void close_aerospike_object(aerospike *as, as_error *err, char *alias_to_search, PyObject *py_persistent_item)
		if (((AerospikeGlobalHosts*)py_persistent_item)->ref_cnt == 1) {
			PyDict_DelItemString(py_global_hosts, alias_to_search);
			aerospike_close(as, err);

			* Need to free memory allocated to host address string
			* in AerospikeClient_Type_Init.
			for( int i = 0; i < (int)as->config.hosts_size; i++) {
				free((void *) as->config.hosts[i].addr);

		} else {
 * Changes the password of a particular user in the Aerospike DB.
 * @param self                  AerospikeClient object
 * @param args                  The args is a tuple object containing an argument
 *                              list passed from Python to a C function
 * @param kwds                  Dictionary of keywords
 * Returns an integer status. 0(Zero) is success value.
 * In case of error,appropriate exceptions will be raised.
PyObject * AerospikeClient_Admin_Change_Password( AerospikeClient *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds )
	// Initialize error
	as_error err;

	// Python Function Arguments
	PyObject * py_policy = NULL;
	PyObject * py_user = NULL;
	PyObject * py_password = NULL;

	as_policy_admin admin_policy;
	as_policy_admin *admin_policy_p = NULL;

	// Python Function Keyword Arguments
	static char * kwlist[] = {"user", "password", "policy", NULL};

	// Python Function Argument Parsing
	if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "OO|O:admin_change_password", kwlist,
				&py_user, &py_password, &py_policy) == false) {
		return NULL;

	if (!self || !self->as) {
		as_error_update(&err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_PARAM, "Invalid aerospike object");
		goto CLEANUP;

	if (!self->is_conn_16) {
		as_error_update(&err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_CLUSTER, "No connection to aerospike cluster");
		goto CLEANUP;

	// Aerospike Operation Arguments
	char *user = NULL, *password = NULL;

	// Convert python object to policy_admin
	pyobject_to_policy_admin(&err, py_policy, &admin_policy, &admin_policy_p,
	if (err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
		goto CLEANUP;

	// Convert python objects into username and password strings
	if (!PyString_Check(py_user)) {
		as_error_update(&err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_PARAM, "Username should be a string");
		goto CLEANUP;

	user = PyString_AsString(py_user);

	if (!PyString_Check(py_password)) {
		as_error_update(&err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_PARAM, "Password should be a string");
		goto CLEANUP;

	password = PyString_AsString(py_password);

	// Invoke operation
	aerospike_change_password( self->as, &err, admin_policy_p, user, password );

	char *alias_to_search = NULL;
	alias_to_search = return_search_string(self->as);
	PyObject *py_persistent_item = NULL;

	py_persistent_item = PyDict_GetItemString(py_global_hosts, alias_to_search); 
	if (py_persistent_item) {
		PyDict_DelItemString(py_global_hosts, alias_to_search);
	alias_to_search = NULL;

	if (err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
		as_error_update(&err, err.code, NULL);
		goto CLEANUP;


	if (err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
		PyObject * py_err = NULL;
		error_to_pyobject(&err, &py_err);
		PyObject *exception_type = raise_exception(&err);
		PyErr_SetObject(exception_type, py_err);
		return NULL;

	return PyLong_FromLong(0);