Exemple #1
SEXP Csparse_dense_prod(SEXP a, SEXP b)
    CHM_SP cha = AS_CHM_SP(a);
    SEXP b_M = PROTECT(mMatrix_as_dgeMatrix(b));
    CHM_DN chb = AS_CHM_DN(b_M);
    CHM_DN chc = cholmod_l_allocate_dense(cha->nrow, chb->ncol, cha->nrow,
					chb->xtype, &c);
    SEXP dn = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
    double one[] = {1,0}, zero[] = {0,0};
    int nprot = 2;
    /* Tim Davis, please FIXME:  currently (2010-11) *fails* when  a  is a pattern matrix:*/
    if(cha->xtype == CHOLMOD_PATTERN) {
	/* warning(_("Csparse_dense_prod(): cholmod_sdmult() not yet implemented for pattern./ ngCMatrix" */
	/* 	  " --> slightly inefficient coercion")); */

	// This *fails* to produce a CHOLMOD_REAL ..
	// CHM_SP chd = cholmod_l_copy(cha, cha->stype, CHOLMOD_REAL, &c);
	// --> use our Matrix-classes
	SEXP da = PROTECT(nz2Csparse(a, x_double)); nprot++;
	cha = AS_CHM_SP(da);
    cholmod_l_sdmult(cha, 0, one, zero, chb, chc, &c);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0,	/* establish dimnames */
		   duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(GET_SLOT(a, Matrix_DimNamesSym), 0)));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1,
		   duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(GET_SLOT(b_M, Matrix_DimNamesSym), 1)));
    return chm_dense_to_SEXP(chc, 1, 0, dn);
Exemple #2
/* Given sparse matrices A and B (sorted columns).
   Assume pattern of A is a subset of pattern of B.
   (This also includes cases where dimension of B larger than dim of A)
   Return integer vector p of same length as A@x such that
     " A@i == B@i[p] and A@j == B@j[p] "
SEXP match_pattern(SEXP A_, SEXP B_){
  int *Ai=A->i, *Bi=B->i, *Ap=A->p, *Bp=B->p;
  int ncol=A->ncol,i,j,k;
  int index; // index match
  SEXP ans;
  if(A->ncol>B->ncol)error("Must have dim(A)<=dim(B)");
  int *pans=INTEGER(ans);
    index=Bp[j]; // Start at top of B(:,j)
      for(;Bi[index]!=i;index++){ // Find next match
	  error("No match");
      *pans=index+1; pans++; // R-index !
  return ans;
Exemple #3
 * "Indexing" aka subsetting : Compute  x[i,j], also for vectors i and j
 * Working via CHOLMOD_submatrix, see ./CHOLMOD/MatrixOps/cholmod_submatrix.c
 * @param x CsparseMatrix
 * @param i row     indices (0-origin), or NULL (R's)
 * @param j columns indices (0-origin), or NULL
 * @return x[i,j]  still CsparseMatrix --- currently, this loses dimnames
SEXP Csparse_submatrix(SEXP x, SEXP i, SEXP j)
    CHM_SP chx = AS_CHM_SP(x); /* << does diagU2N() when needed */
    int rsize = (isNull(i)) ? -1 : LENGTH(i),
	csize = (isNull(j)) ? -1 : LENGTH(j);
    int Rkind = (chx->xtype != CHOLMOD_PATTERN) ? Real_kind(x) : 0;

    if (rsize >= 0 && !isInteger(i))
	error(_("Index i must be NULL or integer"));
    if (csize >= 0 && !isInteger(j))
	error(_("Index j must be NULL or integer"));

