static void onPingResponse(enum SwitchPinger_Result result,
                           uint64_t label,
                           String* data,
                           uint32_t millisecondsLag,
                           uint32_t version,
                           void* onResponseContext)
    if (SwitchPinger_Result_OK != result) {
    struct IFCPeer* ep = Identity_cast((struct IFCPeer*) onResponseContext);
    struct Context* ic = ifcontrollerForPeer(ep);

    struct Address addr;
    Bits_memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct Address));
    Bits_memcpyConst(addr.key, CryptoAuth_getHerPublicKey(ep->cryptoAuthIf), 32);
    addr.path = ep->switchLabel;
    Log_debug(ic->logger, "got switch pong from node with version [%d]", version);
    RouterModule_addNode(ic->routerModule, &addr, version);

    #ifdef Log_DEBUG
        // This will be false if it times out.
        //Assert_true(label == ep->switchLabel);
        uint8_t path[20];
        AddrTools_printPath(path, label);
        uint8_t sl[20];
        AddrTools_printPath(sl, ep->switchLabel);
        Log_debug(ic->logger, "Received [%s] from lazy endpoint [%s]  [%s]",
                  SwitchPinger_resultString(result)->bytes, path, sl);
static void onPingResponse(struct SwitchPinger_Response* resp, void* onResponseContext)
    if (SwitchPinger_Result_OK != resp->res) {
    struct InterfaceController_Peer* ep =
        Identity_check((struct InterfaceController_Peer*) onResponseContext);
    struct InterfaceController_pvt* ic = ifcontrollerForPeer(ep);

    struct Address addr;
    Bits_memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct Address));
    Bits_memcpyConst(addr.key, CryptoAuth_getHerPublicKey(ep->cryptoAuthIf), 32);
    addr.path = ep->switchLabel;
    addr.protocolVersion = resp->version;

    #ifdef Log_DEBUG
        uint8_t addrStr[60];
        Address_print(addrStr, &addr);
        uint8_t key[56];
        Base32_encode(key, 56, CryptoAuth_getHerPublicKey(ep->cryptoAuthIf), 32);

    if (!Version_isCompatible(Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL, resp->version)) {
        Log_debug(ic->logger, "got switch pong from node [%s] with incompatible version [%d]",
                  key, resp->version);
    } else {
        Log_debug(ic->logger, "got switch pong from node [%s] with version [%d]",
                  key, resp->version);

    if (!ep->timeOfLastPing) {
        // We've never heard from this machine before (or we've since forgotten about it)
        // This is here because we want the tests to function without the janitor present.
        // Other than that, it just makes a slightly more synchronous/guaranteed setup.
        Router_sendGetPeers(ic->router, &addr, 0, 0, ic->allocator);

    struct Node_Link* link = Router_linkForPath(ic->router, resp->label);
    if (!link || !Node_getBestParent(link->child)) {
        RumorMill_addNode(ic->rumorMill, &addr);
    } else {
        Log_debug(ic->logger, "link exists");

    ep->timeOfLastPing = Time_currentTimeMilliseconds(ic->eventBase);

    #ifdef Log_DEBUG
        // This will be false if it times out.
        //Assert_true(label == ep->switchLabel);
        uint8_t path[20];
        AddrTools_printPath(path, resp->label);
        uint8_t sl[20];
        AddrTools_printPath(sl, ep->switchLabel);
        Log_debug(ic->logger, "Received [%s] from lazy endpoint [%s]  [%s]",
                  SwitchPinger_resultString(resp->res)->bytes, path, sl);
Exemple #3
static void adminPingOnResponse(struct SwitchPinger_Response* resp, void* vping)
    struct Allocator* pingAlloc = resp->ping->pingAlloc;
    struct Ping* ping = vping;

    Dict* rd = Dict_new(pingAlloc);

    if (resp->res == SwitchPinger_Result_LABEL_MISMATCH) {
        uint8_t path[20] = {0};
        AddrTools_printPath(path, resp->label);
        String* pathStr = String_new(path, pingAlloc);
        Dict_putString(rd, String_CONST("rpath"), pathStr, pingAlloc);

    Dict_putInt(rd, String_CONST("version"), resp->version, pingAlloc);
    Dict_putInt(rd, String_CONST("ms"), resp->milliseconds, pingAlloc);
    Dict_putString(rd, String_CONST("result"), SwitchPinger_resultString(resp->res), pingAlloc);
    Dict_putString(rd, String_CONST("path"), ping->path, pingAlloc);
    if (resp->data) {
        Dict_putString(rd, String_CONST("data"), resp->data, pingAlloc);

    if (!Bits_isZero(resp->key, 32)) {
        Dict_putString(rd, String_CONST("key"), Key_stringify(resp->key, pingAlloc), pingAlloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(rd, ping->txid, ping->context->admin);
Exemple #4
static void lookup(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc)
    struct Context* ctx = vcontext;
    String* addrStr = Dict_getString(args, String_CONST("address"));
    char* err = NULL;
    uint8_t addr[16];
    uint8_t resultBuff[60];
    char* result = (char*) resultBuff;
    if (addrStr->len != 39) {
        err = "address wrong length";
    } else if (AddrTools_parseIp(addr, (uint8_t*) addrStr->bytes)) {
        err = "failed to parse address";
    } else {
        struct Node_Two* n = Router_lookup(ctx->router, addr);
        if (!n) {
            result = "not found";
        } else if (Bits_memcmp(addr, n->address.ip6.bytes, 16)) {
            Address_print(resultBuff, &n->address);
        } else {
            AddrTools_printPath(resultBuff, n->address.path);
    Dict response = Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST((err) ? err : "none")), Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("result"), String_OBJ(String_CONST(result)), NULL
    Admin_sendMessage(&response, txid, ctx->admin);
Exemple #5
static Iface_DEFUN switchErr(struct Message* msg, struct Pathfinder_pvt* pf)
    struct PFChan_Core_SwitchErr switchErr;
    Message_pop(msg, &switchErr, PFChan_Core_SwitchErr_MIN_SIZE, NULL);

    uint64_t path = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(;
    uint64_t pathAtErrorHop = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchErr.ctrlErr.cause.label_be);

    uint8_t pathStr[20];
    AddrTools_printPath(pathStr, path);
    int err = Endian_bigEndianToHost32(switchErr.ctrlErr.errorType_be);
    Log_debug(pf->log, "switch err from [%s] type [%s][%d]", pathStr, Error_strerror(err), err);

    struct Node_Link* link = NodeStore_linkForPath(pf->nodeStore, path);
    uint8_t nodeAddr[16];
    if (link) {
        Bits_memcpy(nodeAddr, link->child->address.ip6.bytes, 16);

