Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int servSock;                    /* Socket descriptor for server */
    int clntSock;                    /* Socket descriptor for client */
    unsigned short echoServPort;     /* Server port */
    pthread_t threadID;              /* Thread ID from pthread_create() */
    struct ThreadArgs *threadArgs;   /* Pointer to argument structure for thread */

    if (argc != 2)     /* Test for correct number of arguments */
        fprintf(stderr,"Usage:  %s <SERVER PORT>\n", argv[0]);

    echoServPort = atoi(argv[1]);  /* First arg:  local port */

    servSock = CreateTCPServerSocket(echoServPort);

    for (;;) /* run forever */
	clntSock = AcceptTCPConnection(servSock);

        /* Create separate memory for client argument */
        if ((threadArgs = (struct ThreadArgs *) malloc(sizeof(struct ThreadArgs))) 
               == NULL)
            DieWithError("malloc() failed");
        threadArgs -> clntSock = clntSock;

        /* Create client thread */
        if (pthread_create(&threadID, NULL, ThreadMain, (void *) threadArgs) != 0)
            DieWithError("pthread_create() failed");
        printf("with thread %ld\n", (long int) threadID);
    /* NOT REACHED */
Exemple #2
void ProcessMain (int servSock, FILE *lfp, FILE *efp) {
   int clntSock;                  /* Socket descriptor for client connection */
   pthread_t threadID;              /* Thread ID from pthread_create() */
   struct ThreadArgs *threadArgs;   /* Pointer to argument structure for thread */

   for (;;) /* run forever */
        clntSock = AcceptTCPConnection(servSock, lfp, efp);
        /* Create separate memory for client argument */
        if ((threadArgs = (struct ThreadArgs *) malloc(sizeof(struct ThreadArgs))) == NULL){
            LogDie(efp, "malloc() failed for ThreadArgs!");

        /* populate the newly generated struc */
        threadArgs->clntSock = clntSock;
        threadArgs->logfp = lfp;
        threadArgs->errfp = efp; 
        /* Create client thread and process the socket connection in the ThreadMain method*/
        if (pthread_create(&threadID, NULL, ThreadMain, (void *) threadArgs) != 0){
            LogDie(efp, "pthread_create() failed");
        //ThreadMain( (void *) threadArgs);
    /* NOT REACHED */
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int         servSock;     /* Socket descriptor for server */
    int         clntSock;     /* Socket descriptor for client */
    int         result;       /* Result for thread creation */
    pthread_t   threadID;     /* Thread ID from pthread_create() */
    bool        to_quit = false;

    parse_args (argc, argv);

    servSock = CreateTCPServerSocket (argv_port);

    while (to_quit == false)                /* run until someone indicates to quit... */
        clntSock = AcceptTCPConnection (servSock);

        // Use the 'void *' parameter for passing clntSock
        result = pthread_create (&threadID, NULL, myThread, (void *) clntSock);
        if (result == 0)
            info ("Succesfully created new thread");
            DieWithError ("pthread_create()");
    // server stops...
    close (servSock);
    exit (0);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  if (argc != 2) // Test for correct number of arguments
    DieWithUserMessage("Parameter(s)", "<Server Port/Service>");

  char *servPort = argv[1]; // First arg:  local port
  int servSock = SetupTCPServerSocket(servPort);
  if (servSock < 0)
    DieWithUserMessage("SetupTCPServerSocket() failed", "unable to establish");
  for (;;) { // Run forever
    int clntSock = AcceptTCPConnection(servSock);

    // Create separate memory for client argument
    struct ThreadArgs *threadArgs = (struct ThreadArgs *) malloc(
        sizeof(struct ThreadArgs));
    if (threadArgs == NULL)
      DieWithSystemMessage("malloc() failed");
    threadArgs->clntSock = clntSock;

    // Create client thread
    pthread_t threadID;
    int returnValue = pthread_create(&threadID, NULL, ThreadMain, threadArgs);
    if (returnValue != 0)
      DieWithUserMessage("pthread_create() failed", strerror(returnValue));
    printf("with thread %ld\n", (long int) threadID);
Exemple #5
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
    int servSock;                    /* Socket descriptor for server */
    int clntSock;                    /* Socket descriptor for client */
    pthread_t   readThreadID;               /* Read Thread ID */
    pthread_t   writeThreadID;              /* Write Thread ID */

    parse_args (argc, argv);
    servSock = CreateTCPServerSocket (argv_port);

    for (;;) /* Run forever */
        clntSock = AcceptTCPConnection (servSock);

        sockOpen = true;

        printf("A new messenger has appeared!\n");

        pthread_create(&readThreadID, NULL, readThread, (void *) &clntSock);
        pthread_create(&writeThreadID, NULL, writeThread, (void *) &clntSock);


        pthread_join(readThreadID, NULL);
        pthread_join(writeThreadID, NULL);

        printf("The messenger has left the chat.\n");
    /* NOT REACHED */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc != 2) // Test for correct number of arguments
    DieWithUserMessage("Parameter(s)", "<Server Port/Service>");

  int servSock = SetupTCPServerSocket(argv[1]);
  // servSock is now ready to use to accept connections

  for (;;) { // Run forever

    // Wait for a client to connect
    int clntSock = AcceptTCPConnection(servSock);

