/* LoadMgeTrnHmmFile: */ static void LoadMgeTrnHmmFile(int nIter) { char hext[15], hmmFile[255]; ResetHeap(&hmmStack); CreateHeap(&hmmStack, "Model Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 400000); sprintf(hext, "mmf%d", nIter); MakeFN(mmfFn, outDir, hext, hmmFile); CreateHMMSet(&hset, &hmmStack, TRUE); AddMMF(&hset, hmmFile); if (trace & T_TOP) printf("Loading MGE-trained HMM in iteration %d ... ... \n", nIter); if (MakeHMMSet(&hset, hmmListFn) < SUCCESS) HError(2321, "Initialise: MakeHMMSet failed"); if (LoadHMMSet(&hset, hmmDir, hmmExt) < SUCCESS) HError(2321, "Initialise: LoadHMMSet failed"); SetParmHMMSet(&hset); /* variance inversion, MGE training only support INVDIAGC case */ ConvDiagC(&hset, TRUE); if (funcType == MGE_TRAIN) AttachAccToModel(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s; Initialise(argc,argv); CreateHeap(&modelHeap, "Model heap", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 100000, 800000 ); CreateHMMSet(&hset,&modelHeap,TRUE); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(3219,"HNetTest: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HNetTest: MMF File name expected"); AddMMF(&hset,GetStrArg()); break; default: HError(3219,"HNetTest: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(999,"HNetTest: Dictionary file name expected"); dictFn = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(999,"HNetTest: Word Net file name expected"); wdNetFn = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(999,"HNetTest: HMM list file name expected"); hmmListFn = GetStrArg(); if(MakeHMMSet(&hset,hmmListFn)<SUCCESS) HError(999,"HNetTest: MakeHMMSet failed"); if(LoadHMMSet(&hset,NULL,NULL)<SUCCESS) HError(999,"HNetTest: LoadHMMSet failed"); InitVocab(&vocab); if(ReadDict(dictFn,&vocab)<SUCCESS) HError(3213, "HNetTest: ReadDict failed"); LoadNetwork(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *datafn, *s; int nSeg; void Initialise(void); void LoadFile(char *fn); void EstimateModel(void); void SaveModel(char *outfn); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hinit_version,hinit_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(2100,"HInit: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); InitVQ(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(2100,"HInit: InitParm failed"); InitTrain(); InitUtil(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(0); SetConfParms(); CreateHMMSet(&hset,&gstack,FALSE); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(2119,"HInit: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'e': epsilon = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1.0,s); break; case 'i': maxIter = GetChkedInt(0,100,s); break; case 'l': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Segment label expected"); segLab = GetStrArg(); break; case 'm': minSeg = GetChkedInt(1,1000,s); break; case 'n': newModel = FALSE; break; case 'o': outfn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'u': SetuFlags(); break; case 'v': minVar = GetChkedFlt(0.0,10.0,s); break; case 'w': mixWeightFloor = MINMIX * GetChkedFlt(0.0,10000.0,s); break; case 'B': saveBinary = TRUE; break; case 'F': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Data File format expected"); if((dff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2189,"HInit: Warning ALIEN Data file format set"); break; case 'G': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Label File format expected"); if((lff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2189,"HInit: Warning ALIEN Label file format set"); break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: HMM macro file name expected"); AddMMF(&hset,GetStrArg()); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'L': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'M': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Output macro file directory expected"); outDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Trace value expected"); trace = GetChkedInt(0,01777,s); break; case 'X': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); break; default: HError(2119,"HInit: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: source HMM file name expected"); hmmfn = GetStrArg(); Initialise(); do { if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: training data file name expected"); datafn = GetStrArg(); LoadFile(datafn); } while (NumArgs()>0); nSeg = NumSegs(segStore); if (nSeg < minSeg) HError(2121,"HInit: Too Few Observation Sequences [%d]",nSeg); if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("%d Observation Sequences Loaded\n",nSeg); fflush(stdout); } EstimateModel(); SaveModel(outfn); if (trace&T_TOP) printf("Output written to directory %s\n", outDir==NULL?"current":outDir); Exit(0); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
