Exemple #1
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RWHPTriple::operator=( )
//  Description:		Assignment operator
//  Returns:			Reference to this color
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
const RWHPTriple& RWHPTriple::operator=( const RSolidColor& color ) 
	double flRed   = color.GetRed()   / 255.0 ;
	double flGreen = color.GetGreen() / 255.0 ;
	double flBlue  = color.GetBlue()  / 255.0 ;

	// Get the white fraction, the least component ;
	m_flWhite = min( flRed, min( flGreen, flBlue ) ) ;

	// Remove the white fraction from the components
	flRed   -= m_flWhite ;
	flGreen -= m_flWhite ;
	flBlue  -= m_flWhite ;

	// Get purity fraction, the largest of the components
	m_flPurity = max( flRed, max( flGreen, flBlue ) ) ;

	// Get Hue

	short nCmps = 0 ;

	if (flRed > 0)
		nCmps++ ;

	if (flGreen > 0)
		nCmps++ ;

	if (flBlue)
		nCmps++ ;

	if (nCmps == 1) // Simple case, one-component hue
		if (flRed > 0)
			m_flHue = kRedPrimary ;
		if (flGreen > 0)
			m_flHue = kGreenPrimary ;
		if (flBlue)
			m_flHue = kBluePrimary ;
		if (AreFloatsEqual( flBlue, 0.0 ))
			m_flHue = kRedPrimary + HueBetween( flRed, flGreen ) ;
		if (AreFloatsEqual( flGreen, 0.0 ))
			m_flHue = kBluePrimary + HueBetween( flBlue, flRed ) ;
		if (AreFloatsEqual( flRed, 0.0 ))
			m_flHue = kGreenPrimary + HueBetween( flGreen, flBlue ) ;

	return *this ;
Exemple #2
double RWHPTriple::HueBetween( double flBelowWt, double flAboveWt )
	if (AreFloatsEqual( flAboveWt, 0.0 ) && AreFloatsEqual( flBelowWt, 0.0 ))
		return (0.0) ;

	if (flAboveWt > flBelowWt)
		return (1.0 - 0.5 * flBelowWt / flAboveWt) ;

	return (0.5 * flAboveWt / flBelowWt ) ;
Exemple #3
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RResizeSelectionTracker::CalcScaleFactor( )
//  Description:		Calculates the scale factor we have resized to given a 
//							mouse point
//  Returns:			Scale factor
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
RRealSize RResizeSelectionTracker::CalcScaleFactor( const RRealPoint& point ) const
	// Adjust the mouse point to take into account the difference in the size of selection rect and object rect
	RRealPoint adjustedMousePoint = point + m_RectDelta;

	// Untransform the points. We really dont want to work in a tranformed reference frame
	RRealPoint transformedMousePoint = adjustedMousePoint * m_InverseTransform;
	RRealPoint transformedMouseDownPoint = m_MouseDownPoint * m_InverseTransform;
	RRealPoint transformedScalingCenter = m_ScalingCenter * m_InverseTransform;

	// Calculate a new scale factor
	RRealSize scaleFactor;
	if ( AreFloatsEqual((transformedMouseDownPoint.m_x-transformedScalingCenter.m_x), 0.0) )
		scaleFactor.m_dx = 1.0;
		scaleFactor.m_dx = ( transformedMousePoint.m_x - transformedScalingCenter.m_x ) / ( transformedMouseDownPoint.m_x - transformedScalingCenter.m_x );
	if ( AreFloatsEqual( (transformedMouseDownPoint.m_y-transformedScalingCenter.m_y), 0.0) )
		scaleFactor.m_dy = 1.0;
		scaleFactor.m_dy = ( transformedMousePoint.m_y - transformedScalingCenter.m_y ) / ( transformedMouseDownPoint.m_y - transformedScalingCenter.m_y );

	// If we are preserving aspect ratio, do so here
	if( m_fMaintainAspectRatio )
		if( scaleFactor.m_dx > scaleFactor.m_dy )
			scaleFactor.m_dy = scaleFactor.m_dx;
			scaleFactor.m_dx = scaleFactor.m_dy;

