// CopyBMG copies the contents of img_in into img_out.
// CopyBMG returns BMG_OK if successful, otherwise, it returns an error code
BMGError CopyBMGImage( struct BMGImageStruct img_in,
                       struct BMGImageStruct *img_out )
    BMGError out = BMG_OK;
    SetLastBMGError( out );

    FreeBMGImage( img_out );

    img_out->height = img_in.height;
    img_out->width = img_in.width;
    img_out->bits_per_pixel = img_in.bits_per_pixel;
    img_out->palette_size = img_in.palette_size;
    img_out->opt_for_bmp = img_in.opt_for_bmp;

    if ( img_in.width > 0 && img_in.height > 0 )
        out = AllocateBMGImage( img_out );
        if ( out == BMG_OK )
            memcpy( (void *)img_out->bits, (void *)img_in.bits,
                img_in.scan_width * img_in.height );
            if ( img_in.palette_size > 0 )
                memcpy( (void *)img_out->palette, (void *)img_in.palette,
                    img_in.palette_size * img_in.bytes_per_palette_entry );

    return out;
Exemple #2
    ReadBMP - reads the image data from a BMP files and stores it in a

        filename    - the name of the file to be opened

        img         - the BMGImageStruct containing the image data

        BMGError - if the file could not be read or a resource error occurred
        BMG_OK   - if the file was read and the data was stored in img

        will not read BMP files using BI_RLE8, BI_RLE4, or BI_BITFIELDS
BMGError ReadBMP( const char *filename,
              struct BMGImageStruct *img )
    FILE *file = NULL;
    int error;
    BMGError tmp;
    unsigned char *p, *q; /*, *q_end; */
/*    unsigned int cnt; */
    int i;
/*    int EOBMP; */

    unsigned int mask[3];

    unsigned int DIBScanWidth;
    unsigned int bit_size, rawbit_size;
    unsigned char *rawbits = NULL;

    SetLastBMGError( BMG_OK );

    if ( img == NULL )
        { error = (int) errInvalidBMGImage; goto err_jmp; }

    file = fopen( filename, "rb" );
    if  ( file == NULL )
        { error = (int) errFileOpen; goto err_jmp; }

        /* read the file header */
    if ( fread( (void *)&bmfh, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, file ) != 1 )
        { error = (int) errFileRead; goto err_jmp; }

    /* confirm that this is a BMP file */
    if ( bmfh.bfType != BMP_ID )
        { error = (int) errUnsupportedFileFormat; goto err_jmp; }

    /* read the bitmap info header */
    if ( fread( (void *)&bmih, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, file ) != 1 )
        { error = (int) errFileRead; goto err_jmp; }

    /* abort if this is an unsupported format */
    if ( bmih.biCompression != BI_RGB )
        { printf("planes: %i  bits: %i  type: %i   ", bmih.biPlanes, bmih.biBitCount, bmih.biCompression); error = (int) errUnsupportedFileFormat; goto err_jmp; }

    img->bits_per_pixel = (unsigned char)bmih.biBitCount;
    img->width  = bmih.biWidth;
    img->height = bmih.biHeight;
    if ( img->bits_per_pixel <= 8 )
        img->palette_size = (unsigned short)bmih.biClrUsed;
        img->bytes_per_palette_entry = 4U;

    tmp = AllocateBMGImage( img );
    if ( tmp != BMG_OK )
        { error = (int) tmp; goto err_jmp; }

    /* read palette if necessary */
    if ( img->bits_per_pixel <= 8 )
        if ( fread( (void *)img->palette, sizeof(RGBQUAD), img->palette_size,
                file ) != (unsigned int)img->palette_size )
          error = (int) errFileRead;
          goto err_jmp;

    /* dimensions */
    DIBScanWidth = ( img->bits_per_pixel * img->width + 7 ) / 8;
    if ( DIBScanWidth %4 )
        DIBScanWidth += 4 - DIBScanWidth % 4;

    bit_size = img->scan_width * img->height;

