Exemple #1
void AddControls(TWinControl* AWinControl, TStrings* Strings)
    for(int i=0; i < AWinControl->ControlCount; i++)
        if (dynamic_cast<TWinControl*>(AWinControl->Controls[i]))
            AddControls(dynamic_cast<TWinControl*>(AWinControl->Controls[i]), Strings);
            AddCtrl(AWinControl->Controls[i], Strings);
        AddCtrl(AWinControl, Strings);
Exemple #2
 *  fügt eine ProgressBar hinzu.
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlProgress *Window::AddProgress(unsigned int id,
								  unsigned short x,
								  unsigned short y,
								  unsigned short width,
								  unsigned short height,
								  TextureColor tc,
								  unsigned short button_minus,
								  unsigned short button_plus,
								  unsigned short maximum,
								  const std::string& tooltip,
								  unsigned short x_padding,
								  unsigned short y_padding,
								  unsigned int force_color,
								  const std::string& button_minus_tooltip,
								  const std::string& button_plus_tooltip)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlProgress(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, button_minus, button_plus, maximum, x_padding, y_padding, force_color, tooltip, button_minus_tooltip, button_plus_tooltip));
Exemple #3
 *  fügt ein variables TextCtrl hinzu.
 *  @param[in] x          X-Koordinate des Steuerelements
 *  @param[in] y          Y-Koordinate des Steuerelements
 *  @param[in] formatstr  Der Formatstring des Steuerelements
 *  @param[in] color      Textfarbe
 *  @param[in] format     Formatierung des Textes
 *                          @p 0    - Text links ( standard )
 *                          @p glArchivItem_Font::DF_CENTER  - Text mittig
 *                          @p glArchivItem_Font::DF_RIGHT   - Text rechts
 *                          @p glArchivItem_Font::DF_TOP     - Text oben ( standard )
 *                          @p glArchivItem_Font::DF_VCENTER - Text vertikal zentriert
 *                          @p glArchivItem_Font::DF_BOTTOM  - Text unten
 *  @param[in] font       Schriftart
 *  @param[in] parameters Anzahl der nachfolgenden Parameter
 *  @param[in] ...        die variablen Parameter
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlVarText *Window::AddVarText(unsigned int id, 
								unsigned short x, 
								unsigned short y, 
								 const std::string& formatstr, 
								unsigned int color, 
								unsigned int format, 
								glArchivItem_Font *font, 
								unsigned int parameters, 
	ctrlVarText *ctrl;
	va_list liste;
	va_start(liste, parameters);

		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);

	ctrl = new ctrlVarText(this, id, x, y, formatstr, color, format, font, parameters, liste);

	return AddCtrl(id, ctrl);
Exemple #4
SjDlgCtrl* SjDlgControls::AddCheckCtrl(const wxString& id, const wxString& label, long value, long defaultValue)
	SjDlgCtrl* dc = AddCtrl(SJ_DLG_CHECKCTRL_TYPE, id, label);
	dc->m_value = wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), (int)value);
	dc->m_defaultValue = wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), (int)defaultValue);
	return dc;
Exemple #5
 *  fügt eine Tabelle hinzu.
 *  ... sollte eine Menge von const char*, int und SortType sein
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlTable *Window::AddTable(unsigned int id,
							unsigned short x, 
							unsigned short y, 
							unsigned short width, 
							unsigned short height, 
							TextureColor tc, 
							glArchivItem_Font *font, 
							unsigned int columns, 
	ctrlTable *ctrl;
	va_list liste;
	va_start(liste, columns);

		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	ctrl = new ctrlTable(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, font, columns, liste);

	return AddCtrl(id, ctrl);
Exemple #6
 *  fügt ein vertieftes variables TextCtrl hinzu.
 *  @author FloSoft
ctrlVarDeepening *Window::AddVarDeepening(unsigned int id, 
									 unsigned short x, 
									 unsigned short y, 
									 unsigned short width, 
									 unsigned short height, 
									 TextureColor tc, 
									 const std::string& formatstr,  
									 glArchivItem_Font *font,
									 unsigned int color,
									 unsigned int parameters, 
	ctrlVarDeepening *ctrl;
	va_list liste;
	va_start(liste, parameters);

