Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char **argv){

  int     iter, i,ii,j,jj,k,kk,ig,jg,kg; /* dummies                               */
  int     iterations;           /* number of times the multiplication is done     */
  double  dgemm_time,           /* timing parameters                              */
  double  checksum = 0.0,       /* checksum of result                             */
  double  epsilon = 1.e-8;      /* error tolerance                                */
  int     nthread_input,        /* thread parameters                              */
  int     num_error=0;          /* flag that signals that requested and 
                                   obtained numbers of threads are the same       */
  double  * RESTRICT A,         /* input (A,B) and output (C) matrices            */
          * RESTRICT B,      
          * RESTRICT C;
  long    order;                /* number of rows and columns of matrices         */
  int     block;                /* tile size of matrices                          */
  int     shortcut;             /* true if only doing initialization              */

  printf("Parallel Research Kernels version %s\n", PRKVERSION);
  printf("OpenMP Dense matrix-matrix multiplication\n");

#if !MKL  
  if (argc != 4 && argc != 5) {
    printf("Usage: %s <# threads> <# iterations> <matrix order> [tile size]\n",*argv);
  if (argc != 4) {
    printf("Usage: %s <# threads> <# iterations> <matrix order>\n",*argv);

  /* Take number of threads to request from command line                          */
  nthread_input = atoi(*++argv); 

  if ((nthread_input < 1) || (nthread_input > MAX_THREADS)) {
    printf("ERROR: Invalid number of threads: %d\n", nthread_input);


  iterations = atoi(*++argv);
  if (iterations < 1){
    printf("ERROR: Iterations must be positive : %d \n", iterations);

  order = atol(*++argv);
  if (order < 0) {
    shortcut = 1;
    order    = -order;
  } else shortcut = 0;
  if (order < 1) {
    printf("ERROR: Matrix order must be positive: %ld\n", order);
  A = (double *) prk_malloc(order*order*sizeof(double));
  B = (double *) prk_malloc(order*order*sizeof(double));
  C = (double *) prk_malloc(order*order*sizeof(double));
  if (!A || !B || !C) {
    printf("ERROR: Could not allocate space for global matrices\n");

  ref_checksum = (0.25*forder*forder*forder*(forder-1.0)*(forder-1.0));

  #pragma omp parallel for private(i,j) 
  for(j = 0; j < order; j++) for(i = 0; i < order; i++) {
    A_arr(i,j) = B_arr(i,j) = (double) j; 
    C_arr(i,j) = 0.0;

#if !MKL
  if (argc == 5) {
         block = atoi(*++argv);
  } else block = DEFAULTBLOCK;

  #pragma omp parallel private (i,j,k,ii,jj,kk,ig,jg,kg,iter)

  if (block > 0) {
    /* matrix blocks for local temporary copies                                     */
    AA = (double *) prk_malloc(block*(block+BOFFSET)*3*sizeof(double));
    if (!AA) {
      num_error = 1;
      printf("Could not allocate space for matrix tiles on thread %d\n", 
    BB = AA + block*(block+BOFFSET);
    CC = BB + block*(block+BOFFSET);

  #pragma omp master 
  nthread = omp_get_num_threads();

  if (nthread != nthread_input) {
    num_error = 1;
    printf("ERROR: number of requested threads %d does not equal ",
    printf("number of spawned threads %d\n", nthread);
  else {
    printf("Matrix order          = %ld\n", order);
    if (shortcut) 
      printf("Only doing initialization\n"); 
    printf("Number of threads     = %d\n", nthread_input);
    if (block>0)
      printf("Blocking factor       = %d\n", block);
      printf("No blocking\n");
    printf("Block offset          = %d\n", BOFFSET);
    printf("Number of iterations  = %d\n", iterations);
    printf("Using MKL library     = off\n");

  if (shortcut) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);