    if (!chx->stype) {/* non-symmetric Matrix */
	return chm_sparse_to_SEXP(cholmod_submatrix(chx,
						    (rsize < 0) ? NULL : INTEGER(i), rsize,
						    (csize < 0) ? NULL : INTEGER(j), csize,
						    TRUE, TRUE, &c),
				  1, 0, Rkind, "",
				  /* FIXME: drops dimnames */ R_NilValue);
				/* for now, cholmod_submatrix() only accepts "generalMatrix" */
    CHM_SP tmp = cholmod_copy(chx, /* stype: */ 0, chx->xtype, &c);
    CHM_SP ans = cholmod_submatrix(tmp,
				   (rsize < 0) ? NULL : INTEGER(i), rsize,
				   (csize < 0) ? NULL : INTEGER(j), csize,
				   TRUE, TRUE, &c);
    cholmod_free_sparse(&tmp, &c);
    return chm_sparse_to_SEXP(ans, 1, 0, Rkind, "", R_NilValue);
// called from package MatrixModels's R code:
SEXP dgCMatrix_cholsol(SEXP x, SEXP y)
    /* Solve Sparse Least Squares X %*% beta ~= y  with dense RHS y,
     * where X = t(x) i.e. we pass  x = t(X)  as argument,
     * via  "Cholesky(X'X)" .. well not really:
     * cholmod_factorize("x", ..) finds L in  X'X = L'L directly */
    CHM_SP cx = AS_CHM_SP(x);
    /* FIXME: extend this to work in multivariate case, i.e. y a matrix with > 1 column ! */
    CHM_DN cy = AS_CHM_DN(coerceVector(y, REALSXP)), rhs, cAns, resid;
    CHM_FR L;
    int n = cx->ncol;/* #{obs.} {x = t(X) !} */
    double one[] = {1,0}, zero[] = {0,0}, neg1[] = {-1,0};
    const char *nms[] = {"L", "coef", "Xty", "resid", ""};
    SEXP ans = PROTECT(Rf_mkNamed(VECSXP, nms));

    if (n < cx->nrow || n <= 0)
	error(_("dgCMatrix_cholsol requires a 'short, wide' rectangular matrix"));
    if (cy->nrow != n)
	error(_("Dimensions of system to be solved are inconsistent"));
    rhs = cholmod_allocate_dense(cx->nrow, 1, cx->nrow, CHOLMOD_REAL, &c);
    /* cholmod_sdmult(A, transp, alpha, beta, X, Y, &c):
     *		Y := alpha*(A*X) + beta*Y or alpha*(A'*X) + beta*Y ;
     * here: rhs := 1 * x %*% y + 0 =  x %*% y =  X'y  */
    if (!(cholmod_sdmult(cx, 0 /* trans */, one, zero, cy, rhs, &c)))
	error(_("cholmod_sdmult error (rhs)"));
    L = cholmod_analyze(cx, &c);
    if (!cholmod_factorize(cx, L, &c))
	error(_("cholmod_factorize failed: status %d, minor %d from ncol %d"),
	      c.status, L->minor, L->n);
/* FIXME: Do this in stages so an "effects" vector can be calculated */
    if (!(cAns = cholmod_solve(CHOLMOD_A, L, rhs, &c)))
	error(_("cholmod_solve (CHOLMOD_A) failed: status %d, minor %d from ncol %d"),
	      c.status, L->minor, L->n);
    /* L : */
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, chm_factor_to_SEXP(L, 0));
    /* coef : */
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, allocVector(REALSXP, cx->nrow));
    Memcpy(REAL(VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1)), (double*)(cAns->x), cx->nrow);
    /* X'y : */
/* FIXME: Change this when the "effects" vector is available */
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 2, allocVector(REALSXP, cx->nrow));
    Memcpy(REAL(VECTOR_ELT(ans, 2)), (double*)(rhs->x), cx->nrow);
    /* resid := y */
    resid = cholmod_copy_dense(cy, &c);
    /* cholmod_sdmult(A, transp, alp, bet, X, Y, &c):
     *		Y := alp*(A*X) + bet*Y or alp*(A'*X) + beta*Y ;
     * here: resid := -1 * x' %*% coef + 1 * y = y - X %*% coef  */
    if (!(cholmod_sdmult(cx, 1/* trans */, neg1, one, cAns, resid, &c)))
	error(_("cholmod_sdmult error (resid)"));
    /* FIXME: for multivariate case, i.e. resid  *matrix* with > 1 column ! */
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 3, allocVector(REALSXP, n));
    Memcpy(REAL(VECTOR_ELT(ans, 3)), (double*)(resid->x), n);