xf = xfInfo.paXForm; if ((xfInfo.paXForm != NULL) && !(uFlags&UPXFORM)) { while (xf != NULL) { if ((xf->xformSet->xkind != CMLLR) && (xf->xformSet->xkind != SEMIT)) HError(999,"SAT only supported with SEMIT/CMLLR transforms"); xf = xf->parentXForm; } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *datafn=NULL; char *datafn2=NULL; char *s; char *scriptFile; char datafn1[MAXSTRLEN]; char newFn[MAXSTRLEN]; FILE *f; UttInfo *utt; /* utterance information storage */ FBInfo *fbInfo; /* forward-backward information storage */ HMMSet hset; /* Set of HMMs to be re-estimated */ Source src; float tmpFlt; int tmpInt; int numUtt,spUtt=0; void Initialise(FBInfo *fbInfo, MemHeap *x, HMMSet *hset, char *hmmListFn); void DoForwardBackward(FBInfo *fbInfo, UttInfo *utt, char *datafn, char *datafn2); void UpdateModels(HMMSet *hset, ParmBuf pbuf2); void StatReport(HMMSet *hset); if(InitShell(argc,argv,herest_version,herest_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(2300,"HERest: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitAudio(); InitWave(); InitVQ(); InitLabel(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(2300,"HERest: InitParm failed"); InitTrain(); InitUtil(); InitFB(); InitAdapt(&xfInfo); InitMap(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(0); al_hmmDir[0] = '\0'; al_hmmExt[0] = '\0'; al_hmmMMF[0] = '\0'; al_hmmLst[0] = '\0'; up_hmmMMF[0] = '\0'; CreateHeap(&hmmStack,"HmmStore", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 50000, 500000); SetConfParms(); CreateHMMSet(&hset,&hmmStack,TRUE); CreateHeap(&uttStack, "uttStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.5, 100, 1000); utt = (UttInfo *) New(&uttStack, sizeof(UttInfo)); CreateHeap(&fbInfoStack, "FBInfoStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.5, 100 , 1000 ); fbInfo = (FBInfo *) New(&fbInfoStack, sizeof(FBInfo)); CreateHeap(&accStack, "accStore", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 50000, 500000); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(2319,"HERest: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'b': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2319,"HERest: script file expected"); scriptFile = GetStrArg(); break;
/* SetConfParms: set conf parms relevant to HCompV */ void SetConfParms(void) { int i; Boolean b; double f; char buf[MAXSTRLEN]; nParm = GetConfig("HEREST", TRUE, cParm, MAXGLOBS); if (nParm>0) { if (GetConfInt(cParm,nParm,"TRACE",&i)) trace = i; if (GetConfFlt(cParm,nParm,"VARFLOORPERCENTILE",&f)) varFloorPercent = f; if (GetConfBool(cParm,nParm,"SAVEBINARY",&b)) saveBinary = b; if (GetConfBool(cParm,nParm,"BINARYACCFORMAT",&b)) ldBinary = b; /* 2-model reestimation alignment model set */ if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"ALIGNMODELMMF",buf)) { strcpy(al_hmmMMF,buf); al_hmmUsed = TRUE; } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"ALIGNHMMLIST",buf)) { strcpy(al_hmmLst,buf); al_hmmUsed = TRUE; } /* allow multiple individual model files */ if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"ALIGNMODELDIR",buf)) { strcpy(al_hmmDir,buf); al_hmmUsed = TRUE; } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"ALIGNMODELEXT",buf)) { strcpy(al_hmmExt,buf); al_hmmUsed = TRUE; } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"ALIGNXFORMEXT",buf)) { xfInfo.alXFormExt = CopyString(&hmmStack,buf); } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"ALIGNXFORMDIR",buf)) { xfInfo.alXFormDir = CopyString(&hmmStack,buf); } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"INXFORMMASK",buf)) { xfInfo.inSpkrPat = CopyString(&hmmStack,buf); } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"PAXFORMMASK",buf)) { xfInfo.paSpkrPat = CopyString(&hmmStack,buf); } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"LABFILEMASK",buf)) { labFileMask = (char*)malloc(strlen(buf)+1); strcpy(labFileMask, buf); } if (GetConfStr(cParm,nParm,"UPDATEMODE",buf)) { if (!strcmp (buf, "DUMP")) updateMode = UPMODE_DUMP; else if (!strcmp (buf, "UPDATE")) updateMode = UPMODE_UPDATE; else if (!strcmp (buf, "BOTH")) updateMode = UPMODE_BOTH; else HError(2319, "Unknown UPDATEMODE specified (must be DUMP, UPDATE or BOTH)"); } } } void ReportUsage(void) { printf("\nUSAGE: HERest [options] hmmList dataFiles...\n\n"); printf(" Option Default\n\n"); printf(" -a Use an input linear transform off\n"); printf(" -c f Mixture pruning threshold 10.0\n"); printf(" -d s dir to find hmm definitions current\n"); printf(" -h s set output speaker name pattern *.%%%%%%\n"); printf(" to s, optionally set input and parent patterns\n"); printf(" -l N set max files per speaker off\n"); printf(" -m N set min examples needed per model 3\n"); printf(" -o s extension for new hmm files as src\n"); printf(" -p N set parallel mode to N off\n"); printf(" -r Enable Single Pass Training... \n"); printf(" ...using two parameterisations off\n"); printf(" -s s print statistics to file s off\n"); printf(" -t f [i l] set pruning to f [inc limit] inf\n"); printf(" -u tmvwap update t)rans m)eans v)ars w)ghts tmvw\n"); printf(" a)daptation xform p)rior used \n"); printf(" s)semi-tied xform \n"); printf(" -v f set minimum variance to f 0.0\n"); printf(" -w f set mix weight floor to f*MINMIX 0.0\n"); printf(" -x s extension for hmm files none\n"); printf(" -z s Save all xforms to TMF file s TMF\n"); PrintStdOpts("BEFGHIJKLMSTX"); printf("\n\n"); } void SetuFlags(void) { char *s; s=GetStrArg(); uFlags=(UPDSet) 0; while (*s != '\0') switch (*s++) { case 't': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPTRANS); break; case 'm': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPMEANS); break; case 'v': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPVARS); break; case 'w': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPMIXES); break; case 's': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPSEMIT); break; case 'a': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPXFORM); break; case 'p': uFlags = (UPDSet) (uFlags+UPMAP); break; default: HError(2320,"SetuFlags: Unknown update flag %c",*s); break; } } /* ScriptWord: return next word from script */ char *ScriptWord(FILE *script, char *scriptBuf) { int ch,qch,i; i=0; ch=' '; while (isspace(ch)) ch = fgetc(script); if (ch==EOF) { scriptBuf=NULL; return NULL; } if (ch=='\'' || ch=='"'){ qch = ch; ch = fgetc(script); while (ch != qch && ch != EOF) { scriptBuf[i++] = ch; ch = fgetc(script); } if (ch==EOF) HError(5051,"ScriptWord: Closing quote missing in script file"); } else { do { scriptBuf[i++] = ch; ch = fgetc(script); }while (!isspace(ch) && ch != EOF); } scriptBuf[i] = '\0'; return scriptBuf; } void CheckUpdateSetUp() { AdaptXForm *xf;
