Exemple #1
//						getTxFrequenciesByName
// Gets the list of supported Tx channels.
// Params:	name - The formal name of the device.
//			frequencyList - The array of supported channels
//			numFrequencies - The number of elements in the frequencyList
//							 array.  Also the number of Tx channels the
//							 device supports.
// Returns - True on success, False otherwise.
boolean getTxFrequenciesByName(PCHAR name, PUINT *frequencyList, PUINT numFrequencies)
	PAirpcapHandle Ad;
	boolean response;

	// Open the device
	Ad = AirpcapOpen(name, Ebuf);
		printf("Error opening the adapter: %s\n", Ebuf);
		frequencyList = NULL;
		*numFrequencies = 0;
		return FALSE;

	// Toss the request over to the sister function for processing.
	response = getTxFrequenciesByHandle(Ad, frequencyList, numFrequencies);

	// Make sure to close the adapter we opened.

	return response;
Exemple #2
int cygwin_init(char *param)
	char * iface;
    char errbuf[AIRPCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE ];

	iface = (char *)calloc(1, strlen(param) + strlen(DEVICE_HEADER) +1);
	strcpy (iface, DEFAULT_ADAPT_NAME);

	if (param)
		// if it's empty, use the default adapter
		if (strlen(param) > 0)
			// Make sure the adapter name contains the '\\.\' at its begining
			memset(iface, 0, strlen(param) + strlen(DEVICE_HEADER) +1);

			if (strstr(param, DEVICE_HEADER) == NULL)
				// Not found, add it

				strcpy(iface, DEVICE_HEADER);
				strcat(iface, param);
				// Already contains the adapter header
				strcpy(iface, param);

    airpcap_handle = AirpcapOpen(iface, errbuf);

    if(airpcap_handle == NULL)
        fprintf( stderr, "This adapter doesn't have wireless extensions. Quitting\n");
        //pcap_close( winpcap_adapter );
        return( -1 );

    /* Tell the adapter that the packets we'll send and receive don't include the FCS */
    if(!AirpcapSetFcsPresence(airpcap_handle, FALSE))
		return printErrorCloseAndReturn("Error setting FCS presence: %s\n", -1);

    /* Set the link layer to bare 802.11 */
    if(!AirpcapSetLinkType(airpcap_handle, AIRPCAP_LT_802_11))
		return printErrorCloseAndReturn("Error setting the link type: %s\n", -1);

    /* Accept correct frames only */
	if( !AirpcapSetFcsValidation(airpcap_handle, AIRPCAP_VT_ACCEPT_CORRECT_FRAMES) )
		return printErrorCloseAndReturn("Error setting FCS validation: %s\n", -1);

    /* Set a low mintocopy for better responsiveness */
    if(!AirpcapSetMinToCopy(airpcap_handle, 1))
		return printErrorCloseAndReturn("Error setting MinToCopy: %s\n", -1);

	return 0;
Exemple #3
//						isTxAdapter
// Determines whether a given device supports Tx or not.
// Params:	Name - The formal name of the device.
// Returns - True if the given device supports Tx, false otherwise.
boolean isTxAdapter(PCHAR Name)
	PAirpcapHandle Ad;
	PAirpcapChannelInfo frequencyList, tmpFrequency;
	UINT numFrequencies;
	UINT i;

	// Always return false for the Multi-Channel Aggregator
	if (strncmp(Name, "\\\\.\\airpcap_any", 16) == 0)
		return FALSE;

	// Open adapter
	Ad = AirpcapOpen(Name, Ebuf);
		printf("Error opening the adapter: %s\n", Ebuf);
		return FALSE;

	// Get the list of supported channels. This returns an array of structs
	// that contains a flag for Tx.
	if (!AirpcapGetDeviceSupportedChannels(Ad, &frequencyList, &numFrequencies))
		printf("Error retrieving list of supported channels for adapter %s\n", Name);
		return FALSE;

	// Loop through the array of returned channels and look for one thats 
	// supports Tx.
	for(i=0; i<numFrequencies; i++)
		tmpFrequency = frequencyList + i;
		if (tmpFrequency->Flags & AIRPCAP_CIF_TX_ENABLED)
			return TRUE;

	// No channels supported Tx.
	return FALSE;
Exemple #4
int airpcap_open(struct tx80211 *in_tx)

	struct airpcap_data *apcap = in_tx->extra;
	apcap->ad = AirpcapOpen(in_tx->ifname, apcap->errstr);
	if (apcap->ad == NULL) {
		snprintf(in_tx->errstr, TX80211_STATUS_MAX,
				"Unable to open airpcap interface: %s",
		return TX80211_ENOOPENINT;

	/* Set the link type to standard 802.11 header */
	if (!AirpcapSetLinkType(apcap->ad, AIRPCAP_LT_802_11_PLUS_RADIO)) {
		snprintf(in_tx->errstr, TX80211_STATUS_MAX,
				"Unable to set airpcap link type: %s",
		return TX80211_ENOOPENINT;

	return TX80211_ENOERR;
Exemple #5
int tx80211_airpcap_init(struct tx80211 *in_tx)

	struct airpcap_data *apcap = in_tx->extra;

	in_tx->capabilities = tx80211_airpcap_capabilities();
	in_tx->open_callthrough = &airpcap_open;
	in_tx->close_callthrough = &airpcap_close;
	in_tx->setmode_callthrough = &airpcap_setmode;
	in_tx->getmode_callthrough = &airpcap_getmode;
	in_tx->getchan_callthrough = &airpcap_getchannel;
	in_tx->setchan_callthrough = &airpcap_setchannel;
	in_tx->txpacket_callthrough = &airpcap_send;
	in_tx->setfuncmode_callthrough = &airpcap_setfuncmode;
	in_tx->selfack_callthrough = NULL;

