void CResizableLayout::ArrangeLayout()
	// common vars
	UINT uFlags;
	LayoutInfo layout;
	CRect rectParent, rectChild;
	GetTotalClientRect(&rectParent); // get parent window's rect
	int count = m_listLayout.GetCount();
	int countCB = m_listLayoutCB.GetCount();

	// reposition child windows
	HDWP hdwp = ::BeginDeferWindowPos(count + countCB);
	POSITION pos = m_listLayout.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		// get layout info
		layout = m_listLayout.GetNext(pos);
		// calculate new child's position, size and flags for SetWindowPos
		CalcNewChildPosition(layout, rectParent, rectChild, uFlags);

		// only if size or position changed
			hdwp = ::DeferWindowPos(hdwp, layout.hWnd, NULL, rectChild.left,
				rectChild.top, rectChild.Width(), rectChild.Height(), uFlags);

	// for callback items you may use GetAnchorPosition to know the
	// new position and size of a non-callback item after resizing

	pos = m_listLayoutCB.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		// get layout info
		layout = m_listLayoutCB.GetNext(pos);
		// request layout data
		if (!ArrangeLayoutCallback(layout))

		// calculate new child's position, size and flags for SetWindowPos
		CalcNewChildPosition(layout, rectParent, rectChild, uFlags);

		// only if size or position changed
			hdwp = ::DeferWindowPos(hdwp, layout.hWnd, NULL, rectChild.left,
				rectChild.top, rectChild.Width(), rectChild.Height(), uFlags);

	// finally move all the windows at once
 *  This function retrieves the clipping region for the current layout.
 *  It can be used to draw directly inside the region, without applying
 *  clipping as the ClipChildren function does.
 *  @param pRegion Pointer to a CRegion object that holds the
 *         calculated clipping region upon return
 *  @deprecated For anti-flickering ClipChildren should be preferred
 *              as it is more complete for platform compatibility.
 *              It will probably become a private function.
void CResizableLayout::GetClippingRegion(CRgn* pRegion) const
	CWnd* pWnd = GetResizableWnd();

	// System's default clipping area is screen's size,
	// not enough for max track size, for example:
	// if screen is 1024 x 768 and resizing border is 4 pixels,
	// maximized size is 1024+4*2=1032 x 768+4*2=776,
	// but max track size is 4 pixels bigger 1036 x 780 (don't ask me why!)
	// So, if you resize the window to maximum size, the last 4 pixels
	// are clipped out by the default clipping region, that gets created
	// as soon as you call clipping functions (my guess).

	// reset clipping region to the whole client area
	CRect rect;

	// clip only anchored controls
	POSITION pos = m_listLayout.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		// get layout info
		layout = m_listLayout.GetNext(pos);
		if (::IsWindowVisible(layout.hWnd))
			ClipChildWindow(layout, pRegion);
	pos = m_listLayoutCB.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		// get layout info
		layout = m_listLayoutCB.GetNext(pos);
		// request data
		if (!ArrangeLayoutCallback(layout))

		if (::IsWindowVisible(layout.hWnd))
			ClipChildWindow(layout, pRegion);
//! @todo Has XP changed this??? It doesn't seem correct anymore!
	// fix for RTL layouts (1 pixel of horz offset)
	if (pWnd->GetExStyle() & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL)
Exemple #3
void CResizableLayout::ArrangeLayout()
	CWnd* pParent = GetResizableWnd();

	// get parent window's rect
	CRect rectParent;

	// init some vars
	BOOL bCallbackPassed = FALSE;
	int i, count = (int)m_arrLayout.GetSize();
	HDWP hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos(count);

	for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
		LayoutInfo layout = m_arrLayout[i];
		if (layout.hWnd == NULL)	// callback
			if (!bCallbackPassed)	// first time only
				bCallbackPassed = TRUE;
				// update previous controls
				// start again for callback controls
				hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos(count-i);
			// callbacks are added at the end, so that
			// you don't have multiple screen updates

			if (!ArrangeLayoutCallback(layout))	// request data

		CRect rectChild, newrc;
		CWnd* pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(layout.hWnd); // temporary solution

		// calculate new top-left corner

		newrc.left = layout.sizeMarginTL.cx + rectParent.Width() * layout.sizeTypeTL.cx / 100;
		newrc.top = layout.sizeMarginTL.cy + rectParent.Height() * layout.sizeTypeTL.cy / 100;
		// calculate new bottom-right corner

		newrc.right = layout.sizeMarginBR.cx + rectParent.Width() * layout.sizeTypeBR.cx / 100;
		newrc.bottom = layout.sizeMarginBR.cy + rectParent.Height() * layout.sizeTypeBR.cy / 100;

		if (!newrc.EqualRect(&rectChild))
			if (layout.bAdjHScroll)
				// needs repainting, due to horiz scrolling
				int diff = newrc.Width() - rectChild.Width();
				int max = pWnd->GetScrollLimit(SB_HORZ);
				layout.bNeedRefresh = FALSE;
				if (max > 0 && pWnd->GetScrollPos(SB_HORZ) > max - diff)
					layout.bNeedRefresh = TRUE;

			// set flags 
			//if (layout.bNeedRefresh)
			//	flags |= SWP_NOCOPYBITS;
			if (newrc.TopLeft() == rectChild.TopLeft())
				flags |= SWP_NOMOVE;
			if (newrc.Size() == rectChild.Size())
				flags |= SWP_NOSIZE;
			hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, layout.hWnd, NULL, newrc.left, newrc.top,
				newrc.Width(), newrc.Height(), flags);
	// go re-arrange child windows

	// refresh those that need
	for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
		LayoutInfo& layout = m_arrLayout[i];
		if (layout.bNeedRefresh)
			::RedrawWindow(layout.hWnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_NOFRAME);
		//	::InvalidateRect(layout.hWnd, NULL, TRUE);
		//	::UpdateWindow(layout.hWnd);