Exemple #1
void CPartFileConvert::StartThread()
    if (!s_convertPfThread) {
        s_convertPfThread = new CPartFileConvert();

        switch ( s_convertPfThread->Create() ) {
        case wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR:
            AddDebugLogLineN( logPfConvert, wxT("A new thread has been created.") );
        case wxTHREAD_RUNNING:
            AddDebugLogLineC( logPfConvert, wxT("Error, attempt to create an already running thread!") );
        case wxTHREAD_NO_RESOURCE:
            AddDebugLogLineC( logPfConvert, wxT("Error, attempt to create a thread without resources!") );
            AddDebugLogLineC( logPfConvert, wxT("Error, unknown error attempting to create a thread!") );

        // The thread shouldn't hog the CPU, as it will already be hogging the HD

Exemple #2
void CFriendList::LoadList()
  	CPath metfile = CPath(theApp->ConfigDir + wxT("emfriends.met"));
	if (!metfile.FileExists()) {
	CFile file;
	try {
		if ( file.Open(metfile) ) {
			if ( file.ReadUInt8() /*header*/ == MET_HEADER ) {
				uint32 nRecordsNumber = file.ReadUInt32();
				for (uint32 i = 0; i < nRecordsNumber; i++) {
					CFriend* Record = new CFriend();
		} else {
			AddLogLineN(_("Failed to open friend list file 'emfriends.met' for reading!"));
	} catch (const CInvalidPacket& e) {
		AddDebugLogLineC(logGeneral, wxT("Invalid entry in friend list, file may be corrupt: ") + e.what());
	} catch (const CSafeIOException& e) {
		AddDebugLogLineC(logGeneral, wxT("IO error while reading 'emfriends.met': ") + e.what());
Exemple #3
int CamuleDaemonApp::OnExit()
#ifdef AMULED28
	 * Stop all socket threads before entering
	 * shutdown sequence.
	delete listensocket;
	listensocket = 0;
	if (clientudp) {
		delete clientudp;
		clientudp = NULL;


#ifndef __WXMSW__
	int ret = sigaction(SIGCHLD, &m_oldSignalChildAction, NULL);
	if (ret == -1) {
		AddDebugLogLineC(logStandard, CFormat(wxT("CamuleDaemonApp::OnRun(): second sigaction() failed: %m.")));
	} else {
		AddDebugLogLineN(logGeneral, wxT("CamuleDaemonApp::OnRun(): Uninstallation of SIGCHLD callback with sigaction() succeeded."));
#endif // __WXMSW__
	// lfroen: delete socket threads
	if (ECServerHandler) {
		ECServerHandler = 0;

	delete core_timer;
	return CamuleApp::OnExit();
Exemple #4
// This function is used to check if a syscall failed, in that case
// log an appropriate message containing the errno string.
inline void syscall_check(
	bool check,
	const CPath& filePath,
	const wxString& what)
	if (!check) {
			CFormat(wxT("Error when %s (%s): %s"))
				% what % filePath % wxSysErrorMsg());
Exemple #5
int CamuleDaemonApp::OnRun()
	if (!thePrefs::AcceptExternalConnections()) {
		AddLogLineCS(_("ERROR: aMule daemon cannot be used when external connections are disabled. To enable External Connections, use either a normal aMule, start amuled with the option --ec-config or set the key \"AcceptExternalConnections\" to 1 in the file ~/.aMule/amule.conf"));
		return 0;
	} else if (thePrefs::ECPassword().IsEmpty()) {
		AddLogLineCS(_("ERROR: A valid password is required to use external connections, and aMule daemon cannot be used without external connections. To run aMule deamon, you must set the \"ECPassword\" field in the file ~/.aMule/amule.conf with an appropriate value. Execute amuled with the flag --ec-config to set the password. More information can be found at http://wiki.amule.org"));
		return 0;

#ifndef __WXMSW__
	// Process the return code of dead children so that we do not create 
	// zombies. wxBase does not implement wxProcess callbacks, so no one
	// actualy calls wxHandleProcessTermination() in console applications.
	// We do our best here.
	int ret = 0;
	ret = sigaction(SIGCHLD, NULL, &m_oldSignalChildAction);
	m_newSignalChildAction = m_oldSignalChildAction;
	m_newSignalChildAction.sa_sigaction = OnSignalChildHandler;
	m_newSignalChildAction.sa_flags |=  SA_SIGINFO;
	m_newSignalChildAction.sa_flags &= ~SA_RESETHAND;
	ret = sigaction(SIGCHLD, &m_newSignalChildAction, NULL);
	if (ret == -1) {
		AddDebugLogLineC(logStandard, CFormat(wxT("CamuleDaemonApp::OnRun(): Installation of SIGCHLD callback with sigaction() failed: %m.")));
	} else {
		AddDebugLogLineN(logGeneral, wxT("CamuleDaemonApp::OnRun(): Installation of SIGCHLD callback with sigaction() succeeded."));
#endif // __WXMSW__
#ifdef AMULED28

	while ( !m_Exit ) {
		((CDaemonAppTraits *)GetTraits())->DeletePending();
	// ShutDown is beeing called twice. Once here and again in OnExit().