    // Create an input stream from the socket
    FILE *channel = fdopen(clntSock, "r+");
    if (channel == NULL)
      DieWithSystemMessage("fdopen() failed");

    // Receive messages until connection closes
    int mSize;
    uint8_t inBuf[MAX_WIRE_SIZE];
    VoteInfo v;
    while ((mSize = GetNextMsg(channel, inBuf, MAX_WIRE_SIZE)) > 0) {
      memset(&v, 0, sizeof(v)); // Clear vote information
      printf("Received message (%d bytes)\n", mSize);
      if (Decode(inBuf, mSize, &v)) { // Parse to get VoteInfo
        if (!v.isResponse) { // Ignore non-requests
          v.isResponse = true;
          if (v.candidate >= 0 && v.candidate <= MAX_CANDIDATE) {
            if (!v.isInquiry)
              counts[v.candidate] += 1;
            v.count = counts[v.candidate];
          } // Ignore invalid candidates
        uint8_t outBuf[MAX_WIRE_SIZE];
        mSize = Encode(&v, outBuf, MAX_WIRE_SIZE);
        if (PutMsg(outBuf, mSize, channel) < 0) {
          fputs("Error framing/outputting message\n", stderr);
        } else {
          printf("Processed %s for candidate %d; current count is %llu.\n",
              (v.isInquiry ? "inquiry" : "vote"), v.candidate, v.count);
      } else {
        fputs("Parse error, closing connection.\n", stderr);
    puts("Client finished");
  } // Each client
Exemple #7
int SockListener(unsigned short *servPort)
	int servSock; /* Socket descriptor for server */
	int clntSock; /* Socket descriptor for client */
	DWORD threadID; /* Thread ID from CreateThread() */
	WSADATA wsaData; /* Structure for WinSock setup communication */
	wchar_t tmp[TMPBUF];

	if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0) /* Load Winsock 2.2 DLL */
		wsprintf(tmp, L"SockListener WSAStartup() failed");

	servSock = CreateTCPServerSocket(*servPort);

	for (;;)
		clntSock = AcceptTCPConnection(servSock);
			extern TCHAR *ServiceName;
			HANDLE hEventLog = RegisterEventSource(NULL, ServiceName);
			BOOL bSuccess;
			PCTSTR aInsertions [] = { L"call_usermodehelper:", L"Accepted", L"TCP connection" };
			bSuccess = ReportEvent(
				hEventLog,                  // Handle to the eventlog
				EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,  // Type of event
				0,                             // Category (could also be 0)
				MSG_ACCEPT_TCP,                // Event id
				NULL,                       // User's sid (NULL for none)
				3,                          // Number of insertion strings
				0,                          // Number of additional bytes
				aInsertions,                // Array of insertion strings
				NULL                        // Pointer to additional bytes


		/* Create separate memory for client argument */

		if ((h = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) ThreadMain, &clntSock, 0, (LPDWORD) &threadID)) == NULL)
			wsprintf(tmp, L"call_usermodehelper: CreateThread failed. err(%d)", GetLastError());
			return -1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int servSock;                    /* Socket descriptor for server */
    int clntSock;                    /* Socket descriptor for client */
    unsigned short echoServPort;     /* Server port */
    pid_t processID;                 /* Process ID from fork() */
    unsigned int childProcCount = 0; /* Number of child processes */
    char *html_path = argv[2]; //assign html_path argument

    if (argc != 3)     /* Test for correct number of arguments */
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage:  %s <Server Port>\n", argv[0]);

    echoServPort = atoi(argv[1]);  /* First arg:  local port */

    servSock = CreateTCPServerSocket(echoServPort);

    for (;;) /* Run forever */
        clntSock = AcceptTCPConnection(servSock);
        /* Fork child process and report any errors */
        if ((processID = fork()) < 0)
            DieWithError("fork() failed");
        else if (processID == 0)  /* If this is the child process */
            close(servSock);   /* Child closes parent socket */
            HandleTCPClient(clntSock, html_path); //send html_path as argument

            exit(0);           /* Child process terminates */

        printf("with child process: %d\n", (int) processID);
        close(clntSock);       /* Parent closes child socket descriptor */
        childProcCount++;      /* Increment number of outstanding child processes */

        while (childProcCount) /* Clean up all zombies */
            processID = waitpid((pid_t) -1, NULL, WNOHANG);  /* Non-blocking wait */
            if (processID < 0)  /* waitpid() error? */
                DieWithError("waitpid() failed");
            else if (processID == 0)  /* No zombie to wait on */
                childProcCount--;  /* Cleaned up after a child */
    /* NOT REACHED */
Exemple #9
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
    int servSock;                    /* Socket descriptor for server */
    int clntSock;                    /* Socket descriptor for client */

    parse_args (argc, argv);
    servSock = CreateTCPServerSocket (argv_port);