    NodeStore_brokenLink(pf->nodeStore, path, pathAtErrorHop);

    if (link) {
        // Don't touch the node again, it might be a dangling pointer
        SearchRunner_search(nodeAddr, 20, 3, pf->searchRunner, pf->alloc);

    return NULL;
static void adminPeerStats(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid)
    struct Context* context = vcontext;
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(context->alloc);
    struct InterfaceController_peerStats* stats = NULL;

    int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page"));
    int i = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0;

    int count = context->ic->getPeerStats(context->ic, alloc, &stats);

    String* bytesIn = String_CONST("bytesIn");
    String* bytesOut = String_CONST("bytesOut");
    String* pubKey = String_CONST("publicKey");
    String* state = String_CONST("state");
    String* last = String_CONST("last");
    String* switchLabel = String_CONST("switchLabel");
    String* isIncoming = String_CONST("isIncoming");

    List* list = NULL;
    for (int counter=0; i < count && counter++ < ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; i++) {
        Dict* d = Dict_new(alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, bytesIn, stats[i].bytesIn, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, bytesOut, stats[i].bytesOut, alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, pubKey, Key_stringify(stats[i].pubKey, alloc), alloc);

        String* stateString = String_new(InterfaceController_stateString(stats[i].state), alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, state, stateString, alloc);

        Dict_putInt(d, last, stats[i].timeOfLastMessage, alloc);

        uint8_t labelStack[20];
        AddrTools_printPath(labelStack, stats[i].switchLabel);
        Dict_putString(d, switchLabel, String_new((char*)labelStack, alloc), alloc);

        Dict_putInt(d, isIncoming, stats[i].isIncomingConnection, alloc);

        list = List_addDict(list, d, alloc);

    Dict response = Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("peers"), List_OBJ(list), Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("total"), Int_OBJ(count), NULL

    if (i < count) {
      response = Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("more"), Int_OBJ(1), response

    Admin_sendMessage(&response, txid, context->admin);

Exemple #7
static void dumpTable(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vcontext);
    int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page"));
    int ctr = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0;

    Dict* out = Dict_new(requestAlloc);
    List* table = List_new(requestAlloc);
    struct Node_Two* nn = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < ctr+ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; i++) {
        nn = NodeStore_getNextNode(ctx->store, nn);
        if (!nn) { break; }
        if (i < ctr) { continue; }
        Dict* nodeDict = Dict_new(requestAlloc);

        String* ip = String_newBinary(NULL, 39, requestAlloc);
        Address_printIp(ip->bytes, &nn->address);
        Dict_putString(nodeDict, String_CONST("ip"), ip, requestAlloc);

        String* addr = Address_toString(&nn->address, requestAlloc);
        Dict_putString(nodeDict, String_CONST("addr"), addr, requestAlloc);

        String* path = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, requestAlloc);
        AddrTools_printPath(path->bytes, nn->address.path);
        Dict_putString(nodeDict, String_CONST("path"), path, requestAlloc);

        Dict_putInt(nodeDict, String_CONST("link"), Node_getCost(nn), requestAlloc);
        Dict_putInt(nodeDict, String_CONST("version"), nn->address.protocolVersion, requestAlloc);

                    NodeStore_timeSinceLastPing(ctx->store, nn),

                    NodeStore_bucketForAddr(ctx->store->selfAddress, &nn->address),

        List_addDict(table, nodeDict, requestAlloc);
    Dict_putList(out, String_CONST("routingTable"), table, requestAlloc);

    if (nn) {
        Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("more"), 1, requestAlloc);
    Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("count"), ctx->store->nodeCount, requestAlloc);
    Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("peers"), ctx->store->peerCount, requestAlloc);

    Dict_putString(out, String_CONST("deprecation"),
        String_CONST("ip,path,version will soon be removed"), requestAlloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(out, txid, ctx->admin);
Exemple #8
 * Handle an incoming control message from a switch.
 * @param context the ducttape context.
 * @param message the control message, this should be alligned on the beginning of the content,
 *                that is to say, after the end of the switch header.
 * @param switchHeader the header.
 * @param switchIf the interface which leads to the switch.
 * @param isFormV8 true if the control message is in the form specified by protocol version 8+
static Iface_DEFUN incomingFromCore(struct Message* msg, struct Iface* coreIf)
    struct ControlHandler_pvt* ch = Identity_check((struct ControlHandler_pvt*) coreIf);

    struct RouteHeader routeHdr;
    Message_pop(msg, &routeHdr, RouteHeader_SIZE, NULL);
    uint8_t labelStr[20];
    uint64_t label = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(;
    AddrTools_printPath(labelStr, label);
    // happens in benchmark
    // Log_debug(ch->log, "ctrl packet from [%s]", labelStr);

    if (msg->length < 4 + Control_Header_SIZE) {
        Log_info(ch->log, "DROP runt ctrl packet from [%s]", labelStr);
        return NULL;

    Assert_true(routeHdr.flags & RouteHeader_flags_CTRLMSG);

    if (Checksum_engine(msg->bytes, msg->length)) {
        Log_info(ch->log, "DROP ctrl packet from [%s] with invalid checksum", labelStr);
        return NULL;

    struct Control* ctrl = (struct Control*) msg->bytes;

    if (ctrl->header.type_be == Control_ERROR_be) {
        return handleError(msg, ch, label, labelStr);

    } else if (ctrl->header.type_be == Control_KEYPING_be
            || ctrl->header.type_be == Control_PING_be)
        return handlePing(msg, ch, label, labelStr, ctrl->header.type_be);

    } else if (ctrl->header.type_be == Control_KEYPONG_be
            || ctrl->header.type_be == Control_PONG_be)
        Log_debug(ch->log, "got switch pong from [%s]", labelStr);
        Message_push(msg, &routeHdr, RouteHeader_SIZE, NULL);
        return Iface_next(&ch->pub.switchPingerIf, msg);