  for (iter=0; iter<=iterations; iter++) {

    if (iter==1) {
      #pragma omp barrier
      #pragma omp master
        dgemm_time = wtime();

    if (block > 0) {
      #pragma omp for 
      for(jj = 0; jj < order; jj+=block){
        for(kk = 0; kk < order; kk+=block) {
          for (jg=jj,j=0; jg<MIN(jj+block,order); j++,jg++) 
          for (kg=kk,k=0; kg<MIN(kk+block,order); k++,kg++) 
            BB_arr(j,k) =  B_arr(kg,jg);
          for(ii = 0; ii < order; ii+=block){
            for (kg=kk,k=0; kg<MIN(kk+block,order); k++,kg++)
            for (ig=ii,i=0; ig<MIN(ii+block,order); i++,ig++)
              AA_arr(i,k) = A_arr(ig,kg);
            for (jg=jj,j=0; jg<MIN(jj+block,order); j++,jg++) 
            for (ig=ii,i=0; ig<MIN(ii+block,order); i++,ig++)
              CC_arr(i,j) = 0.0;
            for (kg=kk,k=0; kg<MIN(kk+block,order); k++,kg++)
            for (jg=jj,j=0; jg<MIN(jj+block,order); j++,jg++) 
            for (ig=ii,i=0; ig<MIN(ii+block,order); i++,ig++)
              CC_arr(i,j) += AA_arr(i,k)*BB_arr(j,k);
            for (jg=jj,j=0; jg<MIN(jj+block,order); j++,jg++) 
            for (ig=ii,i=0; ig<MIN(ii+block,order); i++,ig++)
              C_arr(ig,jg) += CC_arr(i,j);
    else {
      #pragma omp for 
      for (jg=0; jg<order; jg++) 
      for (kg=0; kg<order; kg++) 
      for (ig=0; ig<order; ig++) 
        C_arr(ig,jg) += A_arr(ig,kg)*B_arr(kg,jg);

  } /* end of iterations                                                          */

  #pragma omp barrier
  #pragma omp master
    dgemm_time = wtime() - dgemm_time;

  } /* end of parallel region                                                     */


  printf("Matrix size           = %ldx%ld\n", order, order);
  printf("Number of threads     = %d\n", nthread_input);
  printf("Using MKL library     = on\n");
  printf("Number of iterations  = %d\n", iterations);

  for (iter=0; iter<=iterations; iter++) {

    if (iter==1) dgemm_time = wtime();

    cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, order, order, 
                order, 1.0, &(A_arr(0,0)), order, &(B_arr(0,0)), order, 
                1.0, &(C_arr(0,0)), order);
  dgemm_time = wtime()-dgemm_time;

  for(checksum=0.0,j = 0; j < order; j++) for(i = 0; i < order; i++)
    checksum += C_arr(i,j);

  /* verification test                                                            */
  ref_checksum *= (iterations+1);

  if (ABS((checksum - ref_checksum)/ref_checksum) > epsilon) {
    printf("ERROR: Checksum = %lf, Reference checksum = %lf\n",
           checksum, ref_checksum);
  else {
    printf("Solution validates\n");
    printf("Reference checksum = %lf, checksum = %lf\n", 
           ref_checksum, checksum);

  double nflops = 2.0*forder*forder*forder;
  avgtime = dgemm_time/iterations;
  printf("Rate (MFlops/s): %lf  Avg time (s): %lf\n",
         1.0E-06 *nflops/avgtime, avgtime);


