/* Buffer has to be at least CF_BUFSIZE bytes long */
static void ConstructFailsafeCommand(bool scheduled_run, char *buffer)
    bool twin_exists = TwinExists();

    snprintf(buffer, CF_BUFSIZE,
             "\"%s/%s\" -f failsafe.cf "
             "&& \"%s/%s\" -Dfrom_cfexecd%s",
             CFWORKDIR, twin_exists ? TwinFilename() : AgentFilename(),
             CFWORKDIR, AgentFilename(), scheduled_run ? ":scheduled_run" : "");
Exemple #2
/* Buffer has to be at least CF_BUFSIZE bytes long */
static void ConstructFailsafeCommand(bool scheduled_run, char *buffer)
    bool twin_exists = TwinExists();

    const char* const workdir = GetWorkDir();

    snprintf(buffer, CF_BUFSIZE,
             "\"%s%c%s\" -f failsafe.cf "
             "&& \"%s%c%s\" -Dfrom_cfexecd%s",
             workdir, FILE_SEPARATOR, twin_exists ? TwinFilename() : AgentFilename(),
             workdir, FILE_SEPARATOR, AgentFilename(), scheduled_run ? ",scheduled_run" : "");