    cholmod_free_factor(&L, &c);
    cholmod_free_dense(&rhs, &c);
    cholmod_free_dense(&cAns, &c);
    return ans;
Exemple #5
SEXP Csparse_Csparse_prod(SEXP a, SEXP b)
	cha = AS_CHM_SP(a),
	chb = AS_CHM_SP(b),
	chc = cholmod_l_ssmult(cha, chb, /*out_stype:*/ 0,
			       /* values:= is_numeric (T/F) */ cha->xtype > 0,
			       /*out sorted:*/ 1, &c);
    const char *cl_a = class_P(a), *cl_b = class_P(b);
    char diag[] = {'\0', '\0'};
    int uploT = 0;
    SEXP dn = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 2));

#ifdef DEBUG_Matrix_verbose
    Rprintf("DBG Csparse_C*_prod(%s, %s)\n", cl_a, cl_b);

    /* Preserve triangularity and even unit-triangularity if appropriate.
     * Note that in that case, the multiplication itself should happen
     * faster.  But there's no support for that in CHOLMOD */

    /* UGLY hack -- rather should have (fast!) C-level version of
     *       is(a, "triangularMatrix") etc */
    if (cl_a[1] == 't' && cl_b[1] == 't')
	/* FIXME: fails for "Cholesky","BunchKaufmann"..*/
	if(*uplo_P(a) == *uplo_P(b)) { /* both upper, or both lower tri. */
	    uploT = (*uplo_P(a) == 'U') ? 1 : -1;
	    if(*diag_P(a) == 'U' && *diag_P(b) == 'U') { /* return UNIT-triag. */
		/* "remove the diagonal entries": */
		chm_diagN2U(chc, uploT, /* do_realloc */ FALSE);
		diag[0]= 'U';
	    else diag[0]= 'N';
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0,	/* establish dimnames */
		   duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(GET_SLOT(a, Matrix_DimNamesSym), 0)));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1,
		   duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(GET_SLOT(b, Matrix_DimNamesSym), 1)));
    return chm_sparse_to_SEXP(chc, 1, uploT, /*Rkind*/0, diag, dn);
Exemple #6
SEXP dsCMatrix_Csparse_solve(SEXP a, SEXP b)
    CHM_FR L = internal_chm_factor(a, -1, -1, -1, 0.);
    CHM_SP cx, cb = AS_CHM_SP(b);

    cx = cholmod_l_spsolve(CHOLMOD_A, L, cb, &c);
    cholmod_l_free_factor(&L, &c);
    return chm_sparse_to_SEXP(cx, /*do_free*/ 1, /*uploT*/ 0,
			      /*Rkind*/ 0, /*diag*/ "N",
			      /*dimnames = */ R_NilValue);
Exemple #7
SEXP Csparse_MatrixMarket(SEXP x, SEXP fname)
    FILE *f = fopen(CHAR(asChar(fname)), "w");

    if (!f)
	error(_("failure to open file \"%s\" for writing"),
    if (!cholmod_l_write_sparse(f, AS_CHM_SP(x),
			      (CHM_SP)NULL, (char*) NULL, &c))
	error(_("cholmod_l_write_sparse returned error code"));
    return R_NilValue;
Exemple #8
SEXP Csparse_dense_crossprod(SEXP a, SEXP b)
    CHM_SP cha = AS_CHM_SP(a);
    SEXP b_M = PROTECT(mMatrix_as_dgeMatrix(b));
    CHM_DN chb = AS_CHM_DN(b_M);
    CHM_DN chc = cholmod_l_allocate_dense(cha->ncol, chb->ncol, cha->ncol,
					chb->xtype, &c);
    SEXP dn = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 2)); int nprot = 2;
    double one[] = {1,0}, zero[] = {0,0};
    // -- see Csparse_dense_prod() above :
    if(cha->xtype == CHOLMOD_PATTERN) {
	SEXP da = PROTECT(nz2Csparse(a, x_double)); nprot++;
	cha = AS_CHM_SP(da);
    cholmod_l_sdmult(cha, 1, one, zero, chb, chc, &c);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0,	/* establish dimnames */
		   duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(GET_SLOT(a, Matrix_DimNamesSym), 1)));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1,
		   duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(GET_SLOT(b_M, Matrix_DimNamesSym), 1)));
    return chm_dense_to_SEXP(chc, 1, 0, dn);
Exemple #9
SEXP Csparse_Csparse_crossprod(SEXP a, SEXP b, SEXP trans)
    int tr = asLogical(trans);
	cha = AS_CHM_SP(a),
	chb = AS_CHM_SP(b),
	chTr, chc;
    const char *cl_a = class_P(a), *cl_b = class_P(b);
    char diag[] = {'\0', '\0'};
    int uploT = 0;
    SEXP dn = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 2));

