Exemple #1
void init()
	op_attr['|'] = ATTRIBUTE(BINARY, ASSO_LEFT,  PRI_1);
	op_attr['&'] = ATTRIBUTE(BINARY, ASSO_LEFT,  PRI_2);
	op_attr['*'] = ATTRIBUTE(UNARY,  ASSO_RIGHT, PRI_3);
	op_attr['+'] = ATTRIBUTE(UNARY,  ASSO_RIGHT, PRI_3);
	op_attr['?'] = ATTRIBUTE(UNARY,  ASSO_RIGHT, PRI_3);
Exemple #2
void NetworkPriority::RegisterObject(Context* context)
    ATTRIBUTE(NetworkPriority, VAR_FLOAT, "Base Priority", basePriority_, DEFAULT_BASE_PRIORITY, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(NetworkPriority, VAR_FLOAT, "Distance Factor", distanceFactor_, DEFAULT_DISTANCE_FACTOR, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(NetworkPriority, VAR_FLOAT, "Minimum Priority", minPriority_, DEFAULT_MIN_PRIORITY, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(NetworkPriority, VAR_BOOL, "Always Update Owner", alwaysUpdateOwner_, true, AM_DEFAULT);
Exemple #3
void CollisionShape::RegisterObject(Context* context)
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(CollisionShape, VAR_BOOL, "Is Enabled", IsEnabled, SetEnabled, bool, true, AM_DEFAULT);
    ENUM_ATTRIBUTE(CollisionShape, "Shape Type", shapeType_, typeNames, SHAPE_BOX, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(CollisionShape, VAR_VECTOR3, "Size", size_, Vector3::ONE, AM_DEFAULT);
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(CollisionShape, VAR_VECTOR3, "Offset Position", GetPosition, SetPosition, Vector3, Vector3::ZERO, AM_DEFAULT);
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(CollisionShape, VAR_QUATERNION, "Offset Rotation", GetRotation, SetRotation, Quaternion, Quaternion::IDENTITY, AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(CollisionShape, VAR_RESOURCEREF, "Model", GetModelAttr, SetModelAttr, ResourceRef, ResourceRef(Model::GetTypeStatic()), AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(CollisionShape, VAR_INT, "LOD Level", lodLevel_, 0, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(CollisionShape, VAR_FLOAT, "Collision Margin", margin_, DEFAULT_COLLISION_MARGIN, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(CollisionShape, VAR_INT, "CustomGeometry NodeID", customGeometryID_, 0, AM_DEFAULT | AM_NODEID);
Exemple #4
void Text::RegisterObject(Context* context)
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_RESOURCEREF, "Font", GetFontAttr, SetFontAttr, ResourceRef, ResourceRef(Font::GetTypeStatic()), AM_FILE);
    ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_INT, "Font Size", fontSize_, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, AM_FILE);
    ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_STRING, "Text", text_, String(), AM_FILE);
    ENUM_ATTRIBUTE(Text, "Text Alignment", textAlignment_, horizontalAlignments, HA_LEFT, AM_FILE);
    ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_FLOAT, "Row Spacing", rowSpacing_, 1.0f, AM_FILE);
    ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_BOOL, "Word Wrap", wordWrap_, false, AM_FILE);
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_COLOR, "Selection Color", GetSelectionColor, SetSelectionColor, Color, Color::BLACK, AM_FILE);
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_COLOR, "Hover Color", GetHoverColor, SetHoverColor, Color, Color::BLACK, AM_FILE);
Exemple #5
bool    AtomicSequence::Prepare(const PrepareMode mode) {

    ATTRIBUTE("RotAngle"       , m_alpha );
    ATTRIBUTE("Inclination"    , m_theta );
    ATTRIBUTE("Azimut"         , m_phi   );

    if (mode != PREP_UPDATE) m_type = MOD_ATOM;
    if (mode != PREP_UPDATE) GetDuration();
    bool tag = Sequence::Prepare(mode); //Prepare all pulses
    CollectTPOIs();  //of the pulses

    return tag;

void CubemapGenerator::RegisterObject(Context* context)

    ATTRIBUTE("Name Prefix", String, namePrefix_, "Cubemap", AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("Image Size", int, imageSize_, 512, AM_DEFAULT);

Exemple #7
bool Module::Prepare  (const PrepareMode mode){

	ATTRIBUTE("Duration", m_duration);
	//ATTRIBUTE("Observe" , NULL);		//special case of observing attributes

	return Prototype::Prepare(mode);

int MPIR_Reduce_intra_reduce_scatter_gather (
    const void *sendbuf,
    void *recvbuf,
    int count,
    MPI_Datatype datatype,
    MPI_Op op,
    int root,
    MPIR_Comm *comm_ptr,
    MPIR_Errflag_t *errflag )
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int mpi_errno_ret = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int comm_size, rank, type_size ATTRIBUTE((unused)), pof2, rem, newrank;
    int mask, *cnts, *disps, i, j, send_idx=0;
    int recv_idx, last_idx=0, newdst;
    int dst, send_cnt, recv_cnt, newroot, newdst_tree_root, newroot_tree_root; 
    MPI_Aint true_lb, true_extent, extent; 
    void *tmp_buf;


    comm_size = comm_ptr->local_size;
    rank = comm_ptr->rank;

    /* set op_errno to 0. stored in perthread structure */
        MPIR_Per_thread_t *per_thread = NULL;
        int err = 0;

        MPID_THREADPRIV_KEY_GET_ADDR(MPIR_ThreadInfo.isThreaded, MPIR_Per_thread_key,
                                     MPIR_Per_thread, per_thread, &err);
        MPIR_Assert(err == 0);
        per_thread->op_errno = 0;

    /* Create a temporary buffer */

    MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(datatype, &true_lb, &true_extent);
    MPIR_Datatype_get_extent_macro(datatype, extent);

    /* I think this is the worse case, so we can avoid an assert() 
     * inside the for loop */
    /* should be buf+{this}? */
    MPIR_Ensure_Aint_fits_in_pointer(count * MPL_MAX(extent, true_extent));

    MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, count*(MPL_MAX(extent,true_extent)),
                        mpi_errno, "temporary buffer", MPL_MEM_BUFFER);
    /* adjust for potential negative lower bound in datatype */
    tmp_buf = (void *)((char*)tmp_buf - true_lb);
    /* If I'm not the root, then my recvbuf may not be valid, therefore
       I have to allocate a temporary one */
    if (rank != root) {
        MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(recvbuf, void *,
                            mpi_errno, "receive buffer", MPL_MEM_BUFFER);
        recvbuf = (void *)((char*)recvbuf - true_lb);
Exemple #9
void Text::RegisterObject(Context* context)

    UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_VALUE(Text, "Use Derived Opacity", false);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_RESOURCEREF, "Font", GetFontAttr, SetFontAttr, ResourceRef, ResourceRef(Font::GetTypeStatic()), AM_FILE);
    ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_INT, "Font Size", fontSize_, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, AM_FILE);
    ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_STRING, "Text", text_, String::EMPTY, AM_FILE);
    ENUM_ATTRIBUTE(Text, "Text Alignment", textAlignment_, horizontalAlignments, HA_LEFT, AM_FILE);
    ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_FLOAT, "Row Spacing", rowSpacing_, 1.0f, AM_FILE);
    ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_BOOL, "Word Wrap", wordWrap_, false, AM_FILE);
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_COLOR, "Selection Color", GetSelectionColor, SetSelectionColor, Color, Color::TRANSPARENT, AM_FILE);
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Text, VAR_COLOR, "Hover Color", GetHoverColor, SetHoverColor, Color, Color::TRANSPARENT, AM_FILE);

    // Change the default value for UseDerivedOpacity
    context->GetAttribute<Text>("Use Derived Opacity")->defaultValue_ = false;
Exemple #10
bool    ConcatSequence::Prepare (const PrepareMode mode){

	m_type = MOD_CONCAT;

	ATTRIBUTE("Repetitions", m_repetitions);
	HIDDEN_ATTRIBUTE("Counter", m_counter);
	if (mode != PREP_UPDATE) GetDuration();

	if (mode != PREP_UPDATE)
		SetRepCounter( 0);

	    return Sequence::Prepare(mode);
Exemple #11
static int handler_recv_dequeue_complete(const ptl_event_t *e)
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPID_Request *const rreq = e->user_ptr;
    int is_contig;
    MPI_Aint last;
    MPI_Aint dt_true_lb;
    MPIDI_msg_sz_t data_sz;
    MPID_Datatype *dt_ptr ATTRIBUTE((unused));



    MPIU_Assert(e->type == PTL_EVENT_PUT || e->type == PTL_EVENT_PUT_OVERFLOW);

    MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(rreq->dev.user_count, rreq->dev.datatype, is_contig, data_sz, dt_ptr, dt_true_lb);

    if (e->type == PTL_EVENT_PUT_OVERFLOW) {
        /* unpack the data from unexpected buffer */
        MPIU_DBG_MSG_D(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "is_contig = %d", is_contig);

        if (is_contig) {
            MPIU_Memcpy((char *)rreq->dev.user_buf + dt_true_lb, e->start, e->mlength);
        } else {
            last = e->mlength;
            MPID_Segment_unpack(rreq->dev.segment_ptr, rreq->dev.segment_first, &last, e->start);
            if (last != e->mlength)
                MPIR_ERR_SET(rreq->status.MPI_ERROR, MPI_ERR_TYPE, "**dtypemismatch");
    } else {
        /* Data was placed directly into the user buffer, so datatype mismatch
           is harder to detect. We use a simple check ensuring the received bytes
           are a multiple of a single basic element. Currently, we do not detect
           mismatches with datatypes constructed of more than one basic type */
        MPI_Datatype dt_basic_type;
        MPID_Datatype_get_basic_type(rreq->dev.datatype, dt_basic_type);
        if (dt_basic_type != MPI_DATATYPE_NULL && (e->mlength % MPID_Datatype_get_basic_size(dt_basic_type)) != 0)
            MPIR_ERR_SET(rreq->status.MPI_ERROR, MPI_ERR_TYPE, "**dtypemismatch");
    mpi_errno = handler_recv_complete(e);

    return mpi_errno;
    goto fn_exit;
Exemple #12
static int MPIR_Reduce_binomial ( 
    const void *sendbuf,
    void *recvbuf,
    int count,
    MPI_Datatype datatype,
    MPI_Op op,
    int root,
    MPID_Comm *comm_ptr,
    int *errflag )
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int mpi_errno_ret = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPI_Status status;
    int comm_size, rank, is_commutative, type_size ATTRIBUTE((unused));
    int mask, relrank, source, lroot;
    MPI_Aint true_lb, true_extent, extent; 
    void *tmp_buf;
    MPI_Comm comm;

    if (count == 0) return MPI_SUCCESS;

    comm = comm_ptr->handle;
    comm_size = comm_ptr->local_size;
    rank = comm_ptr->rank;

    /* Create a temporary buffer */

    MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(datatype, &true_lb, &true_extent);
    MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(datatype, extent);

    is_commutative = MPIR_Op_is_commutative(op);

    /* I think this is the worse case, so we can avoid an assert() 
     * inside the for loop */
    /* should be buf+{this}? */
    MPID_Ensure_Aint_fits_in_pointer(count * MPIR_MAX(extent, true_extent));

    MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, count*(MPIR_MAX(extent,true_extent)),
                        mpi_errno, "temporary buffer");
    /* adjust for potential negative lower bound in datatype */
    tmp_buf = (void *)((char*)tmp_buf - true_lb);
    /* If I'm not the root, then my recvbuf may not be valid, therefore
       I have to allocate a temporary one */
    if (rank != root) {
        MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(recvbuf, void *, 
                            mpi_errno, "receive buffer");
        recvbuf = (void *)((char*)recvbuf - true_lb);
Exemple #13
void settings_init() {
    // recreate all strings -> move them to heap
    for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH(g_settings); i++) {
        if (g_settings[i].type == HS_String) {
            g_settings[i].value.str = g_string_new(g_settings[i].value.s_init);
        if (g_settings[i].type == HS_Int) {
            g_settings[i].old_value_i = 1;
    settings_find("monitors_locked")->value.i = g_initial_monitors_locked;

    // create a settings object
    g_settings_object = hsobject_create_and_link(hsobject_root(), "settings");
    // ensure everything is nulled that is not explicitely initialized
    HSAttribute* attributes = g_new0(HSAttribute, LENGTH(g_settings)+1);
    HSAttribute last = ATTRIBUTE_LAST;
    attributes[LENGTH(g_settings)] = last;
    for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH(g_settings); i++) {
        SettingsPair* sp = g_settings + i;
        if (sp->type == HS_String) {
            HSAttribute cur =
                ATTRIBUTE(sp->name, sp->value.str, cb_on_change);
            attributes[i] = cur;
        } else if (sp->type == HS_Int) {
            HSAttribute cur =
                ATTRIBUTE(sp->name, sp->value.i, cb_on_change);
            attributes[i] = cur;
        } else if (sp->type == HS_Compatiblity) {
            HSAttribute cur =
                ATTRIBUTE_CUSTOM(sp->name, (HSAttributeCustom)cb_read_compat, cb_write_compat);
            cur.data = sp;
            attributes[i] = cur;
    hsobject_set_attributes(g_settings_object, attributes);
Exemple #14
void Node::RegisterObject(Context* context)
    /// \todo When position/rotation updates are received from the network, route to SmoothedTransform if exists
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Node, VAR_STRING, "Name", GetName, SetName, String, String(), AM_DEFAULT);
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Node, VAR_VECTOR3, "Position", GetPosition, SetPosition, Vector3, Vector3::ZERO, AM_FILE);
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Node, VAR_QUATERNION, "Rotation", GetRotation, SetRotation, Quaternion, Quaternion::IDENTITY, AM_FILE);
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Node, VAR_VECTOR3, "Scale", GetScale, SetScale, Vector3, Vector3::ONE, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(Node, VAR_VARIANTMAP, "Variables", vars_, VariantMap(), AM_FILE); // Network replication of vars uses custom data
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Node, VAR_VECTOR3, "Network Position", GetNetPositionAttr, SetNetPositionAttr, Vector3, Vector3::ZERO, AM_NET | AM_LATESTDATA | AM_NOEDIT);
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Node, VAR_BUFFER, "Network Rotation", GetNetRotationAttr, SetNetRotationAttr, PODVector<unsigned char>, PODVector<unsigned char>(), AM_NET | AM_LATESTDATA | AM_NOEDIT);
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Node, VAR_BUFFER, "Network Parent Node", GetNetParentAttr, SetNetParentAttr, PODVector<unsigned char>, PODVector<unsigned char>(), AM_NET | AM_NOEDIT);
Exemple #15
void CollisionShape::RegisterObject(Context* context)

