ModuleWeapon::ModuleWeapon() : ModuleBase("Weapon")
		AddCommand("Offset", "weap_off", "This changes weapon offset.", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandWeaponOffset, { "Weapon Name", "I Offset", "J Offset", "K Offset" });
		AddCommand("Offset.Reset", "weap_off_res", "This resets weapon offset to default.", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandWeaponOffsetReset, { "Weapon Name" });
		VarAutoSaveOnMapLoad = AddVariableInt("AutoSaveOnMapLoad", "weap_auto_save", "This determines if the offsets get saved on map load.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarWeaponJSON = AddVariableString("JSON.File", "weap_json_file", "The file weapon changes are saved to.", eCommandFlagsArchived, "default");
		AddCommand("JSON.Load", "weap_json_load", "This loads weapon offset.", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandLoadWeaponsJSON);
		AddCommand("JSON.Save", "weap_json_save", "This saves weapon offset.", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandSaveWeaponsJSON);
		AddCommand("JSON.List", "weap_json_list", "This lists all available weapon offset configs.", (CommandFlags)(eCommandFlagsOmitValueInList | eCommandFlagsHidden), CommandListWeaponsJSON);
		AddCommand("List", "weap_list", "Lists all weapons available in the mulg tag.", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandWeaponList);
		AddCommand("Equipped", "weap_equipped", "Gives info on the currently equipped weapon.", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGetEquippedWeaponInfo, { "Format: null, json, csv" });
	ModuleSettings::ModuleSettings() : ModuleBase("Settings")
		VarAntialiasing = AddVariableInt("Antialiasing", "antialiasing", "Controls whether antialiasing is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableSettingsAntialiasingUpdate);
		VarAutoCentering = AddVariableInt("AutoCentering", "autocenter", "Controls whether auto-centering is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsAutoCenteringUpdate);
		VarBrightness = AddVariableInt("Brightness", "brightness", "Controls the brightness level (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 50, VariableSettingsBrightnessUpdate);
		VarContrast = AddVariableInt("Contrast", "Contrast", "Controls the contrast level (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 50, VariableSettingsContrastUpdate);
		VarDetailsQuality = AddVariableString("DetailsQuality", "details", "Controls whether the details quality level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsDetailsQualityUpdate);
		VarDisplayHints = AddVariableInt("DisplayHints", "hints", "Controls whether displaying of hints is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsDisplayHintsUpdate);
		VarEffectsQuality = AddVariableString("EffectsQuality", "effects", "Controls whether the effects Quality level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsEffectsQualityUpdate);
		VarFullscreen = AddVariableInt("Fullscreen", "fullscreen", "Controls whether the game is windowed (0) or fullscreen (1)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableSettingsFullscreenUpdate);
		VarScreenResolution = AddVariableString("ScreenResolution", "resolution", "Controls the screen resolution", eCommandFlagsArchived, "default", VariableSettingsScreenResolutionUpdate);
		VarHUDShake = AddVariableInt("HUDShake", "hud_shake", "Controls whether hud shake is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsHUDShakeUpdate);
		VarInvertLook = AddVariableInt("InvertLook", "invert_look", "Controls whether look-inversion is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsInvertLookUpdate);
		VarInvertMouse = AddVariableInt("InvertMouse", "invert_mouse", "Controls whether mouse-inversion is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsInvertMouseUpdate);
		VarLightingQuality = AddVariableString("LightingQuality", "lighting", "Controls whether the lighting quality level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsLightingQualityUpdate);
		VarLookSensitivity = AddVariableInt("LookSensitivity", "look_sensitivity", "Controls the controller look sensitivity (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 50, VariableSettingsLookSensitivityUpdate);