    chTr = cholmod_l_transpose((tr) ? chb : cha, chb->xtype, &c);
    chc = cholmod_l_ssmult((tr) ? cha : chTr, (tr) ? chTr : chb,
			 /*out_stype:*/ 0, cha->xtype, /*out sorted:*/ 1, &c);
    cholmod_l_free_sparse(&chTr, &c);

    /* Preserve triangularity and unit-triangularity if appropriate;
     * see Csparse_Csparse_prod() for comments */
    if (cl_a[1] == 't' && cl_b[1] == 't')
	if(*uplo_P(a) != *uplo_P(b)) { /* one 'U', the other 'L' */
	    uploT = (*uplo_P(b) == 'U') ? 1 : -1;
	    if(*diag_P(a) == 'U' && *diag_P(b) == 'U') { /* return UNIT-triag. */
		chm_diagN2U(chc, uploT, /* do_realloc */ FALSE);
		diag[0]= 'U';
	    else diag[0]= 'N';
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0,	/* establish dimnames */
		   duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(GET_SLOT(a, Matrix_DimNamesSym), (tr) ? 0 : 1)));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1,
		   duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(GET_SLOT(b, Matrix_DimNamesSym), (tr) ? 0 : 1)));
    return chm_sparse_to_SEXP(chc, 1, uploT, /*Rkind*/0, diag, dn);
 * Return a SuiteSparse QR factorization of the sparse matrix A
 * @param Ap (pointer to) a [m x n] dgCMatrix
 * @param ordering integer SEXP specifying the ordering strategy to be used
 *	see SPQR/Include/SuiteSparseQR_definitions.h
 * @param econ integer SEXP ("economy"): number of rows of R and columns of Q
 *      to return. The default is m. Using n gives the standard economy form.
 *      A value less than the estimated rank r is set to r, so econ=0 gives the
 *      "rank-sized" factorization, where nrow(R)==nnz(diag(R))==r.
 * @param tol double SEXP: if tol <= -2 use SPQR's default,
 *                         if -2 < tol < 0, then no tol is used; otherwise,
 *      tol > 0, use as tolerance: columns with 2-norm <= tol treated as 0
 * @return SEXP  "SPQR" object with slots (Q, R, p, rank, Dim):
 *	Q: dgCMatrix; R: dgCMatrix  [subject to change to dtCMatrix FIXME ?]
 *	p: integer: 0-based permutation (or length 0 <=> identity);
 *	rank: integer, the "revealed" rank   Dim: integer, original matrix dim.
SEXP dgCMatrix_SPQR(SEXP Ap, SEXP ordering, SEXP econ, SEXP tol)
/* SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 4)); */

    CHM_SP A = AS_CHM_SP(Ap), Q, R;
    SuiteSparse_long *E, rank;/* not always = int   FIXME  (Windows_64 ?) */

    if ((rank = SuiteSparseQR_C_QR(asInteger(ordering),
				   asReal(tol),/* originally had SPQR_DEFAULT_TOL */
				   (SuiteSparse_long)asInteger(econ),/* originally had 0 */
				   A, &Q, &R, &E, &cl)) == -1)
	error(_("SuiteSparseQR_C_QR returned an error code"));

    slot_dup(ans, Ap, Matrix_DimSym);
/*     SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, */
/* 		   chm_sparse_to_SEXP(Q, 0, 0, 0, "", R_NilValue)); */
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("Q"),
	     chm_sparse_to_SEXP(Q, 0, 0, 0, "", R_NilValue));