    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Is Enabled", IsEnabled, SetEnabled, bool, true, AM_DEFAULT);
    ENUM_ATTRIBUTE("Shape Type", shapeType_, typeNames, SHAPE_BOX, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("Size", Vector3, size_, Vector3::ONE, AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Offset Position", GetPosition, SetPosition, Vector3, Vector3::ZERO, AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Offset Rotation", GetRotation, SetRotation, Quaternion, Quaternion::IDENTITY, AM_DEFAULT);
    MIXED_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Model", GetModelAttr, SetModelAttr, ResourceRef, ResourceRef(Model::GetTypeStatic()), AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("LOD Level", int, lodLevel_, 0, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("Collision Margin", float, margin_, DEFAULT_COLLISION_MARGIN, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("CustomGeometry NodeID", int, customGeometryID_, 0, AM_DEFAULT | AM_NODEID);
 * You must configure MPICH2 with the logging option enabled (--enable-g=log)
 * for these routines to print - in which case, they use the same options
 * as the logging code, including print to file and control by class (DATATYPE)
void MPIDU_Datatype_debug(MPI_Datatype type,
			  int array_ct)
    int is_builtin;
    MPIDU_Datatype *dtp ATTRIBUTE((unused));

    is_builtin = (HANDLE_GET_KIND(type) == HANDLE_KIND_BUILTIN);

    /* can get a NULL type a number of different ways, including not having
     * fortran support included.
    if (type == MPI_DATATYPE_NULL) {
			  "# MPIU_Datatype_debug: MPI_Datatype = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL"));

	       "# MPIU_Datatype_debug: MPI_Datatype = 0x%0x (%s)", type,
	       (is_builtin) ? MPIDU_Datatype_builtin_to_string(type) :

    if (is_builtin) return;

    MPIDU_Datatype_get_ptr(type, dtp);
    MPIR_Assert(dtp != NULL);

      "# Size = " MPI_AINT_FMT_DEC_SPEC ", Extent = " MPI_AINT_FMT_DEC_SPEC ", LB = " MPI_AINT_FMT_DEC_SPEC "%s, UB = " MPI_AINT_FMT_DEC_SPEC "%s, Extent = " MPI_AINT_FMT_DEC_SPEC ", Element Size = " MPI_AINT_FMT_DEC_SPEC " (%s), %s",
		    (MPI_Aint) dtp->size,
		    (MPI_Aint) dtp->extent,
		    (MPI_Aint) dtp->lb,
		    (dtp->has_sticky_lb) ? "(sticky)" : "",
		    (MPI_Aint) dtp->ub,
		    (dtp->has_sticky_ub) ? "(sticky)" : "",
		    (MPI_Aint) dtp->extent,
		    (MPI_Aint) dtp->builtin_element_size,
		    dtp->builtin_element_size == -1 ? "multiple types" :
		    dtp->is_contig ? "is N contig" : "is not N contig"));

    MPIDI_Datatype_contents_printf(type, 0, array_ct);

    MPIDI_Datatype_dot_printf(type, 0, 1);
Exemple #17
void Vehicle::RegisterObject(Context* context)
    ATTRIBUTE(Vehicle, VAR_FLOAT, "Controls Yaw", controls_.yaw_, 0.0f, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(Vehicle, VAR_FLOAT, "Controls Pitch", controls_.pitch_, 0.0f, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(Vehicle, VAR_FLOAT, "Steering", steering_, 0.0f, AM_DEFAULT);
    // Register wheel node IDs as attributes so that the wheel nodes can be reaquired on deserialization. They need to be tagged
    // as node ID's so that the deserialization code knows to rewrite the IDs in case they are different on load than on save
    ATTRIBUTE(Vehicle, VAR_INT, "Front Left Node", frontLeftID_, 0, AM_DEFAULT | AM_NODEID);
    ATTRIBUTE(Vehicle, VAR_INT, "Front Right Node", frontRightID_, 0, AM_DEFAULT | AM_NODEID);
    ATTRIBUTE(Vehicle, VAR_INT, "Rear Left Node", rearLeftID_, 0, AM_DEFAULT | AM_NODEID);
    ATTRIBUTE(Vehicle, VAR_INT, "Rear Right Node", rearRightID_, 0, AM_DEFAULT | AM_NODEID);
Exemple #18
int MPIDI_CH3I_RMA_Cleanup_ops_aggressive(MPIR_Win * win_ptr)
    int i, local_completed = 0, remote_completed ATTRIBUTE((unused)) = 0;
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPIDI_RMA_Target_t *curr_target = NULL;
    int made_progress = 0;

    /* find the first target that has something to issue */
    for (i = 0; i < win_ptr->num_slots; i++) {
        if (win_ptr->slots[i].target_list_head != NULL) {
            curr_target = win_ptr->slots[i].target_list_head;
            while (curr_target != NULL && curr_target->pending_net_ops_list_head == NULL &&
                   curr_target->pending_user_ops_list_head == NULL)
                curr_target = curr_target->next;
            if (curr_target != NULL)

    if (curr_target == NULL)
        goto fn_exit;

    if (curr_target->sync.sync_flag < MPIDI_RMA_SYNC_FLUSH_LOCAL)
        curr_target->sync.sync_flag = MPIDI_RMA_SYNC_FLUSH_LOCAL;

    /* Issue out all operations. */
    mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3I_RMA_Make_progress_target(win_ptr, curr_target->target_rank,
    if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS)

    /* Wait for local completion. */
    do {
        MPIDI_CH3I_RMA_ops_completion(win_ptr, curr_target, local_completed, remote_completed);

        if (!local_completed) {
            mpi_errno = wait_progress_engine();
            if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS)
    } while (!local_completed);

    return mpi_errno;
    goto fn_exit;
Exemple #19
bool TriangleGradPulse::Prepare  (const PrepareMode mode) {

	bool btag = true;