		// Constrain the scale factor
		ConstrainScaleFactor( scaleFactor );
		// Constrain the scale factor
		ConstrainScaleFactor( scaleFactor );

		if ( m_fFixVertical )
			scaleFactor.m_dy = 1.0;
		else if ( m_fFixHorizontal )
			scaleFactor.m_dx = 1.0;

	return scaleFactor;
Exemple #4
inline bool AreVectorsEqual( const Vector2& a, const Vector2& b, float tolerance )
    if (AreFloatsEqual( a.x, b.x, tolerance ) && AreFloatsEqual( a.y, b.y, tolerance ) )
        return true;
    return false;
Exemple #5
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RWHPTriple::operator( )
//  Description:		Conversion operator
//  Returns:			A Renaissance RSolidColor object
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
RWHPTriple::operator RSolidColor() const
	double flBelowHuePrimary, flHueFrac ;
	double flBelowHueWt, flAboveHueWt ;
	double flMaxWt, flScale ;

	// Get component ration from hue
	flBelowHuePrimary = (short) m_flHue ;
	flHueFrac = m_flHue - flBelowHuePrimary ;

	if (AreFloatsEqual( flHueFrac, 0.0 ))
		flBelowHueWt = 1.0 ;
		flAboveHueWt = 0.0 ;
	else if (flHueFrac > 0.5)
		flAboveHueWt = 1.0 ;	// Simplifying assumption
		flBelowHueWt = (1.0 - flHueFrac) / 0.5 ;
		flBelowHueWt = 1.0 ;	// Simplifying assumption
		flAboveHueWt = flHueFrac * flBelowHueWt / 0.5 ;

	// Scale to purity
	flMaxWt = flBelowHueWt ;

	if (flAboveHueWt > flMaxWt)
		flMaxWt = flAboveHueWt ;

	flScale = m_flPurity / flMaxWt ;
	flBelowHueWt *= flScale ;
	flAboveHueWt *= flScale ;

	// Assign to components
	double flRed(0.0), flGreen(0.0), flBlue(0.0) ;

	if (AreFloatsEqual( flBelowHuePrimary, kRedPrimary ))
		flRed   = flBelowHueWt ;
		flGreen = flAboveHueWt ;
	if (AreFloatsEqual( flBelowHuePrimary, kGreenPrimary )) 
		flGreen = flBelowHueWt ;
		flBlue  = flAboveHueWt ;

	if (AreFloatsEqual( flBelowHuePrimary, kBluePrimary ))
		flBlue = flBelowHueWt ;
		flRed  = flAboveHueWt ;

	// Add back white fraction
	flRed   += m_flWhite; TpsAssert( 0.0 <= flRed   && flRed   <= 1.001, "Invalid Component!" ) ;
	flGreen += m_flWhite; TpsAssert( 0.0 <= flGreen && flGreen <= 1.001, "Invalid Component!" ) ;
	flBlue  += m_flWhite; TpsAssert( 0.0 <= flBlue  && flBlue  <= 1.001, "Invalid Component!" ) ;

	RSolidColor crResult(
		YColorComponent( flRed   * 255.0 + 0.5 ), 
		YColorComponent( flGreen * 255.0 + 0.5 ), 
		YColorComponent( flBlue  * 255.0 + 0.5 ) ) ;

	return crResult ;
Exemple #6
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RSingleSelection::HitTest( )
//  Description:		Hits test this selection
//  Returns:			The location of this selection that was hit
//  Exceptions:		Memory
// ****************************************************************************
RSelection::EHitLocation RSingleSelection::HitTest( const RRealPoint& point ) const
	RRealRect	rect;
	RRealSize	scaleFactor(kDummyScale,kDummyScale);	//	This is just to be able to see if the object is constrainted

	scaleFactor = m_pSelectedObject->ApplyResizeConstraint( scaleFactor );

	// Get the component attributes
	const RComponentAttributes& componentAttributes = m_pSelectedObject->GetComponentAttributes( );

	if( componentAttributes.IsResizable( ) )
		R2dTransform	transform;
		// Test the resize handles
		GetResizeSelectionHandle( rect, transform, kTopLeftResizeHandle, FALSE );
		if( rect.PointInRect( point ) )
			return kTopLeftResizeHandle;

