Exemple #1
void DispatchNotification_AltThread (NOTIFYEVENT evt, PNOTIFYPARAMS pParams)
   LPIDENT lpiEvt = pParams->lpi1;

   switch (evt)
      case evtRefreshStatusEnd:
         if (lpiEvt && (lpiEvt->fIsService() || lpiEvt->fIsAggregate() || lpiEvt->fIsFileset()))
            Alert_RemoveSecondary (lpiEvt);
            Alert_Scout_QueueCheckServer (lpiEvt);
         if (lpiEvt && lpiEvt->fIsServer())
            LPSERVER_PREF lpsp;
            if ((lpsp = (LPSERVER_PREF)lpiEvt->GetUserParam()) != NULL)
               LPSERVER lpServer;
               if ((lpServer = lpiEvt->OpenServer()) != NULL)
                  if (lpsp->fIsMonitored != lpServer->fIsMonitored())
                     g.sub = Subsets_SetMonitor (g.sub, lpiEvt, lpServer->fIsMonitored());
                     UpdateDisplay_ServerWindow (FALSE, lpiEvt);
                  lpsp->fIsMonitored = lpServer->fIsMonitored();

            Alert_Scout_ServerStatus (lpiEvt, pParams->status);

      // When we get a create request, use the object's Get/SetUserParam()
      // methods to attach an allocated structure to the thing--the structure
      // contains the preferences for the server/fileset/etc (for instance,
      // its warning threshholds, any current scout problems, etc).
      // On delete requests, free that structure.
      case evtCreate:
         if (lpiEvt->fIsServer())
            PVOID pPref = Server_LoadPreferences (lpiEvt);
            lpiEvt->SetUserParam (pPref);

            // Should this server be monitored?
            if (!Subsets_fMonitorServer (g.sub, lpiEvt))
               LPSERVER lpServer;
               if ((lpServer = lpiEvt->OpenServer()) != NULL)
                  lpServer->SetMonitor (FALSE);

            Alert_Scout_SetOutOfDate (lpiEvt);
         else if (lpiEvt->fIsService())
            PVOID pPref = Services_LoadPreferences (lpiEvt);
            lpiEvt->SetUserParam (pPref);
         else if (lpiEvt->fIsAggregate())
            PVOID pPref = Aggregates_LoadPreferences (lpiEvt);
            lpiEvt->SetUserParam (pPref);
         else if (lpiEvt->fIsFileset())
            PVOID pPref = Filesets_LoadPreferences (lpiEvt);
            lpiEvt->SetUserParam (pPref);
         if (!lpiEvt->fIsCell())
            Alert_Scout_QueueCheckServer (lpiEvt);

      // When we get a create request, use the object's Get/SetUserParam()
      // methods to attach an allocated structure to the thing--the structure
      // contains the preferences for the server/fileset/etc (for instance,
      // its warning threshholds, any current scout problems, etc).
      // On delete requests, free that structure.
      case evtDestroy:
         if (lpiEvt->fIsServer())
            PVOID pPref = lpiEvt->GetUserParam();
            lpiEvt->SetUserParam (0);
            if (pPref)  Delete (pPref);
         else if (lpiEvt->fIsService() || lpiEvt->fIsAggregate() || lpiEvt->fIsFileset())
            Alert_RemoveSecondary (lpiEvt);
            PVOID pPref = lpiEvt->GetUserParam();
            lpiEvt->SetUserParam (0);
            if (pPref)  Delete (pPref);
Exemple #2
BOOL Alert_Scout_QueueCheckServer (LPIDENT lpiServer, ULONG *pStatus)
   Alert_Scout_SetOutOfDate (lpiServer);
   return Alert_StartScout (pStatus);