Exemple #1
// This is called when the user clicks "Create..." on the New Project dialog
CAppWizStepDlg* CConsAppAppWiz::Next(CAppWizStepDlg* pDlg)
	ASSERT(pDlg == NULL);	// By default, this custom AppWizard has no steps

	// Set template macros based on the project name entered by the user.

	// Get value of $$root$$ (already set by AppWizard)
	CString strRoot;
	m_Dictionary.Lookup(_T("root"), strRoot);
	// Set value of $$Doc$$, $$DOC$$
	CString strDoc = strRoot.Left(6);
	m_Dictionary[_T("Doc")] = strDoc;
	m_Dictionary[_T("DOC")] = strDoc;

	// Set value of $$MAC_TYPE$$
	strRoot = strRoot.Left(4);
	int nLen = strRoot.GetLength();
	if (strRoot.GetLength() < 4)
		CString strPad(_T(' '), 4 - nLen);
		strRoot += strPad;
	m_Dictionary[_T("MAC_TYPE")] = strRoot;

// diverse Guids zum dictionary hinzufügen
	AddGuid (_T("STDAFX_H_GUID"), TRUE);
	AddGuid (_T("MAINAPP_H_GUID"), TRUE);
	AddGuid (_T("ROOT_H_GUID"), TRUE);

// aktuelles Datum erzeugen (für VersionsInfo)
char buf[128];
time_t timeval;

	buf[strftime(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%y%m%d", localtime(&timeval))] = 0;
	m_Dictionary[_T("version_date")] = buf;

	buf[strftime(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&timeval))] = 0;
	m_Dictionary[_T("date_n_time")] = buf;

// Return NULL to indicate there are no more steps.  (In this case, there are
//  no steps at all.)
	return NULL;
static bool ParseDepedencyExpression(const Byte *p, UInt32 size, AString &res)
  for (UInt32 i = 0; i < size;)
    unsigned command = p[i++];
    if (command > ARRAY_SIZE(kExpressionCommands))
      return false;
    res += kExpressionCommands[command];
    if (command < 3)
      if (i + kGuidSize > size)
        return false;
      AddGuid(res, p + i, false);
      i += kGuidSize;
    res += "; ";
  return true;