    /* allocate memory for the raw bits */
    if ( bmih.biCompression != BI_RGB )
        rawbit_size = bmfh.bfSize - bmfh.bfOffBits;
        rawbit_size = DIBScanWidth * img->height;

    rawbits = (unsigned char *)calloc( rawbit_size, 1 );
    if ( rawbits == NULL )
        { error = (int) errMemoryAllocation; goto err_jmp; }

    if ( fread( (void *)rawbits, sizeof(unsigned char), rawbit_size, file )
                   != rawbit_size )
        error = (int) errFileRead;
        goto err_jmp;

    if ( bmih.biCompression == BI_RGB )
        p = rawbits;
        for ( q = img->bits; q < img->bits + bit_size;
                         q += img->scan_width, p += DIBScanWidth )
            memcpy( (void *)q, (void *)p, img->scan_width );

    /* swap rows if necessary */
    if ( bmih.biHeight < 0 )
        for ( i = 0; i < (int)(img->height) / 2; i++ )
            p = img->bits + i * img->scan_width;
            q = img->bits + ((img->height) - i - 1 ) * img->scan_width;
            memcpy( (void *)rawbits, (void *)p, img->scan_width );
            memcpy( (void *)p, (void *)q, img->scan_width );
            memcpy( (void *)q, (void *)rawbits, img->scan_width );

    fclose( file );
    free( rawbits );
    return BMG_OK;

  /* error handler */
    if ( file != NULL )
        fclose( file );
    if ( rawbits != NULL )
        free( rawbits );
    FreeBMGImage( img );
    SetLastBMGError( (BMGError)error );
    return (BMGError)error;

//  ConvertPaletteToRGB converts paletted and 16-BPP images that do not have
// transparent pixels to 24-BPP images.  Paletted images with transparent pixels
// are converted to 32-BPP images.  24-BPP and 32-BPP images are simply copied
// to the output structure
//  img_in
//  img_out
// returns BMG_OK if no errors occur, an error code otherwise
BMGError ConvertPaletteToRGB( struct BMGImageStruct img_in,
                              struct BMGImageStruct *img_out )
    jmp_buf err_jmp;
    int error;

    /* error handler */
    error = setjmp( err_jmp );
    if ( error != 0 )
        FreeBMGImage( img_out );
        SetLastBMGError( (BMGError)error );
        return (BMGError)error;

    SetLastBMGError( BMG_OK );

    if ( img_in.height == 0 || img_in.width == 0 )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidSize );

    InitBMGImage( img_out );

    // copy 16, 24, and 32-BPP images into the output image
    if ( img_in.bits_per_pixel > 8 )
        BMGError out;
        img_out->bits_per_pixel = img_in.bits_per_pixel;
        out = CopyBMGImage( img_in, img_out );
        if ( out != BMG_OK )
            longjmp( err_jmp, (int)out );

        // 16-BPP are converted to 24-BPP images
        if ( img_out->bits_per_pixel == 16 )
            out = Convert16to24( img_out );
            if ( out != BMG_OK )
                longjmp( err_jmp, (int)out );
    else // convert paletted images to 24-BPP BGR or 32-BPP BGRA images
        BMGError out;
        unsigned char *buf;
        unsigned int scan_width;
        int dealloc;
        unsigned char *q0, *q1, *p0, *p1;
        unsigned int bpp;

        // allocate memory for the 24-BPP output image
        img_out->width  = img_in.width;
        img_out->height = img_in.height;
        img_out->opt_for_bmp = img_in.opt_for_bmp;
        img_out->bits_per_pixel = img_in.transparency_index > -1 ? 32 : 24;

        out = AllocateBMGImage( img_out );
        if ( out != BMG_OK )
            longjmp( err_jmp, (int)out );

        // 1-BPP and 4-BPP images are packed, so we need to unpack them
        if ( img_in.bits_per_pixel < 8 )
            dealloc = 1;
            scan_width = img_in.width;
            buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(scan_width * img_in.height);
            if ( buf == NULL )
                longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );

            if ( img_in.bits_per_pixel == 1 )
                Convert1to8( img_in, buf );
                Convert4to8( img_in, buf );
        else // simply point to the bits array if we have a 8-BPP image
            dealloc = 0;
            buf = img_in.bits;
            scan_width = img_in.scan_width;

