void CPlayerPickupController::Init( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pObject )
	m_pPlayer = pPlayer;

	IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = pObject->VPhysicsGetObject();
	Vector position;
	QAngle angles;
	pPhysics->GetPosition( &position, &angles );
	m_grabController.SetMaxImpulse( Vector(20*100,20*100,20*100), AngularImpulse(20*180,20*180,20*180) );
	m_grabController.AttachEntity( pObject, pPhysics, position, angles );
	// Holster player's weapon
	if ( m_pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() )
		if ( !m_pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon()->Holster() )

	m_pPlayer->m_Local.m_iHideHUD |= HIDEHUD_WEAPONS;
	m_pPlayer->SetUseEntity( this );
	matrix3x4_t tmp;
	ComputePlayerMatrix( tmp );
	VectorITransform( position, tmp, m_positionPlayerSpace );

	// UNDONE: This algorithm needs a bit more thought.  REVISIT.
	// put the bottom of the object arms' length below eye level
	// get bottommost point of object
	Vector bottom = physcollision->CollideGetExtent( pPhysics->GetCollide(), vec3_origin, angles, Vector(0,0,-1) );

	// get the real eye origin
	Vector playerEye = pPlayer->EyePosition();

	// move target up so that bottom of object is at PLAYER_HOLD_LEVEL z in local space
//	float delta = PLAYER_HOLD_LEVEL_EYES - bottom.z - m_positionPlayerSpace.z;
	float delta = 0;

	// player can reach down 2ft below his feet
	float maxPickup = (playerEye.z + PLAYER_HOLD_LEVEL_EYES) - (pPlayer->GetAbsMins().z - PLAYER_REACH_DOWN_DISTANCE);

	delta = clamp( delta, pPlayer->WorldAlignMins().z, maxPickup );
	m_positionPlayerSpace.z += delta;
	m_anglesPlayerSpace = TransformAnglesToLocalSpace( angles, tmp );

	m_anglesPlayerSpace = AlignAngles( m_anglesPlayerSpace, DOT_30DEGREE );
	// re-transform and check
	angles = TransformAnglesToWorldSpace( m_anglesPlayerSpace, tmp );
	VectorTransform( m_positionPlayerSpace, tmp, position );
	// hackhack: Move up to eye position for the check
	float saveZ = position.z;
	position.z = playerEye.z;
	CheckObjectPosition( position, angles, position );
	// move back to original position
	position.z = saveZ;

	VectorITransform( position, tmp, m_positionPlayerSpace );
void CGrabController::AttachEntity( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pEntity, IPhysicsObject *pPhys, bool bIsMegaPhysCannon, const Vector &vGrabPosition, bool bUseGrabPosition )
	// play the impact sound of the object hitting the player
	// used as feedback to let the player know he picked up the object
	int hitMaterial = pPhys->GetMaterialIndex();
	int playerMaterial = pPlayer->VPhysicsGetObject() ? pPlayer->VPhysicsGetObject()->GetMaterialIndex() : hitMaterial;
	PhysicsImpactSound( pPlayer, pPhys, CHAN_STATIC, hitMaterial, playerMaterial, 1.0, 64 );
	Vector position;
	QAngle angles;
	pPhys->GetPosition( &position, &angles );
	// If it has a preferred orientation, use that instead.
	Pickup_GetPreferredCarryAngles( pEntity, pPlayer, pPlayer->EntityToWorldTransform(), angles );

//	ComputeMaxSpeed( pEntity, pPhys );

	// If we haven't been killed by a grab, we allow the gun to grab the nearest part of a ragdoll
	if ( bUseGrabPosition )
		IPhysicsObject *pChild = GetRagdollChildAtPosition( pEntity, vGrabPosition );
		if ( pChild )
			pPhys = pChild;

	// Carried entities can never block LOS
	m_bCarriedEntityBlocksLOS = pEntity->BlocksLOS();
	pEntity->SetBlocksLOS( false );
	m_controller = physenv->CreateMotionController( this );
	m_controller->AttachObject( pPhys, true );
	// Don't do this, it's causing trouble with constraint solvers.
	//m_controller->SetPriority( IPhysicsMotionController::HIGH_PRIORITY );

	PhysSetGameFlags( pPhys, FVPHYSICS_PLAYER_HELD );
	SetTargetPosition( position, angles );
	m_attachedEntity = pEntity;
	int count = pEntity->VPhysicsGetObjectList( pList, ARRAYSIZE(pList) );
	m_flLoadWeight = 0;
	float damping = 10;
	float flFactor = count / 7.5f;
	if ( flFactor < 1.0f )
		flFactor = 1.0f;
	for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		float mass = pList[i]->GetMass();
		pList[i]->GetDamping( NULL, &m_savedRotDamping[i] );
		m_flLoadWeight += mass;
		m_savedMass[i] = mass;

		// reduce the mass to prevent the player from adding crazy amounts of energy to the system
		pList[i]->SetMass( REDUCED_CARRY_MASS / flFactor );
		pList[i]->SetDamping( NULL, &damping );
	// Give extra mass to the phys object we're actually picking up
	pPhys->SetMass( REDUCED_CARRY_MASS );
	pPhys->EnableDrag( false );

	m_errorTime = bIsMegaPhysCannon ? -1.5f : -1.0f; // 1 seconds until error starts accumulating
	m_error = 0;
	m_contactAmount = 0;

	m_attachedAnglesPlayerSpace = TransformAnglesToPlayerSpace( angles, pPlayer );
	if ( m_angleAlignment != 0 )
		m_attachedAnglesPlayerSpace = AlignAngles( m_attachedAnglesPlayerSpace, m_angleAlignment );

	// Ragdolls don't offset this way
	if ( dynamic_cast<CRagdollProp*>(pEntity) )
		VectorITransform( pEntity->WorldSpaceCenter(), pEntity->EntityToWorldTransform(), m_attachedPositionObjectSpace );

	// If it's a prop, see if it has desired carry angles
	CPhysicsProp *pProp = dynamic_cast<CPhysicsProp *>(pEntity);
	if ( pProp )
		m_bHasPreferredCarryAngles = pProp->GetPropDataAngles( "preferred_carryangles", m_vecPreferredCarryAngles );
		m_flDistanceOffset = pProp->GetCarryDistanceOffset();
		m_bHasPreferredCarryAngles = false;
		m_flDistanceOffset = 0;

	m_bAllowObjectOverhead = IsObjectAllowedOverhead( pEntity );