/* main: */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s; char fname[MAXSTRLEN]; InitShell(argc, argv, hmgetool_version, hmgetool_vc_id); InitMem(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitLabel(); InitModel(); InitTrain(); InitParm(); InitUtil(); InitFB(); InitGen(); InitAdapt(&xfInfo, NULL); InitMTrain(); /* process argument */ if (NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); CreateHeap(&hmmStack, "Model Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 4000000); CreateHeap(&orighmmStack, "Model Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 4000000); CreateHeap(&accStack, "Acc Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 400000); CreateHeap(&genStack, "Gen Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 400000); CreateHeap(&mgeStack, "MGE Train Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 400000); SetConfParms(); CreateHMMSet(&hset, &hmmStack, TRUE); CreateHMMSet(&orighset, &orighmmStack, TRUE); statInfo = (MTStatInfo *) New(&gstack, sizeof(MTStatInfo)); memset(statInfo, 0, sizeof(MTStatInfo)); genInfo = (GenInfo *) New(&genStack, sizeof(GenInfo)); memset(genInfo, 0, sizeof(GenInfo)); genInfo->hset = &hset; genInfo->genMem = &genStack; mtInfo = (MgeTrnInfo *) New(&mgeStack, sizeof(MgeTrnInfo)); memset(mtInfo, 0, sizeof(MgeTrnInfo)); mtInfo->genInfo = genInfo; mtInfo->statInfo = statInfo; mtInfo->hset = &hset; mtInfo->orighset = &orighset; mtInfo->mgeMem = &mgeStack; while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s) != 1) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Bad switch %s; must be single letter", s); switch (s[0]) { case 'a': nMaxBAIter = GetChkedInt(1, 1000, s); nMaxBALen = GetChkedInt(1, 1000, s); break; case 'b': mtInfo->bBoundAdj = TRUE; nBAEndIter = GetChkedInt(0, 1000, s); nBoundAdjWin = GetChkedInt(1, 1000, s); break; case 'c': outProcData = TRUE; break; case 'd': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM definition directory expected"); hmmDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'e': mtInfo->bStepLimit = TRUE; break; case 'f': frameRate = (HTime) GetChkedFlt(0.0, 10000000.0, s); break; case 'g': mtInfo->bMVar = TRUE; break; case 'i': startIter = GetChkedInt(0, 1000, s); endIter = GetChkedInt(startIter, 1000, s); break; case 'j': funcType = GetChkedInt(0, 2, s); mtInfo->funcType = funcType; break; case 'l': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Label file output directory expected"); outLabDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'o': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM file extension expected"); outExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'p': A_STEP = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 10000000.0, s); B_STEP = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 10000000.0, s); break; case 'r': mtInfo->bOrigHmmRef = TRUE; if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM macro file name expected"); s = GetStrArg(); AddMMF(&orighset, s); break; case 's': /* updating scale file */ scalefn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'u': SetuFlags(); break; case 'v': MSDthresh = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1.0, s); break; case 'w': fGVDistWght = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1000.0, s); break; case 'x': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM file extension expected"); hmmExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'B': inBinary = TRUE; break; case 'G': mtInfo->nGainStreamIndex = GetChkedInt(1, SMAX, s); mtInfo->nGainDimIndex = GetChkedInt(1, 1000, s); if (NextArg() == FLOATARG || NextArg() == INTARG) mtInfo->fGainWghtComp = GetChkedFlt(-10000.0, 1000000.0, s); break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM macro file name expected"); mmfFn = GetStrArg(); AddMMF(&hset, mmfFn); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'J': /* regression class and tree */ if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM regression class/tree file name expected"); s = GetStrArg(); AddMMF(&hset, s); AddMMF(&orighset, s); break; case 'K': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM transform file name expected"); xformfn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'L': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'M': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Output macro file directory expected"); outDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': trace = GetChkedInt(0, 0100000, s); break; case 'X': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: Label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); break; default: HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Unknown switch %s", s); } } if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: file name of model list expected"); hmmListFn = GetStrArg(); Initialise(); if (funcType == MGE_EVAL) { PerformMgeEval(); } else if (funcType == MGE_TRAIN) { PerformMgeTrain(); if (endIter > 0 && bMgeUpdate) { /* output HMM files */ ConvDiagC(&hset, TRUE); SaveHMMSet(&hset, outDir, outExt, NULL, inBinary); } } else if (funcType == MGE_ADAPT) { PerformMgeAdapt(); if (endIter > 0 && bMgeUpdate) { MakeFN(xformfn, outDir, NULL, fname); SaveOneXForm(&hset, hset.curXForm, fname, FALSE); } } ResetHeap(&hmmStack); ResetHeap(&orighmmStack); ResetHeap(&accStack); ResetHeap(&genStack); ResetHeap(&mgeStack); return 0; }