	/* Allocate memory for the airpcap_data structure */
	in_tx->extra = malloc(sizeof(struct airpcap_data));
	if (in_tx->extra == NULL) {
		snprintf(in_tx->errstr, TX80211_STATUS_MAX, 
				"Unable to allocate memory for initialization data.");
		return TX80211_ENOMEM;

	apcap = in_tx->extra;
	apcap->ad = AirpcapOpen(in_tx->ifname, apcap->errstr);
		snprintf(in_tx->errstr, TX80211_STATUS_MAX,
				"Error opening the adapter: %s\n", 
		return -1;

	return TX80211_ENOERR;
Exemple #6
//						getAirPcapAdapter
// Lists the adapters and asks the user to select and adapter and a
// frequency.
// Returns - Handle to the selected adapter with the channel already 
//			 set and PPI selected.
PAirpcapHandle getAirPcapAdapter()
	PAirpcapHandle Ad;
	UINT freq_chan = 8;
	UINT i, Inum, range;
	AirpcapDeviceDescription *AllDevs, *TmpDev;
	AirpcapChannelInfo tchaninfo;

	// Get the device list
	if(!AirpcapGetDeviceList(&AllDevs, Ebuf))
		printf("Unable to retrieve the device list: %s\n", Ebuf);
		return NULL;

	// Make sure that the device list is valid
	if(AllDevs == NULL)
		printf("No interfaces found! Make sure the airpcap software is installed and your adapter is properly plugged in.\n");
		return NULL;

	// Print the list
	for(TmpDev = AllDevs, i = 0; TmpDev; TmpDev = TmpDev->next)
		printf("%d. ", ++i);
		// If the adapter is a Tx adapter, say so.
		if (isTxAdapter(TmpDev->Name))
			printf("Tx - ");

		// Print adapter name and description
		printf("%s", TmpDev->Name);
			printf(" (%s)\n", TmpDev->Description);
			printf(" (No description available)\n");

	// Store the range of valid adapters for future use.
	range = i;

	// If there are no valid adapters
	if(range == 0)
		printf("\nNo interfaces found! Make sure the airpcap software is installed and your adapter is properly plugged in.\n");
		return NULL;

	// Loop because the user may have selected an invalid adapter.
	while (1)
		// Ask for the user to select an adapter.
		printf("Enter the adapter number (1-%d): ",range);
		flushall();         /* kill any characters left in buffer */
		scanf("%d", &Inum);
		// Check if the user specified a valid adapter
		if(Inum < 1 || Inum > range)
			printf("Error: Invalid adapter selection.\n\n");

		// Jump to the selected adapter
		for(TmpDev = AllDevs, i = 0; i < Inum-1 ;TmpDev = TmpDev->next, i++);

		// Make sure the adapter is a Tx capable one.
		if (!isTxAdapter(TmpDev->Name))
			printf("Error: The selected adapter does not support transmission.\n\n");

	// Loop, as the user may specify an invalid channel.
	while (1)
		// Ask for a channel to listen to
		printf("Enter the channel or frequency: ",i);
		scanf("%d", &freq_chan);
		// Check if the user specified a valid channel
		if(freq_chan < 1 || freq_chan > 8000)
			printf("\nChannel or frequency out of range.\n");
			return NULL;

		// Make sure the user picked a valid Tx channel.
		if (!isTxFrequencySupported(TmpDev->Name, freq_chan))
			printf("\nThe selected frequency does not support transmission.\nPlease select from the list of supported channels below:\n\n");
			// Print the list of channels the adapter supports Tx on.

	// Open the adapter
	Ad = AirpcapOpen(TmpDev->Name, Ebuf);
		printf("Error opening the adapter: %s\n", Ebuf);
		return NULL;

	// We don't need the device list any more, free it

	// Set the link layer to 802.11 plus PPI headers
	if(!AirpcapSetLinkType(Ad, AIRPCAP_LT_802_11_PLUS_PPI))
		printf("Error setting the link layer: %s\n", AirpcapGetLastError(Ad));
		return NULL;

	// Set the channel.
	// If the user provides a value below 500, we assume it's a channel number, otherwise we assume it's a frequency.
	if(freq_chan < 500)
		if(!AirpcapSetDeviceChannel(Ad, freq_chan))
			printf("Error setting the channel: %s\n", AirpcapGetLastError(Ad));
			return NULL;
		memset(&tchaninfo, sizeof(tchaninfo), 0);
		tchaninfo.Frequency = freq_chan;

		if(!AirpcapSetDeviceChannelEx(Ad, tchaninfo))
			printf("Error setting the channel: %s\n", AirpcapGetLastError(Ad));
			return NULL;

	return Ad;