Exemple #2
main(int argc, char **argv) {

    int     iterations;           /* number of times the multiplication is done     */
    double  dgemm_time,           /* timing parameters                              */
    double  checksum = 0.0,       /* checksum of result                             */
    double  epsilon = 1.e-8;      /* error tolerance                                */
    int     nthread_input,        /* thread parameters                              */
    long    order;                /* number of rows and columns of matrices         */
    int     block;                /* tile size of matrices                          */

    printf("Parallel Research Kernels version %s\n", PRKVERSION);
    printf("OpenMP Dense matrix-matrix multiplication\n");

    if (argc != 4 && argc != 5) {
        printf("Usage: %s <# threads> <# iterations> <matrix order> [tile size]\n",*argv);

    nthread_input = atoi(*++argv); 

    if ((nthread_input < 1) || (nthread_input > MAX_THREADS)) {
        printf("ERROR: Invalid number of threads: %d\n", nthread_input);


    iterations = atoi(*++argv);
    if (iterations < 1){
        printf("ERROR: Iterations must be positive : %d \n", iterations);

    order = atol(*++argv);
    if (order < 1) {
        printf("ERROR: Matrix order must be positive: %ld\n", order);

    if (argc == 5) {
        block = atoi(*++argv);
    } else block = DEFAULTBLOCK;

    double     *A = new double[order*order];
    double     *B = new double[order*order];
    double     *C = new double[order*order];
    double *tempC = new double[order*order];
    if (!A || !B || !C || !tempC) {
        printf("ERROR: Could not allocate space for global matrices\n");

    ref_checksum = (0.25*forder*forder*forder*(forder-1.0)*(forder-1.0));

#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for 
        for(int j = 0; j < order; j++) {
            for(int i = 0; i < order; i++) {
                A_arr(i,j) = (double) j;
                B_arr(i,j) = (double) j; 
                C_arr(i,j) = 0.0;
                tempC_arr(i,j) = 0.0;
#pragma omp master 
            nthread = omp_get_num_threads();
            printf("Matrix order         = %ld\n", order);
            printf("Number of threads    = %d\n", nthread);
            printf("Blocking factor      = %d\n", block);
            printf("Number of iterations = %d\n", iterations);

            for (int iter=0; iter<=iterations; iter++) {
                if (iter==1) {
                    printf("starting timer\n");
                    dgemm_time = wtime();
                for(int jj = 0; jj < order; jj+=block) {
                    for(int kk = 0; kk < order; kk+=block) {
                        for(int ii = 0; ii < order; ii+=block) {
#pragma omp task depend(inout: C_arr(ii, jj)) firstprivate(ii, jj, kk)
                                for (int j=jj; j<MIN(jj+block,order); j++) {
                                    for (int i=ii; i<MIN(ii+block,order); i++) {
                                        tempC_arr(i,j) = 0.0;
                                for (int k=kk; k<MIN(kk+block,order); k++) {
                                    for (int j=jj; j<MIN(jj+block,order); j++)  {
                                        for (int i=ii; i<MIN(ii+block,order); i++) {
                                            tempC_arr(i,j) += A_arr(i,k)*B_arr(k,j);
                                for (int j=jj; j<MIN(jj+block,order); j++) {
                                    for (int i=ii; i<MIN(ii+block,order); i++) {
                                        C_arr(i,j) += tempC_arr(i,j);
            } // end of iterations
#pragma omp taskwait
            dgemm_time = wtime() - dgemm_time;
            printf("timer stopped\n");
        }//end of Master
    } // end of parallel region

    checksum = 0.0;
    for(int j = 0; j < order; j++) {
        for(int i = 0; i < order; i++) {
            checksum += C_arr(i,j);

    // verification test 
    ref_checksum *= (iterations+1);

    if (ABS((checksum - ref_checksum)/ref_checksum) > epsilon) {
        printf("ERROR: Checksum = %lf, Reference checksum = %lf\n",
                checksum, ref_checksum);
    } else {
        printf("Solution validates\n");
#ifdef VERBOSE
        printf("Reference checksum = %lf, checksum = %lf\n", 
                ref_checksum, checksum);

    double nflops = 2.0*forder*forder*forder;
    avgtime = dgemm_time/iterations;
    printf("Rate (MFlops/s): %lf  Avg time (s): %lf\n", 1.0E-06 *nflops/avgtime, avgtime);

    return 0;