Exemple #1
static void m__previous (NAK *nak_ptr, NODE *current, NODE **previous)
/* WHAT IT DOES:  Given a Nak-list ('nak') and a node ('current'), 
 *   it attempts to locate the node previous to 'current'.  If successful,
 *   '*previous' contains a pointer to that node; otherwise, '*previous' is
 *   null.
     NODE          *p;

     /* Initialize '*previous' to indicate failure */
     *previous = NULL;

     if (current == nak_ptr->head)
       /* There is no 'previous' node for the list-head */

     /* Walk through the list, looking for a node which points to the 
      * given node.
     for (p=nak_ptr->head; p!=NULL; p=p->next)
       if (p->next == current)
         /* We found it. */

     /* Validate that the given node was on the list */
     ASSERT__ (p != NULL);

     /* Return the result.  If the walk completed without finding the
      * node (assertion fired) the result will be NULL, which
      * is the best answer we can give.
     *previous = p;
Exemple #2
static void m__incorporate_gap (NAK *nak_ptr, u_int_4 begin, u_int_4 end)
     /* WHAT IT DOES:  To avoid 'losing' the knowledge of this gap forever,
      *   extend the end-point of the last gap to include this one.
      *   On the bad side, this results in retransmission of data that
      *   was already received.  On the good side, the transaction is able
      *   to complete successfully, because all data gaps are remembered.
  GAP             *p;

  /* Before doing anything, validate the input pointer */
  ASSERT__ (nak_ptr->head != NULL);
  if (nak_ptr->head == NULL)
    /* Avoid crashing if engine user continues after assertion fires */

  /* Move to the last node (gap) on the given list */
  for (p=nak_ptr->head; p->next!=NULL; p=p->next)
  p->end = end;
  if (end > nak_ptr->end_of_scope)
    /* Extend the scope of this Nak */
    nak_ptr->end_of_scope = end;
Exemple #3
static void m__remove_node (NAK *nak_ptr, NODE *obsolete)
/* WHAT IT DOES:  Removes the given node from the given nak-list. */
     NODE         *node_before_obsolete;

     /* (The nak-list should never be empty at this point) */
     ASSERT__ (nak_ptr->head != NULL);
     if (nak_ptr->head == NULL)
       /* Avoid crashing if engine user continues after assertion fires */

     if (obsolete == nak_ptr->head)
       /* Remove node from front of list */
         nak_ptr->head = obsolete->next;
         nak_mem__free (nak_ptr, obsolete);

       /* Remove node from interior/end of list */
         /* Find the node that is previous to the obsolete node, 
          * and have that node point around the obsolete node (so that all
          * nodes are still linked together).
          * Then the obsolete node can be deleted safely.
         m__previous (nak_ptr, obsolete, &node_before_obsolete);
         ASSERT__ (node_before_obsolete != NULL);
         if (node_before_obsolete == NULL)
           /* Avoid crashing if engine user continues after assertion fires */
         node_before_obsolete->next = obsolete->next;
         nak_mem__free (nak_ptr, obsolete);
Exemple #4
static boolean m__intercept_secret_commands (char *user_input)
  u_int_4          active_count;
  char             answer [MAX_ANSWER_LENGTH+1];
  char             arg1 [64];
  char             arg2 [64];
  char             arg3 [64];
  char             arg4 [64];
  int              i;
  u_int_4          number;
  boolean          secret = NO;
  SUMMARY_STATUS   summary;

  /* Extract all args (tokens) from the given input, and convert
   * some of them to lowercase.
  memset (arg1, 0, sizeof(arg1));
  memset (arg2, 0, sizeof(arg2));
  memset (arg3, 0, sizeof(arg3));
  memset (arg4, 0, sizeof(arg4));
  sscanf (user_input, "%64s %64s %64s %64s", arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
  for (i=0; i<strlen(arg1); i++)
    arg1[i] = tolower(arg1[i]);
  for (i=0; i<strlen(arg2); i++)
    arg2[i] = tolower(arg2[i]);
  if ((!strcmp (arg1, "use_pipes")) ||
      (!strcmp (arg1, "p")))
      secret = YES;
      if (!m_are_pipes_enabled)
          m__create_and_open_output_pipe ();
          m__create_and_open_input_pipe ();
      m_are_pipes_enabled = YES;

  else if (!strcmp (arg1, "how_many_active_transactions?"))
      secret = YES;
      summary = cfdp_summary_status ();
      active_count = summary.how_many_senders + summary.how_many_receivers;
      sprintf (answer, "%lu", active_count);
      ASSERT__ (strlen(answer) <= MAX_ANSWER_LENGTH);
      if (m_debug_pipe)
        msg__ ("Pipe output: %s\n", answer);
      /* ^^^ sleep (1);*/   /* Kludge!!!   Needed for back-to-back msgs to named-pipe */
      fprintf (m_fp_out, "%s\n", answer);
      fflush (m_fp_out);