		VarMotionBlur = AddVariableInt("MotionBlur", "motion_blur", "Controls whether motion blur is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableSettingsMotionBlurUpdate);
		VarMouseAcceleration = AddVariableInt("MouseAcceleration", "mouse_accel", "Controls the level of mouse acceleration (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsMouseAccelerationUpdate);
		VarMouseFilter = AddVariableInt("MouseFilter", "mouse_filter", "Controls whether mouse-filtering is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsMouseFilterUpdate);
		VarGamepadEnabled = AddVariableInt("Gamepad", "gamepad", "Controls whether gamepad is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsGamepadEnabledUpdate);
		VarMouseSensitivityHorizontal = AddVariableInt("MouseSensitivityHorizontal", "mouse_sensitivity_hor", "Controls the horizontal mouse sensitivity (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 25, VariableSettingsMouseSensitivityHorizontalUpdate);
		VarMouseSensitivityVertical = AddVariableInt("MouseSensitivityVertical", "mouse_sensitivity_vert", "Controls the vertical mouse sensitivity (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 25, VariableSettingsMouseSensitivityVerticalUpdate);
		VarMouseSensitivityVehicleHorizontal = AddVariableInt("MouseSensitivityVehicleHorizontal", "mouse_sensitivity_vehicle_hor", "Controls the horizontal mouse sensitivity for vehicles (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 25, VariableSettingsMouseSensitivityVehicleHorizontalUpdate);
		VarMouseSensitivityVehicleVertical = AddVariableInt("MouseSensitivityVehicleVertical", "mouse_sensitivity_vehicle_vert", "Controls the vertical mouse sensitivity for vehicles (0 - 100)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 25, VariableSettingsMouseSensitivityVehicleVerticalUpdate);
		VarPlayerMarkerColors = AddVariableString("PlayerMarkerColors", "markers", "Controls whether the player marker colors are default, ally or armor", eCommandFlagsArchived, "default", VariableSettingsPlayerMarkerColorsUpdate);
		VarPostprocessingQuality = AddVariableString("PostprocessingQuality", "postprocessing", "Controls whether the postprocessing quality level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsPostprocessingQualityUpdate);
		VarShadowQuality = AddVariableString("ShadowQuality", "shadows", "Controls whether the shadow quality level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsShadowQualityUpdate);
		VarTextureFilteringQuality = AddVariableString("TextureFilteringQuality", "texture_filtering", "Controls whether the texture-filtering quality level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsTextureFilteringQualityUpdate);
		VarTextureResolution = AddVariableString("TextureResolution", "textures", "Controls whether the texture resolution level is low, medium or high", eCommandFlagsArchived, "high", VariableSettingsTextureResolutionUpdate);
		VarToggleCrouch = AddVariableInt("ToggleCrouch", "toggle_crouch", "Controls whether crouch-toggling is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableSettingsToggleCrouchUpdate);
		VarVSync = AddVariableInt("VSync", "vsync", "Controls whether vertical sync is enabled (1) or disabled (0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableSettingsVSyncUpdate);
		VarMasterVolume = AddVariableInt("MasterVolume", "volume", "Controls the master volume", CommandFlags(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsDontUpdateInitial), 100, VariableSettingsMasterVolumeUpdated);
		VarSfxVolume = AddVariableInt("SfxVolume", "volume_sfx", "Controls the sfx volume", CommandFlags(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsDontUpdateInitial), 100, VariableSettingsSfxVolumeUpdated);
		VarMusicVolume = AddVariableInt("MusicVolume", "volume_music", "Controls the music volume", CommandFlags(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsDontUpdateInitial), 100, VariableSettingsMusicVolumeUpdated);
		VarAudioOutputDevice = AddVariableInt("AudioOutputDevice", "audio_out", "Sets the audio output device to use (0) being system default", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0, VariableAudioOutputDeviceUpdated);