        // convert palette indices to BGR pixels
        bpp = img_out->bits_per_pixel / 8;
        q0 = img_out->bits;
        for ( p0 = buf; p0 < buf + scan_width * img_in.height;
                    p0 += scan_width, q0 += img_out->scan_width )
            q1 = q0;
            for ( p1 = p0; p1 < p0 + img_in.width; p1++, q1 += bpp )
                memcpy( (void *)q1,
                    (void *)(img_in.palette + *p1 * img_in.bytes_per_palette_entry), 3 );
                if ( bpp == 4 )
                    q1[3] = *p1 == img_in.transparency_index ? 0 : 0xFF;

        if ( dealloc == 1 )
            free( buf );

    return BMG_OK;
// extracts the dimensional information, pixel array, and color table from an
// hBitmap can be a handle to a DIB or a DDB.  This function assumes that DDBs
// will not have a palette.  If you create a DDB on a 256-color graphics card,
// then the DDB will have a palette and this function will fail.
// returns BMK_OK if successfull, and error state otherwise.
BMGError GetDataFromBitmap( HBITMAP hBitmap,
                            struct BMGImageStruct *img,
                            int remove_alpha )
    unsigned int        DIBScanWidth;
    DIBSECTION          DS;
    HWND                hWnd = GetForegroundWindow();
    HDC                 hDC = NULL;
    HDC                 hMemDC = NULL;
    unsigned char       red, green, blue;
    int                 FreelpBits = 0;
    unsigned int        numBytes;
    size_t              soDIBSECTION = sizeof(DIBSECTION);
    size_t              soBITMAP = sizeof(BITMAP);

    unsigned char *p, *q, *lpBits, alpha;

    jmp_buf err_jmp;
    int error;
    BMGError bmgerr;

    /* error handler */
    error = setjmp( err_jmp );
    if ( error != 0 )
        if ( hMemDC != NULL )
            DeleteDC( hMemDC );
        if ( hDC != NULL )
            ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
        if ( FreelpBits )
            free( lpBits );
        FreeBMGImage( img );
        SetLastBMGError( (BMGError)error );
        return (BMGError)error;

    SetLastBMGError( BMG_OK );
    /* check for valid bitmap*/
    if ( !hBitmap )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidBitmapHandle );

    /* Extract DIBSECTION info from the HBITMAP.  numBytes will equal
    // soDIBSECTION (84) if hBitmap is a handle to a DIBSECTION (DIB).
    // numBytes will equal soBITMAP (24) if hBitmap is a handle to a
    // BITMAP (DDB). */
    numBytes = GetObject( hBitmap, sizeof(DIBSECTION), &DS );
    if ( numBytes == 0 )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errWindowsAPI );

    img->opt_for_bmp = 1;
    if ( numBytes == soDIBSECTION )
        img->width = DS.dsBmih.biWidth;
        img->height = DS.dsBmih.biHeight;
        img->bits_per_pixel = (unsigned char)DS.dsBmih.biBitCount;
        if ( img->bits_per_pixel <= 8 && DS.dsBmih.biClrUsed > 0 )
            img->palette_size = (unsigned short)DS.dsBmih.biClrUsed;
        lpBits = (unsigned char *)DS.dsBm.bmBits;
    /* this may be a DDB which must be handled differently */
    else if ( numBytes == soBITMAP )
        BITMAP bm;
        BITMAPINFO bmi;

        if ( GetObject( hBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm ) == 0 )
            longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errWindowsAPI );

        /* DDB with a palette */
        if ( bm.bmBitsPixel <= 8 )
            longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidPixelFormat );

        img->width = bm.bmWidth;
        img->height = bm.bmHeight;
        img->bits_per_pixel = (unsigned char)bm.bmBitsPixel;
        bmi = InternalCreateBMI( bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, bm.bmBitsPixel,
                                 BI_RGB );

        lpBits = (unsigned char *)calloc( bm.bmHeight * bm.bmWidthBytes,
                                          sizeof(unsigned char) );
        if ( lpBits == 0 )
            longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );
        FreelpBits = 1;
        hDC = GetDC( hWnd );
        if ( GetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, 0, bm.bmHeight, (void *)lpBits, &bmi,
                       DIB_RGB_COLORS ) == 0 )
            longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errWindowsAPI );
        ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
        hDC = NULL;
    else /* I have no idea what this is */
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidBitmapHandle );

    /* allocate memory */
    bmgerr = AllocateBMGImage( img );
    if ( bmgerr != BMG_OK )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)bmgerr );