  else if (!strcmp (arg1, "last_condition_code?"))
      secret = YES;
      code = cfdp_last_condition_code();
      if (code == NO_ERROR)
        strcpy (answer, "No_error");
      else if (code == CANCEL_REQUEST_RECEIVED)
        strcpy (answer, "Cancel_request_received");
      else if (code == POSITIVE_ACK_LIMIT_REACHED)
        strcpy (answer, "Positive_ack_limit_reached");
      else if (code == NAK_LIMIT_REACHED)
        strcpy (answer, "Nak_limit_reached");
      else if (code == INACTIVITY_DETECTED)
        strcpy (answer, "Inactivity_detected");
      else if (code == FILESTORE_REJECTION)
        strcpy (answer, "Filestore_rejection");
      else if (code == FILE_CHECKSUM_FAILURE)
	strcpy (answer, "File_checksum_failure");
      else if (code == FILE_SIZE_ERROR)
	strcpy (answer, "File_size_error");
        strcpy (answer, "?");
      if (m_debug_pipe)
        msg__ ("Pipe output: %s\n", answer);
      /* ^^^ sleep (1);*/   /* Kludge!!!   Needed for back-to-back msgs to named-pipe */
      fprintf (m_fp_out, "%s\n", answer);
      fflush (m_fp_out);

  else if (!strcmp (arg1, "cancelling?"))
      secret = YES;
      if (cfdp_is_a_trans_being_cancelled ())
	strcpy (answer, "Yes");
	strcpy (answer, "No");
      if (m_debug_pipe)
        msg__ ("Pipe output: %s\n", answer);
      /* ^^^ sleep (1);*/   /* Kludge!!!   Needed for back-to-back msgs to named-pipe */
      fprintf (m_fp_out, "%s\n", answer);
      fflush (m_fp_out);

  else if (!strcmp (arg1, "last_transaction_abandoned?"))
      secret = YES;
      if (m_was_last_trans_abandoned)
	strcpy (answer, "Yes");
	strcpy (answer, "No");
      if (m_debug_pipe)
        msg__ ("Pipe output: %s\n", answer);
      /* ^^^ sleep (1);*/   /* Kludge!!!   Needed for back-to-back msgs to named-pipe */
      fprintf (m_fp_out, "%s\n", answer);
      fflush (m_fp_out);

  else if (!strcmp (arg1, "date"))
      secret = YES;
      system ("date");

  else if (!strcmp (arg1, "print"))
      secret = YES;
      msg__ ("\n\n\n%s %s %s\n", arg2, arg3, arg4);

  else if (!strcmp (arg1, "set_trans_seq_num"))
      secret = YES;
      number = atoi (arg2);
      cfdp_set_trans_seq_num (number);
      msg__ ("Trans_seq_num set to %lu.\n", number);

  return (secret);
Exemple #5
static void m__all_data_has_been_received (MACHINE *m)
     /* WHAT IT DOES:  Performs the actions required after all data has
      *   been delivered.  Typically, validates the delivered file, moves
      *   it to the destination specified in the Metadata PDU, and
      *   builds/queues an outgoing Finished-No-error PDU.
  TRANS_STATUS      *mp = &(m->publik);   /* useful shorthand */

  /* IMPORTANT:  The program will crash if the actions in this routine are
   * carried out more than once, so prevent that from happening.
  if (mp->delivery_code == DATA_COMPLETE)
    /* Return immediately! */
      w_msg__ ("cfdp_engine: 'all_data_has_been_received' called 2+ times.\n");

  /* We've received everything, so delivery is complete... */
  mp->delivery_code = DATA_COMPLETE;

  /* ... and there is no need to send a Nak back to the sender. */
  m->is_outgoing_nak_buffered = NO;
  timer__cancel (&m->nak_timer);
  /* If a file has been transferred, do something with it */
  if (mp->md.file_transfer)
      /* If the temporary file is still open, then close it */
      if (m->is_there_an_open_file)
          ASSERT__ (m->fp != NULL);
          if (m->fp == NULL)
            /* This should never happen, but if it does, avoid crashing */
            fclose_callback (m->fp);
          m->is_there_an_open_file = NO;
      /* Validate the received file (via the checksum) */
      if (!aaa__is_file_checksum_valid (m))
          if (!m__fault_handler (m, FILE_CHECKSUM_FAILURE))
      /* Move the temporary file to the real destination */
      if (!rename_callback (mp->temp_file_name, mp->md.dest_file_name))
        /* Success */
        m->is_there_a_temp_file = NO;
        /* Oops. Our attempt to move the file failed. */
          e_msg__ ("cfdp_engine: unable to rename '%s' to '%s'.\n",
                   mp->temp_file_name, mp->md.dest_file_name);
          e_msg__ ("cfdp_engine: are they on separate filesystems?\n");
          if (!m__fault_handler (m, FILESTORE_REJECTION))
  /* <NOT_SUPPORTED> Filestore Requests (executed here) */
  /* Build and queue a Finished Pdu */
  m->fin = aaa__build_fin (NO_ERROR, mp->delivery_code);
  m->is_outgoing_fin_buffered = YES;
  mp->attempts = 0;