	return 0;


	return 0;
	return wxApp::OnRun();

Exemple #6
void CMuleUDPSocket::OnDisconnected(int WXUNUSED(errorCode))
	/* Due to bugs in wxWidgets, UDP sockets will sometimes
	 * be closed. This is caused by the fact that wx treats
	 * zero-length datagrams as EOF, which is only the case
	 * when dealing with streaming sockets.
	 * This has been reported as patch #1885472:
	 * http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1885472&group_id=9863&atid=309863
	AddDebugLogLineC(logMuleUDP, m_name + wxT("Socket died, recreating."));
Exemple #7
void CThreadScheduler::CreateSchedulerThread()
	if ((m_thread && m_thread->IsAlive()) || m_tasks.empty()) {

	// A thread can only be run once, so the old one must be safely disposed of
	if (m_thread) {
		AddDebugLogLineN(logThreads, wxT("CreateSchedulerThread: Disposing of old thread."));
		delete m_thread;
	m_thread = new CTaskThread(this);

	wxThreadError err = m_thread->Create();
	if (err == wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR) {
		// Try to avoid reducing the latency of the main thread
		err = m_thread->Run();
		if (err == wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR) {
			AddDebugLogLineN(logThreads, wxT("Scheduler thread started"));
		} else {
			AddDebugLogLineC(logThreads, wxT("Error while starting scheduler thread: ") + GetErrMsg(err));
	} else {
		AddDebugLogLineC(logThreads, wxT("Error while creating scheduler thread: ") + GetErrMsg(err));
	// Creation or running failed.
	delete m_thread;
	m_thread = NULL;
Exemple #8
bool CClientList::SendChatMessage(uint64 client_id, const wxString& message)
	CUpDownClient* client = FindClientByIP(IP_FROM_GUI_ID(client_id), PORT_FROM_GUI_ID(client_id));
	AddDebugLogLineN( logClient, wxT("Trying to Send Message.") );
	if (client) {
		AddDebugLogLineN( logClient, wxT("Sending.") );
	} else {
		AddDebugLogLineC( logClient,
			CFormat( wxT("No client (GUI_ID %lli [%s:%llu]) found in CClientList::SendChatMessage(). Creating") )
				% client_id
				% Uint32toStringIP(IP_FROM_GUI_ID(client_id))
				% PORT_FROM_GUI_ID(client_id) );
		client = new CUpDownClient(PORT_FROM_GUI_ID(client_id),IP_FROM_GUI_ID(client_id),0,0,NULL, true, true);
	return client->SendChatMessage(message);
Exemple #9
void CMuleUDPSocket::CreateSocket()
	wxCHECK_RET(!m_socket, wxT("Socket already opened."));

	m_socket = new CEncryptedDatagramSocket(m_addr, wxSOCKET_NOWAIT, m_proxy);
	m_socket->SetEventHandler(*theApp, m_id);

	if (!m_socket->IsOk()) {
		AddDebugLogLineC(logMuleUDP, wxT("Failed to create valid ") + m_name);
	} else {
		AddLogLineN(wxString(wxT("Created ")) << m_name << wxT(" at port ") << m_addr.Service());
void CDownloadQueue::AddSearchToDownload(CSearchFile* toadd, uint8 category)
	if ( IsFileExisting(toadd->GetFileHash()) ) {

	if (toadd->GetFileSize() > OLD_MAX_FILE_SIZE) {
		if (!PlatformSpecific::CanFSHandleLargeFiles(thePrefs::GetTempDir())) {
			AddLogLineC(_("Filesystem for Temp directory cannot handle large files."));
		} else if (!PlatformSpecific::CanFSHandleLargeFiles(theApp->glob_prefs->GetCatPath(category))) {
			AddLogLineC(_("Filesystem for Incoming directory cannot handle large files."));