    for (;;) /* Run forever */
        clntSock = AcceptTCPConnection (servSock);
        HandleTCPClient (clntSock);
    /* NOT REACHED */
Exemple #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int servSock;      
    int clntSock;     
    unsigned short servPort;  
    pid_t processID;               
    unsigned int childProcCount = 0;

    if (argc == 2)     {
		servPort = atoi(argv[1]); 
		servPort = 33369;

    servSock = CreateTCPServerSocket(servPort);

        clntSock = AcceptTCPConnection(servSock);
        if ((processID = fork()) < 0)
            DieWithError("fork() failed");
        else if (processID == 0){  //child
			printf("End child process : %d\n", (int) processID);


        printf("with child process: %d\n", (int) processID);

        while (childProcCount){
            processID = waitpid((pid_t) -1, NULL, WNOHANG);  
            if (processID < 0)  
                DieWithError("waitpid() failed");
            else if (processID == 0) 

	return 0;
Exemple #11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc != 2)
    ErrorWithUserMessage("Parameter(s), <Server Port>");

  char *service = argv[1];

  int servSock = SetupTCPServerSocket(service);
  if (servSock < 0)
    ErrorWithUserMessage("SetupTCPServerSocket() failed: unable to establish");

  unsigned int childProcessCount = 0;
  while (1)
      int clntSock = AcceptTCPConnection(servSock);

      pid_t processID = fork();
      if (processID < 0)
	ErrorWithSystemMessage("fork() failed");
      else if (processID == 0)

      printf("with child process: %d\n", processID);

      //clean up zombies
      while (childProcessCount)
	  processID = waitpid((pid_t) - 1, NULL, WNOHANG);
	  if (processID < 0)
	    ErrorWithSystemMessage("waitpid() failed");
	  else if (processID == 0)


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int     servSock;                  /* Socket descriptor for server */
    int     clntSock;                  /* Socket descriptor for client */
    pid_t   processID;                 /* Process ID from fork() */
    bool    to_quit = false;

    parse_args (argc, argv);

    servSock = CreateTCPServerSocket (argv_port);

    while (to_quit == false)                /* run until someone indicates to quit... */
        clntSock = AcceptTCPConnection (servSock);

        processID = fork();
        if (processID < 0)
            // fatal error, fork failed
            DieWithError ("fork() failed");
            if (processID == 0)
                // processID == 0: child process, handle client communication
                info_d ("New child process created. ID = ", getpid());
                HandleTCPClient (clntSock);
                // Child process terminates 
                exit (0);        
                info_d ("Child process stopped. ID = ", getpid());
                // processID > 0: main process
                info ("Main  waiting for new client...");
    // server stops...
    exit (0);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    DIR *dir;
    char echoBuffer[1024];
    int k=0;
    struct dirent *ent;
    int servSock;                    /* Socket descriptor for server */
    int clntSock;                    /* Socket descriptor for client */
    unsigned short echoServPort;     /* Server port */
    pthread_t threadID;              /* Thread ID from pthread_create() */
    struct ThreadArgs *threadArgs;   /* Pointer to argument structure for thread */
    if (argc != 3)     /* Test for correct number of arguments */
        fprintf(stderr,"Usage:  %s <SERVER PORT> <REPOSITORY NAME>\n", argv[0]);
    echoServPort = atoi(argv[1]);  /* First arg:  local port */
    servSock = CreateTCPServerSocket(echoServPort);
    //////file indexing
    dir = opendir (argv[2]);
    if (dir != NULL) {
        /* print all the files and directories within directory */
        while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
          //  printf ("%s\n", ent->d_name);
            int len=strlen(ent->d_name);
            if(ent->d_name[len-1]=='t' && ent->d_name[len-2]=='x' && ent->d_name[len-1]=='t')
      //  for(k=0;k<i;k++)
      //      printf ("%s\n", findex[k]);
        closedir (dir);
    } else {
        /* could not open directory */
        perror ("");
        return 0;

    //////end of indexing
        printf ("%s\n", findex[k]);
    /////setting file values to null
    int ast=0;
        FILE *fp;
        printf("Resetting : %s\n",fpath);
        fp = fopen(fpath,"w"); /* open for writing */
        fprintf(fp,"\n%s", fpath);
        fclose(fp); /* close the file before ending program */
    FILE *fp;
    char *config="CONFIG";
    printf("Resetting : cfg.txt\n");
    fp = fopen("cfg.txt","w"); /* open for writing */
    fprintf(fp,"%s", config);
    ////end of set-null process
    for (;;) /* run forever */
        clntSock = AcceptTCPConnection(servSock);
        /* Create separate memory for client argument */
        if ((threadArgs = (struct ThreadArgs *) malloc(sizeof(struct ThreadArgs))) 
            == NULL)
            ErrorHandler("malloc() failed");
        threadArgs -> clntSock = clntSock;
        /* Create client thread */
        if (pthread_create(&threadID, NULL, ThreadMain, (void *) threadArgs) != 0)
            ErrorHandler("pthread_create() failed");
        //printf("with thread %ld\n", (long int) threadID);
    /* NOT REACHED */
} // main