Exemple #1
// setup the boundary condition.
void setup_bc(int *update, int *update_index,
    int N_update, int **bc_indx, int *n_bc){
 int x, y, z;
 int indx;
 int ymin = 4 * ny / 10;
 int ymax = 6 * ny / 10;
 int entry;

 x = 0;
 z = 0;

 *n_bc = 0;
#define MAX_BC ny

 *bc_indx = (int *) malloc( 4 * MAX_BC * sizeof(int));
 for(y = ymin; y < ymax;  y++){
  indx = pos_to_row(x, y, z) + 1;
  if((entry = AZ_find_index(indx, update, N_update)) != -1){
    (*bc_indx)[4 * (*n_bc)+0] = x;
    (*bc_indx)[4 * (*n_bc)+1] = y - ymin;
    (*bc_indx)[4 * (*n_bc)+2] = z;
    (*bc_indx)[4 * (*n_bc)+3] = update_index[entry];

int AztecDVBR_Matrix::getBlockSize(int blkRow, int blkCol,
                                   int& ptRows, int& ptCols) {
   int index;

   ptRows = 0;
   ptCols = 0;

   if (!inUpdate(blkRow, index)) {
      fei::console_out() << "AztecDVBR_Matrix::getBlockSize: ERROR: blkRow "
           << blkRow << " not in local update list." << FEI_ENDL;

   ptRows = Amat_->rpntr[index+1] - Amat_->rpntr[index];

   int local = inUpdate(blkCol, index);

   if (local) {
      ptCols = Amat_->rpntr[index+1] - Amat_->rpntr[index];
   else {
      index = AZ_find_index(blkCol, remoteInds_, numRemoteBlocks_);

      if (index < 0) return(1);
      else ptCols = remoteBlockSizes_[index];

Exemple #3
void print_global_element(int element,int update[],int data_org[],
           int update_index[], int rpntr[], double vector[],int proc_config[])
 * Print out the vector element corresponding to the global numbering
 * 'element'. Note: if the VBR format is used, this routine will print
 * out all the vector elements corresponding to this block.
 * Author: Ray Tuminaro, Div 1422, SNL
 * Date:   6/15/96
 * Parameters
 *    element        ==      On input, global number of vector element that
 *                           will be printed.
 *    update         ==      On input, list of pts updated on this node
 *    data_org       ==      On input, indicates how the data is set out on
 *                           this node. For example, data_org[] contains
 *                           information on how many unknowns are internal,
 *                           external, and border unknowns as well as which
 *                           points need to be communicated. See User's Guide
 *                           for more details.
 *    update_index   ==      On input, ordering of update locally on this
 *                           processor. For example, 'update_index[i]' gives 
 *                           the index location of the block which has the 
 *                           global index 'update[i]'.
 *    rpntr          ==      On input, rpntr[i+1]-rpntr[i] gives the block
 *                           size of the ith local block.
 *    vector         ==      On input, vector to be printed (just one element).
 *    proc_config    ==      On input, processor information:
 *                              proc_config[AZ_node] = name of this processor
 *                              proc_config[AZ_N_procs] = # of processors used
   int i,k;

   /* synchronize things */

   i = AZ_gsum_int(1,proc_config);

   i = AZ_find_index(element,update,
   if (i !=-1) {
      i = update_index[i];
      if (data_org[AZ_matrix_type] == AZ_MSR_MATRIX) 
         fprintf(stdout,"(%d) = %e\n",element,vector[i]);
      else if (data_org[AZ_matrix_type] == AZ_VBR_MATRIX) {
        for (k = rpntr[i]; k < rpntr[i+1]; k++ ) 
           fprintf(stdout,"(%d,%d) = %e\n",element,k-rpntr[i],vector[k]);