	ATTRIBUTE("Amplitude", m_amplitude );


	if ( mode != PREP_UPDATE) {
		if (!HasDOMattribute("Duration") ) {
			m_duration  = ( fabs(m_amplitude)>0.0 ? fabs(m_amplitude)/m_slew_rate : 1e-5 );
		} else {
			if (m_duration  < (m_amplitude/m_slew_rate) && mode == PREP_VERBOSE)
				cout << "Warning in in TRIANGLEGRADPULSE " << GetName()
					 << "duration too short (slew-rate conflict)" << endl;

	SetArea( 0.5*m_amplitude*GetDuration() );

	btag = ( GradPulse::Prepare(mode) && btag );

	if ( mode != PREP_UPDATE) {
		if (HasDOMattribute("TriangleType") ) {
			string type = GetDOMattribute("TriangleType");
			if (type == "UP") m_triangle_type = TRIANGLE_UP;
			if (type == "DN") m_triangle_type = TRIANGLE_DN;
		} else {

    if (!btag && mode == PREP_VERBOSE)
        cout << "\n warning in Prepare(1) of TRAPGRADPULSE " << GetName() << endl;

    if (mode != PREP_UPDATE) {
		HideAttribute("Area"           );
		HideAttribute("MaxAmpl",  false);
		HideAttribute("SlewRate", false);

	return btag;

Exemple #20
void Constraint::RegisterObject(Context* context)
    ENUM_ATTRIBUTE(Constraint, "Constraint Type", constraintType_, typeNames, CONSTRAINT_NONE, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(Constraint, VAR_VECTOR3, "Position", position_, Vector3::ZERO, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(Constraint, VAR_QUATERNION, "Rotation", rotation_, Quaternion::IDENTITY, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(Constraint, VAR_VECTOR3, "Other Body Position", otherPosition_, Vector3::ZERO, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(Constraint, VAR_QUATERNION, "Other Body Rotation", otherRotation_, Quaternion::IDENTITY, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(Constraint, VAR_INT, "Other Body NodeID", otherBodyNodeID_, 0, AM_DEFAULT | AM_NODEID);
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Constraint, VAR_VECTOR2, "High Limit", GetHighLimit, SetHighLimit, Vector2, Vector2::ZERO, AM_DEFAULT);
    REF_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE(Constraint, VAR_VECTOR2, "Low Limit", GetLowLimit, SetLowLimit, Vector2, Vector2::ZERO, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE(Constraint, VAR_BOOL, "Disable Collision", disableCollision_, false, AM_DEFAULT);
/* This function implements a binomial tree reduce.

   Cost = lgp.alpha + n.lgp.beta + n.lgp.gamma
int MPIR_Reduce_intra_binomial(const void *sendbuf,
                               void *recvbuf,
                               int count,
                               MPI_Datatype datatype,
                               MPI_Op op, int root, MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Errflag_t * errflag)
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int mpi_errno_ret = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPI_Status status;
    int comm_size, rank, is_commutative, type_size ATTRIBUTE((unused));
    int mask, relrank, source, lroot;
    MPI_Aint true_lb, true_extent, extent;
    void *tmp_buf;

    if (count == 0)
        return MPI_SUCCESS;

    comm_size = comm_ptr->local_size;
    rank = comm_ptr->rank;

    /* Create a temporary buffer */

    MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(datatype, &true_lb, &true_extent);
    MPIR_Datatype_get_extent_macro(datatype, extent);

    is_commutative = MPIR_Op_is_commutative(op);

    MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, count * (MPL_MAX(extent, true_extent)),
                        mpi_errno, "temporary buffer", MPL_MEM_BUFFER);
    /* adjust for potential negative lower bound in datatype */
    tmp_buf = (void *) ((char *) tmp_buf - true_lb);

    /* If I'm not the root, then my recvbuf may not be valid, therefore
     * I have to allocate a temporary one */
    if (rank != root) {
        MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(recvbuf, void *,
                            count * (MPL_MAX(extent, true_extent)),
                            mpi_errno, "receive buffer", MPL_MEM_BUFFER);
        recvbuf = (void *) ((char *) recvbuf - true_lb);
void Light::RegisterObject(Context* context)

    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Is Enabled", IsEnabled, SetEnabled, bool, true, AM_DEFAULT);
    ENUM_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Light Type", GetLightType, SetLightType, LightType, typeNames, DEFAULT_LIGHTTYPE, AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Color", GetColor, SetColor, Color, Color::WHITE, AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Specular Intensity", GetSpecularIntensity, SetSpecularIntensity, float, DEFAULT_SPECULARINTENSITY,
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Brightness Multiplier", GetBrightness, SetBrightness, float, DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS, AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Range", GetRange, SetRange, float, DEFAULT_RANGE, AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Spot Aspect Ratio", GetAspectRatio, SetAspectRatio, float, 1.0f, AM_DEFAULT);
    MIXED_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Attenuation Texture", GetRampTextureAttr, SetRampTextureAttr, ResourceRef,
        ResourceRef(Texture2D::GetTypeStatic()), AM_DEFAULT);
    MIXED_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Light Shape Texture", GetShapeTextureAttr, SetShapeTextureAttr, ResourceRef,
        ResourceRef(Texture2D::GetTypeStatic()), AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Can Be Occluded", IsOccludee, SetOccludee, bool, true, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("Cast Shadows", bool, castShadows_, false, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("Per Vertex", bool, perVertex_, false, AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Draw Distance", GetDrawDistance, SetDrawDistance, float, 0.0f, AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Fade Distance", GetFadeDistance, SetFadeDistance, float, 0.0f, AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Shadow Distance", GetShadowDistance, SetShadowDistance, float, 0.0f, AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Shadow Fade Distance", GetShadowFadeDistance, SetShadowFadeDistance, float, 0.0f, AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Shadow Intensity", GetShadowIntensity, SetShadowIntensity, float, 0.0f, AM_DEFAULT);
    ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Shadow Resolution", GetShadowResolution, SetShadowResolution, float, 1.0f, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("Focus To Scene", bool, shadowFocus_.focus_, true, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("Non-uniform View", bool, shadowFocus_.nonUniform_, true, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("Auto-Reduce Size", bool, shadowFocus_.autoSize_, true, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("CSM Splits", Vector4, shadowCascade_.splits_, Vector4(DEFAULT_SHADOWSPLIT, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("CSM Fade Start", float, shadowCascade_.fadeStart_, DEFAULT_SHADOWFADESTART, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("CSM Bias Auto Adjust", float, shadowCascade_.biasAutoAdjust_, DEFAULT_BIASAUTOADJUST, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("View Size Quantize", float, shadowFocus_.quantize_, DEFAULT_SHADOWQUANTIZE, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("View Size Minimum", float, shadowFocus_.minView_, DEFAULT_SHADOWMINVIEW, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("Depth Constant Bias", float, shadowBias_.constantBias_, DEFAULT_CONSTANTBIAS, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("Depth Slope Bias", float, shadowBias_.slopeScaledBias_, DEFAULT_SLOPESCALEDBIAS, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("Near/Farclip Ratio", float, shadowNearFarRatio_, DEFAULT_SHADOWNEARFARRATIO, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("View Mask", int, viewMask_, DEFAULT_VIEWMASK, AM_DEFAULT);
    ATTRIBUTE("Light Mask", int, lightMask_, DEFAULT_LIGHTMASK, AM_DEFAULT);
Exemple #23
int MPIDO_Gatherv(const void *sendbuf, 
                  int sendcount, 
                  MPI_Datatype sendtype,
                  void *recvbuf, 
                  const int *recvcounts, 
                  const int *displs, 
                  MPI_Datatype recvtype,
                  int root, 
                  MPID_Comm * comm_ptr, 
                  int *mpierrno)