	CPartFile* newfile = NULL;
	try {
		newfile = new CPartFile(toadd);
	} catch (const CInvalidPacket& WXUNUSED(e)) {
		AddDebugLogLineC(logDownloadQueue, wxT("Search-result contained invalid tags, could not add"));
	if ( newfile && newfile->GetStatus() != PS_ERROR ) {
		AddDownload( newfile, thePrefs::AddNewFilesPaused(), category );
		// Add any possible sources
		if (toadd->GetClientID() && toadd->GetClientPort()) {
			CMemFile sources(1+4+2);
			newfile->AddSources(sources, toadd->GetClientServerIP(), toadd->GetClientServerPort(), SF_SEARCH_RESULT, false);
		for (std::list<CSearchFile::ClientStruct>::const_iterator it = toadd->GetClients().begin(); it != toadd->GetClients().end(); ++it) {
			CMemFile sources(1+4+2);
			newfile->AddSources(sources, it->m_serverIP, it->m_serverPort, SF_SEARCH_RESULT, false);
	} else {
		delete newfile;
Exemple #11
void CFriendList::SaveList()
	CFile file;
	if (file.Create(theApp->ConfigDir + wxT("emfriends.met"), true)) {
		try {
			for (FriendList::iterator it = m_FriendList.begin(); it != m_FriendList.end(); ++it) {
		} catch (const CIOFailureException& e) {
			AddDebugLogLineC(logGeneral, wxT("IO failure while saving 'emfriends.met': ") + e.what());
	} else {
		AddLogLineN(_("Failed to open friend list file 'emfriends.met' for writing!"));
Exemple #12
bool CAICHHashSet::LoadHashSet()
	if (m_eStatus != AICH_HASHSETCOMPLETE) {
		return false;
	if ( !m_pHashTree.m_bHashValid || m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize != m_pOwner->GetFileSize() || m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize == 0) {
		return false;
	wxString fullpath = theApp->ConfigDir + KNOWN2_MET_FILENAME;
	CFile file(fullpath, CFile::read);
	if (!file.IsOpened()) {
		if (wxFileExists(fullpath)) {
			wxString strError(wxT("Failed to load ") KNOWN2_MET_FILENAME wxT(" file"));
			AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, strError);
		return false;

	try {
		uint8 header = file.ReadUInt8();
		if (header != KNOWN2_MET_VERSION) {
			AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Loading failed: Current file is not a met-file!"));
			return false;
		CAICHHash CurrentHash;
		uint64 nExistingSize = file.GetLength();
		uint32 nHashCount;
		while (file.GetPosition() < nExistingSize) {
			if (m_pHashTree.m_Hash == CurrentHash) {
				// found Hashset
				uint32 nExpectedCount =	(PARTSIZE/EMBLOCKSIZE + ((PARTSIZE % EMBLOCKSIZE != 0)? 1 : 0)) * (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize/PARTSIZE);
				if (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize % PARTSIZE != 0) {
					nExpectedCount += (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize % PARTSIZE)/EMBLOCKSIZE + (((m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize % PARTSIZE) % EMBLOCKSIZE != 0)? 1 : 0);
				nHashCount = file.ReadUInt32();
				if (nHashCount != nExpectedCount) {
					AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to load HashSet: Available Hashs and expected hashcount differ!"));
					return false;
				if (!m_pHashTree.LoadLowestLevelHashs(&file)) {
					AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to load HashSet: LoadLowestLevelHashs failed!"));
					return false;
				if (!ReCalculateHash(false)) {
					AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to load HashSet: Calculating loaded hashs failed!"));
					return false;
				if (CurrentHash != m_pHashTree.m_Hash) {
					AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to load HashSet: Calculated Masterhash differs from given Masterhash - hashset corrupt!"));
					return false;
				return true;
			nHashCount = file.ReadUInt32();
			if (file.GetPosition() + nHashCount*HASHSIZE > nExistingSize) {
				AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Saving failed: File contains fewer entries than specified!"));
				return false;
			// skip the rest of this hashset
			file.Seek(nHashCount*HASHSIZE, wxFromCurrent);
		AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to load HashSet: HashSet not found!"));
	} catch (const CSafeIOException& e) {
		AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("IO error while loading AICH HashSet: ") + e.what());

	return false;
Exemple #13
 * Try to put queued up data on the socket.
 * Control packets have higher priority, and will be sent first, if possible.
 * Standard packets can be split up in several package containers. In that case
 * all the parts of a split package must be sent in a row, without any control packet
 * in between.
 * @param maxNumberOfBytesToSend This is the maximum number of bytes that is allowed to be put on the socket
 *                               this call. The actual number of sent bytes will be returned from the method.
 * @param onlyAllowedToSendControlPacket This call we only try to put control packets on the sockets.
 *                                       If there's a standard packet "in the way", and we think that this socket
 *                                       is no longer an upload slot, then it is ok to send the standard packet to
 *                                       get it out of the way. But it is not allowed to pick a new standard packet
 *                                       from the queue during this call. Several split packets are counted as one
 *                                       standard packet though, so it is ok to finish them all off if necessary.
 * @return the actual number of bytes that were put on the socket.
SocketSentBytes CEMSocket::Send(uint32 maxNumberOfBytesToSend, uint32 minFragSize, bool onlyAllowedToSendControlPacket)
	wxMutexLocker lock(m_sendLocker);