		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	ctrl = new ctrlVarDeepening(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, formatstr, font, color, parameters, liste);

	return AddCtrl(id, ctrl);
Exemple #7
SjDlgCtrl* SjDlgControls::AddTextCtrl(const wxString& id, const wxString& label, const wxString& value, const wxString& defaultValue, long style)
	SjDlgCtrl* dc = AddCtrl(SJ_DLG_TEXTCTRL_TYPE, id, label);
	dc->m_value = value;
	dc->m_defaultValue = defaultValue;
	dc->m_style = style;
	return dc;
Exemple #8
SjDlgCtrl* SjDlgControls::AddSelectCtrl(const wxString& id, const wxString& label, long value, long defaultValue, const wxArrayString& options)
	SjDlgCtrl* dc = AddCtrl(SJ_DLG_SELECTCTRL_TYPE, id, label);
	dc->m_value = wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), (int)value);
	dc->m_defaultValue = wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), (int)defaultValue);
	dc->m_options = options;
	return dc;
Exemple #9
    _hge = hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
    _bg = new hgeSprite(_hge->Texture_Load("img\\ShellMenuBg.png"),0,0,800,600);

    _hBgMusic = _hge->Effect_Load("music\\pause.ogg");
    _cursor = new hgeSprite(_hge->Texture_Load("img\\cursor.png"), 0, 0, 32, 32);
    _font = new hgeFont("img\\font1.fnt");

    AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1, _font, 0, 185, 300, 0.0f, "Single"));
    AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(2, _font, 0, 185, 340, 0.1f, "MultiPlayer"));
    AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(3, _font, 0, 185, 380, 0.2f, "About"));
    AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(4, _font, 0, 185, 420, 0.3f, "Exit"));

Exemple #10
/// fügt einen Image-ButtonCtrl hinzu.
ctrlImageButton *Window::AddImageButton(unsigned int id, unsigned short x, unsigned short y,unsigned short width, unsigned short height, const TextureColor tc,glArchivItem_Bitmap * const image,  const std::string& tooltip)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlImageButton(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, image,tooltip));
Exemple #11
/// fügt einen Color-ButtonCtrl hinzu.
ctrlColorButton *Window::AddColorButton(unsigned int id, unsigned short x, unsigned short y,unsigned short width, unsigned short height, const TextureColor tc, const unsigned int fillColor, const std::string& tooltip)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlColorButton(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, fillColor, tooltip));
LoginWindow::LoginWindow(GUIApp *parentApp, int _id, float x, float y,bool fixed ) :  GUIAppWindow(parentApp,_id, x,y, 200, 200 )


    font = Game::Instance()->GetSysInterface()->GetFont(TANK_FONT_1);

    edit1 = new GUIAppEdit(GUIAPP_ID_EDIT_USERNAME,40, 50, 120, font, GUIAPPEDIT_FLAGS_NOMARL,16);

    edit2 = new GUIAppEdit(GUIAPP_ID_EDIT_PASSWORD,40, 80, 120, font, GUIAPPEDIT_FLAGS_PASSWORD,16);

    label1 = new GUIAppLabel(GUIAPP_ID_LABLE_STATUS, 40,110, font, "press connect button", 0xffffffff,0);

// active elements
    button = new GUIAppButton(GUIAPP_ID_BTN_LOGIN, 70, 140, 60, 20,NULL,0,0);