  if (sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE)
    MPID_Abort (NULL, 0, 1, "'MPI_IN_PLACE' requries support for `PAMI_IN_PLACE`");
    return -1;
   TRACE_ERR("Entering MPIDO_Gatherv\n");
   int i;
   int contig ATTRIBUTE((unused)), rsize ATTRIBUTE((unused)), ssize ATTRIBUTE((unused));
   int pamidt = 1;
   MPID_Datatype *dt_ptr = NULL;
   MPI_Aint send_true_lb, recv_true_lb;
   char *sbuf, *rbuf;
   pami_type_t stype, rtype;
   int tmp;
   volatile unsigned gatherv_active = 1;
   const int rank = comm_ptr->rank;
   const int size = comm_ptr->local_size;
   /* We can't afford the tracing in ndebug/performance libraries */
    const unsigned verbose = 0;
    const unsigned verbose = (MPIDI_Process.verbose >= MPIDI_VERBOSE_DETAILS_ALL) && (rank == 0);
   const struct MPIDI_Comm* const mpid = &(comm_ptr->mpid);
   const int selected_type = mpid->user_selected_type[PAMI_XFER_GATHERV_INT];

   /* Check for native PAMI types and MPI_IN_PLACE on sendbuf */
   /* MPI_IN_PLACE is a nonlocal decision. We will need a preallreduce if we ever have
    * multiple "good" gathervs that work on different counts for example */
   if((sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE) && (MPIDI_Datatype_to_pami(sendtype, &stype, -1, NULL, &tmp) != MPI_SUCCESS))
      pamidt = 0;
   if(MPIDI_Datatype_to_pami(recvtype, &rtype, -1, NULL, &tmp) != MPI_SUCCESS)
      pamidt = 0;

   if(pamidt == 0 || selected_type == MPID_COLL_USE_MPICH)
         fprintf(stderr,"Using MPICH gatherv algorithm\n");
      TRACE_ERR("GATHERV using MPICH\n");
      MPIDI_Update_last_algorithm(comm_ptr, "GATHERV_MPICH");
       MPI_Aint sdt_extent,rdt_extent;
       MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(sendtype, sdt_extent);
       MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype, rdt_extent);
       char *scbuf = NULL;
       char *rcbuf = NULL;
       int is_send_dev_buf = MPIDI_cuda_is_device_buf(sendbuf);
       int is_recv_dev_buf = (rank == root) ? MPIDI_cuda_is_device_buf(recvbuf) : 0;
         scbuf = MPL_malloc(sdt_extent * sendcount);
         cudaError_t cudaerr = CudaMemcpy(scbuf, sendbuf, sdt_extent * sendcount, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
         if (cudaSuccess != cudaerr)
           fprintf(stderr, "cudaMemcpy failed: %s\n", CudaGetErrorString(cudaerr));
         scbuf = sendbuf;
       size_t rtotal_buf;
         //Since displs can be non-continous, we need to calculate max buffer size 
         int highest_displs = displs[size - 1];
         int highest_recvcount = recvcounts[size - 1];
         for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
           if(displs[i]+recvcounts[i] > highest_displs+highest_recvcount)
             highest_displs = displs[i];
             highest_recvcount = recvcounts[i];
         rtotal_buf = (highest_displs+highest_recvcount)*rdt_extent;
         rcbuf = MPL_malloc(rtotal_buf);
         if(sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE)
           cudaError_t cudaerr = CudaMemcpy(rcbuf, recvbuf, rtotal_buf, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
           if (cudaSuccess != cudaerr)
             fprintf(stderr, "cudaMemcpy failed: %s\n", CudaGetErrorString(cudaerr));
           memset(rcbuf, 0, rtotal_buf);
         rcbuf = recvbuf;
       int cuda_res =  MPIR_Gatherv(scbuf, sendcount, sendtype, rcbuf, recvcounts, displs, recvtype, root, comm_ptr, mpierrno);
           cudaError_t cudaerr = CudaMemcpy(recvbuf, rcbuf, rtotal_buf, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
           if (cudaSuccess != cudaerr)
             fprintf(stderr, "cudaMemcpy failed: %s\n", CudaGetErrorString(cudaerr));
       return cuda_res;
      return MPIR_Gatherv(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype,
               recvbuf, recvcounts, displs, recvtype,
               root, comm_ptr, mpierrno);

   MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(1, recvtype, contig, rsize, dt_ptr, recv_true_lb);
   rbuf = (char *)recvbuf + recv_true_lb;
   sbuf = (void *) sendbuf;

   pami_xfer_t gatherv;

   gatherv.cb_done = cb_gatherv;
   gatherv.cookie = (void *)&gatherv_active;
   gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.root = MPIDI_Task_to_endpoint(MPID_VCR_GET_LPID(comm_ptr->vcr, root), 0);
   gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.rcvbuf = rbuf;
   gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.rtype = rtype;
   gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.rtypecounts = (int *) recvcounts;
   gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.rdispls = (int *) displs;

   gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.sndbuf = NULL;
   gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.stype = stype;
   gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.stypecount = sendcount;

   if(rank == root)
      if(sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) 
            fprintf(stderr,"gatherv MPI_IN_PLACE buffering\n");
         sbuf = PAMI_IN_PLACE;
         gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.stype = rtype;
         gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.stypecount = recvcounts[rank];
         MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(1, sendtype, contig, ssize, dt_ptr, send_true_lb);
         sbuf = (char *)sbuf + send_true_lb;
   gatherv.cmd.xfer_gatherv_int.sndbuf = sbuf;

   pami_algorithm_t my_gatherv;
   const pami_metadata_t *my_md = (pami_metadata_t *)NULL;
   int queryreq = 0;

   if(selected_type == MPID_COLL_OPTIMIZED)
      TRACE_ERR("Optimized gatherv %s was selected\n",
      my_gatherv = mpid->opt_protocol[PAMI_XFER_GATHERV_INT][0];
      my_md = &mpid->opt_protocol_md[PAMI_XFER_GATHERV_INT][0];
      queryreq = mpid->must_query[PAMI_XFER_GATHERV_INT][0];
      TRACE_ERR("Optimized gatherv %s was set by user\n",
         my_gatherv = mpid->user_selected[PAMI_XFER_GATHERV_INT];
         my_md = &mpid->user_metadata[PAMI_XFER_GATHERV_INT];
         queryreq = selected_type;