	//printf("* Attempt to send a packet on socket %p\n", this);
	if (byConnected == ES_DISCONNECTED) {
		//printf("* Disconnected socket %p\n", this);
        SocketSentBytes returnVal = { false, 0, 0 };
        return returnVal;
    } else if (m_bBusy && onlyAllowedToSendControlPacket) {
		//printf("* Busy socket %p\n", this);
        SocketSentBytes returnVal = { true, 0, 0 };
        return returnVal;

    bool anErrorHasOccured = false;
    uint32 sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall = 0;
    uint32 sentControlPacketBytesThisCall = 0;
    if (byConnected == ES_CONNECTED && IsEncryptionLayerReady() && (!m_bBusy || onlyAllowedToSendControlPacket)) {

		//printf("* Internal attemptto send on %p\n", this);
		if(minFragSize < 1) {
			minFragSize = 1;
		maxNumberOfBytesToSend = GetNextFragSize(maxNumberOfBytesToSend, minFragSize);
		bool bWasLongTimeSinceSend = (::GetTickCount() - lastSent) > 1000;
		lastCalledSend = ::GetTickCount();
		while(sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall < maxNumberOfBytesToSend && anErrorHasOccured == false && // don't send more than allowed. Also, there should have been no error in earlier loop
			  (!m_control_queue.empty() || !m_standard_queue.empty() || sendbuffer != NULL) && // there must exist something to send
			  (onlyAllowedToSendControlPacket == false || // this means we are allowed to send both types of packets, so proceed
			   (sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall > 0 && (sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall) % minFragSize != 0) ||
			   (sendbuffer == NULL && !m_control_queue.empty()) || // There's a control packet in queue, and we are not currently sending anything, so we will handle the control packet next
			   (sendbuffer != NULL && m_currentPacket_is_controlpacket == true) || // We are in the progress of sending a control packet. We are always allowed to send those
			   (sendbuffer != NULL && m_currentPacket_is_controlpacket == false && bWasLongTimeSinceSend && !m_control_queue.empty() && m_standard_queue.empty() && (sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall) < minFragSize) // We have waited to long to clean the current packet (which may be a standard packet that is in the way). Proceed no matter what the value of onlyAllowedToSendControlPacket.
			 ) {
			// If we are currently not in the progress of sending a packet, we will need to find the next one to send
			if(sendbuffer == NULL) {
				CPacket* curPacket = NULL;
				if(!m_control_queue.empty()) {
					// There's a control packet to send
					m_currentPacket_is_controlpacket = true;
					curPacket = m_control_queue.front();
				} else if(!m_standard_queue.empty() /*&& onlyAllowedToSendControlPacket == false*/) {
					// There's a standard packet to send
					m_currentPacket_is_controlpacket = false;
					StandardPacketQueueEntry queueEntry = m_standard_queue.front();
					curPacket = queueEntry.packet;
					m_actualPayloadSize = queueEntry.actualPayloadSize;
					// remember this for statistics purposes.
					m_currentPackageIsFromPartFile = curPacket->IsFromPF();
				} else {
					// Just to be safe. Shouldn't happen?
					// if we reach this point, then there's something wrong with the while condition above!
					AddDebugLogLineC(logGeneral, wxT("EMSocket: Couldn't get a new packet! There's an error in the first while condition in EMSocket::Send()"));
					SocketSentBytes returnVal = { true, sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall, sentControlPacketBytesThisCall };
					return returnVal;
				// We found a packet to send. Get the data to send from the
				// package container and dispose of the container.
				sendblen = curPacket->GetRealPacketSize();
				sendbuffer = curPacket->DetachPacket();
				sent = 0;
				delete curPacket;
				CryptPrepareSendData((byte*)sendbuffer, sendblen);
			// At this point we've got a packet to send in sendbuffer. Try to send it. Loop until entire packet
			// is sent, or until we reach maximum bytes to send for this call, or until we get an error.
			// NOTE! If send would block (returns WOULDBLOCK), we will return from this method INSIDE this loop.
			while (sent < sendblen &&
				   sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall < maxNumberOfBytesToSend &&
					onlyAllowedToSendControlPacket == false || // this means we are allowed to send both types of packets, so proceed
					m_currentPacket_is_controlpacket ||
					(bWasLongTimeSinceSend && (sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall) < minFragSize) ||
					(sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall) % minFragSize != 0
				   ) &&
				   anErrorHasOccured == false) {
				uint32 tosend = sendblen-sent;
				if(!onlyAllowedToSendControlPacket || m_currentPacket_is_controlpacket) {
					if (maxNumberOfBytesToSend >= sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall && tosend > maxNumberOfBytesToSend-(sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall))
						tosend = maxNumberOfBytesToSend-(sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall);
				} else if(bWasLongTimeSinceSend && (sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall) < minFragSize) {
					if (minFragSize >= sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall && tosend > minFragSize-(sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall))
						tosend = minFragSize-(sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall);
				} else {
					uint32 nextFragMaxBytesToSent = GetNextFragSize(sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall, minFragSize);
					if (nextFragMaxBytesToSent >= sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall && tosend > nextFragMaxBytesToSent-(sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall))
						tosend = nextFragMaxBytesToSent-(sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall + sentControlPacketBytesThisCall);
				wxASSERT(tosend != 0 && tosend <= sendblen-sent);
				//DWORD tempStartSendTick = ::GetTickCount();
				lastSent = ::GetTickCount();
				uint32 result = CEncryptedStreamSocket::Write(sendbuffer+sent,tosend);
				if (Error()){
					uint32 error = LastError();
					if (error == wxSOCKET_WOULDBLOCK){
						m_bBusy = true;
						SocketSentBytes returnVal = { true, sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall, sentControlPacketBytesThisCall };
						return returnVal; // Send() blocked, onsend will be called when ready to send again
					} else{
						// Send() gave an error
						anErrorHasOccured = true;
				} else {
					// we managed to send some bytes. Perform bookkeeping.
					m_bBusy = false;
					m_hasSent = true;
					sent += result;
					// Log send bytes in correct class
					if(m_currentPacket_is_controlpacket == false) {
						sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall += result;
						if(m_currentPackageIsFromPartFile == true) {
							m_numberOfSentBytesPartFile += result;
						} else {
							m_numberOfSentBytesCompleteFile += result;
					} else {
						sentControlPacketBytesThisCall += result;
						m_numberOfSentBytesControlPacket += result;
			if (sent == sendblen){
				// we are done sending the current packet. Delete it and set
				// sendbuffer to NULL so a new packet can be fetched.
				delete[] sendbuffer;
				sendbuffer = NULL;
				sendblen = 0;
				if(!m_currentPacket_is_controlpacket) {
					m_actualPayloadSizeSent += m_actualPayloadSize;
					m_actualPayloadSize = 0;
					lastFinishedStandard = ::GetTickCount(); // reset timeout
					m_bAccelerateUpload = false; // Safe until told otherwise
				sent = 0;
	if(onlyAllowedToSendControlPacket && (!m_control_queue.empty() || (sendbuffer != NULL && m_currentPacket_is_controlpacket))) {
		// enter control packet send queue
		// we might enter control packet queue several times for the same package,
		// but that costs very little overhead. Less overhead than trying to make sure
		// that we only enter the queue once.
		//printf("* Requeueing control packet on %p\n", this);
		theApp->uploadBandwidthThrottler->QueueForSendingControlPacket(this, HasSent());