		AddCommand("AudioOutputDeviceList", "audio_out_devs", "List available audio output devices", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandAudioOutputDeviceList);
		AddCommand("Reset", "settings_reset", "Restores default settings", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandResetSettings);
Exemple #3
	ModuleVoIP::ModuleVoIP() : ModuleBase("VoIP")
		VarVoipEnabled = AddVariableInt("Enabled", "enabled", "Toggle voip on or off", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarVoipEnabled->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarVoipEnabled->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarPTTEnabled = AddVariableInt("PTT_Enabled", "ptt_enabled", "Enable PTT(1) or voice activation(0)", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarPTTEnabled->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarPTTEnabled->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarMicrophone = AddVariableString("MicrophoneID", "microphoneid", "microphone label to use for voip, blank is default device", eCommandFlagsArchived, "");

		VarEchoCancellation = AddVariableInt("EchoCancelation", "echocancellation", "Toggle echo cancellation", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarEchoCancellation->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarEchoCancellation->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarAGC = AddVariableInt("AGC", "agc", "Toggle automatic gain control", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarAGC->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarAGC->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarNoiseSupress = AddVariableInt("NoiseSupress", "noisesupress", "Toggle noise supression", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarNoiseSupress->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarNoiseSupress->ValueIntMax = 1;

		AddCommand("Update", "voip_update", "Updates the voip screen layer with variable states", eCommandFlagsNone, UpdateVoip);

		VarPTTSoundEnabled = AddVariableInt("PTTSoundEnabled", "ptt_sound_enabled", "Toggles the sound played when using Push-To-Talk.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarPTTSoundEnabled->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarPTTSoundEnabled->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarSpeakingPlayerOnHUD = AddVariableInt("SpeakingPlayerOnHUD", "speaking_player_hud", "Shows the speaking player on the HUD, rather than the web overlay.", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarSpeakingPlayerOnHUD->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarSpeakingPlayerOnHUD->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarStereoVoice = AddVariableInt("StereoVoice", "stereo_voice", "Allow stereo voice chat", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1);
		VarStereoVoice->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarStereoVoice->ValueIntMax = 1;

Exemple #4
	ModulePlayer::ModulePlayer() : ModuleBase("Player")
		VarArmorAccessory = AddVariableString("Armor.Accessory", "armor_accessory", "Armor ID for player accessory", eCommandFlagsArchived, "", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarArmorArms = AddVariableString("Armor.Arms", "armor_arms", "Armor ID for player arms", eCommandFlagsArchived, "", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarArmorChest = AddVariableString("Armor.Chest", "armor_chest", "Armor ID for player chest", eCommandFlagsArchived, "", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarArmorHelmet = AddVariableString("Armor.Helmet", "armor_helmet", "Armor ID for player helmet", eCommandFlagsArchived, "", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarArmorLegs = AddVariableString("Armor.Legs", "armor_legs", "Armor ID for player legs", eCommandFlagsArchived, "", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarArmorPelvis = AddVariableString("Armor.Pelvis", "armor_pelvis", "Armor ID for player pelvis", eCommandFlagsArchived, "", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarArmorShoulders = AddVariableString("Armor.Shoulders", "armor_shoulders", "Armor ID for player shoulders", eCommandFlagsArchived, "", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);

		VarColorsPrimary = AddVariableString("Colors.Primary", "colors_primary", "The primary colors hex value", eCommandFlagsArchived, "#000000", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarColorsSecondary = AddVariableString("Colors.Secondary", "colors_secondary", "The secondary colors hex value", eCommandFlagsArchived, "#000000", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarColorsVisor = AddVariableString("Colors.Visor", "colors_visor", "The visor colors hex value", eCommandFlagsArchived, "#000000", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarColorsLights = AddVariableString("Colors.Lights", "colors_lights", "The lights colors hex value", eCommandFlagsArchived, "#000000", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarColorsHolo = AddVariableString("Colors.Holo", "colors_holo", "The holo colors hex value", eCommandFlagsArchived, "#000000", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);

		VarRenderWeapon = AddVariableString("RenderWeapon", "render_weapon", "The weapon to display on the player's render mannequin", eCommandFlagsArchived, "assault_rifle", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);

		VarPlayerName = AddVariableString("Name", "name", "The players ingame name", eCommandFlagsArchived, "Jasper", VariablePlayerNameUpdate);
		// hack to add a small notice before Player.PrivKey in the cfg file
		AddVariableString("PrivKeyNote", "priv_key_note", "", (CommandFlags)(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsHidden), "The PrivKey below is used to keep your stats safe. Treat it like a password and don't share it with anyone!");
		VarPlayerPrivKey = AddVariableString("PrivKey", "player_privkey", "The players unique stats private key", (CommandFlags)(eCommandFlagsOmitValueInList | eCommandFlagsArchived), "");
		VarPlayerPubKey = AddVariableString("PubKey", "player_pubkey", "The players unique stats public key", (CommandFlags)(eCommandFlagsOmitValueInList | eCommandFlagsArchived), "");
		memset(this->UserName, 0, sizeof(wchar_t)* 17);

