void QPatientInfoWidget::AddDoctor(const STUDoctor& doctor) { //doctor QTreeWidgetItem* topLevelItem = AddChildItem(this, TAGNAME_DOCTOR); //name AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_NAME, doctor.m_name); }
void QPatientInfoWidget::AddTechnician(const STUTechnician& technician) { //technician QTreeWidgetItem* topLevelItem = AddChildItem(this, TAGNAME_TECHNICIAN); //name AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_NAME, technician.m_name); }
void QPatientInfoWidget::AddClinicalClassifications(const STUClinicalClassifications& classifications) { //classifications QTreeWidgetItem* topLevelItem = AddChildItem(this, TAGNAME_CLINICALCLASSIFICATIONS); //classification for (qint32 i=0; i<classifications.m_classifications.size(); i++) { AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_CLINICALCLASSIFICATION, classifications.m_classifications.at(i)); } }
void QPatientInfoWidget::AddMedications(const STUMedications& medications) { //medications QTreeWidgetItem* topLevelItem = AddChildItem(this, TAGNAME_MEDICATIONS); //medication for (qint32 i=0; i<medications.m_name.size(); i++) { AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_MEDICATION, medications.m_name.at(i)); } }
void CXTPPropertyGridItemPoint::OnAddChildItem() { if (m_pItemX && m_pItemY) return; m_pItemX = (CItemX*)AddChildItem(new CItemX(_T("X"))); m_pItemY = (CItemY*)AddChildItem(new CItemY(_T("Y"))); UpdateChilds(); m_pItemX->SetDefaultValue(m_pItemX->GetValue()); m_pItemY->SetDefaultValue(m_pItemY->GetValue()); }
void CXTPPropertyGridItemSize::OnAddChildItem() { if (m_pItemHeight && m_pItemWidth) return; m_pItemWidth = (CXTPPropertyGridItemSizeWidth*)AddChildItem(new CXTPPropertyGridItemSizeWidth(_T("Width"))); m_pItemHeight = (CXTPPropertyGridItemSizeHeight*)AddChildItem(new CXTPPropertyGridItemSizeHeight(_T("Height"))); UpdateChilds(); m_pItemWidth->SetDefaultValue(m_pItemWidth->GetValue()); m_pItemHeight->SetDefaultValue(m_pItemHeight->GetValue()); }
void QPatientInfoWidget::AddDemographics(const STUDemographics& demographics) { //Demographics QTreeWidgetItem* topLevelItem = AddChildItem(this, TAGNAME_DEMOGRAPHICS); //FirstName AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_FIRSTNAME, demographics.m_firstName); //LastName AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_LASTNAME, demographics.m_lastName); //PatientID AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_PATIENTID, demographics.m_patientID); //DateOfBirth AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_DATEOFBIRTH, demographics.m_dateOfBirth); //Age AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_AGE, demographics.m_age); //Gender AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_GENDER, demographics.m_gender); //Race AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_RACE, demographics.m_race); }
void CDirectoryTreeCtrl::Init(void) { SendMessage(CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT, TRUE); ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); DeleteAllItems(); ModifyStyle( 0, TVS_CHECKBOXES ); // START: added by FoRcHa ///////////// WORD wWinVer = thePrefs.GetWindowsVersion(); // maybe causes problems on 98 & nt4 if(wWinVer == _WINVER_2K_ || wWinVer == _WINVER_XP_ || wWinVer == _WINVER_ME_) { SHFILEINFO shFinfo; HIMAGELIST hImgList = NULL; // Get the system image list using a "path" which is available on all systems. [patch by bluecow] hImgList = (HIMAGELIST)SHGetFileInfo(_T("."), 0, &shFinfo, sizeof(shFinfo), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON); if(!hImgList) { TRACE(_T("Cannot retrieve the Handle of SystemImageList!")); //return; } m_image.m_hImageList = hImgList; SetImageList(&m_image, TVSIL_NORMAL); } //////////////////////////////// TCHAR drivebuffer[500]; ::GetLogicalDriveStrings(ARRSIZE(drivebuffer), drivebuffer); // e.g. "a:\ c:\ d:\" const TCHAR* pos = drivebuffer; while(*pos != _T('\0')){ // Copy drive name TCHAR drive[4]; _tcsncpy(drive, pos, ARRSIZE(drive)); drive[ARRSIZE(drive) - 1] = _T('\0'); switch(drive[0]){ case _T('a'): case _T('A'): case _T('b'): case _T('B'): // Skip floppy disk break; default: drive[2] = _T('\0'); AddChildItem(NULL, drive); // e.g. ("c:") } // Point to the next drive (4 chars interval) pos = &pos[4]; } // VC-kernel[2007-02-13]: //ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); }