Exemple #13
/// fügt einen Text-ButtonCtrl hinzu.
ctrlTextButton *Window::AddTextButton(unsigned int id, unsigned short x, unsigned short y,unsigned short width, unsigned short height, const TextureColor tc,const std::string& text,  glArchivItem_Font *font, const std::string& tooltip)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlTextButton(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, text,font,tooltip));
Exemple #14
 *  fügt ein ImageCtrl hinzu.
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlImage *Window::AddImage(unsigned int id,
							unsigned short x,
							unsigned short y,
							glArchivItem_Bitmap *image, const std::string& tooltip)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlImage(this, id, x, y, image, tooltip));
Exemple #15
 *  fügt ein TabCtrl hinzu.
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlTab *Window::AddTabCtrl(unsigned int id,
						unsigned short x, 
						unsigned short y, 
						unsigned short width)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlTab(this, id, x, y, width));
Exemple #16
 *  fügt ein TextCtrl hinzu.
 *  @param[in] x      X-Koordinate des Steuerelements
 *  @param[in] y      Y-Koordinate des Steuerelements
 *  @param[in] text   Text
 *  @param[in] color  Textfarbe
 *  @param[in] format Formatierung des Textes
 *                      @p 0    - Text links ( standard )
 *                      @p glArchivItem_Font::DF_CENTER  - Text mittig
 *                      @p glArchivItem_Font::DF_RIGHT   - Text rechts
 *                      @p glArchivItem_Font::DF_TOP     - Text oben ( standard )
 *                      @p glArchivItem_Font::DF_VCENTER - Text vertikal zentriert
 *                      @p glArchivItem_Font::DF_BOTTOM  - Text unten
 *  @param[in] font   Schriftart
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlText *Window::AddText(unsigned int id, 
						  unsigned short x,
						  unsigned short y, 
						  const std::string& text, 
						  unsigned int color, 
						  unsigned int format, 
						  glArchivItem_Font *font)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlText(this, id, x, y, text, color, format, font));
Exemple #17
 *  fügt ein BuildingIcon hinzu.
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlBuildingIcon *Window::AddBuildingIcon(unsigned int id, 
										  unsigned short x, 
										  unsigned short y, 
										  BuildingType type,
										  const Nation nation,
										  unsigned short size,
										  const std::string& tooltip)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlBuildingIcon(this, id, x, y, type, nation, size, tooltip));
Exemple #18
ctrlPreviewMinimap *Window::AddPreviewMinimap(const unsigned id,
				 unsigned short x, 
				 unsigned short y, 
				  unsigned short width, 
				  unsigned short height,
				 glArchivItem_Map * const map)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlPreviewMinimap(this, id, x, y, width, height, map));
Exemple #19
 *  fügt ein ListCtrl hinzu.
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlList *Window::AddList(unsigned int id,
						  unsigned short x,
						  unsigned short y,
						  unsigned short width,
						  unsigned short height,
						  TextureColor tc,
						  glArchivItem_Font *font)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlList(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, font));
Exemple #20
 *  adds a colored Deepening
 *  @author Divan
ctrlColorDeepening *Window::AddColorDeepening(unsigned int id,
									unsigned short x,
									unsigned short y,
									unsigned short width, 
									unsigned short height, 
									TextureColor tc, 
									unsigned int fillColor)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlColorDeepening(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, fillColor));
Exemple #21
 *  fügt ein mehrzeiliges TextCtrl hinzu.
 *  @author Devil
ctrlMultiline* Window::AddMultiline(unsigned int id,
                                    unsigned short x,
                                    unsigned short y,
                                    unsigned short width,
                                    unsigned short height,
                                    TextureColor tc,
                                    glArchivItem_Font* font,
                                    unsigned int format)
        x = ScaleX(x);
        y = ScaleY(y);
        width = ScaleX(width);
        height = ScaleY(height);