    Log_info(ch->log, "DROP control packet of unknown type from [%s], type [%d]",
             labelStr, Endian_bigEndianToHost16(ctrl->header.type_be));

    return NULL;
 * Handle an incoming control message from a switch.
 * @param context the ducttape context.
 * @param message the control message, this should be alligned on the beginning of the content,
 *                that is to say, after the end of the switch header.
 * @param switchHeader the header.
 * @param switchIf the interface which leads to the switch.
 * @param isFormV8 true if the control message is in the form specified by protocol version 8+
static Iface_DEFUN incomingFromCore(struct Message* msg, struct Iface* coreIf)
    struct ControlHandler_pvt* ch = Identity_check((struct ControlHandler_pvt*) coreIf);

    struct SwitchHeader switchHeader;
    Message_pop(msg, &switchHeader, SwitchHeader_SIZE, NULL);
    uint8_t labelStr[20];
    uint64_t label = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader.label_be);
    AddrTools_printPath(labelStr, label);
    Log_debug(ch->log, "ctrl packet from [%s]", labelStr);

    if (msg->length < 4 + Control_Header_SIZE) {
        Log_info(ch->log, "DROP runt ctrl packet from [%s]", labelStr);
        return NULL;

    Assert_true(Message_pop32(msg, NULL) == 0xffffffff);

    if (Checksum_engine(msg->bytes, msg->length)) {
        Log_info(ch->log, "DROP ctrl packet from [%s] with invalid checksum", labelStr);
        return NULL;

    struct Control* ctrl = (struct Control*) msg->bytes;

    if (ctrl->header.type_be == Control_ERROR_be) {
        return handleError(msg, ch, label, labelStr);

    } else if (ctrl->header.type_be == Control_KEYPING_be
            || ctrl->header.type_be == Control_PING_be)
        return handlePing(msg, ch, label, labelStr, ctrl->header.type_be);

    } else if (ctrl->header.type_be == Control_KEYPONG_be
            || ctrl->header.type_be == Control_PONG_be)
        Log_debug(ch->log, "got switch pong from [%s]", labelStr);
        // Shift back over the header
        Message_shift(msg, 4 + SwitchHeader_SIZE, NULL);
        return Iface_next(&ch->pub.switchPingerIf, msg);

    Log_info(ch->log, "DROP control packet of unknown type from [%s], type [%d]",
             labelStr, Endian_bigEndianToHost16(ctrl->header.type_be));

    return NULL;
Exemple #10
static void getRouteLabel(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vcontext);

    char* err = NULL;

    String* pathToParentS = Dict_getString(args, String_CONST("pathToParent"));
    uint64_t pathToParent = 0;
    if (pathToParentS->len != 19 || AddrTools_parsePath(&pathToParent, pathToParentS->bytes)) {
        err = "parse_pathToParent";

    String* pathParentToChildS = Dict_getString(args, String_CONST("pathParentToChild"));
    uint64_t pathParentToChild = 0;
    if (pathParentToChildS->len != 19
        || AddrTools_parsePath(&pathParentToChild, pathParentToChildS->bytes))
        err = "parse_pathParentToChild";

    uint64_t label = UINT64_MAX;
    if (!err) {
        label = NodeStore_getRouteLabel(ctx->store, pathToParent, pathParentToChild);
        err = NodeStore_getRouteLabel_strerror(label);
    Dict* response = Dict_new(requestAlloc);
    if (!err) {
        String* printedPath = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, requestAlloc);
        AddrTools_printPath(printedPath->bytes, label);
        Dict_putString(response, String_new("result", requestAlloc), printedPath, requestAlloc);
                       String_new("error", requestAlloc),
                       String_new("none", requestAlloc),
        Admin_sendMessage(response, txid, ctx->admin);
    } else {
                       String_new("error", requestAlloc),
                       String_new(err, requestAlloc),
        Admin_sendMessage(response, txid, ctx->admin);
Exemple #11
static void onPingResponse(struct SwitchPinger_Response* resp, void* onResponseContext)
    if (SwitchPinger_Result_OK != resp->res) {
    struct Peer* ep = Identity_check((struct Peer*) onResponseContext);
    struct InterfaceController_pvt* ic = Identity_check(ep->ici->ic);

    ep->addr.protocolVersion = resp->version;

    if (Defined(Log_DEBUG)) {
        String* addr = Address_toString(&ep->addr, resp->ping->pingAlloc);
        if (!Version_isCompatible(Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL, resp->version)) {
            Log_debug(ic->logger, "got switch pong from node [%s] with incompatible version",
        } else if (ep->addr.path != resp->label) {
            uint8_t sl[20];
            AddrTools_printPath(sl, resp->label);
            Log_debug(ic->logger, "got switch pong from node [%s] mismatch label [%s]",
                                  addr->bytes, sl);
        } else {
            Log_debug(ic->logger, "got switch pong from node [%s]", addr->bytes);

    if (!Version_isCompatible(Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL, resp->version)) {

    if (ep->state == InterfaceController_PeerState_ESTABLISHED) {
        sendPeer(0xffffffff, PFChan_Core_PEER, ep);

    ep->timeOfLastPing = Time_currentTimeMilliseconds(ic->eventBase);

    if (Defined(Log_DEBUG)) {
        String* addr = Address_toString(&ep->addr, resp->ping->pingAlloc);
        Log_debug(ic->logger, "Received [%s] from lazy endpoint [%s]",
                  SwitchPinger_resultString(resp->res)->bytes, addr->bytes);
static void mkNextRequest(struct ReachabilityCollector_pvt* rcp)
    struct PeerInfo_pvt* pi = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < rcp->piList->length; i++) {
        pi = ArrayList_OfPeerInfo_pvt_get(rcp->piList, i);
        if (pi->pub.querying && !pi->waitForResponse) { break; }
    if (!pi || !pi->pub.querying) {
        Log_debug(rcp->log, "All [%u] peers have been queried", rcp->piList->length);
    if (pi->waitForResponse) {
        Log_debug(rcp->log, "Peer is waiting for response.");
    struct MsgCore_Promise* query =
        MsgCore_createQuery(rcp->msgCore, TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS, rcp->alloc);
    struct Query* q = Allocator_calloc(query->alloc, sizeof(struct Query), 1);
    q->rcp = rcp;
    q->addr = Address_toString(&pi->pub.addr, query->alloc);
    query->userData = q;
    query->cb = onReply;
    query->target = Address_clone(&pi->pub.addr, query->alloc);
    Dict* d = query->msg = Dict_new(query->alloc);
    Dict_putStringCC(d, "q", "gp", query->alloc);
    uint64_t label_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian64(pi->pathToCheck);
    uint8_t nearbyLabelBytes[8];
    Bits_memcpy(nearbyLabelBytes, &label_be, 8);

    AddrTools_printPath(q->targetPath, pi->pathToCheck);
    Log_debug(rcp->log, "Getting peers for peer [%s] tar [%s]", q->addr->bytes, q->targetPath);