/*! 显示参数 @para[in] const STUPatient* patientPtr @return void */ void QPatientInfoWidget::FillPatient(const STUPatient* patientPtr) { //清空内容 clear(); if (NULL != patientPtr) { //demographics AddDemographics(patientPtr->m_demographics); //assignedLocation AddAssignedLocation(patientPtr->m_assignedLocation); //doctor AddDoctor(patientPtr->m_doctor); //technician AddTechnician(patientPtr->m_technician); //PACE AddChildItem(this, TAGNAME_PACED, patientPtr->m_paced); //medications AddMedications(patientPtr->m_medications); //clinicalClassifications AddClinicalClassifications(patientPtr->m_clinicalClassfications); } //全部展开 expandAll(); }
void CDirectoryTreeCtrl::AddSubdirectories(HTREEITEM hRoot, CString strDir) { strDir += _T("*.*"); CFileFind finder; BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(strDir); while (bWorking) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); if (finder.IsDots()) continue; if (finder.IsSystem()) continue; if (!finder.IsDirectory()) continue; CString strFilename = finder.GetFileName(); int iIdx; if ((iIdx = strFilename.ReverseFind('\\')) != -1) strFilename = strFilename.Mid(iIdx + 1); AddChildItem(hRoot, strFilename); } finder.Close(); }
void CDirectoryTreeCtrl::Init() { // already done ? if (m_IsInit) { return; } m_IsInit = true; // init image(s) wxImageList* images = new wxImageList(16, 16); images->Add(wxBitmap(amuleSpecial(1))); images->Add(wxBitmap(amuleSpecial(2))); // Gives wxTreeCtrl ownership of the list AssignImageList(images); // Create an empty root item, which we can // safely append when creating a full path. m_root = AddRoot(wxEmptyString, IMAGE_FOLDER, -1, new CItemData(CPath())); if (!m_IsRemote) { #ifndef __WXMSW__ AddChildItem(m_root, CPath(wxT("/"))); #else // this might take awhile, so change the cursor ::wxSetCursor(*wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR); // retrieve bitmask of all drives available uint32 drives = GetLogicalDrives(); drives >>= 1; for (char drive = 'C'; drive <= 'Z'; drive++) { drives >>= 1; if (! (drives & 1)) { // skip non existant drives continue; } wxString driveStr = CFormat(wxT("%c:")) % drive; uint32 type = GetDriveType(driveStr + wxT("\\")); // skip removable/undefined drives, share only fixed or remote drives if ((type == 3 || type == 4) // fixed drive / remote drive && CPath::DirExists(driveStr)) { AddChildItem(m_root, CPath(driveStr)); } } ::wxSetCursor(*wxSTANDARD_CURSOR); #endif }
void QPatientInfoWidget::AddAssignedLocation(const STUAssignedLocation& assignedLocation) { //assignedLocation QTreeWidgetItem* topLevelItem = AddChildItem(this, TAGNAME_ASSIGNEDLOCATION); //bed AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_BED, assignedLocation.m_bed); //Room AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_ROOM, assignedLocation.m_room); //pointOfCare AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_POINTOFCARE, assignedLocation.m_pointOfCare); //Facility AddChildItem(topLevelItem, TAGNAME_FACILITY, assignedLocation.m_facility); }
void CDirectoryTreeCtrl::Init(bool bAllowCDROM /*= true*/) { #ifdef _UNICODE // Win9x: Explicitly set to Unicode to receive Unicode notifications. SendMessage(CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT, TRUE); #endif DeleteAllItems(); SHFILEINFO shFinfo; HIMAGELIST hImgList; CImageList imageList; // Get the system image list using a "path" which is available on all systems. [patch by bluecow] hImgList = (HIMAGELIST)SHGetFileInfo(_T("."), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, &shFinfo, sizeof(shFinfo), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES); imageList.Attach(hImgList); SetImageList(&imageList, TVSIL_NORMAL); // Don't destroy the system's image list imageList.Detach(); TCHAR drivebuffer[128], cDrv, *pos = drivebuffer; ::GetLogicalDriveStrings(ARRSIZE(drivebuffer), drivebuffer); // e.g. "a:\ c:\ d:\" while(*pos != _T('\0')) { UINT dwDrvType = ::GetDriveType(pos); // Skip floppy drives (check letter as some USB drives can also be removable) and in some cases CD/DVD if ( ((dwDrvType != DRIVE_REMOVABLE) || (((cDrv = CHR2UP(*pos)) != _T('A')) && (cDrv != _T('B')))) && (bAllowCDROM || (dwDrvType != DRIVE_CDROM)) ) { pos[2] = _T('\0'); AddChildItem(NULL, pos); // e.g. ("c:") } // Point to the next drive (4 chars interval) pos += 4; } }
void CXTPPropertyGridItemFlags::OnConstraintsChanged() { GetChilds()->Clear(); CXTPPropertyGridItemConstraints* pConstraints = GetConstraints(); int i; for (i = 0; i < pConstraints->GetCount(); i++) { AddChildItem(new CXTPPropertyGridItemFlag(pConstraints->GetAt(i), (int)pConstraints->GetConstraintAt(i)->m_dwData)); } UpdateChilds(); m_strDefaultValue = m_strValue = GetFlagsString(); CXTPPropertyGridItems* pItems = GetChilds(); for (i = 0; i < pItems->GetCount(); i++) { CXTPPropertyGridItemFlag* pItem = (CXTPPropertyGridItemFlag*)pItems->GetAt(i); pItem->SetDefaultValue(pItem->GetValue()); } }