    return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlMultiline(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, font, format));
Exemple #22
 *  fügt eine Combobox hinzu.
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlComboBox *Window::AddComboBox(unsigned int id,
								  unsigned short x, 
								  unsigned short y,
								  unsigned short width,
								  unsigned short height,
								  TextureColor tc, 
								  glArchivItem_Font *font,
								  unsigned short max_list_height,
								  bool readonly)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlComboBox(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, font, max_list_height, readonly));
Exemple #23
 *  fügt eine Checkbox hinzu.
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlCheck *Window::AddCheckBox(unsigned int id,
							   unsigned short x, 
							   unsigned short y,
							   unsigned short width, 
							   unsigned short height,
							   TextureColor tc, 
							   const std::string& text, 
							   glArchivItem_Font *font, 
							   bool readonly)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlCheck(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, text, font, readonly));
Exemple #24
 *  fügt ein vertieftes TextCtrl hinzu.
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlDeepening *Window::AddDeepening(unsigned int id,
									unsigned short x,
									unsigned short y,
									unsigned short width, 
									unsigned short height, 
									TextureColor tc, 
									const std::string& text, 
									glArchivItem_Font *font, 
									unsigned int color)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlDeepening(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, text, font, color));
Exemple #25
 *  fügt eine Scrollbar hinzu.
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlScrollBar *Window::AddScrollBar(unsigned int id,
							  unsigned short x, 
							  unsigned short y,
							  unsigned short width, 
							  unsigned short height, 
							  unsigned short button_height, 
							  TextureColor tc, 
							  unsigned short page_size)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);
		button_height = ScaleY(button_height);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlScrollBar(this, id, x, y, width, height, button_height, tc, page_size));
Exemple #26
 *  fügt eine prozentuale ProgressBar hinzu.
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlPercent *Window::AddPercent(unsigned int id,
								unsigned short x,
								unsigned short y, 
								unsigned short width,
								unsigned short height,
								TextureColor tc, 
								unsigned int text_color, 
								glArchivItem_Font *font,
								const unsigned short *percentage)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlPercent(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, text_color, font, percentage));
DialogDummyVideo::DialogDummyVideo(wxWindow *parent)
: wxDialog(parent, -1, _("Dummy video options"))
, fps(OPT_GET("Video/Dummy/FPS")->GetDouble())
, width(OPT_GET("Video/Dummy/Last/Width")->GetInt())
, height(OPT_GET("Video/Dummy/Last/Height")->GetInt())
, length(OPT_GET("Video/Dummy/Last/Length")->GetInt())
, color(OPT_GET("Colour/Video Dummy/Last Colour")->GetColor())
, pattern(OPT_GET("Video/Dummy/Pattern")->GetBool())

	auto res_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
	res_sizer->Add(spin_ctrl(this, 1, 10000, &width), wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
	res_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, " x "), wxSizerFlags().Center());
	res_sizer->Add(spin_ctrl(this, 1, 10000, &height), wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());

	auto color_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
	auto color_btn = new ColourButton(this, wxSize(30, 17), false, color);
	color_sizer->Add(color_btn, wxSizerFlags().DoubleBorder(wxRIGHT));
	color_sizer->Add(new wxCheckBox(this, -1, _("Checkerboard &pattern"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxGenericValidator(&pattern)), wxSizerFlags(1).Center());

	sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 5, 5);
	AddCtrl(_("Video resolution:"), resolution_shortcuts(this, width, height));
	AddCtrl("", res_sizer);
	AddCtrl(_("Color:"), color_sizer);
	AddCtrl(_("Frame rate (fps):"), spin_ctrl(this, .1, 1000.0, &fps));
	AddCtrl(_("Duration (frames):"), spin_ctrl(this, 2, 36000000, &length)); // Ten hours of 1k FPS
	AddCtrl("", length_display = new wxStaticText(this, -1, ""));

	wxStdDialogButtonSizer *btn_sizer = CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP);
	btn_sizer->GetHelpButton()->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, std::bind(&HelpButton::OpenPage, "Dummy Video"));

	auto main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
	main_sizer->Add(sizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Border().Expand());
	main_sizer->Add(new wxStaticLine(this, wxHORIZONTAL), wxSizerFlags().HorzBorder().Expand());
	main_sizer->Add(btn_sizer, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border());



	Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, &DialogDummyVideo::OnResolutionShortcut, this);
	color_btn->Bind(EVT_COLOR, [=](wxThreadEvent& e) { color = color_btn->GetColor(); });
	Bind(wxEVT_SPINCTRL, [=](wxCommandEvent&) {
Exemple #28
 *  fügt ein EditCtrl hinzu.
 *  @author OLiver
ctrlEdit *Window::AddEdit(unsigned int id,
						  unsigned short x, 
						  unsigned short y, 
						  unsigned short width, 
						  unsigned short height, 
						  TextureColor tc, 
						  glArchivItem_Font *font,
						  unsigned short maxlength,
						  bool password, 
						  bool disabled,
						  bool notify)
		x = ScaleX(x);
		y = ScaleY(y);
		width = ScaleX(width);
		height = ScaleY(height);

	return AddCtrl(id, new ctrlEdit(this, id, x, y, width, height, tc, font, maxlength, password, disabled, notify));
Exemple #29
	PageOneQualityParameters::PageOneQualityParameters(ModelReconstructionWizard *parent)
		: wxWizardPageSimple(parent)
		ReconstructionUserPreferences_t defaultParameters;
		//Boite principale pour aligner les contrôles à gauche
        wxBoxSizer *mainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);