	//printf("* Finishing send debug on %p\n",this);
	SocketSentBytes returnVal = { !anErrorHasOccured, sentStandardPacketBytesThisCall, sentControlPacketBytesThisCall };
    return returnVal;
Exemple #14
	const CUPnPControlPoint &upnpControlPoint,
	CUPnPLib &upnpLib,
	IXML_Element *service,
	const std::string &URLBase)
m_serviceType(upnpLib.Element_GetChildValueByTag(service, "serviceType")),
m_serviceId  (upnpLib.Element_GetChildValueByTag(service, "serviceId")),
m_SCPDURL    (upnpLib.Element_GetChildValueByTag(service, "SCPDURL")),
m_controlURL (upnpLib.Element_GetChildValueByTag(service, "controlURL")),
m_eventSubURL(upnpLib.Element_GetChildValueByTag(service, "eventSubURL")),
	std::ostringstream msg;
	int errcode;

	std::vector<char> vscpdURL(URLBase.length() + m_SCPDURL.length() + 1);
	char *scpdURL = &vscpdURL[0];
	errcode = UpnpResolveURL(
	if( errcode != UPNP_E_SUCCESS ) {
		msg << "Error generating scpdURL from " <<
			"|" << URLBase << "|" <<
			m_SCPDURL << "|.";
		AddDebugLogLineN(logUPnP, msg);
	} else {
		m_absSCPDURL = scpdURL;

	std::vector<char> vcontrolURL(
		URLBase.length() + m_controlURL.length() + 1);
	char *controlURL = &vcontrolURL[0];
	errcode = UpnpResolveURL(
	if( errcode != UPNP_E_SUCCESS ) {
		msg << "Error generating controlURL from " <<
			"|" << URLBase << "|" <<
			m_controlURL << "|.";
		AddDebugLogLineN(logUPnP, msg);
	} else {
		m_absControlURL = controlURL;

	std::vector<char> veventURL(
		URLBase.length() + m_eventSubURL.length() + 1);
	char *eventURL = &veventURL[0];
	errcode = UpnpResolveURL(
	if( errcode != UPNP_E_SUCCESS ) {
		msg << "Error generating eventURL from " <<
			"|" << URLBase << "|" <<
			m_eventSubURL << "|.";
		AddDebugLogLineN(logUPnP, msg);
	} else {
		m_absEventSubURL = eventURL;