		GetResizeSelectionHandle( rect, transform, kTopRightResizeHandle, FALSE );
		if( rect.PointInRect( point ) )
			return kTopRightResizeHandle;

		GetResizeSelectionHandle( rect, transform, kBottomRightResizeHandle, FALSE );
		if( rect.PointInRect( point ) )
			return kBottomRightResizeHandle;

		GetResizeSelectionHandle( rect, transform, kBottomLeftResizeHandle, FALSE );
		if( rect.PointInRect( point ) )
			return kBottomLeftResizeHandle;

		if ( !AreFloatsEqual( scaleFactor.m_dy, kConstrainedScale ) )
			GetResizeSelectionHandle( rect, transform, kTopResizeHandle, FALSE );
			if( rect.PointInRect( point ) )
				return kTopResizeHandle;

			GetResizeSelectionHandle( rect, transform, kBottomResizeHandle, FALSE );
			if( rect.PointInRect( point ) )
				return kBottomResizeHandle;

		if ( !AreFloatsEqual( scaleFactor.m_dx, kConstrainedScale ) )
			GetResizeSelectionHandle( rect, transform, kRightResizeHandle, FALSE );
			if( rect.PointInRect( point ) )
				return kRightResizeHandle;

			GetResizeSelectionHandle( rect, transform, kLeftResizeHandle, FALSE );
			if( rect.PointInRect( point ) )
				return kLeftResizeHandle;


	// Test the selection rect
	if( componentAttributes.IsMovable( ) )
		if( m_pSelectedObject->HitTestSelectionFrame( point ) )
			return kInside;

	// Test the rotate handle
	if( componentAttributes.IsRotatable( ) )
		RRealVectorRect	vRect;
		GetRotateHandle( vRect );
		if( vRect.PointInRect( point ) )
			return kRotateHandle;

	return kNothing;
Exemple #7
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RSingleSelection::Render( )
//  Description:		Draws the selection rect and handles
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		Memory
// ****************************************************************************
void RSingleSelection::Render( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface, const R2dTransform& transform, const RIntRect& rcRender, BOOLEAN fRenderIfLocked ) const
	// Get the component attributes
	const		RComponentAttributes& componentAttributes = m_pSelectedObject->GetComponentAttributes( );
	BOOLEAN	fIsLocked = componentAttributes.IsLocked( );

	if( fRenderIfLocked || !fIsLocked )
		// Set surface attributes
		drawingSurface.SetPenWidth( kSelectionOutlineWidth );
		drawingSurface.SetPenStyle( kSolidPen );
		RRealRect			resizeHandleRect;

		// Draw the resize handles
		if( componentAttributes.IsResizable( FALSE ) )
			RArray<RRealRect>					rectList;
			RRealSize	scaleFactor( kDummyScale, kDummyScale );
			scaleFactor = m_pSelectedObject->ApplyResizeConstraint( scaleFactor );

			GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kTopLeftResizeHandle, TRUE );
			rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

			GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kTopRightResizeHandle, TRUE );
			rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

			GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kBottomRightResizeHandle, TRUE );
			rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

			GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kBottomLeftResizeHandle, TRUE );
			rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

			if ( !AreFloatsEqual( scaleFactor.m_dy, kConstrainedScale ) )
				GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kBottomResizeHandle, TRUE );
				rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

				GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kTopResizeHandle, TRUE );
				rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

			if ( !AreFloatsEqual( scaleFactor.m_dx, kConstrainedScale ) )
				GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kRightResizeHandle, TRUE );
				rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

				GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kLeftResizeHandle, TRUE );
				rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

			RArray<RRealRect>::YIterator	iterator		= rectList.Start( );
			RArray<RRealRect>::YIterator	iteratorEnd = rectList.End( );
			if( fIsLocked )
				while ( iterator != iteratorEnd )
					drawingSurface.FrameRectangle( *iterator++ );
				while ( iterator != iteratorEnd )
					drawingSurface.FillRectangle( *iterator++ );

		// Draw the rotate line and handle
		if( componentAttributes.IsRotatable( ) )
			DrawRotateHandle( drawingSurface, transform, rcRender );

		// Draw the selection frame
		m_pSelectedObject->DrawSelectionFrame( drawingSurface, transform );