		AddCommand("PrintUID", "uid", "Prints the players UID", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandPlayerPrintUID);

		// patch Game_GetPlayerName to get the name from our field

		// patch BLF save func to get the name from our field

		char* defaultNames[51] = {
			"Donut", "Penguin", "Stumpy", "Whicker", "Shadow", "Howard", "Wilshire",
			"Darling", "Disco", "Jack", "The Bear", "Sneak", "The Big ", "Whisp",
			"Wheezy", "Crazy", "Goat", "Pirate", "Saucy", "Hambone", "Butcher",
			"Walla Walla", "Snake", "Caboose", "Sleepy", "Killer", "Stompy",
			"Mopey", "Dopey", "Wease", "Ghost", "Dasher", "Grumpy", "Hollywood",
			"Tooth", "Noodle", "King", "Cupid", "Prancer", "Pyong", "Jasper",
			"Fish", "Moose", "Banana", "Peanut", "Code", "Upvote", "Commit"

		srand((unsigned int)time(0));
		Modules::CommandMap::Instance().SetVariable(VarPlayerName, std::string(defaultNames[rand() % 51]), std::string());
Exemple #5
	ModuleGame::ModuleGame() : ModuleBase("Game")
		AddCommand("LogLevel", "loglevel", "Debug log verbosity level", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLogLevel, { "trace|info|warning|error|none The log verbosity level" });

		AddCommand("LogTypes", "logtypes", "Chooses which kinds of debug messages to print to the log file", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLogTypes, { "game|network|graphics|memory|sound|input|debug|all|none The message types to log" });

		AddCommand("LogFilter", "debug_filter", "Allows you to set filters to apply to the debug messages", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLogFilter, { "include/exclude The type of filter", "add/remove Add or remove the filter", "string The filter to add" });

		AddCommand("Info", "info", "Displays information about the game", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameInfo);

		AddCommand("Exit", "exit", "Ends the game process", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameExit);

		AddCommand("ForceLoad", "forceload", "Forces a map to load", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameForceLoad, { "mapname(string) The name of the map to load", "gametype(int) The gametype to load", "gamemode(int) The type of gamemode to play", });

		AddCommand("ShowUI", "show_ui", "Attempts to force a UI widget to open", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameShowUI, { "dialogID(int) The dialog ID to open", "arg1(int) Unknown argument", "flags(int) Unknown argument", "parentdialogID(int) The ID of the parent dialog" });

		AddCommand("Map", "map", "Loads a map or map variant", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLoadMap, { "name(string) The internal name of the map or Forge map to load" });

		AddCommand("GameType", "gametype", "Loads a gametype", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameType, { "name(string) The internal name of the built-in gametype or custom gametype to load" });

		AddCommand("Start", "start", "Starts or restarts the game", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameStart);

		AddCommand("Stop", "stop", "Stops the game, goes back to lobby", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameStop);

		AddCommand("Version", "version", "Displays the game's version", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameVersion);

		AddCommand("SetMenuEnabled", "set_menu", "Sets whether the server browser is currently open", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameSetMenuEnabled);

		AddCommand("DeleteForgeItem", "forge_delete", "Delete the Forge item under the crosshairs", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandDeleteForgeItem);

		AddCommand("ListMaps", "maps", "List all available map files", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandListMaps);
		VarMenuURL = AddVariableString("MenuURL", "menu_url", "url(string) The URL of the page you want to load inside the menu", eCommandFlagsArchived, "");

		VarLanguageID = AddVariableInt("LanguageID", "languageid", "The index of the language to use", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarLanguageID->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarLanguageID->ValueIntMax = 11;

		VarSkipLauncher = AddVariableInt("SkipLauncher", "launcher", "Skip requiring the launcher", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarSkipLauncher->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarSkipLauncher->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarSkipTitleSplash = AddVariableInt("SkipTitleSplash", "titlesplash", "Skip the ElDewrito splash screen and go straight to the main menu", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarSkipTitleSplash->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarSkipTitleSplash->ValueIntMax = 1;

		VarLogName = AddVariableString("LogName", "debug_logname", "Filename to store debug log messages", eCommandFlagsArchived, "dorito.log");