	msg <<	"\n    Service:"             <<
		"\n        serviceType: "    << m_serviceType <<
		"\n        serviceId: "      << m_serviceId <<
		"\n        SCPDURL: "        << m_SCPDURL <<
		"\n        absSCPDURL: "     << m_absSCPDURL <<
		"\n        controlURL: "     << m_controlURL <<
		"\n        absControlURL: "  << m_absControlURL <<
		"\n        eventSubURL: "    << m_eventSubURL <<
		"\n        absEventSubURL: " << m_absEventSubURL;
	AddDebugLogLineN(logUPnP, msg);

	if (m_serviceType == upnpLib.UPNP_SERVICE_WAN_IP_CONNECTION ||
	    m_serviceType == upnpLib.UPNP_SERVICE_WAN_PPP_CONNECTION) {
#if 0
	    m_serviceType == upnpLib.UPNP_SERVICE_WAN_PPP_CONNECTION ||
	    m_serviceType == upnpLib.UPNP_SERVICE_LAYER3_FORWARDING) {
#if 0
//#warning Delete this code on release.
		if (!upnpLib.m_ctrlPoint.WanServiceDetected()) {
			// This condition can be used to suspend the parse
			// of the XML tree.
//#warning Delete this code when m_WanService is no longer used.
			// Log it
			msg << "WAN Service Detected: '" <<
				m_serviceType << "'.";
			AddDebugLogLineC(logUPnP, msg);
			// Subscribe
#if 0
//#warning Delete this code on release.
		} else {
			msg << "WAN service detected again: '" <<
				m_serviceType <<
				"'. Will only use the first instance.";
			AddDebugLogLineC(logUPnP, msg);
	} else {
Exemple #15
void CSearchDlg::StartNewSearch()
	static uint32 m_nSearchID = 0;


	CSearchList::CSearchParams params;

	params.searchString = CastChild( IDC_SEARCHNAME, wxTextCtrl )->GetValue();

	if (params.searchString.IsEmpty()) {

	if (CastChild(IDC_EXTENDEDSEARCHCHECK, wxCheckBox)->GetValue()) {
		params.extension = CastChild( IDC_EDITSEARCHEXTENSION, wxTextCtrl )->GetValue();

		uint32 sizemin = GetTypeSize( (uint8) CastChild( IDC_SEARCHMINSIZE, wxChoice )->GetSelection() );
		uint32 sizemax = GetTypeSize( (uint8) CastChild( IDC_SEARCHMAXSIZE, wxChoice )->GetSelection() );

		// Parameter Minimum Size
		params.minSize = (uint64_t)(CastChild( IDC_SPINSEARCHMIN, wxSpinCtrl )->GetValue()) * (uint64_t)sizemin;

		// Parameter Maximum Size
		params.maxSize = (uint64_t)(CastChild( IDC_SPINSEARCHMAX, wxSpinCtrl )->GetValue()) * (uint64_t)sizemax;

		if ((params.maxSize < params.minSize) && (params.maxSize)) {
			wxMessageDialog dlg(this,
				_("Min size must be smaller than max size. Max size ignored."),
				_("Search warning"), wxOK|wxCENTRE|wxICON_INFORMATION);

			params.maxSize = 0;

		// Parameter Availability
		params.availability = CastChild( IDC_SPINSEARCHAVAIBILITY, wxSpinCtrl )->GetValue();

		switch ( CastChild( IDC_TypeSearch, wxChoice )->GetSelection() ) {
		case 0:	params.typeText.Clear();	break;
		case 1:	params.typeText = ED2KFTSTR_ARCHIVE;	break;
		case 2: params.typeText = ED2KFTSTR_AUDIO;	break;
		case 3:	params.typeText = ED2KFTSTR_CDIMAGE;	break;
		case 4: params.typeText = ED2KFTSTR_IMAGE;	break;
		case 5: params.typeText = ED2KFTSTR_PROGRAM;	break;
		case 6:	params.typeText = ED2KFTSTR_DOCUMENT;	break;
		case 7:	params.typeText = ED2KFTSTR_VIDEO;	break;
			AddDebugLogLineC( logGeneral,
				CFormat( wxT("Warning! Unknown search-category (%s) selected!") )
					% params.typeText

	SearchType search_type = KadSearch;

	int selection = CastChild( ID_SEARCHTYPE, wxChoice )->GetSelection();

	if (!thePrefs::GetNetworkED2K()) {
		selection += 2;

	if (!thePrefs::GetNetworkKademlia()) {
		selection += 1;

	switch (selection) {
		case 0: // Local Search
			search_type = LocalSearch;
		case 1: // Global Search
			search_type = GlobalSearch;
		case 2: // Kad search
			search_type = KadSearch;
			// Should never happen

	uint32 real_id = m_nSearchID;
	wxString error = theApp->searchlist->StartNewSearch(&real_id, search_type, params);
	if (!error.IsEmpty()) {
		// Search failed / Remote in progress
		wxMessageBox(error, _("Search warning"),
			wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_INFORMATION, this);
	} else {
			((search_type == KadSearch) ? wxT("!") : wxEmptyString) +
				params.searchString + wxT(" (0)"),
Exemple #16
ConvStatus CPartFileConvert::performConvertToeMule(const CPath& fileName)
    wxString filepartindex;