    Dict_putStringC(d, "tar",
        String_newBinary(nearbyLabelBytes, 8, query->alloc), query->alloc);
    BoilerplateResponder_addBoilerplate(rcp->br, d, &pi->pub.addr, query->alloc);

    pi->waitForResponse = true;
Exemple #13
 * This is called as sendMessage() by the switch.
 * There is only one switch interface which sends all traffic.
 * message is aligned on the beginning of the switch header.
static uint8_t incomingFromSwitch(struct Message* message, struct Interface* switchIf)
    struct Ducttape_pvt* context = Identity_cast((struct Ducttape_pvt*)switchIf->senderContext);

    struct Ducttape_MessageHeader* dtHeader = getDtHeader(message, true);

    struct Headers_SwitchHeader* switchHeader = (struct Headers_SwitchHeader*) message->bytes;
    Message_shift(message, -Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);

    // The label comes in reversed from the switch because the switch doesn't know that we aren't
    // another switch ready to parse more bits, bit reversing the label yields the source address.
    switchHeader->label_be = Bits_bitReverse64(switchHeader->label_be);

    if (Headers_getMessageType(switchHeader) == Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_CONTROL) {
        return handleControlMessage(context, message, switchHeader, switchIf);

    if (message->length < 8) {
        Log_info(context->logger, "runt");
        return Error_INVALID;

    #ifdef Version_2_COMPAT
    translateVersion2(message, dtHeader);

    // #1 try to get the session using the handle.

    uint32_t nonceOrHandle = Endian_bigEndianToHost32(((uint32_t*)message->bytes)[0]);

    struct SessionManager_Session* session = NULL;

    if (nonceOrHandle > 3) {
        // Run message, it's a handle.
        session = SessionManager_sessionForHandle(nonceOrHandle, context->sm);
        Message_shift(message, -4);
        if (session) {
            uint32_t nonce = Endian_bigEndianToHost32(((uint32_t*)message->bytes)[0]);
            if (nonce == ~0u) {
                Log_debug(context->logger, "Got connectToMe packet at switch layer");
                return 0;
            debugHandlesAndLabel(context->logger, session,
                                 "running session nonce[%u]",
            dtHeader->receiveHandle = nonceOrHandle;
        } else {
            Log_debug(context->logger, "Got message with unrecognized handle");
    } else if (message->length >= Headers_CryptoAuth_SIZE) {
        union Headers_CryptoAuth* caHeader = (union Headers_CryptoAuth*) message->bytes;
        uint8_t ip6[16];
        uint8_t* herKey = caHeader->handshake.publicKey;
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ip6, herKey);
        // a packet which claims to be "from us" causes problems
        if (AddressCalc_validAddress(ip6) && Bits_memcmp(ip6, &context->myAddr, 16)) {
            session = SessionManager_getSession(ip6, herKey, context->sm);
            debugHandlesAndLabel(context->logger, session,
                                 "new session nonce[%d]", nonceOrHandle);
            dtHeader->receiveHandle = Endian_bigEndianToHost32(session->receiveHandle_be);
        } else {
            Log_debug(context->logger, "Got message with invalid ip addr");

    if (!session) {
        #ifdef Log_INFO
            uint8_t path[20];
            AddrTools_printPath(path, Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be));
            Log_info(context->logger, "Dropped traffic packet from unknown node. [%s]", path);
        return 0;

    // This is needed so that the priority and other information
    // from the switch header can be passed on properly.
    dtHeader->switchHeader = switchHeader;

    // This goes to incomingFromCryptoAuth()
    // then incomingFromRouter() then core()
    dtHeader->layer = Ducttape_SessionLayer_OUTER;

    if (session->iface.receiveMessage(message, &session->iface) == Error_AUTHENTICATION) {
        debugHandlesAndLabel(context->logger, session,
                             "Failed decrypting message NoH[%d] state[%d]",
                             nonceOrHandle, CryptoAuth_getState(&session->iface));
        return Error_AUTHENTICATION;

    return 0;
Exemple #14
static void nodeForAddr(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vcontext);

    Dict* ret = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict* result = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict_putDict(ret, String_new("result", alloc), result, alloc);
    Dict_putString(ret, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("none", alloc), alloc);

    // no ipStr specified --> return self-node
    struct Node_Two* node = ctx->store->selfNode;

    String* ipStr = Dict_getString(args, String_new("ip", alloc));
    uint8_t ip[16];
    while (ipStr) {
        if (AddrTools_parseIp(ip, ipStr->bytes)) {
            Dict_remove(ret, String_CONST("result"));
                           String_new("error", alloc),
                           String_new("parse_ip", alloc),

        } else if (!(node = NodeStore_nodeForAddr(ctx->store, ip))) {
            // not found
        } else {

        Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin);

    Dict_putInt(result, String_new("protocolVersion", alloc), node->address.protocolVersion, alloc);

    String* key = Key_stringify(node->address.key, alloc);
    Dict_putString(result, String_new("key", alloc), key, alloc);

    uint32_t count = linkCount(node);
    Dict_putInt(result, String_new("linkCount", alloc), count, alloc);

    Dict_putInt(result, String_new("cost", alloc), Node_getCost(node), alloc);

    List* encScheme = EncodingScheme_asList(node->encodingScheme, alloc);
    Dict_putList(result, String_new("encodingScheme", alloc), encScheme, alloc);

    Dict* bestParent = Dict_new(alloc);
    String* parentIp = String_newBinary(NULL, 39, alloc);
    AddrTools_printIp(parentIp->bytes, Node_getBestParent(node)->parent->address.ip6.bytes);
    Dict_putString(bestParent, String_CONST("ip"), parentIp, alloc);

    String* parentChildLabel = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, alloc);
    AddrTools_printPath(parentChildLabel->bytes, Node_getBestParent(node)->cannonicalLabel);
    Dict_putString(bestParent, String_CONST("parentChildLabel"), parentChildLabel, alloc);

    int isOneHop = Node_isOneHopLink(Node_getBestParent(node));
    Dict_putInt(bestParent, String_CONST("isOneHop"), isOneHop, alloc);

    Dict_putDict(result, String_CONST("bestParent"), bestParent, alloc);

    String* bestLabel = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, alloc);
    AddrTools_printPath(bestLabel->bytes, node->address.path);
    Dict_putString(result, String_CONST("routeLabel"), bestLabel, alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin);
Exemple #15
 * This is called as sendMessage() by the switch.
 * There is only one switch interface which sends all traffic.
 * message is aligned on the beginning of the switch header.
static uint8_t incomingFromSwitch(struct Message* message, struct Interface* switchIf)
    struct Ducttape* context = switchIf->senderContext;
    struct Headers_SwitchHeader* switchHeader = (struct Headers_SwitchHeader*) message->bytes;
    Message_shift(message, -Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);

