CB_Version->setCurrentIndex( 1 );
			AQWarning( "void Emulator_Options_Window::Set_Emulator( Emulator emul )",
					   "Version NOT Valid! Use Default" );
			ui.CB_Version->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
	// Emulator Binary Files
	QMap<QString, QString> bin_files = Current_Emulator.Get_Binary_Files();
	// Clear	
	while( ui.Table_Systems->rowCount() > 0 ) ui.Table_Systems->removeRow( 0 );
	// Add new
	for( QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator iter = bin_files.constBegin(); iter != bin_files.constEnd(); iter++ )
		ui.Table_Systems->insertRow( ui.Table_Systems->rowCount() );
		QTableWidgetItem *newItem;
		/*if( ui.RB_QEMU->isChecked() )
			newItem = new QTableWidgetItem( iter.key() );
			ui.Table_Systems->setItem( ui.Table_Systems->rowCount()-1, 0, newItem );
			newItem = new QTableWidgetItem( iter.key() );
			ui.Table_Systems->setItem( ui.Table_Systems->rowCount()-1, 0, newItem );
		newItem = new QTableWidgetItem( iter.value() );
		ui.Table_Systems->setItem( ui.Table_Systems->rowCount()-1, 1, newItem );
	Update_Info = false; // Update emulator info
bool Advanced_Settings_Window::Save_Emulators_Info()
	// FIXME save only if emulators changed
	// Check defaults emulators
	bool installed_kvm, installed_qemu, default_kvm, default_qemu;
	installed_kvm = installed_qemu = default_kvm = default_qemu = false;
	for( int ix = 0; ix < Emulators.count(); ++ix )
		if( Emulators[ix].Get_Type() == VM::QEMU )
			installed_qemu = true;

			if( Emulators[ix].Get_Default() ) default_qemu = true;
		else if( Emulators[ix].Get_Type() == VM::KVM )
			installed_kvm = true;
			if( Emulators[ix].Get_Default() ) default_kvm = true;
	if( installed_qemu && default_qemu == false )
		AQGraphic_Warning( tr("Error!"), tr("Default QEMU Emulator isn't selected!") );
		return false;
	if( installed_kvm && default_kvm == false )
		AQGraphic_Warning( tr("Error!"), tr("Default KVM Emulator isn't selected!") );
		return false;
	// Remove old emulators files
	if( ! Remove_All_Emulators_Files() )
		AQWarning( "bool Advanced_Settings_Window::Save_Emulators_Info()",
				   "Not all old emulators files removed!" );
	// Save new files
	for( int ix = 0; ix < Emulators.count(); ++ix )
		if( ! Emulators[ ix ].Save() )
			AQGraphic_Warning( tr("Error!"),
							   tr("Cannot save emulator \"%1\"!").arg(Emulators[ix].Get_Name()) );
	return true;
Convert_HDD_Image_Window::Convert_HDD_Image_Window( QWidget *parent )
	: QDialog( parent )
	ui.setupUi( this );
	resize( width(), minimumSizeHint().height() );
	HDD_Info = new HDD_Image_Info();
	connect( HDD_Info, SIGNAL(Completed(bool)),
			 this, SLOT(Update_Info(bool)) );
	Valid_Info = false;
	Possible_Encrypte = false;
	if( ! Get_QEMU_IMG_Info() )
		AQWarning( "Convert_HDD_Image_Window::Convert_HDD_Image_Window( QWidget *parent )",
				   "Cannot get qemu-img info!" );
		QStringList formats;
		formats << "qcow2" << "qcow" << "vmdk" << "cow" << "raw" << "cloop";
		ui.CB_Output_Format->addItems( formats );
void Emulator_Control_Window::Add_USB_To_VM()
	QAction *usb_item = qobject_cast<QAction*>( sender() );
	if( usb_item )
		QList<QAction*> ac_list = ui.menuDisconnect->actions();
		for( int ix = 0; ix < ac_list.count(); ++ix )
			// Unique value
			if( usb_item->data().toString() == ac_list[ix]->data().toString() )
				AQWarning( "void Emulator_Control_Window::Add_USB_To_VM()",
						   "This is not unique value: " + usb_item->data().toString() );
		// Create Item for Disconnect Menu
		QAction *dis_act = new QAction( usb_item->text(), ui.menuDisconnect );
		dis_act->setData( usb_item->data() );
		connect( dis_act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(Delete_USB_From_VM()) );
		ui.menuDisconnect->addAction( dis_act );
		// Add To Running VM
		emit Ready_Read_Command( "usb_add host:" + usb_item->data().toString() );
		AQError( "void Emulator_Control_Window::Add_USB_To_VM()",
				 "Cannot convert to QAction!" );
Exemple #6
bool VM_Wizard_Window::Create_New_VM()
	// Icon
	QString icon_path = Find_OS_Icon( ui.Edit_VM_Name->text() );
	if( icon_path.isEmpty() )
		AQWarning( "void VM_Wizard_Window::Create_New_VM()", "Icon for new VM not Found!" );
		New_VM->Set_Icon_Path( "other.png" );
		New_VM->Set_Icon_Path( icon_path );
	// Name
	New_VM->Set_Machine_Name( ui.Edit_VM_Name->text() );
	// Create path valid string
	QString VM_File_Name = Get_FS_Compatible_VM_Name( ui.Edit_VM_Name->text() );
	// Set Computer Type?