int mainHInit(int argc, char *argv[]) { static int ft=1; char *datafn, *s; int nSeg; zwangModify(); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hinit_version,hinit_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(2100,"HInit: InitShell failed"); if(ft) { if(isMemInit==0) { InitMem(); isMemInit=1; } InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); InitVQ(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(2100,"HInit: InitParm failed"); InitTrain(); InitUtil(); ft=0; /* Stacks for global structures requiring memory allocation */ CreateHeap(&segmentStack,"SegStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 100000, LONG_MAX); CreateHeap(&sequenceStack,"SeqStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 1000, 1000); CreateHeap(&clustSetStack,"ClustSetStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 1000, 1000); CreateHeap(&transStack,"TransStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 1000, 1000); CreateHeap(&traceBackStack,"TraceBackStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 1000, 1000); CreateHeap(&bufferStack,"BufferStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 1000, 1000); } zwangHMemGetConf(); zwangHWaveGetConf(); zwangHLabelGetConf(); zwangHMathGetConf(); zwangHSigPGetConf(); zwangHAudioGetConf(); zwangHVQGetConf(); zwangHModelGetConf(); zwangHParmGetConf(); zwangHTrainGetConf(); zwangHUtilGetConf(); SetConfParms(); CreateHMMSet(&hset,&gstack,FALSE); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(2119,"HInit: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'e': epsilon = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1.0,s); break; case 'i': maxIter = GetChkedInt(0,100,s); break; case 'l': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Segment label expected"); segLab = GetStrArg(); break; case 'm': minSeg = GetChkedInt(1,1000,s); break; case 'n': newModel = FALSE; break; case 'o': outfn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'u': SetuFlags(); break; case 'v': minVar = GetChkedFlt(0.0,10.0,s); break; case 'w': mixWeightFloor = MINMIX * GetChkedFlt(0.0,10000.0,s); break; case 'B': saveBinary = TRUE; break; case 'F': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Data File format expected"); if((dff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2189,"HInit: Warning ALIEN Data file format set"); break; case 'G': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Label File format expected"); if((lff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2189,"HInit: Warning ALIEN Label file format set"); break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: HMM macro file name expected"); AddMMF(&hset,GetStrArg()); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'L': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'M': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Output macro file directory expected"); outDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Trace value expected"); trace = GetChkedInt(0,01777,s); break; case 'X': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: Label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); break; default: HError(2119,"HInit: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: source HMM file name expected"); hmmfn = GetStrArg(); Initialise(); do { if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2119,"HInit: training data file name expected"); datafn = GetStrArg(); LoadFile(datafn); } while (NumArgs()>0); nSeg = NumSegs(segStore); if (nSeg < minSeg) HError(2121,"HInit: Too Few Observation Sequences [%d]",nSeg); EstimateModel(); SaveModel(outfn); Dispose(hset.hmem,hset.mtab); ResetHeap(&gstack); ResetHeap(&segmentStack); ResetHeap(&sequenceStack); ResetHeap(&clustSetStack); ResetHeap(&transStack); ResetHeap(&traceBackStack); ResetHeap(&bufferStack); zwangInitParmClear(); zwangInitShellClear(); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Source src; int tmpInt; float tmpFlt; char *accfn, *s; void Initialise(char *hmmListFn); void Interpolate(void); void UpdateModels(void); void MakeWtAccLists(void); void AttachWtAccLists(void); void StatReport(void); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hsmooth_version,hsmooth_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(2400,"HSmooth: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); InitVQ(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(2400,"HSmooth: InitParm failed"); InitTrain(); InitUtil(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(0); SetConfParms(); CreateHeap(&hmmStack,"HmmStore", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 50000, 500000); CreateHMMSet(&hset,&hmmStack,TRUE); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(2419,"HSmooth: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'b': epsilon = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1.0,s); break; case 'c': maxStep = GetChkedInt(1,1000,s); break; case 'd': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: HMM definition directory