    /* Also gives a dgCMatrix (not a dtC* *triangular*) :
     * may make sense if to be used in the "spqr_solve" routines .. ?? */
/*     SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, */
/* 		   chm_sparse_to_SEXP(R, 0, 0, 0, "", R_NilValue)); */
    SET_SLOT(ans, install("R"),
	     chm_sparse_to_SEXP(R, 0, 0, 0, "", R_NilValue));
    cholmod_free_sparse(&Al, &cl);
    cholmod_free_sparse(&R, &cl);
    cholmod_free_sparse(&Q, &cl);
    if (E) {
	int *Er;
	SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 2, allocVector(INTSXP, A->ncol));
	Er = INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(ans, 2));
	for (int i = 0; i < A->ncol; i++) Er[i] = (int) E[i];
    } else SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 2, allocVector(INTSXP, 0));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 3, ScalarInteger((int)rank));
    return ans;
Exemple #11
/* Computes   x'x  or  x x' -- *also* for Tsparse (triplet = TRUE)
   see Csparse_Csparse_crossprod above for  x'y and x y' */
SEXP Csparse_crossprod(SEXP x, SEXP trans, SEXP triplet)
    int trip = asLogical(triplet),
	tr   = asLogical(trans); /* gets reversed because _aat is tcrossprod */
    CHM_TR cht = trip ? AS_CHM_TR(x) : (CHM_TR) NULL;
#else /* workaround needed:*/
    SEXP xx = PROTECT(Tsparse_diagU2N(x));
    CHM_TR cht = trip ? AS_CHM_TR__(xx) : (CHM_TR) NULL;
    CHM_SP chcp, chxt,
	chx = (trip ?
	       cholmod_l_triplet_to_sparse(cht, cht->nnz, &c) :
    SEXP dn = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 2));

    if (!tr) chxt = cholmod_l_transpose(chx, chx->xtype, &c);
    chcp = cholmod_l_aat((!tr) ? chxt : chx, (int *) NULL, 0, chx->xtype, &c);
    if(!chcp) {
	error(_("Csparse_crossprod(): error return from cholmod_l_aat()"));
    cholmod_l_band_inplace(0, chcp->ncol, chcp->xtype, chcp, &c);
    chcp->stype = 1;
    if (trip) cholmod_l_free_sparse(&chx, &c);
    if (!tr) cholmod_l_free_sparse(&chxt, &c);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0,	/* establish dimnames */
		   duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(GET_SLOT(x, Matrix_DimNamesSym),
					(tr) ? 0 : 1)));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1, duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0)));
    return chm_sparse_to_SEXP(chcp, 1, 0, 0, "", dn);
Exemple #12
SEXP gCMatrix_colSums(SEXP x, SEXP NArm, SEXP spRes, SEXP trans, SEXP means)
    int mn = asLogical(means), sp = asLogical(spRes), tr = asLogical(trans);
    /* cholmod_sparse: drawback of coercing lgC to double: */
    CHM_SP cx = AS_CHM_SP(x);

    if (tr) {
	cholmod_sparse *cxt = cholmod_transpose(cx, (int)cx->xtype, &c);
	cx = cxt;

    /* everything else *after* the above potential transpose : */
    /* Don't declarations here require the C99 standard?  Can we assume C99? */

    int j, nc = cx->ncol;
    int *xp = (int *)(cx -> p);
#ifdef _has_x_slot_
    int na_rm = asLogical(NArm), i, dnm = 0/*Wall*/;
    double *xx = (double *)(cx -> x);
    SEXP ans = PROTECT(sp ? NEW_OBJECT(MAKE_CLASS(SparseResult_class))
			  : allocVector(SXP_ans, nc));

    if (sp) { /* sparseResult - never allocating length-nc ... */
	int nza, i1, i2, p, *ai;
	Type_ans *ax;

	for (j = 0, nza = 0; j < nc; j++)
	    if(xp[j] < xp[j + 1])

	ai =  INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_iSym, INTSXP,  nza));
	ax = STYP_ans(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_xSym, SXP_ans, nza));