    /* dimensions */
    DIBScanWidth = ( img->width * img->bits_per_pixel + 7 )/8;
    if ( DIBScanWidth % 4 )
        DIBScanWidth += 4 - DIBScanWidth % 4;

    p = img->bits;
    for ( q = lpBits; q < lpBits + DIBScanWidth * img->height;
            p += img->scan_width, q += DIBScanWidth )
        memcpy( (void *)p, (void *)q, DIBScanWidth );

    /* "un-blend" the image if requested.  NOTE: unblending only works with
    // bland backgrounds */
    if ( remove_alpha > 0 &&
         img->bits_per_pixel == 32 &&
         numBytes == soDIBSECTION )
        unsigned char *color = GetBackgroundColor();
        red   = color[2];
        green = color[1];
        blue  = color[0];

        for ( p = img->bits; p < img->bits + img->scan_width * img->height;
              p += 4 )
            alpha = p[3];
            p[2] = InverseAlphaComp( p[2], alpha, blue);
            p[1] = InverseAlphaComp( p[1], alpha, green);
            p[0] = InverseAlphaComp( p[0], alpha, red);

    /* 32-bit DDBs must have the alpha channel set to 0xFF before they are
    // saved to a file. This may not be true for all devices that generate
    // 32-bit DDBs.  I have only created 32-bit DDBs using an Intense3D Wildcat
    // 4110 card.  The alpha channel was always 0. */
    if (img->bits_per_pixel == 32 && numBytes == soBITMAP )
        for ( p = img->bits + 3; p < img->bits + img->scan_width * img->height;
                                 p += 4 )
            *p = 0xFF;

    /* create palette if necessary */
    if ( img->bits_per_pixel <= 8 )
        hDC = GetDC( hWnd );
        hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC( hDC );
        SelectObject( hMemDC, hBitmap );
        if ( !GetDIBColorTable( hMemDC, 0, img->palette_size,
                                (RGBQUAD *)img->palette ) )
            longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errWindowsAPI );
        DeleteDC( hMemDC );
        ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );

    if ( FreelpBits )
        free( lpBits );

    return BMG_OK;
Exemple #5
    ReadPNG - Reads the contents of a PNG file and stores the contents into

        filename    - the name of the file to be opened

        img         - the BMGImageStruct containing the image data

        BMGError - if the file could not be read or a resource error occurred
        BMG_OK   - if the file was read and the data was stored in img


        2-bit images are converted to 4-bit images.
        16-bit images are converted to 8-bit images.
        gray scale images with alpha components are converted to 32-bit images
BMGError ReadPNG( const char *filename,
        struct BMGImageStruct * volatile img )
    jmp_buf             err_jmp;
    int                 error;

    FILE * volatile		file = NULL;
	int	bit_depth, color_type, interlace_type, compression_type, filter_type,
    unsigned char       signature[8];
    png_structp volatile png_ptr = NULL;
    png_infop   volatile info_ptr = NULL;
    unsigned long       Width, Height;

    unsigned char      *bits;
    unsigned char** volatile rows = NULL;

	BMGError tmp;

    /* error handler */
    error = setjmp( err_jmp );
    if ( error != 0 )
        if (info_ptr != NULL)
            png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, (png_infop *) &info_ptr, NULL);
        else if (png_ptr != NULL)
            png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, NULL, NULL);
        if ( rows )
            if ( rows[0] )
                free( rows[0] );
            free( rows );
		if (img)
			FreeBMGImage( img );
		if (file)
			fclose( file );
        return (BMGError)error;

    if ( img == NULL )
        longjmp ( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidBMGImage );

    file = fopen( filename, "rb" );
    if ( !file || fread( signature, 1, 8, file ) != 8)
        longjmp ( err_jmp, (int)errFileOpen );

    /* check the signature */
    if (png_sig_cmp( signature, 0, 8 ) != 0)
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errUnsupportedFileFormat );

    /* create a pointer to the png read structure */
    png_ptr = png_create_read_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL );
    if ( !png_ptr )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );

    /* create a pointer to the png info structure */
    info_ptr = png_create_info_struct( png_ptr );
    if ( !info_ptr )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );

    /* bamboozle the PNG longjmp buffer */
    /*generic PNG error handler*/
    error = setjmp( png_jmpbuf( png_ptr ) );
    if ( error > 0 )
        longjmp( err_jmp, error );

    /* attach file buffer to the png read pointer */
    png_init_io( png_ptr, file );

    /*let the read functions know that we have already read the 1st 8 bytes */
    png_set_sig_bytes( png_ptr, 8 );

    /* read all PNG data up to the image data */
    png_read_info( png_ptr, info_ptr );

    /* extract the data we need to form the HBITMAP from the PNG header */
	png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &Width, &Height, &bit_depth, &color_type,
                    &interlace_type, &compression_type, &filter_type );

    img->width =  (unsigned int) Width;
    img->height = (unsigned int) Height;

    img->bits_per_pixel = (unsigned char)32;
	img->scan_width = Width * 4;

	/* strip if color channel is larger than 8 bits */
	if (bit_depth > 8)
		bit_depth = 8;

   /* These are not really required per Rice format spec,
    * but is done just in case someone uses them.
    * convert palette color to rgb color */
	if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {
		color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;

	/* expand 1,2,4 bit gray scale to 8 bit gray scale */
	if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8)

    /* convert gray scale or gray scale + alpha to rgb color */
	if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY ||
		color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) {
		color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;

    /* add alpha channel if any */
	if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) {
		color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;

	/* convert rgb to rgba */
	if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) {
		png_set_filler(png_ptr, 0xff, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
		color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;

	/* punt invalid formats */
	if (color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA) {
		longjmp(err_jmp, (int)errIncorrectFormat);

	/* convert rgba to bgra */

	img->palette_size = (unsigned short)0;
	img->bytes_per_palette_entry = 4U;

	tmp = AllocateBMGImage( img );
    if ( tmp != BMG_OK )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)tmp );

	/* Update info structure */
    png_read_update_info( png_ptr, info_ptr );

    /* create buffer to read data to */
    rows = (unsigned char **)malloc(Height*sizeof(unsigned char *));
    if ( !rows )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );

	row_bytes = png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    rows[0] = (unsigned char *)malloc( Height*row_bytes*sizeof(char));

    if ( !rows[0] )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );

    for (int i = 1; i < (int)Height; i++ )
		rows[i] = rows[i - 1] + row_bytes;

    /* read the entire image into rows */
    png_read_image( png_ptr, rows );

    bits = img->bits + (Height - 1) * img->scan_width;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)Height; i++ )
		memcpy(bits, rows[i], 4*Width);
        bits -= img->scan_width;

	free( rows[0] );
    free( rows );
    png_read_end( png_ptr, info_ptr );
    png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, (png_infop *) &info_ptr, NULL);
    fclose( file );

    return BMG_OK;
Exemple #6
ReadPNG - Reads the contents of a PNG file and stores the contents into

    filename    - the name of the file to be opened

    img         - the BMGImageStruct containing the image data

    BMGError - if the file could not be read or a resource error occurred
    BMG_OK   - if the file was read and the data was stored in img


    2-bit images are converted to 4-bit images.
    16-bit images are converted to 8-bit images.
    gray scale images with alpha components are converted to 32-bit images
BMGError ReadPNG( const char *filename,
        struct BMGImageStruct * volatile img )
    jmp_buf             err_jmp;
    int                 error;

    FILE * volatile     file = NULL;
    int                 BitDepth;
    int                 ColorType;
    int                 InterlaceType;
    unsigned char       signature[8];
    png_structp volatile png_ptr = NULL;
    png_infop   volatile info_ptr = NULL;
    png_infop   volatile end_info = NULL;
    png_color_16       *ImageBackground = NULL;
    png_bytep           trns = NULL;
    int                 NumTrans = 0;
    int                 i, k;
    png_color_16p       TransColors = NULL;
    png_uint_32         Width, Height;

    unsigned char      *bits;
    unsigned char** volatile rows = NULL;

    BMGError tmp;