expected"); hmmDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'e': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: HMM definition directory expected"); newDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'm': minEgs = GetChkedInt(1,1000,s); break; case 'o': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: HMM file extension expected"); newExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 's': stats = TRUE; if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: Stats file name expected"); statFN = GetStrArg(); break; case 'u': SetuFlags(); break; case 'v': minVar = GetChkedFlt(0.0,10.0,s); break; case 'w': mixWeightFloor = MINMIX * GetChkedFlt(0.0,10000.0,s); break; case 'x': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: HMM file extension expected"); hmmExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'B': saveBinary=TRUE; break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: HMM macro file name expected"); AddMMF(&hset,GetStrArg()); break; case 'M': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: Output macro file directory expected"); newDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': trace = GetChkedInt(0,0100000,s); break; default: HError(2419,"HSmooth: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: file name of HMM list expected"); Initialise(GetStrArg()); do { if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2419,"HSmooth: accumulator file name expected"); accfn = GetStrArg(); src=LoadAccs(&hset,accfn,uFlags); ReadFloat(&src,&tmpFlt,1,ldBinary); totalPr += (LogDouble)tmpFlt; ReadInt(&src,&tmpInt,1,ldBinary); totalT += tmpInt; CloseSource(&src); nBlk++; MakeWtAccLists(); } while (NumArgs()>0); AttachWtAccLists(); Interpolate(); if (stats) StatReport(); UpdateModels(); Exit(0); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s; char *labfn; int numUtt; void Initialise(void); void DoGeneration(char *labfn); if (InitShell(argc, argv, hmgens_version, hmgens_vc_id) < SUCCESS) HError(2300, "HMGenS: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitLabel(); InitModel(); if (InitParm() < SUCCESS) HError(2300, "HMGenS: InitParm failed"); InitUtil(); InitFB(); InitAdapt(&xfInfo_hmm, &xfInfo_dur); InitMap(); InitGen(); if (NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); CreateHeap(&genStack, "genStore", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 400000); CreateHeap(&uttStack, "uttStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.5, 100, 1000); CreateHeap(&fbInfoStack, "FBInfoStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.5, 100, 1000); CreateHeap(&hmmStack, "HmmStore", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 50000, 500000); CreateHeap(&dmStack, "dmStore", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 50000, 500000); SetConfParms(); CreateHMMSet(&hmset, &hmmStack, TRUE); CreateHMMSet(&dmset, &dmStack, TRUE); utt = (UttInfo *) New(&uttStack, sizeof(UttInfo)); genInfo = (GenInfo *) New(&genStack, sizeof(GenInfo)); fbInfo = (FBInfo *) New(&fbInfoStack, sizeof(FBInfo)); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s) != 1) HError(9919, "HMGenS: Bad switch %s; must be single letter", s); switch (s[0]) { case 'a': xfInfo_hmm.useInXForm = TRUE; break; case 'b': xfInfo_dur.useInXForm = TRUE; break; case 'c': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2119, "HMGenS: Parameter generation algorithm type value expected"); type = (ParmGenType) GetChkedInt(CHOLESKY, FB, s); break; case 'd': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: HMM definition directory expected"); hmmDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'e': useAlign = TRUE; break; case 'f': frameRate = (HTime) GetChkedFlt(0.0, 10000000.0, s); break; case 'g': minFrwdP = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1000.0, s); break; case 'h': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(1, "Speaker name pattern expected"); xfInfo_hmm.inSpkrPat = xfInfo_dur.inSpkrPat = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() == STRINGARG) xfInfo_hmm.paSpkrPat = xfInfo_dur.paSpkrPat = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: cannot have -h as the last option"); break; case 'm': modelAlign = TRUE; break; case 'n': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: duration model definition directory expected"); dmDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'p': outPdf = TRUE; break; case 'r': if (NextArg() != FLOATARG) HError(2119, "HMGenS: Speaking rate value (float) expected"); speakRate = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 3.0, s); break; case 's': stateAlign = TRUE; break; case 't': pruneInit = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1.0E20, s); if (NextArg() == FLOATARG || NextArg() == INTARG) { pruneInc = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1.0E20, s); pruneLim = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1.0E20, s); } else { pruneInc = 0.0; pruneLim = pruneInit; } break; case 'v': MSDthresh = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1.0, s); break; case 'x': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: HMM file extension expected"); hmmExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'y': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: duration model file extension expected"); dmExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'B': inBinary = TRUE; break; case 'E': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: parent transform directory