	    //Ajout du "slider"
		AddCtrl(new wxSlider(this,WIZARD_CTRL_SLIDER_DEPTH,defaultParameters.depth,5,10,wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,wxSL_HORIZONTAL | wxSL_AUTOTICKS | wxSL_LABELS),_("Model solving"),mainSizer);
		//Ajout du choix du mode de triangularisation du modèle
		wxArrayString triangulationMethods;
		triangulationMethods.push_back(_("Marching cube")); //TRIANGULATION_METHOD_MARCHING_CUBE
		wxComboBox* triangulationMethod= new wxComboBox(this,WIZARD_CTRL_COMBO_TRIANGULATION_MODE,triangulationMethods[defaultParameters.triangulationMethod],wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,triangulationMethods);
		AddCtrl(triangulationMethod,_("Triangulation method"),mainSizer);
		//Ajout de la liste déroulante du choix de la méthode adaptative
		wxArrayString adaptativeMethods;
		adaptativeMethods.push_back(_("None"));					//ADAPTATIVE_MESH_METHOD_NONE
		adaptativeMethods.push_back(_("Vertices translation"));	//ADAPTATIVE_MESH_METHOD_VERTICE_TRANSLATION
		wxComboBox* adaptativeMethod=new wxComboBox(this,WIZARD_CTRL_COMBO_ADAPTATIVE_REMESH_MODE,adaptativeMethods[defaultParameters.adaptativeMeshMethod],wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,adaptativeMethods);
		AddCtrl(adaptativeMethod,_("Remesh adaptation"),mainSizer);
		//Ajout de la liste déroulante du choix de la méthode de simplification
		wxArrayString simplificationMethods;
		simplificationMethods.push_back(_("Edge collapse"));		//MESH_SIMPLIFICATION_METHOD_EDGE_COLLAPSE
		wxComboBox* simplificationMethod=new wxComboBox(this,WIZARD_CTRL_COMBO_SIMPLIFICATION_MODE,simplificationMethods[defaultParameters.meshSimplificationMethod],wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,simplificationMethods);
		AddCtrl(simplificationMethod,_("Reduction of the number of surfaces"),mainSizer);
		//Ajout du choix de la qualité min des triangles
		AddCtrl(new wxSlider(this,WIZARD_CTRL_SLIDER_TRIANGLE_QUALITY,(int)(defaultParameters.minTriangleQuality*100),0,62,wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,wxSL_HORIZONTAL | wxSL_AUTOTICKS | wxSL_LABELS),_("Quality constraint"),mainSizer);
		//Ajout du choix de l'approximation de la simplification
		AddCtrl(new wxSlider(this,WIZARD_CTRL_SLIDER_EPSILON_MERGE,(int)(defaultParameters.mergeEpsilon*1000),900,1000,wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,wxSL_HORIZONTAL | wxSL_AUTOTICKS | wxSL_LABELS),_("Approximation constraint"),mainSizer);
		//Finalisation de l'initialisation des contrôles
Exemple #30
CameraConfigDialogCtrlSet::CameraConfigDialogCtrlSet(wxWindow *pParent, GuideCamera *pCamera, AdvancedDialog *pAdvancedDialog, BrainCtrlIdMap& CtrlMap)
    : ConfigDialogCtrlSet(pParent, pAdvancedDialog, CtrlMap)

    m_pCamera = pCamera;

    if (m_pCamera->HasSubframes)
        m_pUseSubframes = new wxCheckBox(GetParentWindow(AD_cbUseSubFrames), wxID_ANY, _("Use Subframes"));
        AddCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_cbUseSubFrames, m_pUseSubframes, _("Check to only download subframes (ROIs). Sub-frame size is equal to search region size."));

    int numRows = (int)m_pCamera->HasGainControl + (int)m_pCamera->HasDelayParam + (int)m_pCamera->HasPortNum + 1;

    int width = StringWidth(_T("0000")) + 30;
    // Pixel size always
    m_pPixelSize = NewSpinnerDouble(GetParentWindow(AD_szPixelSize), width, m_pCamera->GetCameraPixelSize(), 0.0, 99.9, 0.1,
        _("Guide camera un-binned pixel size in microns. Used with the guide telescope focal length to display guiding error in arc-seconds."));
    AddLabeledCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_szPixelSize, _("Pixel size"), m_pPixelSize, "");