    CPath folder	= fileName.GetPath();
    CPath partfile	= fileName.GetFullName();
    CPath newfilename;

    CDirIterator finder(folder);

    Notify_ConvertUpdateProgressFull(0, _("Reading temp folder"), s_pfconverting->folder.GetPrintable());

    filepartindex = partfile.RemoveAllExt().GetRaw();

    Notify_ConvertUpdateProgress(4, _("Retrieving basic information from download info file"));

    CPartFile* file = new CPartFile();
    s_pfconverting->partmettype = file->LoadPartFile(folder, partfile, false, true);

    switch (s_pfconverting->partmettype) {
    case PMT_UNKNOWN:
        delete file;
        return CONV_BADFORMAT;

    CPath oldfile = folder.JoinPaths(partfile.RemoveExt());

        wxMutexLocker lock(s_mutex);
        s_pfconverting->size = file->GetFileSize();
        s_pfconverting->filename = file->GetFileName();
        s_pfconverting->filehash = file->GetFileHash().Encode();


    if (theApp->downloadqueue->GetFileByID(file->GetFileHash())) {
        delete file;
        return CONV_ALREADYEXISTS;

    if (s_pfconverting->partmettype == PMT_SPLITTED) {
        unsigned fileindex;
        char *ba = new char [PARTSIZE];

        try {
            CFile inputfile;

            // just count
            unsigned maxindex = 0;
            unsigned partfilecount = 0;
            CPath filePath = finder.GetFirstFile(CDirIterator::File, filepartindex + wxT(".*.part"));
            while (filePath.IsOk()) {
                long l;
                fileindex = (unsigned)l;
                filePath = finder.GetNextFile();
                if (fileindex > maxindex) maxindex = fileindex;
            float stepperpart;
                wxMutexLocker lock(s_mutex);
                if (partfilecount > 0) {
                    stepperpart = (80.0f / partfilecount);
                    if (maxindex * PARTSIZE <= s_pfconverting->size) {
                        s_pfconverting->spaceneeded = maxindex * PARTSIZE;
                    } else {
                        s_pfconverting->spaceneeded = s_pfconverting->size;
                } else {
                    stepperpart = 80.0f;
                    s_pfconverting->spaceneeded = 0;


            sint64 freespace = CPath::GetFreeSpaceAt(thePrefs::GetTempDir());
            if (freespace != wxInvalidOffset) {
                if (static_cast<uint64>(freespace) < maxindex * PARTSIZE) {
                    delete file;
                    delete [] ba;
                    return CONV_OUTOFDISKSPACE;

            // create new partmetfile, and remember the new name
            newfilename = file->GetFullName();

            Notify_ConvertUpdateProgress(8, _("Creating destination file"));

            file->m_hpartfile.SetLength( s_pfconverting->spaceneeded );

            unsigned curindex = 0;
            CPath filename = finder.GetFirstFile(CDirIterator::File, filepartindex + wxT(".*.part"));
            while (filename.IsOk()) {
                // stats

                Notify_ConvertUpdateProgress(10 + (curindex * stepperpart), CFormat(_("Loading data from old download file (%u of %u)")) % curindex % partfilecount);

                long l;
                fileindex = (unsigned)l;
                if (fileindex == 0) {
                    filename = finder.GetNextFile();

                uint32 chunkstart = (fileindex - 1) * PARTSIZE;

                // open, read data of the part-part-file into buffer, close file
                inputfile.Open(filename, CFile::read);
                uint64 toReadWrite = std::min<uint64>(PARTSIZE, inputfile.GetLength());
                inputfile.Read(ba, toReadWrite);

                Notify_ConvertUpdateProgress(10 + (curindex * stepperpart), CFormat(_("Saving data block into new single download file (%u of %u)")) % curindex % partfilecount);

                // write the buffered data
                file->m_hpartfile.WriteAt(ba, chunkstart, toReadWrite);

                filename = finder.GetNextFile();
            delete[] ba;
        } catch (const CSafeIOException& e) {
            AddDebugLogLineC(logPfConvert, wxT("IO error while converting partfiles: ") + e.what());

            delete[] ba;
            return CONV_IOERROR;

    // import an external common format partdownload
    else //if (pfconverting->partmettype==PMT_DEFAULTOLD || pfconverting->partmettype==PMT_NEWOLD || Shareaza  )
        if (!s_pfconverting->removeSource) {
            wxMutexLocker lock(s_mutex);
            s_pfconverting->spaceneeded = oldfile.GetFileSize();


        sint64 freespace = CPath::GetFreeSpaceAt(thePrefs::GetTempDir());
        if (freespace == wxInvalidOffset) {
            delete file;
            return CONV_IOERROR;
        } else if (freespace < s_pfconverting->spaceneeded) {
            delete file;
            return CONV_OUTOFDISKSPACE;

        newfilename = file->GetFullName();


        bool ret = false;