expected"); xfInfo_hmm.usePaXForm = TRUE; xfInfo_hmm.paXFormDir = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() == STRINGARG) xfInfo_hmm.paXFormExt = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: cannot have -E as the last option"); break; case 'G': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2119, "HMGenS: Label File format expected"); if ((lff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2189, "HMGenS: Warning ALIEN Label file format set"); break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(3219, "HMGenS: HMM MMF File name expected"); AddMMF(&hmset, GetStrArg()); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'J': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: input transform directory expected"); AddInXFormDir(&hmset, GetStrArg()); if (NextArg() == STRINGARG) xfInfo_hmm.inXFormExt = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: cannot have -J as the last option"); break; case 'L': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'M': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: Output macro file directory expected"); genDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'N': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(3219, "HMGenS: Duration MMF File name expected"); AddMMF(&dmset, GetStrArg()); break; case 'T': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2119, "HMGenS: Trace value expected"); trace = GetChkedInt(0, 0002, s); break; case 'W': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: parent duration transform directory expected"); xfInfo_dur.usePaXForm = TRUE; xfInfo_dur.paXFormDir = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() == STRINGARG) xfInfo_dur.paXFormExt = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: cannot have -W as the last option"); break; case 'X': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: Label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'Y': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: input duration transform directory expected"); AddInXFormDir(&dmset, GetStrArg()); if (NextArg() == STRINGARG) { if (xfInfo_dur.inXFormExt == NULL) xfInfo_dur.inXFormExt = GetStrArg(); else HError(2319, "MGenS: only one input duration transform extension may be specified"); } if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: cannot have -Y as the last option"); break; default: HError(9919, "HMGenS: Unknown switch %s", s); } } if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: file name of vocabulary list expected"); Initialise(); InitUttInfo(utt, FALSE); numUtt = 1; if (trace & T_TOP) SetTraceGen(); /* generate parameter sequences */ do { if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: data file name expected"); labfn = GetStrArg(); /* track speakers */ if (UpdateSpkrStats(&hmset, &xfInfo_hmm, labfn)) { if (!xfInfo_hmm.useInXForm) xfInfo_hmm.inXForm = NULL; } if (UpdateSpkrStats(&dmset, &xfInfo_dur, labfn)) { if (!xfInfo_dur.useInXForm) xfInfo_dur.inXForm = NULL; else ResetDMMPreComps(&dmset); } fbInfo->xfinfo_hmm = &xfInfo_hmm; fbInfo->xfinfo_dur = &xfInfo_dur; fbInfo->inXForm_hmm = xfInfo_hmm.inXForm; fbInfo->inXForm_dur = xfInfo_dur.inXForm; fbInfo->al_inXForm_hmm = xfInfo_hmm.al_inXForm; fbInfo->al_inXForm_dur = xfInfo_dur.al_inXForm; fbInfo->paXForm_hmm = xfInfo_hmm.paXForm; fbInfo->paXForm_dur = xfInfo_dur.paXForm; /* generate parameters */ DoGeneration(labfn); numUtt++; } while (NumArgs() > 0); if (trace & T_TOP) { printf("Generation complete - average log prob per frame = %e (%d frames)\n", totalPr / totalT, totalT); } /* Reset stacks */ Dispose(&fbInfoStack, fbInfo); Dispose(&genStack, genInfo); Dispose(&uttStack, utt); ResetHeap(&fbInfoStack); ResetHeap(&uttStack); ResetHeap(&genStack); ResetHeap(&dmStack); ResetHeap(&hmmStack); /* Reset modules */ ResetGen(); ResetAdapt(&xfInfo_hmm, &xfInfo_dur); ResetFB(); ResetUtil(); ResetParm(); ResetModel(); ResetLabel(); ResetWave(); ResetSigP(); ResetMath(); ResetMem(); ResetShell(); Exit(0); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
/* main func */ int mainHCompV(int argc, char *argv[]) { static int ft=1; char *datafn, *s; void SetCovs(void); void PutVFloor(void); SpkrAcc *sa = NULL; zwangModify(); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hcompv_version,hcompv_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(2000,"HCompV: InitShell failed"); if(ft) { if(isMemInit==0) { InitMem(); isMemInit=1; } InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); InitVQ(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(2000,"HCompV: InitParm failed"); ft=0; CreateHeap(&iStack,"InBuf", MSTAK, 1, 0.5, 100000, LONG_MAX); } zwangHMemGetConf(); zwangHWaveGetConf(); zwangHLabelGetConf(); zwangHMathGetConf(); zwangHSigPGetConf(); zwangHAudioGetConf(); zwangHVQGetConf(); zwangHModelGetConf(); zwangHParmGetConf(); SetConfParms(); CreateHMMSet(&hset,&gstack,FALSE); pathPattern[0]='\0'; while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(2019,"HCompV: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'f': if (NextArg() != FLOATARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Variance floor scale expected"); vFloorScale = GetChkedFlt(0.0,100.0,s); break; case 'l': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Segment label expected"); segLab = GetStrArg(); break; case 'm': meanUpdate = TRUE; break; case 'o': outfn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'v': if (NextArg() != FLOATARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Minimum