    // The label comes in reversed from the switch because the switch doesn't know that we aren't
    // another switch ready to parse more bits, bit reversing the label yields the source address.
    switchHeader->label_be = Bits_bitReverse64(switchHeader->label_be);

    if (Headers_getMessageType(switchHeader) == Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_CONTROL) {
        uint8_t labelStr[20];
        uint64_t label = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be);
        AddrTools_printPath(labelStr, label);
        if (message->length < Control_HEADER_SIZE) {
            Log_info1(context->logger, "dropped runt ctrl packet from [%s]", labelStr);
            return Error_NONE;
        } else {
            Log_debug1(context->logger, "ctrl packet from [%s]", labelStr);
        struct Control* ctrl = (struct Control*) message->bytes;
        bool pong = false;
        if (ctrl->type_be == Control_ERROR_be) {
            if (message->length < Control_Error_MIN_SIZE) {
                Log_info1(context->logger, "dropped runt error packet from [%s]", labelStr);
                return Error_NONE;
                      "error packet from [%s], error type [%d]",


            uint8_t causeType = Headers_getMessageType(&ctrl->content.error.cause);
            if (causeType == Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_CONTROL) {
                if (message->length < Control_Error_MIN_SIZE + Control_HEADER_SIZE) {
                              "error packet from [%s] containing runt cause packet",
                    return Error_NONE;
                struct Control* causeCtrl = (struct Control*) &(&ctrl->content.error.cause)[1];
                if (causeCtrl->type_be != Control_PING_be) {
                              "error packet from [%s] caused by [%s] packet ([%d])",
                } else {
                               "error packet from [%s] in response to ping, length: [%d].",
                    // errors resulting from pings are forwarded back to the pinger.
                    pong = true;
            } else if (causeType != Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_DATA) {
                          "error packet from [%s] containing cause of unknown type [%d]",
        } else if (ctrl->type_be == Control_PONG_be) {
            pong = true;
        } else if (ctrl->type_be == Control_PING_be) {
            ctrl->type_be = Control_PONG_be;
            Message_shift(message, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);
            switchIf->receiveMessage(message, switchIf);
        } else {
                      "control packet of unknown type from [%s], type [%d]",
                      labelStr, Endian_bigEndianToHost16(ctrl->type_be));

        if (pong) {
            // Shift back over the header
            Message_shift(message, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);
            context->switchPingerIf->receiveMessage(message, context->switchPingerIf);
        return Error_NONE;

    uint8_t* herKey = extractPublicKey(message, switchHeader->label_be, context->logger);
    int herAddrIndex;
    if (herKey) {
        uint8_t herAddrStore[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(herAddrStore, herKey);
        if (herAddrStore[0] != 0xFC) {
                      "Got message from peer whose address is not in fc00::/8 range.\n");
            return 0;
        herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_put(switchHeader->label_be, herAddrStore, &context->addrMap);
    } else {
        herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_indexOf(switchHeader->label_be, &context->addrMap);
        if (herAddrIndex == -1) {
            uint64_t label = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be);
            struct Node* n = RouterModule_getNode(label, context->routerModule);
            if (n) {
                herAddrIndex = AddressMapper_put(switchHeader->label_be,
            } else {
                #ifdef Log_DEBUG
                    uint8_t switchAddr[20];
                    AddrTools_printPath(switchAddr, Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be));
                               "Dropped traffic packet from unknown node. (%s)\n",
                return 0;

    // If the source address is the same as the router address, no third layer of crypto.
    context->routerAddress = context->addrMap.entries[herAddrIndex].address;

    // This is needed so that the priority and other information
    // from the switch header can be passed on properly.
    context->switchHeader = switchHeader;

    context->session = SessionManager_getSession(context->routerAddress, herKey, context->sm);

    // This goes to incomingFromCryptoAuth()
    // then incomingFromRouter() then core()
    context->layer = OUTER_LAYER;
    context->session->receiveMessage(message, context->session);

    return 0;
static void adminPeerStats(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct Context* context = Identity_check((struct Context*)vcontext);
    struct InterfaceController_PeerStats* stats = NULL;

    int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page"));
    int i = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0;

    int count = InterfaceController_getPeerStats(context->ic, alloc, &stats);

    String* bytesIn = String_CONST("bytesIn");
    String* bytesOut = String_CONST("bytesOut");
    String* pubKey = String_CONST("publicKey");
    String* addr = String_CONST("addr");
    String* state = String_CONST("state");
    String* last = String_CONST("last");
    String* switchLabel = String_CONST("switchLabel");
    String* isIncoming = String_CONST("isIncoming");
    String* user = String_CONST("user");
    String* version = String_CONST("version");

    String* duplicates = String_CONST("duplicates");
    String* lostPackets = String_CONST("lostPackets");
    String* receivedOutOfRange = String_CONST("receivedOutOfRange");

    List* list = List_new(alloc);
    for (int counter=0; i < count && counter++ < ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; i++) {
        Dict* d = Dict_new(alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, bytesIn, stats[i].bytesIn, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, bytesOut, stats[i].bytesOut, alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, addr, Address_toString(&stats[i].addr, alloc), alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, pubKey, Key_stringify(stats[i].addr.key, alloc), alloc);

        String* stateString = String_new(InterfaceController_stateString(stats[i].state), alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, state, stateString, alloc);

        Dict_putInt(d, last, stats[i].timeOfLastMessage, alloc);

        uint8_t labelStack[20];
        AddrTools_printPath(labelStack, stats[i].addr.path);
        Dict_putString(d, switchLabel, String_new((char*)labelStack, alloc), alloc);

        Dict_putInt(d, isIncoming, stats[i].isIncomingConnection, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, duplicates, stats[i].duplicates, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, lostPackets, stats[i].lostPackets, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, receivedOutOfRange, stats[i].receivedOutOfRange, alloc);

        if (stats[i].user) {
            Dict_putString(d, user, stats[i].user, alloc);

        uint8_t address[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(address, stats[i].addr.key);
        Dict_putInt(d, version, stats[i].addr.protocolVersion, alloc);

        List_addDict(list, d, alloc);

    Dict* resp = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict_putList(resp, String_CONST("peers"), list, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(resp, String_CONST("total"), count, alloc);

    if (i < count) {
        Dict_putInt(resp, String_CONST("more"), 1, alloc);