		VarRconPort = AddVariableInt("RconPort", "rcon_port", "The port to use for rcon in this instance of the game", eCommandFlagsArchived, 11776);

		VarMedalPack = AddVariableString("MedalPack", "medals", "The name of the medal pack to use", eCommandFlagsArchived, "default");

		// Level load patch
		Patch::NopFill(Pointer::Base(0x2D26DF), 5);

		/*EXAMPLES: adds a variable "Game.Name", default value ElDewrito, calls VariableGameNameUpdate when value is updated
		AddVariableString("Name", "gamename", "Title of the game", "ElDewrito", VariableGameNameUpdate);

		// adds a variable "Game.Year", default value 2015, clamped to [1994..3030]
		auto cmd = AddVariableInt("Year", "gameyear", "The current year", 2015);
		cmd->ValueIntMin = 1994;
		cmd->ValueIntMax = 3030;

		// adds a variable "Game.Money", default value 1.86
		AddVariableFloat("Money", "gamemoney", "Your mothers hourly rate", 1.86f);*/
Exemple #6
	ModuleGame::ModuleGame() : ModuleBase("Game")
		AddCommand("LogMode", "debug", "Chooses which debug messages to print to the log file", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLogMode, { "network|ssl|ui|game1|game2|all|off The log mode to enable" });

		AddCommand("LogFilter", "debug_filter", "Allows you to set filters to apply to the debug messages", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLogFilter, { "include/exclude The type of filter", "add/remove Add or remove the filter", "string The filter to add" });

		AddCommand("Info", "info", "Displays information about the game", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameInfo);

		AddCommand("Exit", "exit", "Ends the game process", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameExit);

		AddCommand("ForceLoad", "forceload", "Forces a map to load", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameForceLoad, { "mapname(string) The name of the map to load", "gametype(int) The gametype to load", "gamemode(int) The type of gamemode to play", });

		AddCommand("ShowUI", "show_ui", "Attempts to force a UI widget to open", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameShowUI, { "dialogID(int) The dialog ID to open", "arg1(int) Unknown argument", "flags(int) Unknown argument", "parentdialogID(int) The ID of the parent dialog" });

		AddCommand("Map", "map", "Loads a map or map variant", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameLoadMap, { "name(string) The internal name of the map or Forge map to load" });

		AddCommand("GameType", "gametype", "Loads a gametype", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameType, { "name(string) The internal name of the built-in gametype or custom gametype to load" });

		AddCommand("Start", "start", "Starts or restarts the game", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameStart);

		AddCommand("Version", "version", "Displays the game's version", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameVersion);

		AddCommand("SetMenuEnabled", "set_menu", "Sets whether the menu is currently open", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandGameSetMenuEnabled);

		AddCommand("DeleteForgeItem", "forge_delete", "Delete the Forge item under the crosshairs", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandDeleteForgeItem);
		VarMenuURL = AddVariableString("MenuURL", "menu_url", "url(string) The URL of the page you want to load inside the menu", eCommandFlagsArchived, "");

		VarLanguageID = AddVariableInt("LanguageID", "languageid", "The index of the language to use", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarLanguageID->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarLanguageID->ValueIntMax = 11;

		VarSkipLauncher = AddVariableInt("SkipLauncher", "launcher", "Skip requiring the launcher", eCommandFlagsArchived, 0);
		VarSkipLauncher->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarSkipLauncher->ValueIntMax = 0;

		VarLogName = AddVariableString("LogName", "debug_logname", "Filename to store debug log messages", eCommandFlagsArchived, "dorito.log");

		// Level load patch
		Patch::NopFill(Pointer::Base(0x2D26DF), 5);

		//populate map list on load
		WIN32_FIND_DATA Finder;
		HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile((ElDorito::Instance().GetDirectory() + "\\maps\\*.map").c_str(), &Finder);
				if (!(Finder.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
					std::string MapName(Finder.cFileName);
					//remove extension
					MapList.push_back(MapName.substr(0, MapName.find_last_of('.')));
			} while (FindNextFile(hFind, &Finder) != 0);