variance level expected"); minVar = GetChkedFlt(0.0,100.0,s); break; case 'k': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: speaker pattern expected"); strcpy(spPattern,GetStrArg()); if (strchr(spPattern,'%')==NULL) HError(2019,"HCompV: Speaker mask invalid"); break; case 'c': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: CMV output dir expected"); strcpy(cmDir,GetStrArg()); DoCMV = TRUE; break; case 'p': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: path pattern expected"); strcpy(pathPattern,GetStrArg()); if (strchr(pathPattern,'%')==NULL) HError(2019,"HCompV: Path mask invalid"); break; case 'q': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: output flags (nmv)"); strcpy(oflags,GetStrArg()); break; case 'B': saveBinary = TRUE; break; case 'F': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Data File format expected"); if((dff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2089,"HCompV: Warning ALIEN Data file format set"); break; case 'G': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Label File format expected"); if((lff = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-2089,"HCompV: Warning ALIEN Label file format set"); break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: HMM macro file name expected"); AddMMF(&hset,GetStrArg()); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'L': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'M': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Output macro file directory expected"); outDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': if (NextArg() != INTARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Trace value expected"); trace = GetChkedInt(0,077,s); break; case 'X': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); break; default: HError(2019,"HCompV: Unknown switch %s",s); } } /* if not doing CMV, do standard HCompV */ if (DoCMV == FALSE){ if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Source HMM file name expected"); hmmfn = GetStrArg(); Initialise(); do { if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2019,"HCompV: Training data file name expected"); datafn = GetStrArg(); LoadFile(datafn); } while (NumArgs()>0); SetCovs(); FixGConsts(hmmLink); SaveModel(outfn); if (trace&T_TOP) printf("Output written to directory %s\n",(outDir==NULL)?"./":outDir); if (vFloorScale>0.0) PutVFloor(); } else { /* report export data type */ ReportOutput(); /* init input buffer mem heap */ CreateHeap(&iStack,"BufferIn",MSTAK,1,0.5,100000,5000000); do { if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG){ HError(2019,"HCompV: Training data file name expected"); } datafn = GetStrArg(); /* accumulate stats for current utterance file and update speaker list */ sa = AccGenUtt(spPattern,datafn,sa); salist = UpdateSpkrAccList(salist,sa); /* reset for next utterance */ ClrSpkrAcc(sa); } while (NumArgs()>0); /* compute the means and variances for each speaker */ UpdateMeanVar(salist); /* export NMV for each speaker */ ExportNMV(salist,cmDir,TargetPKStr); } Dispose(hset.hmem,hset.mtab); ResetHeap(&gstack); ResetHeap(&iStack); zwangInitParmClear(); zwangInitShellClear(); //Exit(0); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s; void Initialise(void); void DoRecognition(void); void DoAlignment(void); if(InitShell(argc,argv,hvite_version,hvite_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(3200,"HVite: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitLabel(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitAudio(); InitVQ(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(3200,"HVite: InitParm failed"); InitDict(); InitNet(); InitRec(); InitUtil(); InitAdapt(&xfInfo); InitMap(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(0); SetConfParms(); CreateHeap(&modelHeap, "Model heap", MSTAK, 1, 0.0, 100000, 800000 ); CreateHMMSet(&hset,&modelHeap,TRUE); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(3219,"HVite: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'a': loadLabels=TRUE; break; case 'b': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: Utterance boundary word expected"); bndId = GetLabId(GetStrArg(),TRUE); break; case 'c': tmBeam = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1000.0,s); break; case 'd': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: HMM definition directory expected"); hmmDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'e': saveAudioOut=TRUE; break; case 'f': states=TRUE; break; case 'g': replay=TRUE; break; case 'i': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: Output MLF file name expected"); /* if(SaveToMasterfile(GetStrArg())<SUCCESS) HError(3214,"HCopy: Cannot write to MLF"); */ SaveToMasterfile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'k': xfInfo.useInXForm = TRUE; break; case 'j': if (NextArg()!