    Dict_putString(resp, String_CONST("deprecation"),
        String_CONST("publicKey,switchLabel,version will soon be removed"), alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(resp, txid, context->admin);
Exemple #17
static void dumpTable_addEntries(struct Context* ctx,
                                 int i,
                                 int j,
                                 struct List_Item* last,
                                 String* txid)
    uint8_t path[20];
    uint8_t ip[40];
    String* pathStr = &(String) { .len = 19, .bytes = (char*)path };
    String* ipStr = &(String) { .len = 39, .bytes = (char*)ip };
    Object* link = Int_OBJ(0xFFFFFFFF);
    Object* version = Int_OBJ(Version_DEFAULT_ASSUMPTION);
    Dict entry = Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("ip"), String_OBJ(ipStr), Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("link"), link, Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("path"), String_OBJ(pathStr), Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("version"), version, NULL

    struct List_Item next = { .next = last, .elem = Dict_OBJ(&entry) };

    if (i >= ctx->store->size || j >= ENTRIES_PER_PAGE) {
        if (i > j) {
            dumpTable_send(ctx, last, (j >= ENTRIES_PER_PAGE), txid);

        Address_printIp(ip, ctx->store->selfAddress);
        strcpy((char*)path, "0000.0000.0000.0001");
        dumpTable_send(ctx, &next, (j >= ENTRIES_PER_PAGE), txid);

    struct Node* n = NodeStore_dumpTable(ctx->store, i);
    link->as.number = n->reach;
    version->as.number = n->version;
    Address_printIp(ip, &n->address);
    AddrTools_printPath(path, n->address.path);

    dumpTable_addEntries(ctx, i + 1, j + 1, &next, txid);

static void dumpTable(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_cast((struct Context*) vcontext);
    int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page"));
    int i = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0;
    dumpTable_addEntries(ctx, i, 0, NULL, txid);

void NodeStore_admin_register(struct NodeStore* nodeStore,
                              struct Admin* admin,
                              struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Allocator_clone(alloc, (&(struct Context) {
        .admin = admin,
        .alloc = alloc,
        .store = nodeStore

    Admin_registerFunction("NodeStore_dumpTable", dumpTable, ctx, false,
        ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) {
            { .name = "page", .required = 1, .type = "Int" },
        }), admin);
Exemple #18
static inline int incomingFromRouter(struct Message* message,
                                     struct Ducttape_MessageHeader* dtHeader,
                                     struct SessionManager_Session* session,
                                     struct Ducttape_pvt* context)
    uint8_t* pubKey = CryptoAuth_getHerPublicKey(&session->iface);
    if (!validEncryptedIP6(message)) {
        // Not valid cjdns IPv6, we'll try it as an IPv4 or ICANN-IPv6 packet
        // and check if we have an agreement with the node who sent it.
        Message_shift(message, IpTunnel_PacketInfoHeader_SIZE);
        struct IpTunnel_PacketInfoHeader* header =
            (struct IpTunnel_PacketInfoHeader*) message->bytes;

        uint8_t* addr = session->ip6;
        Bits_memcpyConst(header->nodeIp6Addr, addr, 16);
        Bits_memcpyConst(header->nodeKey, pubKey, 32);

        struct Interface* ipTun = &context->ipTunnel->nodeInterface;
        return ipTun->sendMessage(message, ipTun);

    struct Address srcAddr = {
        .path = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(dtHeader->switchHeader->label_be)
    Bits_memcpyConst(srcAddr.key, pubKey, 32);

    //Log_debug(context->logger, "Got message from router.\n");
    int ret = core(message, dtHeader, session, context);

    struct Node* n = RouterModule_getNode(srcAddr.path, context->routerModule);
    if (!n) {
        RouterModule_addNode(context->routerModule, &srcAddr, session->version);
    } else {
        n->reach += 1;
        RouterModule_updateReach(n, context->routerModule);

    return ret;

static uint8_t incomingFromCryptoAuth(struct Message* message, struct Interface* iface)
    struct Ducttape_pvt* context = Identity_cast((struct Ducttape_pvt*) iface->receiverContext);
    struct Ducttape_MessageHeader* dtHeader = getDtHeader(message, false);
    enum Ducttape_SessionLayer layer = dtHeader->layer;
    dtHeader->layer = Ducttape_SessionLayer_INVALID;
    struct SessionManager_Session* session =
        SessionManager_sessionForHandle(dtHeader->receiveHandle, context->sm);

    if (!session) {
        // This should never happen but there's no strong preventitive.
        Log_info(context->logger, "SESSION DISAPPEARED!");
        return 0;

    // If the packet came from a new session, put the send handle in the session.
    if (CryptoAuth_getState(iface) < CryptoAuth_ESTABLISHED) {
        // If this is true then the incoming message is definitely a handshake.
        if (message->length < 4) {
            debugHandles0(context->logger, session, "runt");
            return Error_INVALID;
        if (layer == Ducttape_SessionLayer_OUTER) {
            #ifdef Version_2_COMPAT
            if (dtHeader->currentSessionVersion >= 3) {
                session->version = dtHeader->currentSessionVersion;
                Message_pop(message, &session->sendHandle_be, 4);
            #ifdef Version_2_COMPAT
            } else {
                session->sendHandle_be = dtHeader->currentSessionSendHandle_be;
        } else {
            // inner layer, always grab the handle
            Message_pop(message, &session->sendHandle_be, 4);
            debugHandles0(context->logger, session, "New session, incoming layer3");

    switch (layer) {
        case Ducttape_SessionLayer_OUTER:
            return incomingFromRouter(message, dtHeader, session, context);
        case Ducttape_SessionLayer_INNER:
            return incomingForMe(message, dtHeader, session, context,
    // never reached.
    return 0;

static uint8_t outgoingFromCryptoAuth(struct Message* message, struct Interface* iface)
    struct Ducttape_pvt* context = Identity_cast((struct Ducttape_pvt*) iface->senderContext);
    struct Ducttape_MessageHeader* dtHeader = getDtHeader(message, false);
    struct SessionManager_Session* session =
        SessionManager_sessionForHandle(dtHeader->receiveHandle, context->sm);

    enum Ducttape_SessionLayer layer = dtHeader->layer;
    dtHeader->layer = Ducttape_SessionLayer_INVALID;

    if (!session) {
        // This should never happen but there's no strong preventitive.
        Log_info(context->logger, "SESSION DISAPPEARED!");
        return 0;

    if (layer == Ducttape_SessionLayer_OUTER) {
        return sendToSwitch(message, dtHeader, session, context);
    } else if (layer == Ducttape_SessionLayer_INNER) {
        Log_debug(context->logger, "Sending layer3 message");
        return outgoingFromMe(message, dtHeader, session, context);
    } else {

