Exemple #1
        void readOOBB(std::string filePath, Vector3& minP, Vector3& maxP, Matrix33& R_KI, Vector3List& pointList)
            auto v = getPointsFromFile3D(filePath);
            if(v.size() != 5 + 8)
                ApproxMVBB_ERRORMSG("Wrong number of points in OOBB file: " << filePath << " points: " << v.size())
            minP        = v[0];
            maxP        = v[1];
            R_KI.row(0) = v[2];
            R_KI.row(1) = v[3];
            R_KI.row(2) = v[4];

            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                pointList[i] = v[5 + i];
Exemple #2
        Vector2List getPointsFromFile2D(std::string filePath)
            std::ifstream file;           // creates stream myFile
            file.open(filePath.c_str());  // opens .txt file

            {  // check file is open, quit if not
                ApproxMVBB_ERRORMSG("Could not open file: " << filePath)
            PREC a, b;
            Vector2List v;
                file >> a >> b;
                v.emplace_back(a, b);
            return v;
Exemple #3
        void dumpOOBB(std::string filePath, const OOBB& oobb)
            std::ofstream l;
            l << std::setprecision(12);
                ApproxMVBB_ERRORMSG("Could not open file: " << filePath << std::endl)

            l << oobb.m_minPoint.transpose().format(MyMatrixIOFormat::SpaceSep) << std::endl;
            l << oobb.m_maxPoint.transpose().format(MyMatrixIOFormat::SpaceSep) << std::endl;
            l << oobb.m_q_KI.matrix().format(MyMatrixIOFormat::SpaceSep);

            // Export all corner points in I system
            auto points = oobb.getCornerPoints();
            for(auto& p : points)
                l << std::endl
                  << p.transpose().format(MyMatrixIOFormat::SpaceSep);
APPROXMVBB_EXPORT void samplePointsGrid(Matrix3Dyn & newPoints,
                      const MatrixBase<Derived> & points,
                      const unsigned int nPoints,
                      OOBB & oobb) {

    if(nPoints >= points.cols() || nPoints < 2) {
        ApproxMVBB_ERRORMSG("Wrong arguements!")


    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 gen(rd());
    std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned int> dis(0, points.cols()-1);

    //total points = bottomPoints=gridSize^2  + topPoints=gridSize^2
    unsigned int gridSize = std::max( static_cast<unsigned int>( std::sqrt( static_cast<double>(nPoints) / 2.0 )) , 1U );

    // Set z-Axis to longest dimension
    //std::cout << oobb.m_minPoint.transpose() << std::endl;

    unsigned int halfSampleSize = gridSize*gridSize;
    std::vector< std::pair<unsigned int , PREC > > topPoints(halfSampleSize,    std::pair<unsigned int,PREC>{} );    // grid of indices of the top points (indexed from 1 )
    std::vector< std::pair<unsigned int , PREC > > bottomPoints(halfSampleSize, std::pair<unsigned int,PREC>{} ); // grid of indices of the bottom points (indexed from 1 )

    using LongInt = long long int;
    MyMatrix<LongInt>::Array2 idx; // Normalized P
    //std::cout << oobb.extent() << std::endl;
    //std::cout << oobb.m_minPoint.transpose() << std::endl;
    Array2 dxdyInv =  Array2(gridSize,gridSize) / oobb.extent().head<2>(); // in K Frame;
    Vector3 K_p;

    Matrix33 A_KI(oobb.m_q_KI.matrix().transpose());

    // Register points in grid
    auto size = points.cols();
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i) {

        K_p = A_KI * points.col(i);
        // get x index in grid
        idx = (  (K_p - oobb.m_minPoint).head<2>().array() * dxdyInv ).template cast<LongInt>();
        // map to grid
        idx(0) = std::max(   std::min( LongInt(gridSize-1), idx(0)),  0LL   );
        idx(1) = std::max(   std::min( LongInt(gridSize-1), idx(1)),  0LL   );
        //std::cout << idx.transpose() << std::endl;
        unsigned int pos = idx(0) + idx(1)*gridSize;

        // Register points in grid
        // if z axis of p is > topPoints[pos]  -> set new top point at pos
        // if z axis of p is < bottom[pos]     -> set new bottom point at pos

        if( topPoints[pos].first == 0) {
            topPoints[pos].first  = bottomPoints[pos].first  = i+1;
            topPoints[pos].second = bottomPoints[pos].second = K_p(2);
        } else {
            if( topPoints[pos].second < K_p(2) ) {
                topPoints[pos].first = i+1;
                topPoints[pos].second = K_p(2);
            if( bottomPoints[pos].second > K_p(2) ) {
                bottomPoints[pos].first = i+1;
                bottomPoints[pos].second = K_p(2);

    // Copy top and bottom points
    unsigned int k=0;

    // k does not overflow -> 2* halfSampleSize = 2*gridSize*gridSize <= nPoints;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<halfSampleSize; ++i) {
        if( topPoints[i].first != 0 ) {
            // comment in if you want the points top points of the grid
//            Array3 a(i % gridSize,i/gridSize,oobb.m_maxPoint(2)-oobb.m_minPoint(2));
//            a.head<2>()*=dxdyInv.inverse();
            newPoints.col(k++) =  points.col(topPoints[i].first-1);  //  A_KI.transpose()*(oobb.m_minPoint + a.matrix()).eval() ;
            if(topPoints[i].first != bottomPoints[i].first) {
                // comment in if you want the bottom points of the grid
//                Array3 a(i % gridSize,i/gridSize,0);
//                a.head<2>()*=dxdyInv.inverse();
                newPoints.col(k++) = points.col(bottomPoints[i].first-1); //  A_KI.transpose()*(oobb.m_minPoint + a.matrix()).eval() ;
    // Add random points!
    while( k < nPoints) {
        newPoints.col(k++) = points.col( dis(gen) ); //= Vector3(0,0,0);//