	SET_SLOT(ans, Matrix_lengthSym, ScalarInteger(nc));

	i2 = xp[0];
	for (j = 1, p = 0; j <= nc; j++) {
	    /* j' =j+1, since 'i' slot will be 1-based */
	    i1 = i2; i2 = xp[j];
	    if(i1 < i2) {
		Type_ans sum;
		ColSUM_column(i1,i2, sum);

		ai[p]	= j;
		ax[p++] = sum;
    else { /* "numeric" (non sparse) result */
	Type_ans *a = STYP_ans(ans);
	for (j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
	    ColSUM_column(xp[j], xp[j + 1], a[j]);

    if (tr) cholmod_free_sparse(&cx, &c);
    return ans;
Exemple #13
 * callable function from R
SEXP gmrfLik(
		SEXP obsCovR,
		SEXP xisqTausq,
		SEXP YrepAddR

	int Drep, dooptim, DxisqAgain; // length(xisqTausq)
	double	oneD=1.0, zeroD=0.0;
	double optTol = pow(DBL_EPSILON, 0.25); // tolerence for fmin_brent
	double optMin  = log(0.01), optMax = log(100); // default interval for optimizer
	int NxisqMax = 100; // number of xisqTausq's to retain when optimizing
	double *YXVYX, *determinant, *determinantForReml;
	double *m2logL, *m2logReL, *varHatMl, *varHatReml, *resultXisqTausq;
	void *nothing;
	SEXP resultR;
	CHM_DN obsCov;

	Ltype=0; // set to 1 for reml

	Nrep =LENGTH(YrepAddR);
	YrepAdd = REAL(YrepAddR);

	Nobs = INTEGER(GET_DIM(obsCovR))[0];
	Nxy = INTEGER(GET_DIM(obsCovR))[1];
	Ncov = Nxy - Nrep;
	Nxysq = Nxy*Nxy;

	NxisqTausq = LENGTH(xisqTausq);
	// if length zero, do optimization

		NxisqTausq = NxisqMax;
//	Rprintf("d %d %d", dooptim, NxisqTausq);

	resultR = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, Nxysq*NxisqTausq + 8*Nrep*NxisqTausq));

	YXVYX = REAL(resultR);
	determinant = &REAL(resultR)[Nxysq*NxisqTausq];
	determinantForReml = &REAL(resultR)[Nxysq*NxisqTausq + Nrep*NxisqTausq];
	m2logL = &REAL(resultR)[Nxysq*NxisqTausq + 2*Nrep*NxisqTausq];
	m2logReL = &REAL(resultR)[Nxysq*NxisqTausq + 3*Nrep*NxisqTausq];
	varHatMl = &REAL(resultR)[Nxysq*NxisqTausq + 4*Nrep*NxisqTausq];
	varHatReml = &REAL(resultR)[Nxysq*NxisqTausq + 5*Nrep*NxisqTausq];
	resultXisqTausq = &REAL(resultR)[Nxysq*NxisqTausq + 6*Nrep*NxisqTausq];

	YXYX = (double *) calloc(Nxysq,sizeof(double));
	copyLx = (double *) calloc(Nxy*Nrep,sizeof(double));

	obsCov = AS_CHM_DN(obsCovR);

	// get some stuff ready

	// allocate Lx
	Lx = M_cholmod_copy_dense(obsCov,&c);

	// likelihood without nugget

	// YX Vinv YX
			0, &oneD, &zeroD, // transpose, scale, scale
			obsCov,Lx,// in, out