 * Handle an incoming control message from a switch.
 * @param context the ducttape context.
 * @param message the control message, this should be alligned on the beginning of the content,
 *                that is to say, after the end of the switch header.
 * @param switchHeader the header.
 * @param switchIf the interface which leads to the switch.
static uint8_t handleControlMessage(struct Ducttape_pvt* context,
                                    struct Message* message,
                                    struct Headers_SwitchHeader* switchHeader,
                                    struct Interface* switchIf)
    uint8_t labelStr[20];
    uint64_t label = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be);
    AddrTools_printPath(labelStr, label);
    if (message->length < Control_HEADER_SIZE) {
        Log_info(context->logger, "dropped runt ctrl packet from [%s]", labelStr);
        return Error_NONE;
    struct Control* ctrl = (struct Control*) message->bytes;

    if (Checksum_engine(message->bytes, message->length)) {
        Log_info(context->logger, "ctrl packet from [%s] with invalid checksum.", labelStr);
        return Error_NONE;

    bool pong = false;
    if (ctrl->type_be == Control_ERROR_be) {
        if (message->length < Control_Error_MIN_SIZE) {
            Log_info(context->logger, "dropped runt error packet from [%s]", labelStr);
            return Error_NONE;

        uint64_t path = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be);
        RouterModule_brokenPath(path, context->routerModule);

        uint8_t causeType = Headers_getMessageType(&ctrl->content.error.cause);
        if (causeType == Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_CONTROL) {
            if (message->length < Control_Error_MIN_SIZE + Control_HEADER_SIZE) {
                          "error packet from [%s] containing runt cause packet",
                return Error_NONE;
            struct Control* causeCtrl = (struct Control*) &(&ctrl->content.error.cause)[1];
            if (causeCtrl->type_be != Control_PING_be) {
                          "error packet from [%s] caused by [%s] packet ([%u])",
            } else {
                if (LabelSplicer_isOneHop(label)
                    && ctrl->content.error.errorType_be
                        == Endian_hostToBigEndian32(Error_UNDELIVERABLE))
                    // this is our own InterfaceController complaining
                    // because the node isn't responding to pings.
                    return Error_NONE;
                           "error packet from [%s] in response to ping, err [%u], length: [%u].",
                // errors resulting from pings are forwarded back to the pinger.
                pong = true;
        } else if (causeType != Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_DATA) {
                      "error packet from [%s] containing cause of unknown type [%u]",
                      labelStr, causeType);
        } else {
                      "error packet from [%s], error type [%u]",
    } else if (ctrl->type_be == Control_PONG_be) {
        pong = true;
    } else if (ctrl->type_be == Control_PING_be) {

        Message_shift(message, -Control_HEADER_SIZE);

        if (message->length < Control_Ping_MIN_SIZE) {
            Log_info(context->logger, "dropped runt ping");
            return Error_INVALID;
        struct Control_Ping* ping = (struct Control_Ping*) message->bytes;
        ping->magic = Control_Pong_MAGIC;
        ping->version_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian32(Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL);
        Message_shift(message, Control_HEADER_SIZE);

        ctrl->type_be = Control_PONG_be;
        ctrl->checksum_be = 0;
        ctrl->checksum_be = Checksum_engine(message->bytes, message->length);
        Message_shift(message, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);
        Log_info(context->logger, "got switch ping from [%s]", labelStr);
        switchIf->receiveMessage(message, switchIf);
    } else {
                  "control packet of unknown type from [%s], type [%d]",
                  labelStr, Endian_bigEndianToHost16(ctrl->type_be));

    if (pong && context->pub.switchPingerIf.receiveMessage) {
        // Shift back over the header
        Message_shift(message, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE);
            message, &context->pub.switchPingerIf);
    return Error_NONE;
Exemple #19
static void getLink(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vcontext);

    Dict* ret = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict* result = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict_putDict(ret, String_new("result", alloc), result, alloc);
    Dict_putString(ret, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("none", alloc), alloc);

    struct Node_Link* link = NULL;
    struct Node_Two* node = NULL;

    String* ipStr = Dict_getString(args, String_new("parent", alloc));
    int64_t* linkNum = Dict_getInt(args, String_new("linkNum", alloc));
    if (ipStr && ipStr->len) {
        uint8_t ip[16];
        if (AddrTools_parseIp(ip, ipStr->bytes)) {
            Dict_remove(ret, String_CONST("result"));
                           String_new("error", alloc),
                           String_new("parse_parent", alloc),
            Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin);

        } else if (!(node = NodeStore_nodeForAddr(ctx->store, ip))) {
                           String_new("error", alloc),
                           String_new("not_found", alloc),
            Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin);
        } else if (!(link = getLinkByNum(node, *linkNum))) {
                           String_new("error", alloc),
                           String_new("unknown", alloc),
            Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin);
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i <= *linkNum; i++) {
            link = NodeStore_getNextLink(ctx->store, link);
            if (!link) { break; }
        if (!link) {
                           String_new("error", alloc),
                           String_new("not_found", alloc),
            Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin);

                String_new("inverseLinkEncodingFormNumber", alloc),
    Dict_putInt(result, String_new("linkCost", alloc), link->linkCost, alloc);

    Dict_putInt(result, String_new("isOneHop", alloc), Node_isOneHopLink(link), alloc);

    int bestParent = (Node_getBestParent(link->child) == link);
    Dict_putInt(result, String_new("bestParent", alloc), bestParent, alloc);

    String* cannonicalLabel = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, alloc);
    AddrTools_printPath(cannonicalLabel->bytes, link->cannonicalLabel);
    Dict_putString(result, String_new("cannonicalLabel", alloc), cannonicalLabel, alloc);

    String* parent = Address_toString(&link->parent->address, alloc);
    Dict_putString(result, String_new("parent", alloc), parent, alloc);

    String* child = Address_toString(&link->child->address, alloc);
    Dict_putString(result, String_new("child", alloc), child, alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin);
Exemple #20
static void dumpTable_addEntries(struct Context* ctx,
                                 int i,
                                 int j,
                                 struct List_Item* last,
                                 String* txid)
    uint8_t path[20];
    uint8_t ip[40];
    String* pathStr = &(String) { .len = 19, .bytes = (char*)path };
    String* ipStr = &(String) { .len = 39, .bytes = (char*)ip };
    Object* link = Int_OBJ(0xFFFFFFFF);
    Object* version = Int_OBJ(Version_DEFAULT_ASSUMPTION);
    Dict entry = Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("ip"), String_OBJ(ipStr), Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("link"), link, Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("path"), String_OBJ(pathStr), Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("version"), version, NULL

    struct List_Item next = { .next = last, .elem = Dict_OBJ(&entry) };

    if (i >= ctx->store->size || j >= ENTRIES_PER_PAGE) {
        if (i > j) {
            dumpTable_send(ctx, last, (j >= ENTRIES_PER_PAGE), txid);

