Exemple #1
int StartWebInterface(char * IP , unsigned int port , char * fileroot,char * app_clipart)
    flashy_server = AmmServer_Start
           0, /*This means we don't want a specific configuration file*/
     if (!flashy_server) { return 0; }


  return 1;
Exemple #2
struct AmmServer_Instance * AmmServer_StartWithArgs(const char * name ,
                                                    int argc,
                                                    char ** argv ,
                                                    const char * ip,
                                                    unsigned int port,
                                                    const char * conf_file,
                                                    const char * web_root_path,
                                                    const char * templates_root_path)
   //First prepare some buffers with default values for all the arguments
   char serverName[MAX_FILE_PATH]="default";
   char webserver_root[MAX_FILE_PATH]="public_html/";
   char templates_root[MAX_FILE_PATH]="public_html/templates/";
   char configuration_file[MAX_FILE_PATH]={0};
   char bindIP[MAX_IP_STRING_SIZE]="";
   unsigned int bindPort=8080;

   //If we have arguments we change our buffers
   if (name!=0)           {  strncpy(serverName,name,MAX_FILE_PATH); }
   if (web_root_path!=0)  {  strncpy(webserver_root,web_root_path,MAX_FILE_PATH); }
   if (templates_root!=0) {  strncpy(templates_root,templates_root_path,MAX_FILE_PATH); }
   if (conf_file!=0)      {  strncpy(configuration_file,conf_file,MAX_FILE_PATH); }
   if (ip!=0)             {  strncpy(bindIP,ip,MAX_IP_STRING_SIZE); }
   if (port!=0)           {  bindPort=port; }

   //If we have a command line arguments we overwrite our buffers
  if ( (argc>0) && (argv!=0) )
   unsigned int i=0;
   for (i=0; i<argc; i++)
    if ((strcmp(argv[i],"-bind")==0)&&(argc>i+1)) { strncpy(bindIP,argv[i+1],MAX_IP_STRING_SIZE); fprintf(stderr,"Binding to %s \n",bindIP); } else
    if ((strcmp(argv[i],"-p")==0)&&(argc>i+1)) { bindPort = atoi(argv[i+1]); fprintf(stderr,"Binding to Port %u \n",bindPort); } else
    if ((strcmp(argv[i],"-port")==0)&&(argc>i+1)) { bindPort = atoi(argv[i+1]); fprintf(stderr,"Binding to Port %u \n",bindPort); } else
    if ((strcmp(argv[i],"-rootdir")==0)&&(argc>i+1)) { strncpy(webserver_root,argv[i+1],MAX_FILE_PATH); fprintf(stderr,"Setting web server root directory to %s \n",webserver_root); } else
    if ((strcmp(argv[i],"-templatedir")==0)&&(argc>i+1)) { strncpy(templates_root,argv[i+1],MAX_FILE_PATH); fprintf(stderr,"Setting web template directory to %s \n",templates_root); } else
    if (strcmp(argv[i],"-conf")==0)  { strncpy(configuration_file,conf_file,MAX_FILE_PATH); fprintf(stderr,"Reading Configuration file %s \n",configuration_file); }

  return AmmServer_Start(name,bindIP,bindPort,configuration_file,webserver_root,templates_root);