	// put t(obscov) Q obscov in result
			//	op(A), op(B),
			"T", "N",
			// nrows of op(A), ncol ob(B), ncol op(A) = nrow(opB)
	  		&Nxy, &Nxy, &Nobs,
			// alpha
			// A, nrow(A)
			obsCov->x, &Nobs,
			// B, nrow(B)
	  		Lx->x, &Nobs,
			// beta
			// C, nrow(c)
			YXVYX, &Nxy);

	// Q = P' L D L' P
	L = M_cholmod_analyze(Q, &c);
	M_cholmod_factorize(Q,L, &c);

	// determinant
	determinant[0] = M_chm_factor_ldetL2(L);
	resultXisqTausq[0]= R_PosInf;

			YXVYX, // N by N
			Nxy, Nrep,

		determinant[Drep] = determinant[0];
		determinantForReml[Drep] = determinantForReml[0];

	m2logL[Drep] = Nobs*log(YXVYX[Drep*Nxy+Drep]) - Nobs*log(Nobs) -
			determinant[0] - YrepAdd[Drep];

	m2logReL[Drep] = (Nobs-Ncov)*log(YXVYX[Drep*Nxy+Drep]/(Nobs-Ncov)) +
			determinantForReml[0] - determinant[0] - YrepAdd[Drep];

	varHatMl[Drep] = YXVYX[Drep*Nxy+Drep]/Nobs;
	varHatReml[Drep] = YXVYX[Drep*Nxy+Drep]/(Nobs-Ncov);
	// now with xisqTausq
	obsCovRot = M_cholmod_solve(CHOLMOD_P, L,obsCov,&c);

	// YXYX cross product of data
			//	op(A), op(B),
			"T", "N",
			// nrows of op(A), ncol ob(B), ncol op(A) = nrow(opB)
	  		&Nxy, &Nxy, &Nobs,
			// alpha
			// A, nrow(A)
			obsCovRot->x, &Nobs,
			// B, nrow(B)
			obsCovRot->x, &Nobs,
			// beta
			// C, nrow(&c)
			YXYX, &Nxy);

	YXVYXglobal = YXVYX;

//	Rprintf("done zero ", dooptim);


		// put NA's where DxisqTausq hasnt been used
		for(DxisqAgain=1;DxisqAgain < NxisqTausq; ++DxisqAgain){
				determinant[DxisqAgain*Nrep] = NA_REAL;
				determinantForReml[DxisqAgain*Nrep] = NA_REAL;
				m2logL[DxisqAgain*Nrep]  = NA_REAL;
				m2logReL[DxisqAgain*Nrep] = NA_REAL;
				varHatMl[DxisqAgain*Nrep] = NA_REAL;
				varHatReml[DxisqAgain*Nrep] = NA_REAL;

// do optimizer
				optMin, optMax,
				nothing, optTol);
//		Rprintf("done opt ", dooptim);

		NxisqTausq = DxisqTausq;

	} else {

		for(DxisqTausq=1;DxisqTausq < NxisqTausq;++DxisqTausq){

			logLoneNugget(REAL(xisqTausq)[DxisqTausq], nothing);

	// assign global values into their correct spot

	for(DxisqTausq=1;DxisqTausq < NxisqTausq;++DxisqTausq){


			determinant[DxisqTausq*Nrep+Drep] =


			m2logL[DxisqTausq*Nrep+Drep]  -=

			m2logReL[DxisqTausq*Nrep+Drep] -=

			varHatMl[DxisqTausq*Nrep + Drep] =

			varHatReml[DxisqTausq*Nrep + Drep] =
			resultXisqTausq[DxisqTausq*Nrep + Drep] =


	M_cholmod_free_factor(&L, &c);
	M_cholmod_free_dense(&obsCovRot, &c);

	M_cholmod_free_dense(&Lx, &c);

// don't free Q because it's from an R object
//	M_cholmod_free_sparse(&Q, &c);

// don't free obsCov because it's from an R object
//	M_cholmod_free_dense(&obsCov, &c);

	M_cholmod_free_dense(&YwkL, &c);
	M_cholmod_free_dense(&YwkD, &c);
	M_cholmod_free_dense(&EwkL, &c);
	M_cholmod_free_dense(&EwkD, &c);


	return resultR;