		/*EXAMPLES: adds a variable "Game.Name", default value ElDewrito, calls VariableGameNameUpdate when value is updated
		AddVariableString("Name", "gamename", "Title of the game", "ElDewrito", VariableGameNameUpdate);

		// adds a variable "Game.Year", default value 2015, clamped to [1994..3030]
		auto cmd = AddVariableInt("Year", "gameyear", "The current year", 2015);
		cmd->ValueIntMin = 1994;
		cmd->ValueIntMax = 3030;

		// adds a variable "Game.Money", default value 1.86
		AddVariableFloat("Money", "gamemoney", "Your mothers hourly rate", 1.86f);*/
Exemple #7
	ModuleServer::ModuleServer() : ModuleBase("Server")
		VarServerName = AddVariableString("Name", "server_name", "The name of the server", eCommandFlagsArchived, "HaloOnline Server");

		VarServerPassword = AddVariableString("Password", "password", "The server password", eCommandFlagsArchived, "");

		VarServerCountdown = AddVariableInt("Countdown", "countdown", "The number of seconds to wait at the start of the game", eCommandFlagsArchived, 5, VariableServerCountdownUpdate);
		VarServerCountdown->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarServerCountdown->ValueIntMax = 20;

		VarServerMaxPlayers = AddVariableInt("MaxPlayers", "maxplayers", "Maximum number of connected players", (CommandFlags)(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsRunOnMainMenu), 16, VariableServerMaxPlayersUpdate);
		VarServerMaxPlayers->ValueIntMin = 1;
		VarServerMaxPlayers->ValueIntMax = 16;

		VarServerPort = AddVariableInt("Port", "server_port", "The port number the HTTP server runs on, game uses different one", eCommandFlagsArchived, 11775);
		VarServerPort->ValueIntMin = 1;
		VarServerPort->ValueIntMax = 0xFFFF;

		VarServerShouldAnnounce = AddVariableInt("ShouldAnnounce", "should_announce", "Controls whether the server will be announced to the master servers", eCommandFlagsArchived, 1, VariableServerShouldAnnounceUpdate);
		VarServerShouldAnnounce->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarServerShouldAnnounce->ValueIntMax = 1;

		AddCommand("Connect", "connect", "Begins establishing a connection to a server", eCommandFlagsRunOnMainMenu, CommandServerConnect, { "host:port The server info to connect to", "password(string) The password for the server" });
		AddCommand("Announce", "announce", "Announces this server to the master servers", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerAnnounce);
		AddCommand("Unannounce", "unannounce", "Notifies the master servers to remove this server", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerUnannounce);

		AddCommand("AnnounceStats", "announcestats", "Announces the players stats to the masters at the end of the game", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandServerAnnounceStats);

		AddCommand("KickPlayer", "k", "Kicks a player from the game by name (host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerKickPlayer, { "playername The name of the player to kick" });
		AddCommand("KickBanPlayer", "kb", "Kicks and IP bans a player from the game by name (host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerBanPlayer, { "playername The name of the player to ban" });

		AddCommand("KickUid", "ku", "Kicks players from the game by UID (host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerKickPlayerUid, { "uid The UID of the players to kick" });
		AddCommand("KickBanUid", "kbu", "Kicks and IP bans players from the game by UID (host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerBanPlayerUid, { "uid The UID of the players to ban" });

		AddCommand("KickIndex", "ki", "Kicks a player from the game by index (host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerKickPlayerIndex, { "index The index of the player to kick" });
		AddCommand("KickBanIndex", "kbi", "Kicks and IP bans a player from the game by index (host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerBanPlayerIndex, { "index The index of the player to ban" });

		AddCommand("AddBan", "addban", "Adds to the ban list (does NOT kick anyone)", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandServerBan, { "type The ban type (only \"ip\" is supported for now)", "val The value to add to the ban list" });
		AddCommand("Unban", "unban", "Removes from the ban list", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandServerUnban, { "type The ban type (only \"ip\" is supported for now)", "val The value to remove from the ban list" });

		AddCommand("ListPlayers", "list", "Lists players in the game (currently host only)", eCommandFlagsHostOnly, CommandServerListPlayers);