    // Gain control
    if (m_pCamera->HasGainControl)
        int width = StringWidth(_T("0000")) + 30;
        m_pCameraGain = NewSpinnerInt(GetParentWindow(AD_szGain), width, 100, 0, 100, 1);
        AddLabeledCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_szGain, _("Camera gain"), m_pCameraGain, _("Camera gain, default = 95 % , lower if you experience noise or wish to guide on a very bright star. Not available on all cameras."));

    // Binning
    m_binning = 0;
    if (m_pCamera->MaxBinning > 1)
        wxArrayString opts;
        int width = StringArrayWidth(opts);
        m_binning = new wxChoice(GetParentWindow(AD_binning), wxID_ANY, wxPoint(-1, -1),
            wxSize(width + 35, -1), opts);
        AddLabeledCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_binning, _("Binning"), m_binning, _("Camera pixel binning"));

    // Delay parameter
    if (m_pCamera->HasDelayParam)
        int width = StringWidth(_T("0000")) + 30;
        m_pDelay = NewSpinnerInt(GetParentWindow(AD_szDelay), width, 5, 0, 250, 150);
        AddLabeledCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_szDelay, _("Delay"), m_pDelay, _("LE Read Delay (ms) , Adjust if you get dropped frames"));

    // Port number
    if (m_pCamera->HasPortNum)
        wxString port_choices[] = {
            _T("Port 378"), _T("Port 3BC"), _T("Port 278"), _T("COM1"), _T("COM2"), _T("COM3"), _T("COM4"),
            _T("COM5"), _T("COM6"), _T("COM7"), _T("COM8"), _T("COM9"), _T("COM10"), _T("COM11"), _T("COM12"),
            _T("COM13"), _T("COM14"), _T("COM15"), _T("COM16"),

        int width = StringArrayWidth(port_choices, WXSIZEOF(port_choices));
        m_pPortNum = new wxChoice(GetParentWindow(AD_szPort), wxID_ANY, wxPoint(-1, -1),
            wxSize(width + 35, -1), WXSIZEOF(port_choices), port_choices);
        AddLabeledCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_szPort, _("LE Port"), m_pPortNum, _("Port number for long-exposure control"));

    if (m_pCamera->HasCooler)
        wxSizer *sz = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
        m_coolerOn = new wxCheckBox(GetParentWindow(AD_cooler), wxID_ANY, _("Cooler On"));
        m_coolerOn->SetToolTip(_("Turn camera cooler on or off"));
        sz->Add(m_coolerOn, wxSizerFlags().Align(wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL).Border(wxRIGHT));
        m_coolerSetpt = NewSpinnerInt(GetParentWindow(AD_szDelay), width, 5, -99, 99, 1);
        wxSizer *szt = MakeLabeledControl(AD_cooler, _("Set Temperature"), m_coolerSetpt, _("Cooler setpoint temperature"));
        sz->Add(szt, wxSizerFlags().Align(wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL));
        AddGroup(CtrlMap, AD_cooler, sz);

    // Watchdog timeout
        int width = StringWidth(_T("0000")) + 30;
        m_timeoutVal = NewSpinnerInt(GetParentWindow(AD_szCameraTimeout), width, 5, 5, 9999, 1);
        AddLabeledCtrl(CtrlMap, AD_szCameraTimeout, _("Disconnect nonresponsive\ncamera after (seconds)"), m_timeoutVal,
            wxString::Format(_("The camera will be disconnected if it fails to respond for this long. "
            "The default value, %d seconds, should be appropriate for most cameras."), DefaultGuideCameraTimeoutMs / 1000));