   /* synchronize things */
   i = AZ_gsum_int(i,proc_config);

void AztecDVBR_Matrix::insertList(int item, int*& list, int& len) {
//insert 'item' in 'list', if it's not already in there,
//and update the list's length, 'len'.
//We want to keep the list ordered, so we'll insert item in
//the list after the biggest existing entry that's smaller, and
//before the smallest existing entry that's bigger.

   if (len <= 0) {
      list = new int[1];
      list[0] = item;
      len = 1;

   int index = AZ_find_index(item, list, len);

   if (index >= 0) return;

   int* newList = new int[len+1];

   //bring over the contents of the old list, putting in the new
   //one at the appropriate point.
   int inserted = 0;
   for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
      if (!inserted) {
         if (list[i] < item) newList[i] = list[i];
         else {
            newList[i] = item;
            inserted = 1;
      else newList[i] = list[i-1];

   //now put in the last list entry
   if (inserted) newList[len] = list[len-1];
   else newList[len] = item;

   //delete the old memory and reset the pointer.
   if (len > 0) delete [] list;
   list = newList;

   //update the length.
int AztecDVBR_Matrix::inUpdate(int globalIndex, int& localIndex) const {
// This function determines whether globalIndex is in the local update set,
// and if it is, returns in localIndex the local index for it. If update_index_
// has already been allocated and set (by AZ_transform) then localIndex is
// taken from there.
// If globalIndex is not in the update set, inUpdate returns 0.
    localIndex = AZ_find_index(globalIndex, amap_->getBlockUpdate(), N_update_);


        localIndex = update_index_[localIndex];

void AztecDVBR_Matrix::calcIndx(int nnzBlks) {
//This function allocates and fills the Amat_->indx array, which holds info
//on the number of entries in each nonzero block.
//indx[0..bpntr[M]], (where M = number of local block rows)
//indx[0] = 0
//indx[k+1]-indx[k] = number of entries in nonzero block k

   Amat_->indx = new int[nnzBlks+1];

   //we need to obtain block sizes for all local nonzero blocks. rpntr
   //gives us the sizes for the blocks with column indices in the local
   //update set, but we'll have to do some message passing to obtain the
   //sizes of blocks with column indices in other procs' update sets.

   int numProcs = amap_->getProcConfig()[AZ_N_procs];

   if (numProcs > 1) {
      //form a list of the column indices that are not local.
      calcRemoteInds(remoteInds_, numRemoteBlocks_);

      //now get sizes of blocks that correspond to remote rows.
      remoteBlockSizes_ = new int[numRemoteBlocks_];
      getRemoteBlkSizes(remoteBlockSizes_, remoteInds_, numRemoteBlocks_);

   //now we're ready to set the block sizes in Amat_->indx.
   int index;

   Amat_->indx[0] = 0;

   for(int i=0; i<amap_->getNumLocalBlocks(); i++) {
      int rowBlkSize = Amat_->rpntr[i+1] - Amat_->rpntr[i];

      int colStart = Amat_->bpntr[i];
      int colEnd = Amat_->bpntr[i+1] - 1;

      for(int j=colStart; j<=colEnd; j++) {
         if (inUpdate(Amat_->bindx[j], index)) {
            int colBlkSize = Amat_->rpntr[index+1] - Amat_->rpntr[index];

            Amat_->indx[j+1] = Amat_->indx[j] + rowBlkSize*colBlkSize;
         else { //it's a remoteIndex
            if (numProcs == 1) {
               char mesg[80];
               sprintf(mesg,"calcIndx: blk col index %d not in update set.",

            index = AZ_find_index(Amat_->bindx[j], remoteInds_,
            if (index >= 0) {
               Amat_->indx[j+1] = Amat_->indx[j] +  
            else { //if it wasn't in update or remoteInds, then panic!
               messageAbort("calcIndx: block column index not found.");
      } // end for j loop

      nnzPerRow_[i] = Amat_->indx[colEnd+1] - Amat_->indx[colStart];
   } // end for i loop

   localNNZ_ = Amat_->indx[nnzBlks];