        Notify_ConvertUpdateProgress(92, _("Copy"));

        if (!oldfile.FileExists()) {
            // data file does not exist. well, then create a 0 byte big one
            CFile datafile;
            ret = datafile.Create(newfilename.RemoveExt());
        } else if (s_pfconverting->removeSource) {
            ret = CPath::RenameFile(oldfile, newfilename.RemoveExt());
        } else {
            ret = CPath::CloneFile(oldfile, newfilename.RemoveExt(), false);
        if (!ret) {
            //delete file;
            return CONV_FAILED;


    Notify_ConvertUpdateProgress(94, _("Retrieving source downloadfile information"));

    if (s_pfconverting->removeSource) {
        CPath::RenameFile(folder.JoinPaths(partfile), newfilename);
    } else {
        CPath::CloneFile(folder.JoinPaths(partfile), newfilename, false);


    if (!file->LoadPartFile(thePrefs::GetTempDir(), file->GetPartMetFileName(), false)) {
        //delete file;
        return CONV_BADFORMAT;

    if (s_pfconverting->partmettype == PMT_NEWOLD || s_pfconverting->partmettype == PMT_SPLITTED) {
        file->m_iGainDueToCompression = 0;
        file->m_iLostDueToCorruption = 0;

    Notify_ConvertUpdateProgress(100, _("Adding download and saving new partfile"));

    theApp->downloadqueue->AddDownload(file, thePrefs::AddNewFilesPaused(), 0);

    if (file->GetStatus(true) == PS_READY) {
        theApp->sharedfiles->SafeAddKFile(file); // part files are always shared files

    if (s_pfconverting->removeSource) {
        CPath oldFile = finder.GetFirstFile(CDirIterator::File, filepartindex + wxT(".*"));
        while (oldFile.IsOk()) {
            oldFile = finder.GetNextFile();

        if (s_pfconverting->partmettype == PMT_SPLITTED) {

    return CONV_OK;
Exemple #17
// this function is only allowed to be called right after successfully calculating the hashset (!)
// will delete the hashset, after saving to free the memory
bool CAICHHashSet::SaveHashSet()
	if (m_eStatus != AICH_HASHSETCOMPLETE) {
		return false;
	if ( !m_pHashTree.m_bHashValid || m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize != m_pOwner->GetFileSize()) {
		return false;

	try {
		const wxString fullpath = theApp->ConfigDir + KNOWN2_MET_FILENAME;
		const bool exists = wxFile::Exists(fullpath);

		CFile file(fullpath, exists ? CFile::read_write : CFile::write);
		if (!file.IsOpened()) {
			AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to save HashSet: opening met file failed!"));
			return false;

		uint64 nExistingSize = file.GetLength();
		if (nExistingSize) {
			uint8 header = file.ReadUInt8();
			if (header != KNOWN2_MET_VERSION) {
				AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Saving failed: Current file is not a met-file!"));
				return false;
			AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("Met file is version 0x%2.2x.")) % header);
		} else {
			// Update the recorded size, in order for the sanity check below to work.
			nExistingSize += 1;

		// first we check if the hashset we want to write is already stored
		CAICHHash CurrentHash;
		while (file.GetPosition() < nExistingSize) {
			if (m_pHashTree.m_Hash == CurrentHash) {
				// this hashset if already available, no need to save it again
				return true;
			uint32 nHashCount = file.ReadUInt32();
			if (file.GetPosition() + nHashCount*HASHSIZE > nExistingSize) {
				AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Saving failed: File contains fewer entries than specified!"));
				return false;
			// skip the rest of this hashset
			file.Seek(nHashCount*HASHSIZE, wxFromCurrent);

		// write hashset
		uint32 nHashCount = (PARTSIZE/EMBLOCKSIZE + ((PARTSIZE % EMBLOCKSIZE != 0)? 1 : 0)) * (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize/PARTSIZE);
		if (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize % PARTSIZE != 0) {
			nHashCount += (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize % PARTSIZE)/EMBLOCKSIZE + (((m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize % PARTSIZE) % EMBLOCKSIZE != 0)? 1 : 0);
		if (!m_pHashTree.WriteLowestLevelHashs(&file, 0, true, true)) {
			// thats bad... really
			AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to save HashSet: WriteLowestLevelHashs() failed!"));
			return false;
		if (file.GetLength() != nExistingSize + (nHashCount+1)*HASHSIZE + 4) {
			// thats even worse
			AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to save HashSet: Calculated and real size of hashset differ!"));
			return false;
		AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("Successfully saved eMuleAC Hashset, %u Hashs + 1 Masterhash written")) % nHashCount);
	} catch (const CSafeIOException& e) {
		AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("IO error while saving AICH HashSet: ") + e.what());
		return false;
	return true;