        Address_printIp(ip, ctx->store->selfAddress);
        strcpy((char*)path, "0000.0000.0000.0001");
        version->as.number = Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL;
        dumpTable_send(ctx, &next, (j >= ENTRIES_PER_PAGE), txid);

    struct Node* n = NodeStore_dumpTable(ctx->store, i);
    link->as.number = n->reach;
    version->as.number = n->version;
    Address_printIp(ip, &n->address);
    AddrTools_printPath(path, n->address.path);

    dumpTable_addEntries(ctx, i + 1, j + 1, &next, txid);

static void dumpTable(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_cast((struct Context*) vcontext);
    int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page"));
    int i = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0;
    dumpTable_addEntries(ctx, i, 0, NULL, txid);

static bool isOneHop(struct Node_Link* link)
    struct EncodingScheme* ps = link->parent->encodingScheme;
    int num = EncodingScheme_getFormNum(ps, link->cannonicalLabel);
    Assert_always(num > -1 && num < ps->count);
    return EncodingScheme_formSize(&ps->forms[num]) == Bits_log2x64(link->cannonicalLabel);

static void getLink(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_cast((struct Context*) vcontext);

    Dict* ret = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict* result = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict_putDict(ret, String_new("result", alloc), result, alloc);
    Dict_putString(ret, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("none", alloc), alloc);

    struct Node_Link* link;

    String* ipStr = Dict_getString(args, String_new("parent", alloc));
    int64_t* linkNum = Dict_getInt(args, String_new("linkNum", alloc));
    uint8_t ip[16];
    if (ipStr->len != 39 || AddrTools_parseIp(ip, ipStr->bytes)) {
        Dict_remove(ret, String_CONST("result"));
                       String_new("error", alloc),
                       String_new("Could not parse ip", alloc),

    } else if ((link = NodeStore_getLink(ctx->store, ip, *linkNum))) {
                    String_new("inverseLinkEncodingFormNumber", alloc),
        Dict_putInt(result, String_new("linkState", alloc), link->linkState, alloc);

        Dict_putInt(result, String_new("isOneHop", alloc), isOneHop(link), alloc);

        String* cannonicalLabel = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, alloc);
        AddrTools_printPath(cannonicalLabel->bytes, link->cannonicalLabel);
        Dict_putString(result, String_new("cannonicalLabel", alloc), cannonicalLabel, alloc);

        String* parent = String_newBinary(NULL, 39, alloc);
        AddrTools_printIp(parent->bytes, link->parent->address.ip6.bytes);
        Dict_putString(result, String_new("parent", alloc), parent, alloc);

        String* child = String_newBinary(NULL, 39, alloc);
        AddrTools_printIp(child->bytes, link->child->address.ip6.bytes);
        Dict_putString(result, String_new("child", alloc), child, alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin);
static void getNode(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_cast((struct Context*) vcontext);

    Dict* ret = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict* result = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict_putDict(ret, String_new("result", alloc), result, alloc);
    Dict_putString(ret, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("none", alloc), alloc);

    // no ipStr specified --> return self-node
    struct Node_Two* node = ctx->store->selfNode;

    String* ipStr = Dict_getString(args, String_new("ip", alloc));
    uint8_t ip[16];
    while (ipStr) {
        if (ipStr->len != 39 || AddrTools_parseIp(ip, ipStr->bytes)) {
            Dict_remove(ret, String_CONST("result"));
                           String_new("error", alloc),
                           String_new("Could not parse ip", alloc),

        } else if (!(node = NodeStore_getNode2(ctx->store, ip))) {
            // not found
        } else {

        Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin);

    Dict_putInt(result, String_new("protocolVersion", alloc), node->version, alloc);

    String* key = Key_stringify(node->address.key, alloc);
    Dict_putString(result, String_new("key", alloc), key, alloc);

    uint32_t linkCount = NodeStore_linkCount(node);
    Dict_putInt(result, String_new("linkCount", alloc), linkCount, alloc);

    List* encScheme = EncodingScheme_asList(node->encodingScheme, alloc);
    Dict_putList(result, String_new("encodingScheme", alloc), encScheme, alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin);

static void getRouteLabel(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_cast((struct Context*) vcontext);

    char* err = NULL;

    String* pathToParentS = Dict_getString(args, String_CONST("pathToParent"));
    uint64_t pathToParent;
    if (pathToParentS->len != 19) {
        err = "pathToParent incorrect length";
    } else if (AddrTools_parsePath(&pathToParent, pathToParentS->bytes)) {
        err = "Failed to parse pathToParent";

    String* childAddressS = Dict_getString(args, String_CONST("childAddress"));
    uint8_t childAddress[16];
    if (childAddressS->len != 39) {
        err = "childAddress of incorrect length, must be a 39 character full ipv6 address";
    } else if (AddrTools_parseIp(childAddress, childAddressS->bytes)) {
        err = "Failed to parse childAddress";

    uint64_t label = UINT64_MAX;
    if (!err) {
        label = NodeStore_getRouteLabel(ctx->store, pathToParent, childAddress);
        err = NodeStore_getRouteLabel_strerror(label);
    Dict* response = Dict_new(requestAlloc);
    if (!err) {
        String* printedPath = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, requestAlloc);
        AddrTools_printPath(printedPath->bytes, label);
        Dict_putString(response, String_new("result", requestAlloc), printedPath, requestAlloc);
                       String_new("error", requestAlloc),
                       String_new("none", requestAlloc),
        Admin_sendMessage(response, txid, ctx->admin);
    } else {
                       String_new("error", requestAlloc),
                       String_new(err, requestAlloc),
        Admin_sendMessage(response, txid, ctx->admin);

void NodeStore_admin_register(struct NodeStore* nodeStore,
                              struct Admin* admin,
                              struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Allocator_clone(alloc, (&(struct Context) {
        .admin = admin,
        .alloc = alloc,
        .store = nodeStore

    Admin_registerFunction("NodeStore_dumpTable", dumpTable, ctx, false,
        ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) {
            { .name = "page", .required = 1, .type = "Int" },
        }), admin);

    Admin_registerFunction("NodeStore_getLink", getLink, ctx, true,
        ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) {
            { .name = "parent", .required = 1, .type = "String" },
            { .name = "linkNum", .required = 1, .type = "Int" },
        }), admin);