		AddCommand("Ping", "ping", "Ping a server", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandServerPing, { "[ip] The IP address of the server to ping. Omit to ping the host." });
		VarServerMode = AddVariableInt("Mode", "mode", "Changes the game mode for the server. 0 = Xbox Live (Open Party); 1 = Xbox Live (Friends Only); 2 = Xbox Live (Invite Only); 3 = Online; 4 = Offline;", eCommandFlagsNone, 4, CommandServerMode);
		VarServerMode->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarServerMode->ValueIntMax = 4;

		VarServerLobbyType = AddVariableInt("LobbyType", "lobbytype", "Changes the lobby type for the server. 0 = Campaign; 1 = Matchmaking; 2 = Multiplayer; 3 = Forge; 4 = Theater;", eCommandFlagsDontUpdateInitial, 2, CommandServerLobbyType);
		VarServerMode->ValueIntMin = 0;
		VarServerMode->ValueIntMax = 4;

		VarServerSprintEnabled = AddVariableInt("SprintEnabled", "sprint", "Controls whether sprint is enabled on the server", static_cast<CommandFlags>(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsReplicated), 1);
		VarServerSprintEnabledClient = AddVariableInt("SprintEnabledClient", "sprint_client", "", eCommandFlagsInternal, 1, SprintEnabledChanged);
		Server::VariableSynchronization::Synchronize(VarServerSprintEnabled, VarServerSprintEnabledClient);

		VarServerSprintUnlimited = AddVariableInt("UnlimitedSprint", "unlimited_sprint", "Controls whether unlimited sprint is enabled on the server", static_cast<CommandFlags>(eCommandFlagsArchived | eCommandFlagsReplicated), 0);
		VarServerSprintUnlimitedClient = AddVariableInt("UnlimitedSprintClient", "unlimited_sprint_client", "", eCommandFlagsInternal, 0, UnlimitedSprintEnabledChanged);
		Server::VariableSynchronization::Synchronize(VarServerSprintUnlimited, VarServerSprintUnlimitedClient);

#ifdef _DEBUG
		// Synchronization system testing
		auto syncTestServer = AddVariableInt("SyncTest", "synctest", "Sync test server", eCommandFlagsHidden);
		auto syncTestClient = AddVariableInt("SyncTestClient", "synctestclient", "Sync test client", eCommandFlagsHidden);
		Server::VariableSynchronization::Synchronize(syncTestServer, syncTestClient);

Exemple #8
	ModulePlayer::ModulePlayer() : ModuleBase("Player")
		VarArmorHelmet = AddVariableString("Armor.Helmet", "armor_helmet", "Armor ID for player helmet", eCommandFlagsArchived, "", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarArmorChest = AddVariableString("Armor.Chest", "armor_chest", "Armor ID for player chest", eCommandFlagsArchived, "", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarArmorRightShoulder = AddVariableString("Armor.RightShoulder", "armor_right_shoulder", "Armor ID for player right shoulder", eCommandFlagsArchived, "", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarArmorLeftShoulder = AddVariableString("Armor.LeftShoulder", "armor_left_shoulder", "Armor ID for player left shoulder", eCommandFlagsArchived, "", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		AddCommand("Armor.Update", "armor_update", "Update the player's armor.", eCommandFlagsHidden, VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		AddCommand("Armor.SetUiModelPosition", "armor_ui_player_model_position", "Set the position of the ui player model", (CommandFlags)(eCommandFlagsOmitValueInList | eCommandFlagsHidden), CommandSetUiPlayerModelPosition);
		AddCommand("Armor.SetUiModelRotation", "armor_ui_player_model_rotation", "Set the rotation of the ui player model", (CommandFlags)(eCommandFlagsOmitValueInList | eCommandFlagsHidden), CommandSetUiPlayerModelRotation);

		AddCommand("AlertCarry", "alert_carry", "Toggle the alert carry pose", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandSetCarryType);

		VarColorsPrimary = AddVariableString("Colors.Primary", "colors_primary", "The primary colors hex value", eCommandFlagsArchived, "#171F0E", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarColorsSecondary = AddVariableString("Colors.Secondary", "colors_secondary", "The secondary colors hex value", eCommandFlagsArchived, "#171F0E", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarColorsVisor = AddVariableString("Colors.Visor", "colors_visor", "The visor colors hex value", eCommandFlagsArchived, "#FF7F00", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);
		VarColorsLights = AddVariableString("Colors.Lights", "colors_lights", "The lights colors hex value", eCommandFlagsArchived, "#9685FF", VariablePlayerArmorUpdate);