   gatherv.algorithm = my_gatherv;

   if(unlikely(queryreq == MPID_COLL_ALWAYS_QUERY || 
               queryreq == MPID_COLL_CHECK_FN_REQUIRED))
      metadata_result_t result = {0};
      TRACE_ERR("querying gatherv protocol %s, type was %d\n", 
         my_md->name, queryreq);
      if(my_md->check_fn == NULL)
         /* process metadata bits */
         if((!my_md->check_correct.values.inplace) && (sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE))
            result.check.unspecified = 1;
/* Can't check ranges like this.  Non-local.  Comment out for now.
            MPI_Aint data_true_lb;
            MPID_Datatype *data_ptr;
            int data_size, data_contig;
            MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(sendcount, sendtype, data_contig, data_size, data_ptr, data_true_lb); 
            if((my_md->range_lo <= data_size) &&
               (my_md->range_hi >= data_size))
               result.check.range = 1;
                  fprintf(stderr,"message size (%u) outside range (%zu<->%zu) for %s.\n",
      else /* calling the check fn is sufficient */
         result = my_md->check_fn(&gatherv);
      TRACE_ERR("bitmask: %#X\n", result.bitmask);
      result.check.nonlocal = 0; /* #warning REMOVE THIS WHEN IMPLEMENTED */
            fprintf(stderr,"Query failed for %s. Using MPICH gatherv.\n", my_md->name);
         MPIDI_Update_last_algorithm(comm_ptr, "GATHERV_MPICH");
         return MPIR_Gatherv(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype,
                             recvbuf, recvcounts, displs, recvtype,
                             root, comm_ptr, mpierrno);
      if(my_md->check_correct.values.asyncflowctl && !(--(comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests))) 
         comm_ptr->mpid.num_requests = MPIDI_Process.optimized.num_requests;
         int tmpmpierrno;   
            fprintf(stderr,"Query barrier required for %s\n", my_md->name);
         MPIDO_Barrier(comm_ptr, &tmpmpierrno);
   MPIDI_Update_last_algorithm(comm_ptr, my_md->name);

      unsigned long long int threadID;
      MPL_thread_id_t tid;
      threadID = (unsigned long long int)tid;
      fprintf(stderr,"<%llx> Using protocol %s for gatherv on %u\n", 
              (unsigned) comm_ptr->context_id);

   MPIDI_Post_coll_t gatherv_post;
   MPIDI_Context_post(MPIDI_Context[0], &gatherv_post.state,
                      MPIDI_Pami_post_wrapper, (void *)&gatherv);
   TRACE_ERR("Waiting on active %d\n", gatherv_active);

   TRACE_ERR("Leaving MPIDO_Gatherv\n");
   return 0;
    else {
	mpi_errno = reqFn( vc, sreq, complete );

    return mpi_errno;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Here are the functions that implement the actions that are taken when 
 * data is available for a send request (or other completion operations)
 * These include "send" requests that are part of the RMA implementation.
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

int MPIDI_CH3_ReqHandler_GetSendRespComplete( MPIDI_VC_t *vc ATTRIBUTE((unused)), 
					      MPID_Request *sreq, 
					      int *complete )
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPID_Win *win_ptr;

    MPID_Win_get_ptr(sreq->dev.target_win_handle, win_ptr);

    mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_Finish_rma_op_target(NULL, win_ptr, FALSE, sreq->dev.flags, MPI_WIN_NULL);
    if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

    /* mark data transfer as complete and decrement CC */
    *complete = TRUE;
Exemple #25
bool              ExternalGradPulse::Prepare     (const PrepareMode mode)   {

    ATTRIBUTE("Filename", m_fname);
    ATTRIBUTE("Scale"   , m_scale);
	ATTRIBUTE("DataPath", m_dpath);

	bool btag = GradPulse::Prepare(mode);

	if (!m_dpath.length())
		m_dpath = "/";

	if (!m_fname.length()) {
	       cout	<< "\n warning in Prepare(1) of ExternalGradPulse " << GetName()
				<< " : can not read binary file  with empty name" << endl;
		return false;

	BinaryContext bc (m_fname, IO::IN);
	NDData<double> data;

	if (bc.Status() != IO::OK) {
	       cout	<< "\n warning in Prepare(1) of ExternalGradPulse " << GetName()
				<< " : can not read binary file " << m_fname << endl;
		return false;

	m_dname = "G";
	if (m_axis == AXIS_GX)
		m_dname += "x";
	else if (m_axis == AXIS_GY)
		m_dname += "y";
	else if (m_axis == AXIS_GZ)
		m_dname += "z";

	if (bc.Read(data, m_dname, m_dpath) != IO::OK) {
		printf ("Couldn't read %s from file %s\n", URI(m_dpath, m_dname).c_str(), m_fname.c_str());
		return false;
	m_magnitudes = data.Data();

	if (bc.Read(data, "times", m_dpath) != IO::OK) {
		printf ("Couldn't read timing data %s \n", URI(m_dpath, "times").c_str());
		return false;
	m_times = data.Data();

	if (m_magnitudes.size() != m_times.size()) {
	       cout	<< "\n warning in Prepare(1) of ExternalGradPulse " << GetName()
				<< " : # of magnitude samples and time points must agree ("
				<< m_magnitudes.size() << " != " << m_times.size() <<  ")" << endl;
		return false;

	m_duration = m_times.back();

	if ( btag && m_tpoi.GetSize()>0 )
		m_area = GetAreaNumeric(m_tpoi.GetSize());
	btag = ( GradPulse::Prepare(mode) && btag);

	if (mode != PREP_UPDATE) {
		HideAttribute ("Duration");
		HideAttribute ("Area");
		HideAttribute ("MaxAmpl",false);
		HideAttribute ("SlewRate",false);

	if (!btag && mode == PREP_VERBOSE)
        cout	<< "\n warning in Prepare(1) of ExternalGradPulse " << GetName()
				<< " : can not read binary file " << m_fname << endl;

    return btag;

Exemple #26
static int _mxm_handle_rreq(MPID_Request * req)
    int complete = FALSE, found = FALSE;
    int dt_contig;
    MPI_Aint dt_true_lb ATTRIBUTE((unused));
    MPIDI_msg_sz_t userbuf_sz;
    MPID_Datatype *dt_ptr;
    MPIDI_msg_sz_t data_sz;
    MPID_nem_mxm_vc_area *vc_area ATTRIBUTE((unused)) = NULL;
    MPID_nem_mxm_req_area *req_area = NULL;
    void *tmp_buf = NULL;

    found = MPIDI_CH3U_Recvq_DP(req);
    /* an MPI_ANY_SOURCE request may have been previously removed from the
     * CH3 queue by an FDP (find and dequeue posted) operation */
    if (req->dev.match.parts.rank != MPI_ANY_SOURCE) {

    MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(req->dev.user_count, req->dev.datatype, dt_contig, userbuf_sz, dt_ptr,

    vc_area = VC_BASE(req->ch.vc);
    req_area = REQ_BASE(req);

                     (req_area->iov_buf[0].length > 16 ? 16 : req_area->iov_buf[0].length));

    if (req->dev.recv_data_sz <= userbuf_sz) {
        data_sz = req->dev.recv_data_sz;
        if (req->status.MPI_ERROR == MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE) {
            req->status.MPI_ERROR = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,
                                                         MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, FCNAME, __LINE__,
                                                         MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE, "**truncate",
                                                         "**truncate %d %d %d %d",
                                                         req->status.MPI_TAG, req->dev.recv_data_sz,
    else {
        data_sz = userbuf_sz;
        MPIR_STATUS_SET_COUNT(req->status, userbuf_sz);
                                              "receive buffer too small; message truncated, msg_sz="
                                              MPIDI_MSG_SZ_FMT ", userbuf_sz="
                                              MPIDI_MSG_SZ_FMT, req->dev.recv_data_sz, userbuf_sz));
        req->status.MPI_ERROR = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,
                                                     MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, FCNAME, __LINE__,
                                                     MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE, "**truncate",
                                                     "**truncate %d %d %d %d",
                                                     req->status.MPI_SOURCE, req->status.MPI_TAG,
                                                     req->dev.recv_data_sz, userbuf_sz);

    if (!dt_contig) {
        MPIDI_msg_sz_t last = 0;

        if (req->dev.tmpbuf != NULL) {
            last = req->dev.recv_data_sz;
            MPID_Segment_unpack(req->dev.segment_ptr, 0, &last, req->dev.tmpbuf);
            tmp_buf = req->dev.tmpbuf;
        else {
            mxm_req_buffer_t *iov_buf;
            MPL_IOV *iov;
            int n_iov = 0;
            int index;

            last = req->dev.recv_data_sz;
            n_iov = req_area->iov_count;
            iov_buf = req_area->iov_buf;
            if (last && n_iov > 0) {
                iov = MPIU_Malloc(n_iov * sizeof(*iov));

                for (index = 0; index < n_iov; index++) {
                    iov[index].MPL_IOV_BUF = iov_buf[index].ptr;
                    iov[index].MPL_IOV_LEN = iov_buf[index].length;

                MPID_Segment_unpack_vector(req->dev.segment_ptr, req->dev.segment_first, &last, iov,
            if (req_area->iov_count > MXM_MPICH_MAX_IOV) {
                tmp_buf = req_area->iov_buf;
                req_area->iov_buf = req_area->tmp_buf;
                req_area->iov_count = 0;
        if (last != data_sz) {
            MPIR_STATUS_SET_COUNT(req->status, last);
            if (req->dev.recv_data_sz <= userbuf_sz) {
                /* If the data can't be unpacked, the we have a
                 *  mismatch between the datatype and the amount of
                 *  data received.  Throw away received data.
                MPIR_ERR_SETSIMPLE(req->status.MPI_ERROR, MPI_ERR_TYPE, "**dtypemismatch");

    MPIDI_CH3U_Handle_recv_req(req->ch.vc, req, &complete);
    MPIU_Assert(complete == TRUE);

    if (tmp_buf)

    return complete;
Exemple #27
bool              SpiralGradPulse::Prepare     (const PrepareMode mode)   {

    bool btag = true;
	m_inward  = 0;

    ATTRIBUTE("Arms"       , m_arms);
	ATTRIBUTE("MaxSlew"    , m_slewrate);
	ATTRIBUTE("MaxGrad"    , m_max_grad);
	ATTRIBUTE("GradSampInt", m_grad_samp_int);
	ATTRIBUTE("FOV"        , m_fov);
	ATTRIBUTE("BandWidth"  , m_bw);
	ATTRIBUTE("Inward"     , m_inward);
    if ( mode == PREP_VERBOSE) {

        if (!HasDOMattribute("Arms"))    {
            btag = false;
            cout << GetName() << "::Prepare() error: Arms required!!\n";

        if (!HasDOMattribute("MaxSlew"))    {
            btag = false;
            cout << GetName() << "::Prepare() error: MaxSlew required!!\n";

        if (!HasDOMattribute("MaxGrad"))    {
            btag = false;
            cout << GetName() << "::Prepare() error: MaxGrad required!!\n";

        if (!HasDOMattribute("FOV"))    {
            btag = false;
            cout << GetName() << "::Prepare() error: FOV required!!\n";

        if (!HasDOMattribute("BandWidth"))    {
            btag = false;
            cout << GetName() << "::Prepare() error: BandWidth required!!\n";


    btag = (GradPulse::Prepare(mode) && btag);

	if (mode == PREP_VERBOSE) {
		double gamma          = 42576000.0;

		double samp_int       = 1.0 / m_bw;

		double max_grad_samp  = 1000 / (gamma * m_fov * samp_int); 

		m_pitch               = 1000 * m_arms / (2.0 * PI * m_fov);
		m_beta                = gamma * m_slewrate / m_pitch;
		if (m_max_grad/1000 > max_grad_samp) { // Nyquist limit exceeded
			cout << "\n warning in Prepare(1) of KVSPIRAL " << GetName() << endl;
			cout << "Nyquist limit (" << max_grad_samp << ") exceeded." << endl;
		double time_of_switch = 0.0;
		m_samples             = GetDuration() / m_grad_samp_int;
		double time           = 0.0;
		double phi            = 0.0;
		double max_phi        = 0.0;
		double klast[3];
		double k    [3];
		double g    [3];
		double gabs           = 0.0;

		k[XC]                 = 0.0;
		k[YC]                 = 0.0;
		k[ZC]                 = 0.0;
		klast[XC]             = 0.0;
		klast[YC]             = 0.0;
		klast[ZC]             = 0.0;
		g[XC]                 = 0.0;
		g[YC]                 = 0.0;
		g[ZC]                 = 0.0;
		m_amps[0]             = 0.0;
		m_area = 0.;

		for (long i = 0; i <= m_samples; i++) {
			time = (double) i * m_grad_samp_int / 1000.;
			if ( time_of_switch == 0.0 ) // Limited slewrate
				phi = m_beta * pow (time, 2.0) / (2.0 + 2.0 * pow(2.0*m_beta/3.0, 1.0/6.0) * pow(time, 1.0/3.0) + pow(2*m_beta/3, 2.0/3.0) * pow(time, 4.0/3.0));
			else                         // Limited gradient
				phi = sqrt ( pow(max_phi, 2.0) + 2.0 * (time-time_of_switch) * gamma * m_max_grad / m_pitch * PI / 1000);
			k[XC]  = m_pitch * phi * sin(phi);
			k[YC]  = m_pitch * phi * cos(phi);
			k[ZC]  = m_pitch * phi * sin (phi/3/PI*4) * cos (phi/3/PI*4) * 2;
			if (i > 0) {
				g[XC]  = 10000000. * (k[XC] - klast[XC]) / m_fov * 2. * PI / (gamma * m_grad_samp_int);
				g[YC]  = 10000000. * (k[YC] - klast[YC]) / m_fov * 2. * PI / (gamma * m_grad_samp_int);
				g[ZC]  = 10000000. * (k[ZC] - klast[ZC]) / m_fov * 2. * PI / (gamma * m_grad_samp_int);
				if (m_axis == AXIS_GX) {
					m_amps[i] = g[XC];
					m_area += g[XC] * m_grad_samp_int;
				} else if (m_axis == AXIS_GY) {
					m_amps[i] = g[YC];
					m_area += g[YC] * m_grad_samp_int;
				} else {
					m_amps[i] = g[ZC];