=INTARG) HError(3219,"HVite: No. of files per online adaptation step expected"); update = GetChkedInt(1,256,s); break; case 'l': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'm': models=TRUE; break; case 'n': nToks = GetChkedInt(2,MAX_TOKS,s); if (NextArg()==FLOATARG || NextArg()==INTARG) nTrans = GetChkedInt(1,10000,s); else nTrans = 1; break; case 'o': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: Output label format expected"); labForm = GetStrArg(); break; case 'p': wordPen = GetChkedFlt(-1000.0,1000.0,s); break; case 'q': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: Output lattice format expected"); latForm = GetStrArg(); break; case 'r': prScale = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1000.0,s); break; case 's': lmScale = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1000.0,s); break; case 't': genBeam = GetChkedFlt(0,1.0E20,s); if (genBeam == 0.0) genBeam = -LZERO; if (NextArg()==FLOATARG || NextArg()==INTARG) { genBeamInc = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1.0E20,s); genBeamLim = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1.0E20,s); if (genBeamLim < (genBeam + genBeamInc)) { genBeamLim = genBeam; genBeamInc = 0.0; } } else { genBeamInc = 0.0; genBeamLim = genBeam; } break; case 'w': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) loadNetworks=TRUE; else { wdNetFn = GetStrArg(); if (strlen(wdNetFn)==0) { wdNetFn=NULL; loadNetworks=TRUE; } } break; case 'u': maxActive = GetChkedInt(0,100000,s); break; case 'v': wordBeam = GetChkedFlt(0,1.0E20,s); if (wordBeam == 0.0) wordBeam = -LZERO; break; case 'x': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: HMM file extension expected"); hmmExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'y': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: Output label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'z': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: Lattice output file extension expected"); latExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'F': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: Data File format expected"); if((dfmt = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-3289,"HVite: Warning ALIEN Input file format set"); break; case 'G': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: Source Label File format expected"); if((ifmt = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-3289,"HVite: Warning ALIEN Input file format set"); break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: MMF File name expected"); AddMMF(&hset,GetStrArg()); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'L': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: Label/network file directory expected"); labInDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'P': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: Target Label File format expected"); if((ofmt = Str2Format(GetStrArg())) == ALIEN) HError(-3289,"HVite: Warning ALIEN Label output file format set"); break; case 'B': saveBinary = TRUE; break; case 'T': trace = GetChkedInt(0,511,s); break; case 'X': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: Input label/network file extension expected"); labInExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'h': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(1,"Speaker name pattern expected"); xfInfo.outSpkrPat = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg()==STRINGARG) { xfInfo.inSpkrPat = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg()==STRINGARG) xfInfo.paSpkrPat = GetStrArg(); } if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319,"HERest: cannot have -h as the last option"); break; case 'E': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2319,"HERest: parent transform directory expected"); xfInfo.usePaXForm = TRUE; xfInfo.paXFormDir = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg()==STRINGARG) xfInfo.paXFormExt = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319,"HVite: cannot have -E as the last option"); break; case 'J': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2319,"HERest: input transform directory expected"); AddInXFormDir(&hset,GetStrArg()); if (NextArg()==STRINGARG) xfInfo.inXFormExt = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319,"HVite: cannot have -J as the last option"); break; case 'K': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2319,"HVite: output transform directory expected"); xfInfo.outXFormDir = GetStrArg(); xfInfo.useOutXForm = TRUE; if (NextArg()==STRINGARG) xfInfo.outXFormExt = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg() != SWITCHARG) HError(2319,"HVite: cannot have -K as the last option"); break; default: HError(3219,"HVite: Unknown switch %s",s); } } if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: Dictionary file name expected"); dictFn = GetStrArg(); if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(3219,"HVite: HMM list file name expected"); hmmListFn = GetStrArg(); #ifndef PHNALG if ((states || models) && nToks>1) HError(3230,"HVite: Alignment using multiple tokens is not supported"); #endif if (NumArgs()==0 && wdNetFn==NULL) HError(3230,"HVite: Network must be specified for recognition from audio"); if (loadNetworks && loadLabels) HError(3230,"HVite: Must choose either alignment from network or labels"); if (nToks>1 && latExt==NULL && nTrans==1) HError(-3230,"HVite: Performing nbest recognition with no nbest output"); if (nToks > 1 && latExt != NULL && nTrans > 1) HError(-3230,"HVite: Performing nbest recognition with 1-best and latttices output"); if ((update>0) && (!xfInfo.useOutXForm)) HError(3230,"HVite: Must use -K option with incremental adaptation"); Initialise(); /* Process the data */ if (wdNetFn==NULL) DoAlignment(); else DoRecognition(); /* Free up and we are done */ if (trace & T_MEM) { printf("Memory State on Completion\n"); PrintAllHeapStats(); } DeleteVRecInfo(vri); ResetHeap(&netHeap); FreePSetInfo(psi); UpdateSpkrStats(&hset,&xfInfo, NULL); ResetHeap(®Heap); ResetHeap(&modelHeap); Exit(0); return (0); /* never reached -- make compiler happy */ }