    /* error handler */
    error = setjmp( err_jmp );
    if (error != 0)
        if (end_info != NULL)
            png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, (png_infop *) &info_ptr, (png_infop *) &end_info);
        else if (info_ptr != NULL)
            png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, (png_infop *) &info_ptr, NULL);
        else if (png_ptr != NULL)
            png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, NULL, NULL);
        if (rows)
            if (rows[0])
        if (img)
        if (file)
        SetLastBMGError((BMGError) error);
        return (BMGError) error;

    if ( img == NULL )
        longjmp ( err_jmp, (int)errInvalidBMGImage );

    file = fopen( filename, "rb" );
    if ( !file || fread( signature, 1, 8, file ) != 8)
        longjmp ( err_jmp, (int)errFileOpen );

    /* check the signature */
    if ( png_sig_cmp( signature, 0, 8 ) != 0 )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errUnsupportedFileFormat );

    /* create a pointer to the png read structure */
    png_ptr = png_create_read_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL );
    if ( !png_ptr )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );

    /* create a pointer to the png info structure */
    info_ptr = png_create_info_struct( png_ptr );
    if ( !info_ptr )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );

    /* create a pointer to the png end-info structure */
    end_info = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
    if (!end_info)
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );

    /* bamboozle the PNG longjmp buffer */
    /*generic PNG error handler*/
    /* error will always == 1 which == errLib */
//    error = png_setjmp(png_ptr);
    error = setjmp( png_jmpbuf( png_ptr ) );
    if ( error > 0 )
        longjmp( err_jmp, error );

    /* set function pointers in the PNG library, for read callbacks */
    png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, (png_voidp) file, user_read_data);

    /*let the read functions know that we have already read the 1st 8 bytes */
    png_set_sig_bytes( png_ptr, 8 );

    /* read all PNG data up to the image data */
    png_read_info( png_ptr, info_ptr );

    /* extract the data we need to form the HBITMAP from the PNG header */
    png_get_IHDR( png_ptr, info_ptr, &Width, &Height, &BitDepth, &ColorType,
        &InterlaceType, NULL, NULL);

    img->width = (unsigned int) Width;
    img->height = (unsigned int) Height;

    img->bits_per_pixel = (unsigned char)32;
    img->scan_width = Width * 4;

    /* convert 16-bit images to 8-bit images */
    if (BitDepth == 16)

    /* These are not really required per Rice format spec,
     * but is done just in case someone uses them.
    /* convert palette color to rgb color */
    if (ColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {
        ColorType = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;

    /* expand 1,2,4 bit gray scale to 8 bit gray scale */
    if (ColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && BitDepth < 8)

    /* convert gray scale or gray scale + alpha to rgb color */
    if (ColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY ||
        ColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) {
        ColorType = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;

    /* add alpha channel if any */
    if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) {
        ColorType = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;

    /* convert rgb to rgba */
    if (ColorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) {
        png_set_filler(png_ptr, 0xff, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
        ColorType = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;


    /* set the background color if one is found */
    if ( png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_bKGD) )
        png_get_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, &ImageBackground);

    /* get the transparent color if one is there */
    if ( png_get_valid( png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS ) )
        png_get_tRNS( png_ptr, info_ptr, &trns, &NumTrans, &TransColors );

    img->palette_size = (unsigned short)0;
    img->bytes_per_palette_entry = 4U;

    tmp = AllocateBMGImage( img );
    if ( tmp != BMG_OK )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)tmp );

    png_read_update_info( png_ptr, info_ptr );

    /* create buffer to read data to */
    rows = (unsigned char **)malloc(Height*sizeof(unsigned char *));
    if ( !rows )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );

    k = png_get_rowbytes( png_ptr, info_ptr );
    rows[0] = (unsigned char *)malloc( Height*k*sizeof(char));
    if ( !rows[0] )
        longjmp( err_jmp, (int)errMemoryAllocation );

    for ( i = 1; i < (int)Height; i++ )
        rows[i] = rows[i-1] + k;

    /* read the entire image into rows */
    png_read_image( png_ptr, rows );

    bits = img->bits + (Height - 1) * img->scan_width;
    for ( i = 0; i < (int)Height; i++ )
        memcpy(bits, rows[i], 4*Width);
        bits -= img->scan_width;

    free( rows[0] );
    free( rows );
    png_read_end( png_ptr, info_ptr );
    png_destroy_read_struct((png_structp *) &png_ptr, (png_infop *) &info_ptr, (png_infop *) &end_info);
    fclose( file );

    return BMG_OK;