				gabs   = sqrt (pow(g[XC],2.) + pow(g[YC],2.) + pow(g[ZC],2.));
			klast[XC] = k[XC];
			klast[YC] = k[YC];
			klast[ZC] = k[ZC];
			// Maximum gradient reached?
			if (gabs >= m_max_grad && time_of_switch == 0.0) { 
				m_max_grad     = gabs;
				time_of_switch = time;
				max_phi        = phi;


		if (m_inward)  {
			double* tmp = (double*) malloc ((m_samples+1)*sizeof(double)); 
			std::reverse_copy (&m_amps[0], &m_amps[m_samples], &tmp[0]);
			memcpy (&m_amps[0], &tmp[0], sizeof(double)*m_samples);
			m_amps[m_samples] = 0.0;
			free (tmp);

    if (!btag && mode == PREP_VERBOSE)
        cout << "\n warning in Prepare(1) of KVSPIRAL " << GetName() << endl;
    return btag;
Exemple #28
    if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

    return mpi_errno;
    if (publish_bc_orig != NULL) {
    goto fn_exit;

/* This function simply tells the CH3 device to use the defaults for the 
   MPI Port functions */
int MPIDI_CH3_PortFnsInit( MPIDI_PortFns *portFns ATTRIBUTE((unused)) ) 
    return 0;

/* Perform the channel-specific vc initialization */
int MPIDI_CH3_VC_Init( MPIDI_VC_t *vc ) {
    MPIDI_CH3I_VC *vcch = &vc->ch;
    vcch->sendq_head         = NULL;
    vcch->sendq_tail         = NULL;
    vcch->state              = MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_UNCONNECTED;
    MPIDI_VC_InitSock( vc );
    MPL_DBG_MSG_P(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CONNECT,TYPICAL,"vc=%p: Setting state (ch) to VC_STATE_UNCONNECTED (Initialization)", vc );
    return 0;
Exemple #29
int MPIDI_CH3I_RMA_Cleanup_target_aggressive(MPIR_Win * win_ptr, MPIDI_RMA_Target_t ** target)
    int i, local_completed ATTRIBUTE((unused)) = 0, remote_completed = 0;
    int made_progress = 0;
    MPIDI_RMA_Target_t *curr_target = NULL;
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;

    (*target) = NULL;

    if (win_ptr->states.access_state == MPIDI_RMA_LOCK_ALL_CALLED) {
        /* switch to window-wide protocol */
        MPIDI_VC_t *orig_vc = NULL, *target_vc = NULL;
        MPIDI_Comm_get_vc(win_ptr->comm_ptr, win_ptr->comm_ptr->rank, &orig_vc);
        for (i = 0; i < win_ptr->comm_ptr->local_size; i++) {
            if (i == win_ptr->comm_ptr->rank)
            MPIDI_Comm_get_vc(win_ptr->comm_ptr, i, &target_vc);
            if (orig_vc->node_id != target_vc->node_id) {
                mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3I_Win_find_target(win_ptr, i, &curr_target);
                if (mpi_errno)
                if (curr_target == NULL) {
                    mpi_errno = send_lock_msg(i, MPI_LOCK_SHARED, win_ptr);
                    if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS)
        win_ptr->states.access_state = MPIDI_RMA_LOCK_ALL_ISSUED;

    do {
        /* find a non-empty slot and set the FLUSH flag on the first
         * target */
        /* TODO: we should think about better strategies on selecting the target */
        for (i = 0; i < win_ptr->num_slots; i++)
            if (win_ptr->slots[i].target_list_head != NULL)
        curr_target = win_ptr->slots[i].target_list_head;
        if (curr_target->sync.sync_flag < MPIDI_RMA_SYNC_FLUSH) {
            curr_target->sync.sync_flag = MPIDI_RMA_SYNC_FLUSH;

        /* Issue out all operations. */
        mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3I_RMA_Make_progress_target(win_ptr, curr_target->target_rank,
        if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS)

        /* Wait for remote completion. */
        do {
            MPIDI_CH3I_RMA_ops_completion(win_ptr, curr_target, local_completed, remote_completed);

            if (!remote_completed) {
                mpi_errno = wait_progress_engine();
                if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS)
        } while (!remote_completed);

        /* Cleanup the target. */
        mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3I_Win_target_dequeue_and_free(win_ptr, curr_target);
        if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS)

        /* check if we got a target */
        (*target) = MPIDI_CH3I_Win_target_alloc(win_ptr);

    } while ((*target) == NULL);

    return mpi_errno;
    goto fn_exit;
Exemple #30
bool Coil::Prepare  (const PrepareMode mode) {

	bool success = false;
	m_azimuth = 0.0;
	m_polar   = 0.0;
	m_scale   = 1.0;
	m_norm    = 1.0;
	m_phase   = 0.0;
	m_dim     = 3;
	m_extent  = 0;
	m_points  = 0;
	m_complex = false;
	m_conjugate = false;

	ATTRIBUTE("XPos"   , m_position [XC]);
	ATTRIBUTE("YPos"   , m_position [YC]);
	ATTRIBUTE("ZPos"   , m_position [ZC]);
	ATTRIBUTE("Azimuth", m_azimuth      );
	ATTRIBUTE("Polar"  , m_polar        );
	ATTRIBUTE("Scale"  , m_scale        );
	ATTRIBUTE("Phase"  , m_phase        );
	ATTRIBUTE("Conj"   , m_conjugate    );
	ATTRIBUTE("Dim"    , m_dim          );
	ATTRIBUTE("Extent" , m_extent       );
	ATTRIBUTE("Points" , m_points       );

	m_mode		= mode;
	m_signal	= NULL;

    success = Prototype::Prepare(mode);

    m_phase   *= PI/180.0;
    m_polar   *= PI/180.0;
    m_azimuth *= PI/180.0;
    m_interpolate = (m_points>0 && m_extent>0.0);
    // dimensions with m_points==0 lead to undefined memory access in vaArray.
    if (m_points==0) m_points=1;
    m_sensmag = NDData<double> (m_points, m_points, (m_dim==3?m_points:1));
    m_senspha = NDData<double> (m_points, m_points, (m_dim==3?m_points:1));

    return success;