		VarRepresentation = AddVariableString("Representation", "player_race", "(DEBUG BUILDS ONLY) The representation to display for the player's render mannequin", eCommandFlagsInternal, "spartan", VariablePlayerRepresentationUpdate);

		VarPlayerName = AddVariableString("Name", "name", "The players ingame name", CommandFlags(eCommandFlagsArchived|eCommandFlagsNoReset), "Jasper", VariablePlayerNameUpdate);
		VarPlayerServiceTag = AddVariableString("ServiceTag", "service_tag", "The players service tag", eCommandFlagsArchived, "117", VariablePlayerServiceTagUpdate);
		VarPlayerGender = AddVariableString("Gender", "gender", "The players gender", eCommandFlagsArchived, "male", VariablePlayerGenderUpdate);

		// hack to add a small notice before Player.PrivKey in the cfg file
		AddVariableString("PrivKeyNote", "priv_key_note", "", (CommandFlags)(eCommandFlagsWriteToKeys | eCommandFlagsHidden), "The PrivKey below is used to keep your stats safe. Treat it like a password and don't share it with anyone!");
		VarPlayerPrivKey = AddVariableString("PrivKey", "player_privkey", "The players unique stats private key", (CommandFlags)(eCommandFlagsOmitValueInList | eCommandFlagsWriteToKeys), "");
		VarPlayerPubKey = AddVariableString("PubKey", "player_pubkey", "The players unique stats public key", (CommandFlags)(eCommandFlagsOmitValueInList | eCommandFlagsWriteToKeys), "");
		memset(this->UserName, 0, sizeof(wchar_t)* 17);

		AddCommand("PrintUID", "uid", "Prints the players UID", eCommandFlagsNone, CommandPlayerPrintUID);
		AddCommand("EncryptGmtTimestamp", "encryptgmttimestamp", "encrypts a timestamp using the player's private key.", eCommandFlagsHidden, GenerateTimestamp);

		// patch Game_GetPlayerName to get the name from our field

		// patch BLF save func to get the name from our field

		char* defaultNames[] = {
            "Mustard", "Sleepy", "Dopey", "Grumpy", "Mopey", "Sketch", "Crazy", "Saucy", "Wheezy", "Kitty",
            "Killer", "Steak", "Butcher", "Darling", "Disco", "Donut", "Cotton", "Stank", "Ratjar", "Noodle",
            "Weasel", "Snake", "Shadow", "Caboose", "King", "Sneak", "The Bear", "Ghost", "Penguin", "Coward",
            "Moogley", "Doggy Dog", "Potato", "Wilshire", "Pirate", "Wallace", "Tooth", "Goat", "Stumpy", "Stomp",
            "Winky", "Ling-ling", "Hippo", "Turtle", "Moose", "Derby", "Wiggly", "Bongo", "Skip", "Bork",
            "Lemon", "Hermit", "Ralfie", "Cheese", "Duke", "Badger", "Beagle", "Wort", "Wiggler", "Soffish",
            "Yodler", "Geronimo", "Darkman", "Snoozy", "Shaggy", "Banana", "Shiz", "Giant", "Slinky", "Pretzel",
            "Brutus", "Pinky", "Milo", "Monkey", "Bozo", "Grunty", "Bower", "Floss", "Nappy", "Gerbil",
            "Goose", "Scruffy", "Soap", "Polo", "Muffin", "Beast", "Clubby", "Surly", "Balin", "Poodle",
            "Snaz", "Jungle Jim", "Spork", "Grub", "Snook", "Spleen", "Pumpkin", "Custard",
            "Cracky", "Pickle", "Slim", "Lucky", "Pudding"

		srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(nullptr)));
		std::string randomName = defaultNames[rand() % _countof(defaultNames)];
		std::string previousValue;
		Modules::CommandMap::Instance().SetVariable(VarPlayerName, randomName, previousValue);
		Modules::CommandMap::Instance().SetVariable(VarPlayerServiceTag, GenerateRandomServiceTag(), previousValue);