	if( ui.RB_Generate_VM->isChecked() )
		New_VM->Set_Computer_Type( Current_Devices->System.QEMU_Name );
	// RAM
	New_VM->Set_Memory_Size( ui.Memory_Size->value() );
	// Wizard Mode
	if( ui.RB_Typical->isChecked() )
		// Hard Disk
		VM::Device_Size hd_size;
		hd_size.Size = ui.SB_HDD_Size->value();
		hd_size.Suffix = VM::Size_Suf_Gb;
		QString hd_path = Settings.value( "VM_Directory", "~" ).toString() + VM_File_Name;
		Create_New_HDD_Image( hd_path + "_HDA.img", hd_size );
		New_VM->Set_HDA( VM_HDD(true, hd_path + "_HDA.img") );
		// Other HDD's
		if( New_VM->Get_HDB().Get_Enabled() )
			Create_New_HDD_Image( hd_path + "_HDB.img", New_VM->Get_HDB().Get_Virtual_Size() );
			New_VM->Set_HDB( VM_HDD(true, hd_path + "_HDB.img") );
		if( New_VM->Get_HDC().Get_Enabled() )
			Create_New_HDD_Image( hd_path + "_HDC.img", New_VM->Get_HDC().Get_Virtual_Size() );
			New_VM->Set_HDC( VM_HDD(true, hd_path + "_HDC.img") );
		if( New_VM->Get_HDD().Get_Enabled() )
			Create_New_HDD_Image( hd_path + "_HDD.img", New_VM->Get_HDD().Get_Virtual_Size() );
			New_VM->Set_HDD( VM_HDD(true, hd_path + "_HDD.img") );
		bool devices_finded = false;
		// CPU Type
		if( ui.RB_VM_Template->isChecked() )
			// Find QEMU System Name in VM
			if( ui.RB_Emulator_KVM->isChecked() )
				Current_Devices = &All_Systems[ "qemu-kvm" ];
				if( ! Current_Devices->System.QEMU_Name.isEmpty() ) devices_finded = true;
			else // QEMU
				Current_Devices = &All_Systems[ New_VM->Get_Computer_Type() ];
				if( ! Current_Devices->System.QEMU_Name.isEmpty() ) devices_finded = true;
			// Find QEMU System Name in CB_Computer_Type
			if( ui.RB_Emulator_KVM->isChecked() )
				Current_Devices = &All_Systems[ "qemu-kvm" ];
				if( ! Current_Devices->System.QEMU_Name.isEmpty() ) devices_finded = true;
			else // QEMU
				for( QMap<QString, Available_Devices>::const_iterator it = All_Systems.constBegin(); it != All_Systems.constEnd(); it++ )
					if( it.value().System.Caption == ui.CB_Computer_Type->currentText() )
						Current_Devices = &it.value();
						devices_finded = true;
		if( ! devices_finded )
			AQGraphic_Error( "bool VM_Wizard_Window::Create_New_VM()", tr("Error!"),
							 tr("Cannot Find QEMU System ID!") );
			return false;
		New_VM->Set_CPU_Type( Current_Devices->CPU_List[ui.CB_CPU_Type->currentIndex()].QEMU_Name );
		// Hard Disk
		if( ! ui.Edit_HDA_File_Name->text().isEmpty() )
			New_VM->Set_HDA( VM_HDD(true, ui.Edit_HDA_File_Name->text()) );
			New_VM->Set_HDA( VM_HDD(false, "") );
	// Network
	if( ui.RB_User_Mode_Network->isChecked() )
		if( New_VM->Get_Network_Cards_Count() == 0 )
			New_VM->Set_Use_Network( true );
			VM_Net_Card net_card;
			net_card.Set_Net_Mode( VM::Net_Mode_Usermode );
			New_VM->Add_Network_Card( net_card );
	else if( ui.RB_No_Network->isChecked() )
		New_VM->Set_Use_Network( false );
		for( int rx = 0; rx < New_VM->Get_Network_Cards_Count(); ++rx )
			New_VM->Delete_Network_Card( 0 );
	// Set Emulator Name (version) to Default ("")
	Emulator tmp_emul = New_VM->Get_Emulator();
	tmp_emul.Set_Name( "" );
	New_VM->Set_Emulator( tmp_emul );
	// Create New VM XML File
	New_VM->Create_VM_File( Settings.value("VM_Directory", "~").toString() + VM_File_Name + ".aqemu", false );
	return true;